Miraculous Crossover One-Shots

By luvllymack

487K 9.9K 2.9K

Just random one-shots. Probably mostly Daminette. I'll keep adding one-shots to this when I come up with idea... More

My House
"The older I get.."
This is me
Out of the old
The Snap
True Colors
Woman Like Me
Good 4 You
A long one-shot that I don't know what to name.
Marinette's TikTok
Prom Dress
Damian has a twin?!?
The Rose Song
Little French girl scolds one of Gotham's Villains... Wait what
The Romanoff Twins
Marinette Parker?
Childhood Rivals (Short story)
Best Friends to Strangers.
Good Enough
Where's Marinette?
Groundhog Day
GroundHog Day PT 2
I Like U
Wayne Interview
Me? Homophobic? Bitch please.
Tik Tok Trends
He is actually a big softie.
The Live
Long Distance
Really Bruce?
Sunshine of Gotham
Class Reunion! YAY
Reunited (Felinette)
Talia x Marinette
Talia x Marinette Part 2
POV: Marinette sees her ex + her old class when she is with her guy best friend
When the fight gets you teleported to Paris.
The Waynes spy on Damian...
Another Marinette Parker One-Shot
See you later
See you later pt 2
Jealousy Jealousy
Pov: Old class follows Marinette in London
Best Days
Marinette is sick. Damian comes to visit.
What if...
POV: Luka posts on the wrong twitter account
The Waynes find a TikTok page
Welcome to Paris, Wayne Family
"Peter! Please answer that on speaker."
The next chapter
Twin AU
мой маленький паучок (my little spider)
мой маленький паучок pt 2
Childhood Frenemies/Lovers AU
We all know you did it Adrien
"I'm gonna marry you."
The Waynes find their sister's TikTok
Dont Let Your Past Define You
Did You Even Care?
What Was I Made For?
Wait A Damn Minute...
Rekindled Friendship

Waynes can wreck your shit, BITCH

4.5K 108 9
By luvllymack

(Inspired by the one-shot on AO3 If You Mess With Me, You're Messing With My Family by lovely_lynn)


Marinette was a significantly nice person. Her father had always taught her to treat people right. But there are some people in this world that don't deserve her kindness. Liars, for example, are on Marinette's 'people I hate the most' list. She completely despises liars. They are at least in the top 3 types of people she would rather not deal with.

But it's just her luck that a pathological liar enters her life in the beginning of lycée. And you bet that as soon as that liar opened her mouth Marinette wanted to throw an uppercut hard enough to break that stupid jaw. But she didn't think her family would particularly like the idea of her nearly killing a person. That job can be left to her 10 (8 at the time) year old brother.

The day the liar had entered her life was the day Marinette had to confide in her family's butler. Alfred is a wise man. Maybe even all knowing if Marinette was being honest. She had gone back to her foster home so incredibly angry. She had to find a way to calm down before she got akumatized so she decided to call her beloved (not official but official) grandfather.

She immediately made him swear to not tell a soul about what she was gonna tell him. Which obviously he replied with, 'Of course, Ms. Marinette. Your secrets are safe with me.' or something like that. She spilled her guts about the lair and Alfred immediately told her to play along. Point out the holes in the stories but as questions. Do that until people begin to catch on.

Which... she tried to do but it didn't work out the first... hundred times. She ended up getting so mad that she would call Lila out on her lies. That didn't go too well because her friends (if she could even call them that at this point), who she knew were stupid but not this stupid, immediately took Lila's side and told Marinette that she's 'just jealous' and bull shit like that.

It took a lot of talks with Alfred to get Marinette to finally follow throw with the plan... even though a year had already passed. She didn't even care that her friends were already so deep into the hole Lila had dug. She just wanted that bitch out of there.

It was incredibly hard to act like she wasn't mad at Lila for lying about multiple things and people she have met due to the many MANY Wayne gala's she has attended. But she got the hang of it. She is a Wayne after all. It's not like she hasn't dealt with liars before (even if her father and older siblings were always there to help).

It was a huge surprise to Lila that Marinette had backed off. She thought it was because of her threat but yet she didn't realize that this was just the beginning.

As time passed, Marinette continuously acted as if she was interested in Lila's story. She asked questions about the very obvious holes in her lies. She only focused on the bigger holes. And soon enough... people started to question the holes for her! That only took half a year to accomplish.

But now... after a full year of Marinette going through with the plan, Marinette is about to lose her shit.

That day she walked into class thinking it was gonna be a usual day. She would sit down. Lila would tell her tales. She would question the holes. People would join in. And then she would go home and enjoy a huge facetime call with her favorite people.


Marinette walked into class and immediately heard the stories of her home town. She just shrugged it off and continued to her seat in the back of the class. But as class went on... Marinette caught on to some lies that made her blood boil.

"Damian is such a brat! I can't believe I even dated him. If I was part of the Wayne family I would send him to some boarding school or something. He doesn't deserve a loving family." Lila sighed angrily.

Marinette's eye twitch as she heard that and all she wanted to do was choke the bitch until her head came off her body. Don't get her wrong, Damian can be a brat... but he was her brat. Her younger brother that honestly is just too touched starved for his own good.

And yes maybe he was emotionally constipated but who in the Wayne family wasn't? Damian was a brat at times but he does care for his family. And he loves his animals. He would adopt a whole zoo if he was aloud to.

And on top of that he was fucking 10. That part angered Marinette. Lila was talking about how she dated her brother. HER YOUNGER BROTHER WHO IS YOUNGER THAN THEM BY 6 YEARS.

Alya raised an excited eyebrow. "Girl, you're close to the Wayne family?!?"

Lila smiled 'sweetly'. "Of course I am. Even though Damian and I have had a fall out doesn't mean I'm not close to them. I'm currently dating Richard! He was nice enough to help me through my break up with Damian. He told me he would get rid of Damian himself but Bruce wouldn't allow it!"

Excuse her, but last time Marinette checked her oldest brother was 26 and married. Marinette was so angry that maybe if you looked close enough you could see the smoke coming out of her ears. Lying about Gotham was one thing but lying about her family is a death wish.

Marinette's hands slammed onto her table. The people in the class jumped at the sudden sound and immediately turned to her. Lila gave her a warning glare but Marinette focused her own glare at her. The signature 'bat glare' was on her face and the people in the class shivered at the sight of it with one thing going through their minds... 'when was Marinette this scary looking?'

"Prove it." Marinette growled out.

"What does she have to prove, Marinette? I thought we were past all the lying bull shit. Just because your jealous doesn't mean-" Alya starts.

"Prove that your dating Richard Grayson. Prove that you ever 'dated' Damian Wayne." Marinette gave Alya a side glance before her gaze returned to Lila.

"W-what?" Lila stuttered out with fresh tears in her eyes.

"You're overwhelming Lila, Marinette! Stop!" Rose cried out.

"You disgust me, Lila." Marinette paused for a second.

Lila was about to say something but she got cut off.

"You have disgusted me ever since you came to this school. Ever since you opened your stupid ass mouth. Out of all the things you can lie about... you chose the Waynes. What kind of shit move is that?" Marinette says loudly as she grabs her stuff. She needed to calm down before she caused an akumatization.

"What the hell, Marinette!" Alya shouted after her as she made her way out of the room.

Marinette made her way to the bathroom and immediately took multiple deep breaths. Just as she was calming down she heard the door open. She immediately knew who it was.

"Lila." Marinette sighed.

"Don't worry! This will only take a little bit." Lila's smile was too evil to be a good thing.

Marinette turned around and came face to face with the lying snake. "What do you want? I don't have all day."

Lila's smile dropped into an evil smirk. "Just a little warning. As I have said before, you're either with me or against me. I'm sure you don't want your precious friends to turn on you... do you?"

Marinette let out a humorless laugh, a new found confidence coming over her. A confidence Marinette Dupain-Cheng didn't have, but Marinette Wayne did. "It doesn't really matter anymore does it? Seeing as you already have them wrapped around your thumb. Bring it, Rossi. If you think I'm scared of you then you are poorly mistaken."

Lila snarled. "In a matter of minutes they can be turned on you, leaving you with nobody on your side. How could you possibly win?"

Marinette cackled at the empty threat. "You don't get it, darling. I have more connections than you think. Also... maybe you want to fact check the things you know. Making up lies like that about the Wayne family can put you in some deep shit."

"How would you know." Lila glared.

Marinette smirked. "I think a Wayne would know their own family's way."

Lila looked so shocked. "What?"

"Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Marinette Wayne. Oldest blood child of the great Bruce Wayne. Obviously you yourself are a little dumb. With one phone call your life could turn into a living hell." Marinette smiled.

Lila paused and then let out a bitter laugh. "Oh please! You? A Wayne? How foolish are you! We both know that you're just a lowlife baker's daughter."

Marinette sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "That was your warning, Rossi. Waynes protect each other. You mess with me your messing with the rest. And trust me... you don't want to mess with the others."

"We'll see how confident you are after I'm don't with you." Lila growled.

"Like I said before... bring it on. Because I am telling you right now... we Waynes never lose." Marinette makes her way to the bathroom door, leaving behind a fuming liar. Before she opened the door she glanced back at Lila.

"Oh... and if you ever lie about my 10 year old brother again... I will personally... make your life a living hell." Marinette slammed the bathroom door after her and made her way back to the classroom.

As she sat in her seat she just knew that this was going to be a long week.


By the end of the week everyone in the class had turned on her... if they hadn't already. But Marinette could care less. Lila had proceeded to tell everyone that Marinette had threatened to ruin her life. Which technically she didn't lie. And technically her life was going to get ruined in a matter of seconds.

You see... Marinette had immediately told her family what has been going on, with the help of Alfred of course. And to say they were mad was an understatement. Plus, everyone was disgusted about the things said about Damian and Dick.

It was painfully obvious that Damian was upset about the things said about him and Marinette immediately wanted to smother him in hugs. But they were both on opposite sides of the globe. Hopefully not for long.

They had made the plan to ruin the liar this week. They didn't tell Marinette what day or what time they would be there but she knew they were coming at some point.

So Marinette wasn't surprise when someone knocked on the door rather harshly. And when Mrs. Bustier opened it, her dad and brothers walked in. Marinette's eyes brightened when she saw them.

Her eyes landed on her favorite brother (who the rest think is only because they are blood related) and noticed he look completely blood thirsty yet also very uncomfortable. When his eyes landed on hers he immediately calmed a bit.

"Um... sir? Can I help you?" Mrs. Bustier asked, shaken up from the whole dramatic entrance thing.

Bruce turned to Mrs Bustier with a sharp smile. "Ah yes! I have heard that there is someone in this class spreading false information about the Wayne family."

The class grew quiet for a second before Lila shot up from her seat. "I know who it is! It's Marinette! She had been threatening me by saying she is a Wayne and that she will ruin my life!" Lila sobbed a little.

Everyone turned to Lila. Bruce raised an eyebrow. "This 'Marinette' girl you're talking about. Is she sitting right there, in the back of the class?" Bruce proceeded to point in the direction of Marinette.

"Yes! It's awful! She does so many things to me. Bad things! I think she might even be planning to kill me." Lila sobbed.

"Oh my god! How did you know?" Marinette smiled a psychopathic smile. "It's like you read my mind!" She said it in such a fake tone that Jason snorted. He covered it with a cough though when people looked his way.

"See! She absolutely hates me." Lila wipes her tears with a napkin. Bruce's face slowly turned into a more serious, business looking expression.

"So you are talking about that Marinette? Also know as my daughter." Marinette inwardly smirked at the shocked silence that filled the class. Lila's face slowly turned pale.

"Wh- what? Mari-brat? A Wayne? Unbelievable." Lila laughed nervously. The Waynes glared at Lila.

"What the hell did you just call my sister?" Dick asked. When Dick got mad he was scary. Jason put a hand on Dick's shoulder to try and calm him.

Bruce ignored what just happened and stared Lila down. "I have heard everything you have said about my family. Including you saying that you dated both my youngest and my oldest, which would be illegal seeing as one is 10 and one is 26 while you are 16." Lila swallowed hardly. She seemed to be sweating.

"I didn't-" Lila started. "You didn't know? Maybe do some fact checking before you lie. Or just don't lie at all." Tim joined in.

"Saying those things about my youngest was very rude. Damian is very deserving of a loving family and does not deserve to be sent away for his personality." Bruce glared at Lila while speaking. Marinette moved her gaze to her little brother who seemed very uncomfortable.

Damian had been trying his hardest to be better ever since he came to the Manor. Marinette knew how hard he has tried to be nicer. He has made progress, but unlearning the things that had been drilled into his head was hard. Hearing someone say he didn't deserve what he had at the moment no doubt hurt him.

"I'm sorry...." Lila mumbled. "Sorry doesn't cut it. I hope you have good lawyers because I have multiple lawsuits for you. We have already informed your mother and she seemed rather angry. I'd be on edge when you head home." Bruce said as Tim dropped a thick stack of paper onto Lila's desk.

Lila looked shocked but that soon turned to anger. "You can't do that! I have diplomatic immunity!" "Ah, see, that's where you are wrong. Because you don't have diplomatic immunity." Tim added.

Lila's eyes watered, they had real tears in them. That's surprising. Bruce turned to the rest of the class. "Now for all of you guys. Since you were not the main source of problem you guys don't get much of a punishment. You have 5 years of community service and this incident has been added to your record. As for some of you who did more than others, you each have one lawsuit awaiting you at your house."

The class looked devastated. Some looked as if they were going to cry. Marinette smiled at her family. She wished she had gone to them for help a lot sooner.

Bruce turned to Mrs. Bustier. "Now as for Marinette, I am moving her back to Gotham, seeing as her foster parents here are unfit, they have already been dealt with. Also, you might get a call from the school board about what has been going on in this classroom."

Mrs. Bustier nodded nervously. Marinette looked at her father in shock. She didn't expect him to move her back home. But she was happy with the decision. And if he is moving her back home then that means he has also dealt with the Hawkmoth situation.

Marinette packed her things in a rush before rushing down the steps of the classroom. She gave her dad a big hug and whispered a 'thanks.'

Bruce hugged her back. "You needed to get out of this place. I could tell it was draining you." He replied quietly. Marinette smiled as she pulled away from her father.

She proceeded to walk over to Damian and stand beside him. She ruffled Damian's hair and gave him a side hug. "Hello, Dames."

"It's good to see you, Ukhti." Damian says as he moves a step closer to Marinette, feeling safe in her presence.

Bruce took one more glance at the class. "I have blacklisted you all from any major business company as a result of what you have done to my daughter. If you try to lie your way into any job I have blacklisted you from, you will face serious consequences. Thank you for your time, but my family and I must be taking our leave now."

The class was silent as they watched the Waynes and Marinette leave the class, still trying to wrap their minds around what had just happened. The first person to realize what happened was Alya. She immediately turned to Lila and glared.


Once that was said the class broke out in chaos. Lila was cowering in her seat as she was yelled at.


"Thank you...." Marinette said as the family sat on their private jet.

"No need to thank us, Cupcake." Dick smiled as he ruffled her hair.

"Yeah, Pixie, we're family, we'll always have your back." Jason grinned.

"Just wish we could have helped you sooner." Tim sighed as he slumped back into his chair.

"Next time... keep us informed, please." Bruce started as he looked down at his daughter.

Marinette smiled. "Okay.... I just hope there isn't a next time."

"I'll make sure there isn't a next time. Anybody who does anything that harms you shall meet the end of my blade." Damian stated.

Marinette looked at her little brother with a smile. "Thanks bub, but I think that we can deal with it in a less.. gruesome way."


Marinette looked around at her brothers and father. Her sisters being on a trip, Alfred being at the manor waiting patiently for them to arrive back at the manor. She felt safe, loved....

"I love you guys so much."

Dick got tearful when Marinette said that. He crushed Marinette in a hug as he spoke. "We love you, too, sunshine!"

"Group hug!" Jason joined into the hug followed by the rest of her siblings, yes including Damian.

Marinette giggled. Bruce smiled fondly at the scene infront of him. Marinette freed herself from her siblings and headed to her father. She immediately hugged him.

"Thank you again, père."

Bruce kissed his daughter's forehead and hugs her back. "Anything for you, mon étoile."


A/N- Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it's so long haha. Here are so translations lol...
père: dad in french
mon étoile: my star in french

Words- 3187

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