Transcendence [Book #2]

By ShaniceSam16

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TRANSCENDENCE [Book #2 of the Immortalis series] A few months after Elissa's ascending and battling Jack, s... More

The Immortalis Series: Transcendence
Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 & 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

195 11 0
By ShaniceSam16

Transcendence • Chapter

Before the age of the Prophecy
Before there was the vampires werewolves and witches there was man. The human race was born and had to continue to do what they were born to do. Love. Sacrifice. Prayer. Commitment. Work. And most importantly Imprint.

After the Vampires were born. There was one thing they craved for... Strength. After the werewolves were born there was one thing they yearned for companionship. After the witches came to a rise there was one they needed Sacrifice.

One witch, One Vampire, One Werewolf, told stories from generation to generation about a prophecy that would be born from the dawn of times. "One hybrid from the three foes will lead to victory and will change the balances of nature. And kill those who stop him. This hybrid would not be any ordinary person. It will be stronger. Faster. Young. Unbeatable. The first hybrid of it's race.

The Original Witch who for told the prophecy said "You cannot change fate. But you can end it".

Everyone was in search for the hybrid that would be born. As for they will be defeated. And their one thing to do Is to find it. Then destroy.

- The book of witches

Elissa's Birth

Sabine is watching the window. Looking for intruders. A lot of intruders have been coming since she and Demetrius declared their love and turned their backs on their families. She feels her stomach. Caressing her pregnant belly. She smiles. She has imprinted on her baby inside her. Sabine starts talking to her belly.

"You're not dangerous. Are you?"
Everyone thinks you are. Sometimes I think to myself if there wasn't a law for us all wouldn't me and Demetrius be happily ever after living in peace.
All I know is that the world is a dangerous place and I won't protect you. But your stronger than me even the others. Your going to be born into a world where everyone will hate you because you're different. The Prophecy. Theyre afraid of you. Your the saviour. The one to restore balance."

Sabine felt a kick. The baby was moving inside of her stomach. They were heavy kicks. The movements in her stomach made her happy.

Demetrius is outside with Lucius and Kate talking.

"Can you believe its been 6 months already. My stomach has gotten really big. She should be giving any day now" Demetrius says.

"Thought of any names?" Kate asked.

Lucius was looking at Kate strange. Right now they are in a dangerous situation and she is really going to ask about names? They had to worry about living to the moment to see their newborn baby.

I always wondered why Lucius wanted to help them. He was just another vampire. Why was his mind set on helping us. There had to be more to his story.

Before all of this. I was just a young 23 year old werewolf. Living with my father and my brothers. Being normal werewolves in our pack. Changing during the full moon. And surviving vampire attacks. Sometimes hunters would try to kill us to our extinction.

My father and brothers made a family pact to stick to together for each other no matter what happens. Then I met Demetrius on one of the darkest days of my life. He was the light to my darkness. From there on our pact was broken. I fell in love with the enemy.

Afterwards Demetrius was smiling. He was trying to come up with baby names. He wasn't good with names. But him and I had agreed on one.

"Well... Me and Sabine said if it was a boy Isaac"

"Isaac?" Lucius laughs out. Isaac was one of Jacks siblings. He was the obnoxious one. He had his head so far up Jacks ass. He was a kiss up.

"And..." Kate asks

"And Amara if its a girl"

Lucius starts laughing and going on about

"I think its beautiful. We should stop thinking about danger all of the time and stop to enjoy moments like this" Kate says.

"What we need to worry about is making sure the prophecy is born" Lucius says.

"You mean baby" Demetrius corrects him.

Sabine came out of the cabin waddling and walking at the same time. Demetrius saw her and ran to her. Her hair was being blown by the wind. He was helping her walk.

"How are you doing Sabine?" Lucius asks with suck a serious face.

"Oh Lucius you could never smile for anything and yes I am fine" Sabine replies

She wanted to borrow Demetrius for a minute to talk. They both go inside the cabin. Sabine sits down on the couch by the window.

"Do you think that your 'She' will try to hurt my baby somehow after what you did you to her and her child. I mean your father Jack is not just angry about us and this stupid law thing. But 'she' will find a way to harm our baby."

"I won't let her hurt you or the baby. You have be strong for me. For us. For our son." Sabine smiles in rejoice. She keeps smiling at him. Reminiscing about how they first met. And how deeply they both are. Demetrius' eyes would always glow with this light. It made people lured by it. It reminded me of the stars in the sky. And you know you can't stop looking at it for a second because you know how beautiful it is .

"I think our child will be just like you. He will have your sense of humor and the trait to love someone even if they're not worth loving." Sabine explains to Demetrius. He was just another cold vampire who found another shot at love. With a werewolf.

"He will have the rest of your good heart as well as character. Because it is just like you. We can't see him yet but we know he loves us too.

I have decided that when the baby is born I will give my self up to my father and the others. While you and the baby get away." Demetrius explains. Sabine's eyes get watery and tears up.

"No. No. No. I'm not letting you do that." Sabine says. She couldn't handle the thought of Demetrius handing himself over. He could be killed. That was true love. The power of being able to sacrifice your self for your soulmate. Her cheeks turns pinkish red. Her eyes are red also. She is about to cry.

"Its already done Sabine and I want him to be with someone whos going to love him. You."

"We both love him. And I don't like that you planned this without consulting me. Why don't you get it? If you die I die. I don't want you saying shit like that again." She caresses Demetrius' face. He laughs.

"I'm sorry" he says quietly

While hugging Demetrius. Sabine felt a splatter on the floor. Her eyes are wide open.

Sabine helps herself up. Demetrius tells her he loves her. He leaves a kiss on her cheek. He hold his hand. Not wanting to leave her move. Demetrius' eyes were so grey like the crescent moon. It always had a twinkle when Sabine looked in his eyes. When she looked at them she could see their future together as a family.

"Kiss me" She says. He comes closer to her. Demetrius rubs my lower lip before kissing me. My arms are wrapped around his neck.

Sabine's eyes turn gold as soon as water splatters on the ground. She starts feeling something move. They stop kissing. Then She moves away from Demetrius. He looks at the water on the floor. He is shocked of what he sees.

Lucius and Kate enter. They both see water and blood on the floor.

"Oh my god" Kate says.

Sabine is just looking at Demetrius worried. Her eyes frightened.

"I think it's time" She says


Present Day

Tristan is walking through the forest. He is on the phone talking to me. Asking where I was. He had a bag in his hands. I told him I was in the forest. I hung up. Leaving him wondering. He stands alone in the forest. He starts sniffing the air for my scent. He knows I am nearby.

My eyes are electric blue. I smile. Then I jump off of the branch. Screaming boo. My eyes turn back to normal. I laugh. Tristan is still so serious he can't take a joke.

"You shouldn't have done that. If you were a stranger I would have killed you" Tristan says.

"But I am not I'm your just a friend"

He takes out the bloodbag. I look away. I don't want to drink blood.

" I am NOT drinking that" I told him. I was walking around in circles with my hands on my forehead. The last time I drank blood was so long ago I don't remember. Since I am a hybrid I thought I could drink blood once a month to keep myself from becoming weak. But then once month became never to me.

" You have to drink it Elissa, you've been avoiding it and people are starting to notice"

"I do drink it , Tristan"

"You only drink it viled size, and that was over 3 months ago"

"Because it makes me sick. Haven't you ever been sick of the fact you drank blood?" I asked

"No. Now drink it or I'll shove it down your throat" he says.

He hands me the bag of blood. I take a deep breath. I start drinking it and my eyes turn electric blue. I look at him while drinking it. Afterwards I had this funny taste in my mouth. I started throwing up the blood left in my mouth.

He gets agitated and walks away from me.

I run faster to catch up with him. He doesn't want to talk about anything these days except for blood. I don't know anything about him except he is my...well he was my trainor and his ex. Other than that he is a closed book.

The silence is irritating me. Has it come to the point were I have to be the one to do the most talking.

"When's your birthday? How old are you? What is your family like ?" I asked. I was so eager to get answers from him. And if he hasn't responded I would've kept asking him till he broke.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" he asks. There is a crease in this for head when he asks that question. It lines up like he's angry with me.

"I don't know. You know everything about me." I sounded like a pestering idiot. I felt like a fool in this very moment.

There is one thing I learned being V.A. Vampires stop growing old at the age of 25. Well vampire born ones. The bitten vampires stop aging immediately after they've transitioned into one. Looks like Zoe is going to be 18 for a very long time. I still have a couple more years until I stop aging.

"Twenty-" Tristan stops talking after he hears the trees shake. It could have been the wind blowing. But his intuitive mind stopped him from telling me how old he was or something about him.

The trees shake even more. Tristan tells me to stay quiet. As the trees stopped shaking 5 people jumped from the trees.

All five of them were in a circle blocking us from running away.

"Did we just"

"Stumble across a werewolf pack area. Yes we did" Tristan says quietly. I han hear his heart beating really fast. Adrenaline is rushing through his blood. I can sense it. I know what move he is going to make.

Tristan grabs my arm and we start running through the ungreat would with werewolves chasing us. I can feel them jumping and running on the trees as a faster way to catch us.

One werewolf managed to jump in front of us. His eyes are yellow and it looked like he wanted to transform.

Tristan jumps over him. I push the weirdly smelling werewolf out the way and his other team of of werewolves are still chasing us.

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