๐–.๐€.๐˜.๐’๏ธฑ๐๐Ž๐“๐“๐ˆ ๐Ž๐’๐€...

By kayswifey

88.3K 2.4K 9K

๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡, a young careless boy finds his soulmate in the tough streets of harlem, new york. More

๐ž๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ.


5.7K 184 623
By kayswifey

"ᴏᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴅᴏᴡꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ꜱᴏᴜʟ." - ᴊʜᴇɴᴇ ᴀɪᴋᴏ ღ 

𝟐𝟒𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓, 𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟐𝐀𝐌

❀ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇꜱ ꜰɪʟʟᴇᴅ the noiseless hallway as the tiredness was removed from the young adolescents' eyes by the busyness of a Monday morning. Dinero sauntered down the hallway, looking for Diego, who he had barely seen since they left the house.  

He turned the corner, finally spotting his brother, who was surrounded by a group of his older friends, and walked over to him.

"Wassup, my lil mans. You good?" Kentrell, one of the boys, said, dapping Notti up as he approached the group. 

"Yeah, I'm chillin'." Notti said, slightly distracted. "Yo, DD. Come here, I needa talk to you."

"What's wrong, lil bro?" DD said, as the two separated from the rest of the group.

"You seen Ni today? I ain't seen her all day." He asked, chewing his bottom lip.

"Relax, bro. It's still morning." DD said, chuckling. "But yeah, I seen her a few minutes ago."

"Oh, aight." Notti replied. "Bro, Imma need you to do me a favor at lunch."

"Depends on what it is." DD said, raising an eyebrow, confused.

"Tell CS to go somewhere witchu', so Ni can come chill wit' me." Notti said, smiling at what he thought was a brilliant idea.

"Bro, what?" DD said, laughing. "Just 'cause Sky ain't there don't mean Ni's just gonna leave and chill witchu'. She's cool wit' the other girls too, plus she's getting mad close wit' Jennaya."

"Obviously, bro. But what I mean is if Sky there she won't leave and come wit' me, 'cause she wouldn't wanna leave Sky." Notti said, rolling his eyes.

"Aight, Imma do my best." DD said, shrugging. "But she mad at me right now so Ion know."

"She stay mad at you, what the fuck." Notti said, laughing. "What you do this time?"

"Bro, I didn't even do shit. She mad 'cause I didn't say hi to her TWO whole days ago and now she not talking to me." DD began, explaining the situation. "So, I called her like 30 minutes after she left to see if she got home safe and she didn't pick up so I texted her, asking if she was okay, and she put 'don't call my phone.' with a fucking period at the end like, bro what?" 

Notti laughed. "Nah, CS is mad funny for that." 

"No." DD said, before continuing with his story. "So, I asked her what I even did and then that's when she said 'you ain't say hi to me'."

"Yo, that's perfect." Notti said, smiling. "So you can talk to her privately and apologize and shit and while you do that, I'll just get Ni to come chill wit' me somewhere alone."

"She ain't gon' listen, but I'll try." DD said, shrugging as he played with a strand of his hair.



❀ ɴɪ'ᴍᴀʀɪ ꜱᴄᴀɴɴᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ hectic cafeteria, looking around for the table her and her friends usually reside at. Her flowy tank top swayed in unison with her movement as she walked over to them. 

"Hey, y'all." Ni says, smiling brightly, as she approaches the slightly full table. "Where's Cianna Sky?" 

"She's over there wit' DD." Notti replied, pointing his head in the direction of the table that DD and Sky were sat at. 

"Oh," Ni replied, seemingly shocked. "What are they doing? I thought she was mad at him." 

"They sorting shit out." Ddot replied, taking a sip of his apple juice-box. "Where was you  at?"

"Me? Oh, I was at Miss Honey's office." Ni replied, sitting down next to Notti.

"Why, you good?" Notti asked her, noticeably worried, seeing as Miss Honey was the school's guidance counselor. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ni responded. "I just have meetings with her every Monday." 

"Why?" Ddot asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Chill, let her have her privacy." Notti scolded Ddot, with an annoyed expression plastered across his face.

"It was never that deep, bro, chill." Ddot said and shrugged. "I'm just curious, that's all." 

"It's cool, Darrian." Ni chuckled. 

"Yo, MarMar. Come here, I wanna talk to you." Notti said, standing up.

"Come where?" Ni replied, also standing up. 

"Just over there." Notti said, taking her hand, as he maneuvered through the cafeteria. 

They walked over to the doors of the cafeteria and exited swiftly, making their way down the hallway.



❀ ᴄɪᴀɴɴᴀ ꜱᴋʏ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ attentively at Diego as he spoke softly to her, she couldn't help but to smile as each word departed from his mouth. She tried to maintain her anger towards the situation, but was failing.

"I just don't understand you, DD." Cianna Sky said, sighing, as she snapped out of her thoughts. "Like, you say one thing and do the other." 

"Watchu' mean?" DD replied, confused, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Like, you front like you like me but then like on Saturday, for example, you obviously knew I was joking but still got mad and literally only spoke to me once after that and it was just to ask me where Jennaya was." Sky replied, evidently hurt over the situation.

DD sighed, before replying. "Well, yeah, 'cause you always got a attitude for no reason. Like obviously I was joking with the 'What's the magic word?' thing but you was mad rude for nothin'."

"I wasn't being serous, it was just 'cause it was hot outside and I was tired and I just wanted to sit down, I get angry when I'm hot." Sky explained, looking at him.

"You needa work on ya anger management, ma." DD said, chuckling, as he grabbed one of her hands, holding it with both of his hands.

Sky laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Shutup." 

DD also laughed, before returning back to a serious state. "We good now?" 

"Yeah." Sky responded, with a smile. "I'm sorry for snapping at you all the time." 

DD shrugged and replied shadily. "Its cool, and I'm sorry for not talking to you after that, at least you had Tremani to keep you company."

"Bro, what?" Sky said, laughing.

"Y'all was talkin' a whole lot." DD said, dramatically. "Shit was gettin' me tight, I was mad for the rest of the day." 

Sky laughed. "Well, if you was talkin' to me, Tremani wouldn't even have got the chance to start a conversation with me, so it's your fault."

"Imma kill that nigga, worda bro." DD said, shaking his head.

"Too far." Sky replied, with a slight laugh, because she couldn't tell if DD was joking or not.

"I hope you had fun with your new man." DD responded, teasing her.

"Shutup, bro." Sky said, laughing. "You're so jealous for what? Ion even want Tre."

"Oh, so you want me?" DD replied with a smirk.

Sky rolled her eyes, trying to stop herself from smiling. "Shutup, when did I say that?"

DD laughs, standing up. "Come on, lets go back over to the table." 

Cianna Sky responed with a nod, also standing up. The two walk back over to the table their friends were at.

"Where's Ni?" Sky asked, as she approached the table.

Rehanny shrugged. "Ion know, her and Notti left like 10 minutes ago. They didn't say where they was going."



Ni'mari and Notti were sat around a tiny desk in an empty classroom. Notti had pulled up a chair, placing it next to Ni which was the chair he was currently sat on.

"My auntie's going to France next week." Ni said, smiling. "Her friend is getting married and the wedding is in France."

"France, damn." Notti replied, raising his eyebrows.

"I wanna go to Paris so bad and see the Eiffel Tower in person." Ni said, sighing. "Apparently you can have dinner at the Eiffel Tower, there's like a mini restaurant up there."

"You deadass?" Notti asked, to which Ni responded with a nod. "Imma take you there one day, when we grow up and we can travel alone."

"Shutup." Ni said, laughing.

"We could get married in France too." Notti said, smiling, as he created the picture in his mind.

"Why would we get married?" Ni asked him, furrowing her eyebrows. "We're just friends."

"Aight." Notti said, standing up.

Ni laughed, grabbing his arm in order to stop him from leaving. "Bro-" She began to say.

"Nah, nah. It's cool, we just friends." Notti replied, cutting her off.

"Nero, chill. I was playin', I promise." She said, hugging him. 

He laughed, hugging her back, before sitting back down. His phone chimed with an incoming text message. 

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, turning off his ringer and checking the notification, seeing it was a text from DD.

He read it, before sighing and rolling his eyes. "Oh my God, bro." 

"What is it? What happened?" Ni asked, seemingly concerned.

"DD just texted me saying Sky's coming over after school today." Notti said, frowning.

"What's wrong with that? Don't do my best friend." Ni'mari replied, laughing.

"Nah, it ain't even like that, Sky's cool. It's just maddd awkward, bro." Notti explained, still frowning. "Like, they just gon' be touching each other and kissing and shit like bro, don't nobody wanna be around that." 

Ni laughed loudly. "You sound stresseddd." 

"Bro, I am." Notti replied, laughing. "Now Imma have to go to Quan's crib."

"Why you saying it like that, ain't that ya mans?" Ni said, laughing.

"Naw, I'm playin'." Notti replied. "Shit, I forgot, Quan said on Saturday that he was going to Jersey today. Bro, now I gotta go to bitch ass Ddot's crib." 

"Notti, chill bro. You gon' pop a vein." Ni said, chuckling.

"This shit ain't funny, MarMar." Notti said, laughing.

"You could always come to my house." Ni said, shrugging, trying to find a solution to his problem.

"For real?" He asked her, smiling and licking his lips. "You want me to come to ya house?" 

"Chill, don't say it like that." Ni said, laughing. "But yeah, sure."

"Aight, Imma slide." Notti said, smirking, looking in her eyes.

Her stomach fluttered, as a wave of nervousness washed over her, already regretting the words that had just come out of her mouth. "I gotta ask my mom first though." She said, taking her phone out of her bag.

"Aight, cool. Tell me what she says." Notti said, rubbing his hands through his hair. "I needa get my shit braided."

"I could do ya hair." Ni said, looking up from her phone at him and smirking.

Notti laughed. "You can do hair?" 

"Yeah, I do my brother's hair." She replied. "But I like your hair better when it's out though."

"For real? I ain't even know you had a brother." Notti said, raising his eyebrows. "Aight, Imma leave it out then, since you like it better like that." 

"The fuck?" Ni responded, laughing. "Ooo, my mom texted back." 

"What she say?" Notti asked, standing up behind her and looking down at her phone.

"She said 'yeah, but don't do nothing stupid'." Ni said and laughed.

"What she mean 'nothing stupid'?" Notti said, laughing. "She think we gon' fuck or sum'." 

"Ion know." Ni shrugged, laughing.

"Aight, so I'm coming to your crib then, that's cool." Notti said, sitting back down. "I still needa go to Ddot's though, I gotta pick sum' up."

"More weed?" Ni asked.

"Yes and no." Notti replied.

"What do you mean?" Ni replied, confused.

"Ion know if you know Ddot's brother, Dee. Yo, the nigga is mad annoying." Notti said, about to explain what happened. "Tell me why we was all chillin' in my brother, Jstar's crib yesterday, right? And I roll up a blunt, but I needed to piss so I went to the bathroom, leaving my spliff on the side of the couch that I was at." 

Ni laughed, already knowing were the story was going. 

"Aight, so I come back ready smoke my blunt just to see nothing there. So, I look around thinking maybe it fell off the couch, just for me to see Dee with what looked like MY blunt in his mouth." Notti said, continuing with his story. "So I'm like 'bro, what the fuck?' nigga gon' say 'my fault, lil bro, I didn't know it was yours'. I coulda smacked that nigga right there and then, bro no funny shit. Fuck you mean you ain't know it was mine, who the fuck smokes a random blunt anyway? Like, what if I put crack in that shit?" 

"You're mad funny, Nero." Ni replied, laughing.

Notti laughed. "Bro, I was tight. But he said to come pick up a blunt to make up for it so I'm chilling now." 

"Aw, that's cute, at least he making up for it." Ni said, smiling.

"Yeah, he better." Notti said, sternly. "Aight, so we're gonna go to Ddot's house straight from school and then from there we'll go to your crib. That cool witchu'?" 

"Mhm." Ni replied with a nod.

A harsh, piercing sound interrupted their conversation as they realized it was the bell for the end of lunch. They made their way out of the classroom. 

"What class you got now?" Notti asked her, holding her hand.

"English." She replied.

"Aight, come on, I'll walk you." Notti said, making a smile form on her face.


-K ♡

ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏ'ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ! ♡

ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜꜱᴜᴀʟ ʟᴍᴀᴏ

ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ! ᴠᴏᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ! ♡

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