The Gilbert Witch 7

By salvatoreloverzz

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Emely has been in a dark place since Elena went into her slumber. She's been talking to witches to see if sh... More

Out Of The Easy/Day One Of Two Thousand
Never Let Me Go
Age Of Innocence
I Carry Your Heart With Me
Heart-Shaped Box
Live Through This
Best Served Cold
Mommie Dearest
An Old Enemy
Oh My Godess Part 2
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Cold As Ice
Hell Is Other People
Things We Lost In The Fire
Postcards From The Edge
The Women's Work
Moonlight On The Bayou
Trying To Kill Davina
Time Jump
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot And Guinevere
Beauty And The Beast Part 2

Beauty And The Beast Part One

69 2 2
By salvatoreloverzz

King's Palace, Council Chamber

I was sitting on the other side of Uther as Morgana was on his right.

Arthur was standing by the knights with Joshua.

Lady Catrina, is it really you? "Uther questioned.

I can hardly believe it myself. "Catrina responded.

We had tidings from the north that the House of Tregor had fallen to invaders. "Uther explained.

All that you heard was true, My Lord, and worse. "Catrina stated.

Your father, the King? "Uther questioned.

I look at catrina more closely.

I feel a very powerful force coming from her.

I looked at her skeptically.

Gone, Sire. The enemy attacked without warning. We were outnumbered five to one. He could not endure. I would never have survived had it not been for my faithful servant Jonas. But we did survive, and we have made it this far... "Lady Catrina trailed.

She swoons and Uther catches her.

I wanted to gag.

Forgive me, My Lord. I fear my trials have taken a toll. "She said.

I look at Morgana and she smiles at the whole thing.

Great, I can't even have Caroline at my side making fun of this.

Your sufferings are beyond imagining, My Lady. It would be an honour to help you in any way we can. "Uther stated.

A bed for the night would be most welcome. "She responded.

And consider yourselves our esteemed guests. It's the least we can do. "Uther said.

Thank you. "She replied.

There's something off and I don't like it.

Dining Chamber

We're all eating dinner.

Joshua and Arthur are eating silently staring at each other, then at Catrina.

I'm sitting near Morgana.

Well, this is wonderful. Thank you. "Catrina stated softly.

It's an honour. The Houses of Tregor and Pendragon have been allies for as...well, as long as anyone can remember. "Uther said smiling.

My father often spoke of you, My Lord. "Catrina said.

And I will remember him always. "Uther stated.

I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet him. "Arthur apologized.

I'm sorry too. For the House of Tregor is no more. "Catrina said sadly.

Well, no, Catrina, it lives on in you. "Uther said.

I only wish that were true. "Catrina stated.

It is, My Lady. Your courage, your modesty. And you are as you always were, ever since you were a child. "Uther complimented.

Ah, I fear I am much changed since then, my Lord. "Catarina said looking down.

I put some chicken in my mouth.

This is good as heck.

Oh, yes, it's true. You are far more beautiful now. "Uther said.

I almost choked on my food.

Morgana slightly glared at me.

Arthur looks completely appalled, Joshua looked down trying not to laugh, while Morgana smiles at Uther after glaring at me.

They start looking at eachother.

Well, my lord. I should be headed to bed. Arthur and I have training tomorrow. "I said respectfully.

Joshua looked at us upset.

I looked away slightly feeling bad.

Oh, yes. But before you go.. "Uther trailed.

He looks at Catrina.

Princess Amelia has gone through the same tragedy as you my lady. Her fallen kingdom may it rest. Yet she manages to stay strong. And one day she will make a strong and willful Queen for Camelot. *looks at joshua* Perhaps you two might seek comfort in one another. "Uther stated as he looked at us.

I looked at Arthur but he shrugged.

Just great.

I would absolutely love that. Come to my chambers tomorrow. "Catarina stated smiling.

She stands and walks over to hug me.

I hug back hesitantly.

I have a sudden rush of nasty magic.

As soon as she lets go it disappears.

I bowed to Uther and he nodded as Arthur and I left as quickly as we could.

Next Day

Gaius and Merlin's Chamber's

I was rushing to Merlin as fast as I could before Uther and Catrina notice I was not going with them.

I barge into the their room.

There is something wrong with Lady Catrina and I don't like it. "I told them.

Merlin looked at me smug and smirked at Gaius.

Gaius sighed.

What did I miss? "I asked looking at them confused .

You came just in time. Also Jonas......As I was leaving, I thought I saw something...this is gonna sound mad, but it looked like Jonas had a tail. "Merlin told us.

I look at him surprised.

A tail? You sure? "Gaius questioned.

Well, I mean, I only glimpsed it for a moment. I-I mean, I could be wrong... "Merlin said nervously.

No, no, we believe you. "I told him reassuringly.

He smiled.

Emely, Merlin, we must keep an eye on her. A very close eye. "Gauis told us.

Well, that's no problem. Uther wants me to create some sort of friendship anyways. "I told them shrugging.

Gauis smiled.


Arthur's Chambers

Arthur is asleep.

Merlin and i take the mirror from his bedside and float it out the window to see Catrina as a huge creature!

My eyes widened immediately.

I can't believe you dragged me into this Merlin! "I whispered harshly.

Oh, don't act like you wouldn't have done something similar. "He said sarcastically.

Whatever. "I whispered rolling my eyes.

He starts chanting.

Scéawere, folge min bebod.

The mirror keeps floating.

Amelia. Merlin. "A voice called.

Merlin spins around and the mirror crashes.

I spin too shocked to process anything.

Lies start piling in my head within seconds.

Arthur gets up from his bed and walks to us he stops in front of us both.

I have no doubt, Amelia, Merlin, that you have prepared a very good explanation for this. "Arthur stated sternly.

I told Merlin I wanted to sneak into your chambers, so I could plant my favorite mirror as a token of my appreciation for you not treating me like some damsel princess. You know for luck when you need it. "I lied smoothly.

Merlin looked at me bewildered.

Apparently I'm wrong. "He said not believing me.

Arthur shoves Merlin out of the way and looks out the window, seeing the broken mirror.

Please tell me you weren't spying on Lady Catrina. "He told us.

Arthur that's absolutely ridiculous. "I told him laughing it off.

It's not what it seems. "Merlin panicked.

I wanted to elbow him so bad but I held myself.

Yes, Merlin. It's exactly what it seems. You have led a sheltered life, you have no social skills whatsoever, and Amelia helped you because she felt pity for you, and although Catrina is, I admit, an attractive woman. I understand completely. And if I ever find you doing it again, or asking her for help. I'll feed you to the dogs. Do I make myself clear? "He questioned him.

Yes, absolutely, Sire. "Merlin stated and ran off.

Arthur looked at me.

Well, I should...... "I started and almost walked pass him but he grabbed my arm.

He gripped it firmly.

I looked in his eyes deeply.

He stared into my god damn soul.

I kept the gaze.

Don't ever lie to me again. "He said firmly.

And if I do? "I questioned arching a brow.

He brought his face extremely close with an intense gaze.

I mean it. "He said sternly.

I kept his challenging gaze but said nothing.

He lets my arm go and I walk off.

I need to get the hell out of here.

Next Day

Gaius's Chambers

I walked in to find Merlin sitting staring at me.

Uh, any reason your sitting there in silence? "I asked him.

He was going to answer but Gaius walks in.

Please don't say anything, Merlin. "He said immediately.

I wasn't going to say anything. "Merlin said smiling

You were going to say, "I told you so." "He told him.

Will someone tell me what is going on? "I questioned irritated.

They both looked at me.

Merlin blurted it out.

Lady Catrina is a Troll. "He stated.

Merlin! "Gaius scolded.

I looked at Merlin slightly stunned.

That's what a trolls magic feels like? "I questioned amazed.

Merlin gave me a questioning look.

You can feel magic? "He asked.

Well, you can too Merlin. You're powerful enough feel anything. "I told him.

Really? "He asked like an excited child.

Emely. Merlin. More important things are at hand at the moment. "Gaius said sternly.

Right. So what do we do? "I responded.

Well, Uther didn't take to it well. "Gaius sighed.

Augh, you see? I told you...Sorry. "Merlin said after seeing gaius's expression.

But I know him, Merlin. He's a proud man, but he's not stupid. He will reflect on what I said, I'm sure he will. "Gaius told him confidently.

Let's hope you're right. "Merlin said.

But what if he doesn't? "I asked them hoping for a plan.

They just looked at me with no answers.

Just great.

3 Days Later


Merlin and Gaius still haven't come up anything.

It's no good, Emely, Merlin. I can tell him she's a troll until I'm blue in the face, he simply won't listen. He sees a charming, beautiful woman. "Gaius said to us.

Yeah, with a body like a tree trunk. "Merlin stated.

But we only know that because you saw her in the troll form. "I told Merlin.

So, what do we do? "Merlin asked.

We must open Uther's eyes, show her for what she really is. "Gaius stated.

Using magic? "We questioned in unison.

It's the only way to reveal her true form. "He told us.

But she never leaves his side. "I told him

I know. "Gaius replied.

You want me to use magic in front of the King? "Merlin questioned.

I looked at Gaius stunned.

Yes, Merlin, I do. "He told him.

He would never get away with it. Gaius they'll execute him. " I said in disbelief.

I'm sorry, Emely. I know how dangerous this is, but we cannot allow it to gain any further control over the King. Who knows what the consequences might be? Unless you can do it? " He said hopefully.

I know nothing about troll magic. I create magic and absorb it. I don't learn it. "I said hopelessly.

Then we have work to do. " He told me sighing.

It's going to be a long night.

Next Day

I snuck out my chambers last night and hopefully no one notices.

Gaius is sleeping on books, Merlin is reading another.

I flip to the next page of my book bored and tired.

Here. The spell of revelation. By which the true nature of the thing may be revealed. "Merlin said.

I look at it and read it.

But this applies only to objects, things, not to living creatures. "I told him.

I know. The principle's the same, isn't it? You have to try it. What other choice do we have? "Merlin said to me hopelessly.

Very well. But Emely, choose your moment carefully. Trolls are vicious creatures. "Gaius said waking up.

Then suddenly there is a knock at the door.

Come in. "Gaius said.

A guard walks in.

The King requests your presence in the council chambers. "He told us.

He bowed at me before he walked out.

Royal Court

Uther walks in with Catrina on his arm.

Thank you all for coming. You are, no doubt, wondering why I have gathered you here today. Though we live in dark times, today I bring you light, and love. It gives me greatest pleasure to inform you that the Houses of Tregor and Pendragon are to be united in the closest bond of all. I am to marry Lady Catrina of Tregor. I am to marry Lady Catrina tomorrow. This union heralds a new dawn for the kingdom, a new beginning... " He announced.

I look at Catrina.

Hierste þæt íecen sóna.

She still looks the same.

I whisper the spell again.

...and a new queen for all here in Camelot. "Uther finished.

Hierste þæt íecen sóna.

Why isn't it working?

This never happens to me.

I could not hope to have made a better match. "Uther said.

Hierste þæt íecen sóna.

Okay either I suck at old magic or something is wrong.

I hope you will all share in our joy. "Uther added.

Everyone applauded.

Thank you. "He stated.

What the hell?

Gaius Chamber

I walk in agitated.

They both looked at me.

I'm sorry. I tried. I gave it everything I had. I don't know why it didn't work. My magic has never failed me. "I told them upset.

It's not your fault, Emely. You did your best. "Merlin told me softly.

The spell of revelation is powerful magic. And she could feel it, I could see she could feel it. It's only a matter of time before she has me taken off the Royal Court. " I told them.

I start getting ready to head to Arthur.

Her magic must be strong, indeed, to be able to resist you. Where are you going? "Gaius asked.

To see Arthur! He's our only hope! "Merlin answered for me.

He was out the door first.

What he said. "I stated.

I followed after him.

Arthur's Chambers

Merlin was gonna walk in but I grabbed him.

Maybe if he hears it from me, it might be easier to believe. " I told him.

He nodded and hid down the corridor.

I waked in his chambers.

I see him leaning against his table so I approach him hesitantly.

Yes? "He asked.

Arthur. I'm going to tell you something. It's not going to be easy. " I told him.

He turned and looked at me.

Right... "He trailed.

It concerns the Lady Catrina. "I told him.

You're not using my chambers to spy on her again for Merlin. " He stated bluntly.

Arthur! That's not what this is about. Besides we saw everything we needed to see. "I said disgusted.

I'm sure you both did. " He said amused.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Arthur. She's a troll. "I blurted out.

He laughs.

She's not that bad. "He said.

I sigh frustrated.

I'm serious. She is. She's an actual troll. "I told him annoyed.

Amelia, I know what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it. You're a true friend. But it's not about whether I like her or not, it's about what makes my father happy. And when they announced the wedding today, I realised that Lady Catrina does just that. She makes him happy. "He said smiling.

I don't know why him calling me his friend hurt me.

Or was it annoyance?

Well, he won't be so damn happy when he discovers his wife's a fruit munching monster. "I snapped irritated.

That's enough, Amelia. " He stated firmly.

Arthur... "I tried again.

She's the future queen of Camelot whether you like it or not. So you better get used to it. "He said even more sternly.

Why is is so hard for you to believe me? What happened to don't lie to me again? Do you honestly believe I would make something like this up? "I stated slamming him with question after question.

Amelia! Stop it. This is your final warning. "He said staring me down.

Fine. I'll go to Joshua. I know he'll believe me. I can't believe I came to you at all. "I told him scoffing.

I turned and and tried to storm out but my arm was being grabbed which forced me to stop.

I turned to Arthur scowling at him.

Let go. " I demanded.

You came to me first? "He questioned stunned looking at me deeply.

Well, I thought I could trust you. Clearly I was wrong. " I said annoyed.

I snatched my arm back and stormed out.

I walk on my mission to find Joshua.


As I took a turn I see two guards marching torwards me.

Princess Amelia. Halt! "They shouted.

I turned and ran the other way.

I was running down a long hall and turned when I bumped into a chest.

I look up and it's Joshua.

Why are you running? " He asked worried.

The guards they're after me. I was looking for you. "I told him panicking.

He starts getting protective.

Why? What's going on? "He asked.

The guards start rushing towards me.

I look at Joshua.

She's a troll. The lady Catrina. You have to believe me. " I told him quickly.

What? "He said stunned.

The guards grabbed me roughly.

Hey! "I yelped in pain.

What's the meaning of this? "Joshua questioned firmly.

Orders of the king, my lord. "The guards answered.

What did she do? "He questioned again.

Take it up with your father. "A guard sneered.

They start pulling me away.

She's a troll! She's the one doing this to your father, he's under a spell! "I shouted as he looked conflicted.

I sighed as I get taken to the dungeon.

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