skywriter404 tarafından

3.3M 108K 42.4K

Arabella does not wish to marry, but her father has other ideas. Without even given a choice, on her eighteen... Daha Fazla

1. Arabella
2. Arabella
3. Arabella
4. Arabella
5. Roman
6. Arabella
7. Luca
8. Arabella
9. Asher
10. Roman
11. Arabella
12. Arabella🔥
13. Roman
14. Arabella
15. Asher🔥
16. Roman
17. Arabella🔥
18. Roman
19. Luca
20. Arabella
21. Arabella
22. Roman🔥
23. Arabella
24. Arabella🔥
25. Roman
26. Asher
27. Arabella
28. Roman
29. Arabella🔥
30. Luca
31. Roman
32. Arabella
33. Arabella
34. Asher
35. Arabella
36. Arabella🔥
37. Arabella
38. Roman
39. Arabella
40. Luca
41. Arabella
42. Roman
43. Arabella
44. Asher
45. Arabella
46. Arabella
47. Luca
48. Arabella
49. Roman
50. Arabella🔥
51. Asher
52. Arabella
53. Luca
54. Arabella
55. Asher
56. Roman🔥
57. Arabella
58. Roman
59. Arabella
60. Arabella🔥
61. Asher
62. Arabella
63. Luca🔥
64. Roman
65. Arabella
66. Luca
67. Arabella
68. Roman
69. Arabella
70. Roman
71. Arabella
72. Asher 🔥
73. Arabella
74. Arabella
75. Luca
76. Arabella
77. Arabella
78. Asher
79. Arabella
80. Roman
81. Luca
82. Arabella🔥
83. Roman
84. Arabella
85. Roman
86. Roman
87. Arabella
88. Arabella
89. Luca 🔥
90. Arabella 🔥
91. Roman 🔥
92. Arabella
93. Asher
94. Roman
95. Roman
96. Arabella
97. Arabella
98. Roman
99. Asher
100. Arabella🔥
101. Roman
102. Arabella
103. Luca
104. Arabella🔥
105. Roman
106. Arabella
107. Arabella 🔥
108. Arabella
109. Arabella
110. Roman
111. Roman
112. Arabella
114: bonus chapter
Books (+the sequel)

113: bonus chapter

21.9K 678 284
skywriter404 tarafından

"Here you go." I hand Roman a hotdog.

"Thanks, love." He takes it off me, shifting in his seat. Roman broke his leg and is completely lost without it.

How did he break it? Our sixteen year old is extremely fast and apparently has a death wish. Romeo was trying to chase after someone in the forrest across from our lake, so Roman had to chase after Romeo.

Romeo tackles the guy into the lake at the same time Roman tackled Romeo, only Roman tripped at the end and broke his shin.

Then Romeo drowned a guy in my lake.

That isn't even the first time. My son was a made man by the age of seven. Who did he kill? His brothers bully.

Now he's old enough to make his own decisions, i make sure he as the right training. But he's too clever, he's too fast, he's too much like Roman. Roman hates it, Roman was supposed to be the only Roman; in some ways i think Romeo is more clever than Roman. The manipulation, murder, brain tricks; everything.

"Mom, can i have another one?" Emilio asks.

I give him my one, Luca's cooking more on the barebecue.

Romeo and Matteo walk out, Ilaria following behind them. They took her shopping and i can tell she's done exactly what she told me she was going to do. Annoy them as much as possible. They look very annoyed.

"Did you guys have fun?" I ask.

"If by fun you meant getting dragged into every single store to walk the aisle up and down only to buy one thing that was at the front of the store then yeah, so much fun." Matteo sits down.

Ah, Ilaria takes after me.

"I got everyone gifts though." She holds a bag up. She goes around, handing everyone a gift. When she gets to me, she hands me two, then sits beside me.

"You got two, that's no fair." Asher tries to lift one of mine up but she slaps his hand away, saying something to him in Chinese.

I open one of the boxes, it was a cookie. I open the other one and it was a necklace of her name.

"I love this." I take it out of the box, handing it to her.

She tucks my hair over my shoulder, putting the necklace around my neck.

I put the rings back on my finger now that the kids are older. On my neck, i wear three, now four, necklaces.

One is what Alessio made me at school, it's a simple threaded one but it has two beads. One with A one with E. For him and his brother. The other, Matteo gifted me for my birthday this year, it's an M. Then the other, Romeo stole for me. He won't tell me who he stole it from but the beads spell out his name in morsecode. Ilaria was the only one missing but i have a ring with her name engraved on the inside, guess i have this now too.

"Thanks, darling." I kiss her cheek, everyone else just got a cookie.

Romeo pulls out his own food, he has a thing about barbecues and says the ash can cause respiratory problems in the future.

Luca hands us out more food and then joins us, sitting with the twins.

"Mom, can i go out tonight?" Romeo asks.

"Where?" I bite a burger.

"No you can't, you're still grounded." Roman says from behind me.

"I didn't even do anything." Romeo sighs.

"You chased a random tourist through our forrest and drowned him, resulting in me breaking my leg-"

"I didn't ask you to follow after me, that was on you-"

"Romeo, don't talk like that to you dad." I raise my voice, "I want you home by 11."

He tuts, "That's not fair."

"Yes it is." Matteo inputs, "Can i go out tonight?"

"You're grounded too." Asher says to him, "How many times did i tell you to hang the washing out earlier?"

He rolls his eyes.

Ilaria laughs, "I'm not grounded."

Alessio and Emilio laugh too, but set their face straight once Romeo gives them his scary look.

"Home by 11 if you're going anywhere, both of you. And i want to know where you're going."

"Don't matter." Romeo takes a bite from his sub, "When will i be ungrounded?"

"When my leg heals." Roman smiles sarcastically.

"When am i ungrounded?" Matteo asks.

"When you start doing stuff around the house." Asher points at him.

We still have Katrina but she's getting old now and i'd rather her be resting. I want them to all learn how to do their own things. They do majority of the time but they get lazy.

"You have a grey hair." Emilio says to Luca.

"You're going to be grounded if you ever say that to me again." Luca pushes his son gently.

Romeo gets up, walking away. He's going to sneak out tonight.

I stand up, "All of you help your dads clean up." I walk into the house after Romeo. He claimed the basement as his own so i walk down there, seeing him sitting on the beanbag, biting the strings from his sweatshirt.

"Where are you going?" I sit on the stairs.

"I can't tell you." He mumbles, scrolling my through his phone.

"Did you do something bad?"

He looks up, "Did anyone follow you in?"

I shake my head, "They're tidying up."

He clears his throat, "Ilaria sent nudes to the boy she liked but he screenshotted them, he didn't realise me and her were siblings and sent them to the entire school. I just want to scare him a bit before we go back to school. She doesn't know."

Oh my god.

I always told her if she was going to send nudes to never put her face in the picture incase something like this happened.

I'm not mad at her for doing so either, she's a teenager, this is how she's going to learn.

"Who's the boy?"

"Some kid called Peter. He's a complete fuck head and did it to other girls too." He shakes his head, his jaw clenching. "He's hosting a bonfire on the beach tonight and all his ugly ass friends are going to be there too. Matteo will come with me."

I know if Ilaria goes to school after spring break and this isn't sorted, she will come home crying and never want to go back.

"How many people did he send it to?"

"Most of the boys in the year apart from Matty and some other group of kids. Please, mom. I don't want her to feel bad for this."

I know i should discuss this with Roman.

"I need to ask your dad."

"Mom he's gonna say no, you know he will. Shes going to get bullied if i don't do this." He stands up, already taller than me. "I think he pressured her into sending too."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because he's pushy."

"Let me think about it." I stand up.

"You're going to ask dad."

"Stay down here." I warn him, he nods his head, getting back to whatever he was doing.

He didn't grow out of the eidetic memory, he remembers everything, and while it's cool sometimes, it's a pain in my ass during arguments, he remembers things i said to him as a kid... He still stays in school for this reason exactly, in case anything happens to his siblings, he's already graduated this year.

I see Roman hopping in on his crutches while everyone was still tidying up.

Once he's inside, i help him walk to the living room. "I need to tell you something." I close the living door, walking to him.

He pulls me onto his lap, kissing my neck.

"Ilaria sent nudes to a boy and the boys sending them around the school, that's why Romeo and Matteo want to go out tonight. They're going to scare the boy."

He stiffens, "She did what?"

"She did what everyone at her age is doing and you're not going to bring it up to her, i'm going to do that. I'm letting them both go out tonight but i'm just telling you beforehand."

"Call them both in here."


"Because i'm going in going to teach them how to properly scare someone."

"I'll talk to Ilaria." I leave the room, opening the basement door. "Your dads in the living room waiting for you." I shout down to Romeo, he shouts an 'okay' back.

I walk outside, grabbing Matteo, "Papa wants you in the living room."

He runs off to get out of tidying.

"Ilaria, come here." I hold my hand out.

She grabs my hand and i take her to the dock instead, "Romeo told me something." I sit down, she sits beside me.


"Before i talk, i want you to know i'm not angry." I keep her hand in mine, "I did the same when i was your age, but i had the sense to hide my face, okay?"

She looks down, "How... uh... how does Romeo know?"

"Don't matter about that." I tilt her chin up, "Look, i'm not mad and if you don't want me to, i won't tell your dad."

"Please don't. Does anyone know?"

"Romeo and Matteo both, the boy did a stupid thing so they're going to sort him out. I had to tell Roman too but he won't even bring it up to you, i promise."

Her chest raises, "I'm so stupid."

"No you're not." I hug her, "Don't beat yourself up, if Romeo doesn't get it sorted then i sure as hell will." I rub her shoulder, "Just please cover your face next time."

"I didn't even want to send them but he kept asking me and asking me and said he was going to tell Matty that i fucked him if i didn't." She cries. "I didn't even go near him. We went to the beach but we kissed, that's all."

"Ilaria, no one is mad at you baby." I play with her hair. "He's wrong for that and your brothers are going to teach him a lesson, okay. I'm not mad, i just wanted to let you know."

She takes a breath, "Can i ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you think boys only like me for my body?" She pouts.

"You never tell me about your boys." I smile a little, "But if they do, they're not worth your time or effort."

She shakes her head, "How did you find three men? I can't even find one that doesn't want to only use me."

"Yours are boys, mine are men. There's a huge difference." I keep playing with her hair, "And you're still only 16, you don't need to find anyone yet."

"You find Roman at 17."

"No, no." I laugh, "Roman was arranged for me at 17, i didn't marry him until i was 19."

"Are arranged marriages bad?" She asks.

"They can be." I raise an eyebrow, "You want an arranged marriage?"

"I don't want people to keep seeing me as no more than a pretty girl who's easy to fuck." She wipes her cheeks again.

"I hate to break it to you but mafia men aren't the best either." I wipe her cheeks for her, "Wait a while, and trust me, there's nice men out there."

"Did you ever have a boyfriend before you met Roman?"

"No, my papa didn't allow it. My husband had to be my first everything."

"Was he?"

"No. I kissed like a hundred people before i married him." I laugh, "Don't tell him that though."

She smiles, "It's stressful being sixteen."

"I know." I stand up.

"Wait, can i ask you something else?"

"Go ahead."

"What's Romeo going to do?"

"Oh it's Romeo, he's unpredictable." I sling my arm over her shoulder, walking into the house.

"What should i do if a guy keeps insisting?" She asks quietly.

"No means no, Ilaria. Block him, remove him, tell me and i'll have a lot to say to him. And you don't have to explain yourself either. No is a full sentance." I rub her shoulder, "Go wash your hands."

"Thanks." She kisses my cheek, running up the stairs.

I walk into the living room to see my husband holding a knife to my sons throat as he explains something.


"Roman?" I sit in my armchair.

He lets Matteo go, "I'm teaching them stuff."

"By holding a knife to their throat?"

"It's not like i'm going to hurt them." He sits back, "Did you speak to her?"

"Yes and you will not open your mouth about it, understood?"

"Yeah, dad." Matteo says, earning a slap across the back of the head from Romeo.

"I called Alek and he's going over the pictures with the tech, they're trying to delete them."

"They'll always be online." Romeo says, "But i can scare enough of them to make sure they won't be surfaced again."

"I love my kids." Roman picks the remote up.

"Okay, call me if anything happens." I say to them, "And if you get in trouble by the police, call me too."

They head out, Roman calls me over, pulling me onto his lap again. He kisses my neck, "We need to send them away for a while." He kisses behind my ear.

"School starts on Monday." I press down on his crotch, "House to ourself. Asher will be in China and Luca will be at his hotel."

"Dont tease me, love." He loves my hand away, licking my neck slightly. I turn my head to face him, putting out lips together instead.

"Ew." I head Alessio.

I sigh, pulling away from Roman. "Yes, child?"

"Cna you help me read?" He asks.

Emilio pops in behind him, he didn't grow out of the heterochromia either, one of his eyes is a dark brown whereas the other is a beautiful blue colour.

Alessio and Emilio are both dyslexic, i actually didn't know but Luca is too. They say they like it when i help them read because i can do it better than their dads, i'm more patient.

"Yeah." I get off Roman, "We'll continue this later." I whisper, taking the twins in to what used to be the old play room but is now a room for only the children. Has Xboxes or whatever they're called, playstations, a projector and screen, a pool table. It's just like a common room.

I grab the Percy Jackson book we're focusing on at the moment, sitting on the couch with one of them either side of me.

Emilio starts reading first, he reads slowly using his finger to point to the words and guide his eyes. After he finishes the first chapter, Alessio reads the second paragraph, he wears reading glasses which are cute.

I had to teach Romeo how to not be so rude when it comes to the twins, Romeo can look at a book and memorise it within minutes, it's taking the twins longer to memorise words. Romeo didn't understand if at first but now he does, he tries to help as much as possible but his patience is low.

Emilio ducks under my arm, i read the third paragraph. They're 11, twelve soon, but they're still really touchy like babies. I have really affectionate kids, i love it, it's just a sign that they're comfortable with me and that they trust me enough so.

I was never like that with my dad, i made sure all the guys let the children know that physical touch is a big part in our family. Sometimes, even Romeo will come and cuddle with me on my bed, especially when he gets stressed. Ilaria does it the most, she's always been very touchy. Matteo is more like Asher, he will grab my hands and legs randomly when he wants attention. The twins are the best, though. They're always cuddling up to me, they have a pull out bed in their room and sometimes they'll ask if i can sleep there.

We're just a loving, healthy family. And i'm so glad i could give my kids something i was never given.

"What's wrong?" I run my fingers through Emilios hair.

"Don't want to get made fun of again." He says quietly, "I hate English."

"You know, no matter how bad you might be in English, you're still the smartest people in the room." I sling my arm over Alessios shoulder too.


"Because you can both speak three languages, i doubt anybody else in your grade will." I smile, "You might not be the best at English but you're better then everyone at Italian and Chinese."

"Never seen it like that." Emilio says, "You always know what to say, mom."

It's all i wanted to be told.

"I'm glad i do. I'm getting you extra help this year too so don't worry."

We spend the afternoon reading, going over some spelling. I help them with their Italian, Asher comes in to help them with their Chinese, the triplets are already fluent, then Luca comes in and practice audible training.

I check in Ilaria. I knock on her door, "Yeah?"

"Can i come in?"

She opens the door, a tight dress on, "That's mine?"

"You never wear it." She walks back, "Do i look pretty? There's a bonfire tonight and-"

"I'm sorry but you're not going." I can't, not while her brothers are threatening everyone.

"Mom." She sighs, "Romeo and Matteo will be there."

"It's not happening, Ilaria." I say, she listens. "Sorry but you don't want to mix yourself with that crowd anyways."

One thing i noticed about raising my kids compared to how i was bought up is that they're all so open with me because i give them a reason to be. They listen when i say no because it benefits them. Gentle parenting works and i'm glad it does.

She sits on her bed, "Can we do something?"

"We can take the TV off the men and change from soccer to whatever you want?"

"Can you order sushi?"

"Yes. Take my dress off." I walk out of her room, walking down the stairs and into the living room.

"Twins are asleep, Ilaria and I are going to watch-"

"Princess can you not take the kids room?"

"No, you take the kids room." I grab the remote off Luca quickly, walking to my armchair, "Has anybody heard from the boys?"

"Matteo called saying Romeo hasn't killed anyone yet so that's good in my eyes." Roman stands up, "I'm going sleep, love you, don't stay up too late." He kisses me, then waddles off.

I kick Asher and Luca out and Ilaria walks down with her PJ's on. She practically jumps on me, "Get the sushi?"

"Yup." I hug her, "I love that you're my only girl, want to come to the salon with me tomorrow? We can get our nails done, hair, facial?"

"Of course i do." She leans back, putting on barbie.

We watch barbie, eat sushi and just past midnight, the boys return.

One thing about Romeo that isnt like Roman is blood. While Roman loves blood, Romeo hates it. He hates it when it gets on his clothes, he hates it when he sees it on his siblings. He freaks out about it.

He walks in, blood over his shirt.

I gently move a half asleep Ilaria off me, "What's up? What happened."

He pulls his shirt off, cuts on his torso.

"Papa." Matteo shouts.

Romeo's chest starts raising as he slides down the wall, trying to wipe the blood off with his own hands.

"Hey, hey." I pull his hands away gently, "Deep breaths, Romeo."

Ilaria runs out, Matteo drops beside him too. "What happened?" I ask Matteo.

"He got cornered by five seniors."

Ilaria runs back in with a bowl of water and a sponge.

I gently start wiping down Romeos torso, Asher walking in, "Get him a clean shirt." He takes the sponge off me.

I know how to calm Romeo down.

I move behind him, holding his head back and keeping one hand in mine and the other, i use to play with his hair. I hum Billy Joel's 'Vienna' in his ear and he grips onto my hand, trying to slow his breathing as he huns the song back.

"That's it." I kiss his head.

"I tried to stop them but he told me to leave him." Matteo takes worried breathes, "Is he okay?"

"He's fine, i promise, can you get his bed ready, Matty?"

He runs out of the room, i could hear his footsteps.

Romeo calms himself down, Ilaria and Asher help clean his wounds and i bandage them so he can't see the blood.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"Dont be sorry." I keep stroking his hair, "Are you okay?"

"I killed... i killed all five of them." He looks at me, waiting for my reactions like he always does. He always checks to see my reactions first.

I nod my head, "Romeo, it's okay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I kiss his head, "I'm not mad, i promise."

He rests his head on my shoulder.

"Should i wake up the big guy?" Asher asks.

"Let Roman rest, we'll tell him in the morning. Can you get some water?" I ask him.

He walks out of the room.

"Did you get everything sorted?" I ask Romeo.

"Pictures are deleted, nobody has them anymore and i... i got rid of whoever was refusing to delete them."

"Where did you put the bodies, Romeo?"

He looks at me, "Behind the stones at the beach. Matteo helped me cover them. There's seven in total, five seniors, two juniors. I know all of their names. I dumped them down there, rolled the rocks on top of them."

"What did you do to the rocks after?"

"I scrubbed them down with seaweed, gathered buckets form the ocean and covered them in water. They're close enough that when the ride rises, they'll be covered in that too."

"Good." I help him stand up.

Asher helps me take him to his bedroom, Matteo was in here.

I lay him in the bed, taking off his shoes.

"Can you get Luca?" He asks.

Asher walks out of the room to get Luca.

"Thanks." Ilaria smiles at him.

He smiles weakly back, looking into my eyes, "Mom i'm sorry if i made you mad."

"Don't be sorry, Romeo." I kiss his forehead again, "It's okay. I'll get someone to check but i think you did everything right. How did you kill them?"

"I drowned them." He tightens his grip on my hand.

He does have an obsession with drowning people, even when he was little he had a thing with drowning mice.

I'll need to figure out what that is.

Luca walks in, "You okay, kid?"

"Can you sing?" He asks.

I smile, letting go of his hand. "Get some rest."

"Love you, mom."

"Love you too, kid." I mess up his hair, taking Matteo and Ilaira out of his room and into Matteo's. "You okay?"

"Oh, i'm fine. He's like... he hardly let me do anything." He sits down, "Mom he's crazy."

"Don't say that about him, Matty." I sit on his desk chair.

"No. Mom, you didn't see him. Hell, i was scared and he was protecting me."

"What did he do?"

"He's just... scary. He burned Peter until he apologised for it."

Ilaria lays with her brother, "Thank you."

"Mom i'm worried about him." Matteo looks at me again, "I know... i know he's a sociopath and whatnot but i think his feelings are too strong for him. He gets random outbursts of energy."

"I'm trying to get him help, Matty. The safe way."

He nods his head, chewing on his lip. "It's kinda cool."

Asher's kid.

I stand up, "Both of you bed time." I kiss them both of the top of the head, walking out of the room.

Luca was still softly singing with Romeo, the twins woke up so Asher was blabbering to them random shit so i walk into my room.

Roman was asleep.

I get into bed beside him, waking him up in the process.

"The boys home?" He asks.

"Yeah." I cuddle up to him, "You should start taking Romeo out with you."

"You don't want me to have an heir." He says, voice croaky.

I close my eyes, "He's too much like you to not follow in your footsteps. Start training him properly."

He kisses the top of my head, "We'll talk tomorrow."

I kiss his shirtless chest, touching his scar where Romeo has his.

i'll try upload the other two tomorrow but cute anyways i think im going to make Romeo fall for someone who either 1) is crazy like him, 2) likes music.

word count: 4160

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