Chapter 14

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Transcendence Chapter 14

Day 1

The others probably know I've gone off with Alex. And they should've gotten my message when I told the to meet me at the academy.

"Where will we know where to go?" Alex asked

"Im thinking" I told him

I told Alex to continue driving. If Lucius left me on a doorstep in New York when I was just born it probably some where vacant and close.

Tristan, and Lucius kept calling me on my phone. Thirteen missed calls so far and I've only been in the car for 35 minutes.

"Those calls are probably important" he says

"They should be going to the academy like I asked them to and to stop worrying about me"

The voice in my head tells me "Its Isolated away from civilization in the north by the mountains. A place where the werewolves roam and where vampires hunt but protected by magic from them." I start repeating the words over and over in my head.

"Alex can you grab my bag in the backseat and look for a book with the foreign name on it" I asked Alex to do for me.

As he grabs the book I stop driving the car and parked it on the side. The book mentions an old chapel  Aleksander made to protect them from his enemies. Only blood can go in.The chapel no one has ever seen or been in since I was born. We are on the border between Pennsylvania and New York somewhere protected on the countryside.

"Alex do you like hiking?" I ask

"Im a werewolf" He says and snickers at the same time

"Good because were running in those woods"

Me and Alex both ran in the woods racing to find that old chapel heading north isolated away from civilization in the mountains.

After we reached near the mountains with just bare trees and pure rock. We couldnt find a trace of the chapel anywhere.


"Yea" he responded

"Where would you find an chapel in the middle of the woods?" I asked

"I dont know" he responded

"Noted. I bring a werewolf with me that doesn't know who to scavenger" I laugh

"Were probably in the wrong direction" He says

"No this is the exact spot, I don't understand. 'she...' " I paused "The book... said that it was here" I explained

(The voice) - "Move forward.Pick up a rock bleed on the grounds then you'll see"

"By blood huh" I mumble to myself

I moved forward an picked up a rock to my left expecting the voice in my head that follows me around when I need it most to be right.

"I hope your right" I whisper

"What are you doing ?" Alex asks

"Shh" I tell him

I slit the rock in my palms and started bleeding on the ground. After slitting my palm it healed.

I waited for almost 10 seconds expectation some kind of magical movement or something to tell me the voice is right.

"I'm guessing its not here" Alex said

We turned our backs around for almost a second then the chapel started revealing itself . Rocks started shifting and moving . Showing its true colors.

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