Vampire Babysitter (Camren)

By karlamichele

357K 10.7K 6.2K

Vampire Demi Lovato, Lauren Jauregui and Dinah Jane find themselves the guardians of a mischievous human girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

14.3K 463 172
By karlamichele

Watching Camila hunt was a revelation. To say the experience was erotic, was putting it mildly. I was glad Dinah and Demi had left us to our own devices, seeking out meals of their own.

"You're a natural," I informed her, drinking in her lithe form as she pounced on a lynx.

She moved with an effortless refinement, as though she'd spent years perfecting the graceful movements rather than mere hours. Her kill had been relatively neat, too, especially for a first timer. Watching her drain the feline could have easily been hideous. Instead, as soon as she discarded the drained animal, I found myself pulling her close and kissing the remains of blood from her lips.

She growled a soft sound of pleasure as I licked the last of the blood from her lips. Caught up in the moment, she shoved me against a tree. We both gasped when I landed hard enough to leave a dent in the massive maple.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Lauren," she muttered, her eyes downcast. She was upset with herself for her lack of restraint.

I extracted myself from the fractured tree, forcing a smile for my concerned girlfriend. There was no way I was letting on how much the rapidly healing fissures spiraling along my back stung. She'd never stop with the self-admonishment.

"It's okay. I'm fine babe. You're just a little stronger than me right now."

She worried her lip between her teeth, snaked her fingers along my arm. "Are you sure?"

"They'll heal," I promised as she traced a finger along one of the fractures, watching it disappear beneath her finger.

Dinah appeared from nowhere, her chortle loud in the silence of the forest. All the fauna had bolted at our presence, leaving an eerie silence in its place.

"Oh, you still have clothes on." She was relieved by this observation. "Thank God for  a small miracles. We do not have time for you two to do the dirty. We have shit to settle. Mila's had her hunt. Let's get moving."

I glanced at my girlfriend, entranced by the way she licked her blood-reddened lips. I stifled a groan, wishing Dinah had been born with a sliver of patience.

"She's right," Camila agreed. "Ari and Justin need us."

Demi appeared behind Dinah. "I let Mani know that we found Camila and to push back the backup call. We shouldn't delay any longer."

I knew I was being selfish by wishing for a deferral, but I couldn't seem to squash my self-serving vampire nature entirely. I'd had my girlfriend returned to me against all odds. I wanted to enjoy that experience before jumping back into the danger presented by the Volturi.

I wanted to wrap Camila in cotton wool and hide her far away from Aro's clutches. I knew we had a responsibility to the two children who were still within his power, but that didn't mean we all had to risk facing his wrath.

"About that..." I muttered. "Camz, perhaps it would be best if you stay with Ma–"

Camila didn't let me finish.

"No." There was a decisiveness to her tone that said she would not tolerate any arguments. "I'm going with you. That's final."

"Camila, I'm not–"

She leveled me with a fierce red glare that would have anyone else quaking where they stood. I had the tiny advantage of knowing she was hardwired to protect me.

"Where you go, I go."

I glanced to Demi for help, but she shrugged.

"Ordinarily, I wouldn't dream of suggesting that a newborn travel through areas populated by humans, but Mila made it here without issue. She's very controlled. Her newborn strength could be an asset."

Camila's eyes glinted with smugness. I glared at my traitor bestfriend; I had been counting on her support to keep Camila safe because she had a horrible penchant for throwing herself in the face of danger to protect those she loved. With Ari and Justin thrown into the mix, and her new vampire compulsions, I wasn't sure what to expect.

Left with no other choice but to relent, I turned to Camila. "You have to promise me you'll be careful. These vampires – they aren't like us. They wouldn't think twice about killing you. I can't lose you. I won't."

Camila's nod was solemn. "I promise baby. I just – I need to be there. With you."

"I know." I kissed her forehead, sympathetic to how she was feeling. Though the notion of separating from her made me uncomfortable, I would endure it if it meant she would remain out of harm's path.

Dinah tapped a foot, impatient as ever. "Are we done with the yakking and the googly eyes? I'm ready to kick some Volturi ass. Like yesterday."

Camila looked at Dinah for guidance, her expression the picture of focus.

"What's the plan?"

Dinah grinned, eager for an opportunity to showcase her brilliance. She handed her one of the phones she had rewired and showed her our attempt at blackmail.

Camila listened with quiet intensity, absorbing information like a sponge. She scrolled through the email, her new vampire senses allowing her to read it in seconds.

"We should add my memories from when I was first waking up," she suggested. "Jane and Alec admitted that Aro ordered me to be taken because of my relationship with Lauren."

I kissed my brilliant girlfriend. "That's a good idea. It's one thing to share speculation. It's another to hear words directly from the Volturi."

Dinah immediately set to work making revisions on my phone.

"I'll add it to the master, so it's updated for Mani's copy as well. You should keep that." She tapped the phone Camila was holding. "If you really are immune to Alec and Jane, you'll have the best chance of sending it."

Camila turned her hopeful eyes on me. "Do you really think this will work?"

I shrugged. "It's all we've got. We have no other recourse for getting the children back. Technically, once Ari comprehends that we're vampires, we'll be in violation of the only true vampire law."

"That humans can't know you exist."

I nodded in confirmation. "You were an exception as a human mate. Ari and Justin wouldn't fall under that category."

Worry lines marred Camila's pretty face. "Let's just go get this over with. I want to go home and be done with all this."

"I knew I liked you for a reason." Dinah grinned, throwing an arm around Camila. To her utter surprise, she found herself flat on her ass as Camila swung a leg out, instinctively protecting herself from the unexpected touch.

Demi and I both smothered laughs at the stunned expression on Dinah's face. Camila covered her face with her hands, embarrassed.

"Shit. Sorry Dinah. I really need to learn to control this... urge to attack at the slightest movement."

Demi extended a hand to Dinah, helping her up. Dinah dusted off her jeans, shooting me a grin.

"Dawg, why were you worried about her, again? You've got a firecracker there."

If Camila could still blush, I was sure she would have been fire engine red.

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you for that lovely insight, Dinah."

"You'll get the hang of it," Demi told Camila, wisely keeping her distance. "You've already managed to regulate your bloodlust. These things take time."

"Let's just go," Camila suggested, clearly uncomfortable with being the topic of conversation.

We all murmured in the affirmative, heading in the direction we'd been running before I had collided with Camila, or rather, she had run me down.

Running with Camila at my side was like a balm that soothed my anxieties. Prior to meeting my mate, aimless running in the quiet wilderness had been one of my favourite escapes from the tedium of daily life. Having her by my side as we tore through trees and underbrush calmed the gnarled, raw nerves that this messed-up situation had left behind.

By the time we arrived at the outskirts of Volterra, I was feeling refreshed and steeled for whatever would greet us inside the depths of the city.

Slowing to a human stride, we strolled toward the entrance of the Volturi's underground compound. Camila clasped my hand so tightly it teetered on the edge between pain and comfort. Dinah and Demi flanked us, their resolve solid.

The town was empty; only a few humans lingered in the streets as we twisted through narrow alleyways toward the concealed entrance of the Volturi compound.

The guard laying wait outside was immediately recognizable by his midnight, red-trimmed cloak. He wasn't someone I knew by name, but his appearance declared he was a Volturi soldier, and for that reason our respect was mandatory.

He greeted us with a nod, which each of us returned.

"Aro has been expecting you."

He stepped aside, allowing us into the elevator that would take us into the underbelly of the compound, where Aro and the two other leaders spent most of their existence.

I guided Camila inside the cramped space. She bit her lip, her anxiety written all over her face. I wondered if she was remembering her escape from this ominous place, or worried about our current mission. I offered a hesitant smile as Demi and Dinah followed us inside, as did the guard who had greeted us. He pressed a concealed button and we began sailing downward.

The doors opened several hundred feet beneath ground level. The nameless guard gestured to the dark corridor that was revealed.

"Aro, Caius and Marcus are awaiting your arrival."

Camila's grip on my hand constricted as we strode down the dark, stone hallway. The vaulted ceilings and architectural details should have made the building seem impressive. Instead, it lent an air of intimidation.

The three rulers were waiting for us in a grand hall, their stances unnervingly casual. Aro sat front and centre, a too-large throne beneath him. Tiny Ari was perched in his lap. Aro kept a hand atop hers, monitoring her thoughts. Justin played at the foot of the throne, his attention on a set of toy cars.

The guard formed a stiff semi-circle behind the three rulers. There was a general murmur of excitement amongst them. They were expecting a fight. Our presence was a rare break from the tedium of guarding three unchallenged rulers.

"What a pleasant surprise," Aro greeted us with a smile that had a menacing undercurrent. His untruth was evident; I would have bet anything he'd been using Rafael to watch us approach.

His eyes flicked over Camila, lingering only a fraction of a second. If he was surprised to see her with us, his thoughts refused to let on.

"Good evening, Aro, Caius, Marcus," Demi returned the greeting, nodding to each ruler in turn. The rest of us stood in stony silence, unable or unwilling to engage in Aro's slippery small talk.

"I believe you know what brings us here."

Ari's head shot up at the sound of the familiar voice. "Winnie!" she whimpered, reaching out to her. Demi could only smile at her, unable to go to her, as she wanted.

"Teddy! Kitty! Mila!" She tried instead, her watery gaze begging for one of us to acknowledge her.

Justin, too, recognized the familiar faces. Heaving himself to his feet, he tried to make a dash for us, but was swiftly scooped up by a member of the guard.

"Quiet, sweetheart." Aro shushed Ari in a deceptively parental tone. "You're fine, aren't you?"

Ari turned innocent brown eyes on him. "Pway?" she suggested. Aro ignored her, unwilling to indulge such childish whims.

"Demi," he greeted, "I do believe we have much to discuss."

Demi's nod was polite. "Indeed. My family and I are confused by what has transpired over the last few days."

Aro regarded her coolly, giving away nothing. "To what are you referring, old friend? I'm a very busy man, as I'm sure you're aware."

"Of course, I understand." Demi paused. "It has come to our understanding that the Volturi Guard changed Camila Cabello, in the hopes that she would prove a useful addition to their ranks."

Aro paused a fraction of a moment, considering how best to answer. He was well aware, I could hear his thoughts, so they remained neutral.

"Indeed they did." There was no denying that fundamental truth, so he didn't attempt a pointless lie. "You know as well as I do that changing a human is well within my rights, Demi." He eyed Camila. "It seems she has found her way to you upon thwarting my guard."

"Yes, she is a part of our family now. She has been for some time. She is my sister's mate."

Aro's eyebrow arched. "Is that so?" He made a show of glancing between Dinah and I, as if he hadn't known Camila was my mate all along. "To which of you does she belong?"

I managed to keep a growl in check, but was unable to repress a scowl. "Camila doesn't belong to anyone," I answered with scorn. "However, she is my mate." Camila threaded her fingers through mine, showing her silent support.

Aro's cheek twitched with a smarmy smile. "I should have guessed. She clings to you."

Marcus, who had been watching the exchange wordlessly, interjected his deep rumble into the conversation. "You are lucky to have found your other half," he offered in his usual monotone. "Treasure her, always. One day you may not have her by your side."

"I will," I vowed. A spoken promise to the Volturi would be last on my list of reasons to cherish my mate, however.

Marcus nodded his acknowledgement, falling into gloomy silence once again.

"That's why I'm here," I admitted. "My mate did not wish to be changed. The Volturi had no right to touch her without her express permission. As my mate, she was entitled to protection under our laws."

Aro scowled, the hand not holding Ari clenching around the arm of his throne.

"What are you accusing my guard of? Surely they did not know she was yours when she was collected."

"My scent is all over her home. All over her," I added. "If your guard did not smell that she had been claimed as my mate, their senses are severely lacking."

Aro was torn between fury and admiration at my audacity.

"I suggest you watch your tone," he said, his words arctic. "As I have explained, it was a misunderstanding. There is nothing more to discuss. She has been returned to you, much improved, may I add."

"And what of the children found in her care?" I asked, glancing at Justin and Ari, who were still watching us with longing, though they had given up on crying out. "Do you intend to allow them to come home with us, where they rightfully belong?"

Aro stroked Ari's small hand, delighting in the flash of the future that passed through her mind. It appeared to be mere minutes from now – we are all collected in this room – but his glee was apparent, no matter how minor the vision.

Caius interjected coldly on Aro's behalf. "We could not allow such a thing to happen. The children shall soon be at an age where they will be unable to keep secrets. Silence is imperative to our way of life. To have our secret revealed would be disastrous."

"We do not intend for them to know any more than necessary," Demi explained. "It is our intent to raise them as any other human children; they will not know we're different until they are old enough to understand."

"And so what if they did know? They're kids," Dinah butted in. "Do you think even if one of them were to tell someone that their family is a coven of vampires, they would be taken seriously? Make believe and fantasy are an everyday occurrence in children's lives."

"Regardless, we cannot guarantee anything if they were with you," Caius said frostily.

"Then allow them to return to the human world," Demi proposed. "We will find them suitable adoptive parents. There is no need to involve them in this way of life before their time."

Aro regarded Demi as if he was suggesting the earth was flat.

"These children are much too precious to be left to the whims of foolish humans. They have incredible potential that cannot be put at risk."

"The children stay in Volterra," Caius agreed. "Here they can remain under our protection until they are old enough to be changed. They will not be exposed to humans who could damage them."

"Your protection?" Dinah scoffed. "Yeah, 'cause, you know, two human kids hanging out with dozens of vampires day in and day out... that's totally safe."

Aro's deep red gaze grew tempestuous.

"Shall I remind you that you broke our cardinal law by keeping this human child? The girl child has uttered the word 'vampire.' You should be thanking us for our mercy. We have chosen to allow you to walk away without consequence."

"We have broken no law," Demi countered. "Our laws state that we must not allow humans to know of our existence. Ari is much too young to truly understand that we are different. To her, humans and vampires are the same."

Caius reclined in his throne, watching Camila with sharp eyes. "Then the girl–"

"As my mate, it was her right," I offered. "The same holds true for Emma and Andrew, and other vampire-human pairs before us."

Aro was frustrated with our insistence. The crack in his calm demeanor was beginning to split open.

"We are done here." His tone was dismissive. "There is nothing more to discuss. I suggest you take your leave now."

"We're not leaving without Ari and Justin," Camila snapped.

The three leaders' eyes jumped to her in surprise. It was the first time she had spoken since we had arrived.

"Ah, so the newborn does speak." Aro's smile was serene, though his thoughts were filled with icy amusement.

Camila returned his steady gaze. "I've had nothing to say to you until now. I don't talk to assholes that kidnap innocent children. I'm sure you understand?"

Aro's ominous chuckle was veiled in light-hearted amusement.

"Quite the mouth your mate has there, Ms. Jauregui.  I suggest you teach her when to shut it. I will not tolerate insolence." His hand flicked to the circling guard. "Please escort our guests out."

"I don't think you want to do that," Camila countered. "We have information that could be very damaging to you."

Aro's sigh was flippant. "Do tell, what is this knowledge that you think you have?"

Camila sneered at him. "You and your so-called 'guard' are a fraud. You're not protecting vampire-kind. You're seeking power for your own means. You kidnapped me in hopes you could con Lauren into joining your ranks. I overheard Jane and Alec discussing it."

Caius' furious gaze landed on the two youngest among the guard.

"What is this nonsense?"

"Silence, brother," Aro snipped to his white-haired colleague. "Jane and Alec would never disobey my direct orders and discuss such private matters. They have done nothing."

"Then why would–"

"I said silence."

"It's true," Camila returned. "You will see the truth in Jane or Alec's memories."

"Very well then." Aro beckoned Jane to his side, the gesture curt.

He was irate with the twins for allowing Camila to escape, according to Jane's tense thoughts. This added blow could destroy all their remaining credibility.

For allowing Camila to escape, the pair had been sentenced to 3 months without feeding, a virtual eternity to a vampire. As they neared the end of their punishment, they would be crazed and desperate under the force of their thirst. Regardless of how cruel, both twins had readily accepted the punishment to appease their master and earn his forgiveness.

Aro untangled a milky hand from the arm of his throne, holding it aloft to Jane. Obeying the non-verbal order, she placed her hand in Aro's. His eyes glazed as her mind was absorbed into his.

"I see," was all he said when she withdrew her hand.

Caius was impatient for answers. "What? What did you see?"

"The newborn speaks the truth," Aro said shortly. "Alec, come here. We shall have to discuss how to handle this most unfortunate matter. You and your sister have disappointed me once again."

Caius was disgruntled at the notion of executing the guard's two most powerful vampires. To do such a thing would be crippling; the twins made the guard virtually unstoppable.

"Aro, you are not suggesting–"

"The decision is not yours to make, Caius."

"My lord, if I may speak," Jane simpered, bowing deeply before Aro. Her brother mimicked the movement in perfect synchronization at her side. "The girl is lying. She is manipulating the truth. She has a gift for thwarting others. I do not know how, but she is manipulating the truth as you see it in my mind."

"Are you suggesting that a newborn is able to fool me?" Aro demanded. "Her mere hours of existence have made her powerful enough to thwart a vampire thousands of years her senior? Is that what you're saying?"

Jane hesitated, her voice little more than a whisper. "She has a talent for blocking and manipulating others' talents. It is no fault of yours."

"It's true, she is affecting your gift, just as she did ours," Alec confirmed his sister's lies without so much as a twitch to expose his dishonesty. "How else could a simple newborn have overpowered us? She is no match for two Volturi guards."

"They're lying!"

Camila was enraged; I had to hold her back from charging at Jane and Alec in her fury. I wound my arms around her, whispering soothing words. Eventually she settled in my arms, though her furious expression remained firmly in place.

"I must listen to all sides of the story," Aro said, misleadingly pleasant. "It would be most unfair to condemn Alec and Jane without hearing all sides of the story."

Aro's hand remained in constant contact with Ari's as a vision of him ordering Alec and Jane's beheading floated through her mind. Aro remained impassive as the gory scene unfolded.

Aro regarded me. "It would be most helpful in settling this matter if I could access your mate's thoughts."

He could care less about getting another view of the events. He had seen everything he needed to in Jane's thoughts; the twins were guilty of everything that Camila had accused them of. Aro was hoping Camila's rage would prompt her to allow him access to her mind, affording him an opportunity to scope out the limits of her gift.

I glanced at Camila, who seemed annoyed that Aro would dare ask to touch her.

"That's not really my call," I informed, irritated that Aro thought so little of my mate that he would treat her as if she was my property. "Will you let Aro see into your mind, Camz?"

Camila addressed Aro directly, her crimson eyes blazing. "Go to hell."

I shrugged. "I guess not."

Aro waved a hand as if Camila's refusal was inconsequential. "No matter. I shall have to trust that Jane and Alec have provided me with a sufficient sequence of events."

"We are innocent," Jane reasserted boldly, shooting Camila a malice-filled scowl. "We have done nothing wrong. The girl seeks to tarnish your opinion of us!"

"My dear, if that was her motive, she needn't have bothered with a lie." Aro's words were stone cold. "My opinion of you was irreparably tarnished the moment you allowed her to slip from under your nose."

Jane appeared near tears, impossible though they might be. Her face was crumpled with misery and shame. "Please Aro, you must understand that our only desire is to please you."

Aro sighed in a long-suffering way. "I cannot allow two talented vampires to be wasted because of a misdeed, no matter how foolish. Your insolence has been noted, however. You have earned my mercy this time. Disobey me again and you shall regret your imprudence."

Ari's visions showed Alec and Jane wordlessly returning to their place amongst the guard moments before they took a step. Aro's smugness would have been imperceptible to anyone not aware of what he had just done.

Aro fixed his attention on Camila once more. "I believe you understand why it is impossible for you and your coven to leave here today. If such vicious, untrue stories were to spread..."

"They're already spreading whether you like it or not," Dinah noted. "We aren't the first to learn how you operate, and I'm certain we won't be the last. But we're in a position to do something about what we know."

Aro was impassive. "And how is that?"

Dinah stepped forward. "If you don't give in to our demands and relinquish the children, hundreds of vampires will receive a very detailed account of this story. Kill us if you wish, but the story will be told. There is nothing you can do to stop it, except to do as we say."

She gestured behind her, where Camila, Demi and I had pulled out the rigged phones. "Each of them holds a trigger in their hands. Are you betting you can take them all out before one of them presses the button?"

"This is ridiculous!" Caius sneered at her. "You're attempting to blackmail us!"

"Not attempting. I am fucking blackmailing you." Dinah was gleeful. "Give us the damn kids, and we'll keep your shady little secret. Or you can take your chances and hope like hell that no one cares that you're a bunch of scheming bastards dressed in fancy cloaks. What will it be?"

"Now let's not be hasty," Aro said silkily, stroking Ari's small hand, desperate for a vision that could guide his decision.

"We don't have all day." Dinah's voice was laced with contempt. "Make your choice."

"Alec," Aro growled, irritated with being put on the spot and the lack of guidance from the tiny prodigy seated in his lap. "Put an end to this foolishness."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Dinah warned before the cloudy mist of Alec's gift could settle upon us. "If you'll remember, our Camila is immune to your little friend's power. And trust me, if you hurt her family, she gets pissed."

Alec froze, unsure what he should do. The mist retreated in an instant, as if an invisible vacuum had cleared the air.

Aro was irate, maintaining his outward calm by a thinning thread. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place and he knew it. He allowed himself a moment to contemplate if it would be wise to order the guards to take us out.

A vision of the underground Volturi compound being stormed floated daintily through Ari's mind. She sat there, the portrait of innocence, as images of utter destruction cascaded through her mind.

Volturi guards were torn limb from limb as enraged rebel vampires stormed the compound, many with powerful gifts of their own. The vision settled ominously on Aro's blank, sightless eyes as his head was tossed into a raging bonfire. A moment later the vision was gone, replaced with Ari's innocuous toddler thoughts.

It was the most complex vision I'd ever witnessed from Ari. I wondered if perhaps that meant it was more likely to come true. Or maybe it was as simple as she was growing and her capabilities were too.

Aro's irritated voice broke the tense silence.

"Take the children."

Tremendous anger simmered beneath his controlled exterior. He was furious that we'd managed to outsmart him.

Caius glared at his co-ruler in disbelief. "You cannot allow them to take the girl child! She is far too powerful to be left in their clumsy hands."

"We have been left with no choice," Aro barked. "To deny them is to guarantee a mutiny. The child has foreseen it."

Caius was silent.

"Our laws still hold," Aro commanded, though his weakened position ensured the words held none of the authority he intended. We would always have power over him. "These children may know the truth, however, if it is ever found that they have told others, your coven shall pay for their disobedience."

"Understood," Demi agreed, maintaining the flimsy semblance of peace. "We intend to raise them in an environment where they understand the importance of concealing our secrets."

Aro allowed me, with much reluctance, to extricate Ari from his lap. Demi collected Justin from the member of the guard who had restrained him. Camila stayed back a few feet, apprehension in her eyes as she regarded the kids. I stretched a reassuring hand out to hold hers. She returned a weak smile and edged closer to twine her fingers with mine.

"Escort them outside," Aro commanded a nearby member of the guard.

The march down the cold, stony corridor was silent, as if we were all afraid vocalizing would destroy the tentative peace. Even the kids seemed to mirror the sombre mood.

It wasn't until we were inhaling fresh air, and the guard assigned to escort us had descended back into the Volturi compound, that Dinah's incredulous voice broke the spell.

"We did it! We fucking did it!"

"Fucking!" Ari agreed, enjoying the uplifted mood.

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