✨Total drama x (fem!) reader✨

By Remibubs32

34.8K 597 266

✨🌸Hey! So this is my first story here!🌸✨ This fan fic contains NO male love interests!! only women in this... More

Audition tape
Not so happy campers pt1
Not so happy campers pt2
The big sleep
Not quite famous
✨The sucky outdoors✨
✨phobia factor✨
🌸Up the creek🌸
✨if you can't take the heat✨
✨who can you trust?✨
🌸Basic straining🌸

🌸Paintball deer hunt🌸

1.2K 35 4
By Remibubs32

A new day on the island and you were instead of being woken up by Courtney, woken up by Chris in a helicopter and the commotion in the boys room next door as Duncan freaked out.

"What's with the line for the toilet?? It's our turn" you asked as you approached the hut "it's heather she apparently needs her privet time" said Courtney from the back of the queue you saw gwen leave the line saying something about lumber jack style and everyone else decided to follow suit, but you didn't need to go that bad but you still didn't want to wait so you pushed Beth out of the way and kicked the door in "make way for me!" You announced and you waltzed in leaving Beth outside. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" You hear Heather complain as you walk in "well I'm going to the toilet and then I'm gonna brush my teeth and-" "NO I meant who gave you the right to come in???" Heather was stood by the mirror in a towel and was wearing a face mask "girl you've gotta learn to share honestly" you said walking into a stall "get. Out." Heather said, you presumed this worked on her siblings and anyone else she knew but you ignored her and did your business and then went to wash your hands and brush your teeth. "See sharing the bathroom isn't that hard is it??" You said looking at heather who was clearly still pissed off at you "well because I was so nice and let you stay in the bathroom you have to do me a favour" she said "I'm listening....but I won't be in any sort of alliance with you" heather rolled her eyes and said that she needed help putting lotion on her back back was peeling and no one else was around "uh sure I'll help I suppose" you said as she handed you the lotion "oh shit that's bad!" You said as she moved her hair out of the way "it's not that bad is it??" She asked "Heather how- how long have you been using this lotion?" You asked looking at the ingredients "well it's Lindsay's not mine so about a week" she replied "heather....." you said in a mildly disappointed tone "what??" She asked turning to look at you "your probably mildly allergic to the lotion" you said putting it down on the counter "what!?" She said picking it up and looking at the ingredients herself she then looked to you and then the door, "promise you won't tell anyone about this" she said while pulling you in by your T-shirt you nodded quickly so that she would let you go and she did you both continue to get ready in mostly silence other than the occasional 'can you pass me said object'.

"I hope your ready for the most challenging challenge YET! Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit!" Was what you had been told and now here you were at the campfire pit sitting with your team "are you ready for todays EXTREME MAX IMPACT CHALLENGE!" Chris said while Owen responded how we all were ready for this you were all then thrown a can of beans. Cold ones. "This is breakfast" he said "I- I have many complaints about this" you said "yeh so do I this is not breakfast! Breakfast is crepes, croissants even chefs yucky burnt eggs" heather said and Owen sang the beans song but before he could finish he was hit with a can of beans "todays challenge is about survival we're going hunting" Chris said holding up a paintball gun "that's more like it!" Duncan said holding a fist up slightly, "isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked "why yes Harold it is" Chris said then he shot him with a paintball "so we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asked "negatory, this is the first paintball deer hunt! I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods sooo finish breaky" as Chris Finished his sentence Owen let out a massive burp and asked for more beans.

You were by the entrance to the woods in front of a board that was holding the paintball guns and there was a box underneath it, "and now for the team breakdowns, the killer bass hunters are; Harold, Geoff and Bridgette locked and loaded with bass blue paint, and using orange paint are the gofer hunters; leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." Chris announced tossing the named people their guns he then gave them hats and goggles to wear "the rest of you are now deer, here are your antlers, noses aaand little white tails" everyone who was a deer started to complain about that and you were told if you take them off your team is toast. Seeing as you were apparently now a deer you put on the tail and antlers and to be honest they weren't all that bad to wear, it's the glasses you had an issue with they were like the safety goggles in a science lab in school and they were irritating but you had to wear them.

You were walking through the forest and Courtney was saying about how at least you all get a head start ect and one by one you all left the group to fend for yourself. You were walking about on your own wondering who on Earth you were gonna bump into on your travels, you fell over a few branches that were on the path but nothing to note worthy other than that, you then saw a pair of antlers from across the path so you decided to approach, but with caution, it was heather sat on a stump in the middle of the path, "heather??" You asked "ugh finally Beth, Lindsay what took you- your not Beth or Lindsay" she responded "well I mean obviously not but you do know that your a very easy target right?" You Said, Heather rolled her eyes and ignored you continuing to file her nails, you weren't gonna put up with being ignored so you did the first thing that came to mind "right then off we go!" You said taking heather by the arm and easily dragging her along and into the woods "hey what do you think your doing I was waiting for Beth and Lindsay!" She said attempting to go back "right no offence to the both of them but heather it's Beth and Lindsay. You have a better shot at winning if you keep moving" you said "why should I trust you? We are on different teams" she said giving up on getting back to the stump "well that's a good question actually... because at the minute we are both in the same position of don't get hit with paint?" You said "look I'm gonna let you go now and you can either stick with me or go back to the stump and wait for two people who possibly won't show up" you then let go of the girls arm and surprisingly she continued to walk with you, you smiled and kept walking "so. What exactly do we do?" She asked, you stoped to think for a moment and then you heard something in the bushes assuming it was a hunter you said "we run!" You grabbed her again by the arm and you both started running away from the bushes hearing a very disappointed Owen complain, you found a good climbing tree and decided that the both of you should hide up there. You were now both sitting in the tree having a little conversation about random things like about what the best thing to go in a crepe was and then you saw the bass hunters walking down the path "heather shh!" You said and heather hadn't noticed the hunters yet "excuse me? You can't just tell me to shh we are talking-" "no heather I mean it be quiet!" You said it looked as if she was going to complain more so you grabbed her by the waist and covered her mouth with your hand pulling her in close to you in the process, it shut her up alright and made her face turn a fluorescent red and the hunters passed below the tree without even looking up. You released Heather from you grasp and she had a massive go at you while having her cheeks still be a very bright red "wtf?! What was that for? First you told me to shut up and then you did that?" This went on for a while.

You both came down from the tree because Heather had finally understood why you had shut her up and she said that the hide out had been compromised ect so you were now both walking through the woods again when Beth and Lindsay came into view and heather left you to go deal with her alliance members so it was now just you again walking through the woods alone, walking, walking, walking.... Okay this is getting extremely dull you thought as everyone else was having some type of drama happening you were just wandering aimlessly around the woods you decided that the game has gotta be over soon and decided to make your way back to camp "attention human wildlife and hunters please report back to camp! It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores!"

You made it back to the rest of the group just as Chris was finishing telling them all off you giggled at the sight of heather and Beth covered in paintball paint and joined the rest of your team who surprisingly had no one who had gotten out at all "hey where are Courtney and Duncan?" Harold pointed out and as if by magic the two appeared.. with their antlers stuck together "Pft" "y/n don't you dare laugh at us this is not funny!" Courtney said "yeh yeh not funny" you said holding back your laughter and then Owen made a statement about Duncan being a sly dog and Duncan made a remark back that caused Courtney to kick him in the nuts and that's when you couldn't hold back you laughter any more and let it all out, Courtney gave you a stare and you walked over to help getting her antlers unstuck while still laughing a little, "well since three members of the gophers are dripping In paint, make the four members and some of them aren't even deer.. I think we have our winner!" Your team all started to celebrate at that.

Campfire time and you saw Cody roll of the side of the dock of shame and into the water having to be saved by chef and pulled back onto the boat.

Again you went off to sleep because of Courtney somehow giving you a sleep schedule. But you were woken up by some shaking you at around 1 in the morning "who what huh??" You said groggily you saw heathers face staring right at you "AY YO WTF?" You screamed "shut up!" She said smacking  you on the face lightly "wtf are you doing heather?" You asked "you aren't allowed to tell anyone about what happened In that tree got it?" She said pointing a finger at you, you nodded and then she left leaving you to fall back asleep again.

New chapter out already?! Hehe :3 I rrly wanted to write this one so I was super motivated and that ment it got written faster:D as you can see loads of  heather in this chapter >:D it's also a rrly short chapter sorry abt that ^^; anyway have a good day or night! See you in the next chapter ~~~~ Remi ✨

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