Why Him? || Steddie

Від creative-circles

81.5K 1.8K 2.9K

As Eddie goes into his second round of Senior Year, he finds himself caught into a situation he would have ne... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 14
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The RV
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 3

1.9K 53 140
Від creative-circles

(TW: Parents suck sometimes)

-Eddie's Perspective-

     As much as I hated the thought of even liking him after everything that happened, I couldn't help but want to learn more about the feelings that I was experiencing. Talking wouldn't do it for me like simple quality time would. Now it was just a matter of Steve agreeing to said quality time that was the issue.

    The only few interactions that we've had are when he almost hit his car, when he laughed his ass off at the thought of me thinking that he liked Robin, and the night of D&D. This entire week has been somewhat awkward for the two of us due to the teacher not giving us any time to talk during class, but I figured that I might just have to go for it.

   I slowly ripped a corner off of the notes that I was currently taking like a good student to write a note to pass over to Steve. It wasn't anything to necessarily write home about. It was just a simple question. "Have you ever skated before?"

   Steve's outer corners of his mouth rose to show a soft smirk before writing back in the tiniest writing that I've ever seen. Barely even legible. Once I made out the words it read "I don't pass notes, too risky. Just talk with me during lunch"

   As I looked back up, our eyes met before he nodded to look back at the current things being written on the chalkboard.

  He...really wanted to have lunch with the freak? How am I supposed to even word things right around him if we're alone? Also, if we were alone, does that mean that we'd be going to the picnic table in the woods by the school? Does he even know about it?

   I sighed and ripped another corner off of my already tore up notes before writing him a note that I tried to make as legible as possible. "Picnic table woods?"

  Steve discreetly nodded before pocketing the note all together. My eyes widened but I tried my best to play it off as though nothing happened like Steve was wanting. I tried to look around the class room as if I was innocent when I met eyes with Robin who happened to be staring at our general direction the entire time.

    No wonder Steve is a rule follower...He's always being watched by Robin.

   I sighed and went back to taking notes like a good student, Vickie's hand occasionally blocking the board for me whenever she had a question. It wouldn't have been frustrating...but Vickie asked a lot of questions about the division process in chemistry. As much as it was helpful, I couldn't see what the teacher was putting down.

    Before I knew it, the bell rang for the next class, as I turned to look over to talk with Steve to make sure he knew where he was going for lunch, he was long gone. I couldn't exactly blame him. The periods between classes were only five minutes, so if it was a long trip, then you had to book it to be on time.

   The next two class periods went by relatively fast.

     English being one of the easier subjects for me, somehow the school allowing me to make up some credits with a creative writing class, which seriously helped with campaigns. Whenever I was stuck, I'd word it like a story, and everyone was always one step ahead with another idea.

   Math even went by fast as well, for not as fun of a reason. We had a test. As much as I wished that I could've remembered how to do multiplication with fractions, I still couldn't master it. The teacher offered me after school classes, but I denied. It's only around a week into the school year. I could probably get it on my own without a tutor...at some point.

   As lunch time rolled around, I felt my heart start to flutter as I made my way into the woods from the back of the school. While some people would find it sketchy, I kind of always found comfort that no one wanted to go here besides me, and the occasional person who wanted to hide from the adult eyes.

    It was one of the only places that Hopper or Wayne never learned about, and I kept it that way on purpose. So that I would have a place to take people, and so that I could also have alone time as well if I needed it.

   I gently placed the lunch trays that I had gotten from the cafeteria for me and Steve onto the cold surface and positioned myself towards the opening of the trees where I assumed that Steve would come in from.

    Today's lunch wasn't exactly my favorite that they served. Just a simple pulled chicken and mashed potatoes, but I wanted to be nice, and share a meal with him. Mediocre or not. They didn't even serve gravy with it. I figured that any meal could be good with good company.

    As time passed, I started to realize that the spot was a little far away, so I told myself that I wouldn't make fun of him too much if he was late. It's only natural the first time that you come out here.

    But then more time passed. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. The longer he takes...the less time we have to talk.

   Then the bell rang...But I didn't want to give up hope. There was a possibility that Steve wanted to talk for longer and ditch class for his last period and just talk at the bench until it went dark. I didn't take him for the type to do so, but I also didn't take him as the type to stand someone up out in the cold.

    I waited for what felt like hours at that bench. Maybe I was too hopeful, but I stayed until it was dark.

   Once it was nightime, I knew...Steve was type to stand people up.

   I felt my breath start to hitch before I placed my head onto the table and let the tears start to pour.

   Even though he did this to me...I still wanted to see him again.

-Steve's perspective-

      I would never admit this at the time, but I was honestly really excited about lunch. The night before, I had made myself a decent meal, and being too lazy to separate it into a smaller container for lunch, put it into one large Tupperware. While it wasn't fancy, it was nicer than whatever the school could prepare. I originally had planned on sharing it with Robin, but due to the invite, I had the right things to share with Eddie at the hidden bench.

   The feelings I had about him...Have still been such a rollercoaster. So confusing at every turn. He wouldn't leave my mind, no matter how hard I tried. Eddie invaded every part of my life since that day. And I completely meant every part. Even when I would close my eyes for the night, all I could think about was him and that song. The song that made me question everything.

   The day went by like any other. Slow other than the classes that were more laid back. Although it was still pretty early on, there were already teachers showing movies or videos for the entirety of class for "learning purposes." These classes, you could go over everything in your head without being caught.

    I ran over every conversation that he could possibly bring up and a decent response to any question he might have wanted to throw my way. My only concern at that time was it sounding forced...at least until I saw the lady from the front office from the glass of the door.

    The teacher's attention got brought to it with the soft noise of a knock. She quietly brought herself over to the door before whispering some things and turning her head to make eye contact with me and pointing towards the door.

   I used to have to worry about this kind of thing in the past...but now? What are they going to try and blame me with now? Something that Tommy did?

    I sighed before grabbing my backpack and making my way down the hall with the last person I had wished. Her high heels clicking with every step on the tile. I knew that high heels were noisy... but this was a bit much. My head racing with possibilities that could have made me get called down there. I used to have to worry about this kind of thing in the past...but now? What are they going to try and blame me with now? Something that Tommy did? I hadn't talked with him in ages.

    "So...Ms. Kelly...any interesting gossip?" I tried to cut the silence off with a bit of small talk. Ms. Kelly had seen my face more frequently due to people doing me the injustice of saying that Billy Hargrove was my friend. No matter how often I had tried to explain to her that we weren't and it was a prank, she would want to talk about it until I reached my car.

    She let out a laugh before shaking her head, causing some of her hair to bounce. "You know I can't tell you that...counselor confidentiality...you wouldn't want me to tell anyone about our sessions now, would you?"

     I would hardly call them sessions. They were mostly a bunch of questions thrown at me as I tried to speed walk towards my car. About how I was doing with my new job, how I felt about Scoops shutting down, how I felt about Billy and Hopper. It was never anything that I really needed.

    "Well, since the gossip is about me, I give you permission to spill the beans. You know why I'm being sent down to the office?"

    "You're being checked out." She sighed before grabbing onto the door and gesturing for me to go inside.

     Who would even check me out of school? Was this Eddie in a trench coat or something pretending to be my father? I mean it would be possible. My father's never been in here. They have no idea what the man even-

    My thoughts were quickly cut short by making eye contact with my actual father. Honest to god, I had no clue what he was doing here. It wasn't like it was a usual occurrence to check out early and have a father son outing.

    "Come along now, Steve" He sighed before closing up his coat for the colder weather that had been sneaking up on us.

    "Can this wait? I had plans with someone." I let out a sigh before trying my best to catch up to him.

   "Mine are more important." he quickly waved me off as he walked through the front doors of the school. "Your mother is at home getting ready, and once we get there I'd appreciate you do the same. You've let your hair become a mess. I expect to see a gentlemen by the time you come out of your room."

   "Dad...I promised I would be there. I didn't even tell anyone where I was going. Can't this wai-"

    His head quickly snapped towards me, eyes filled immediately with rage. "Are you talking back to me, boy?"

   "N-No! It's just-" I stuttered out, trying my best to catch up with him.

   "Just nothing, Steve. Get in the car before I show you how lucky you've had it. If I had said that when I was your age, my father would have laid it on me. You should be glad that I care enough not to do that." He sighed before getting into the driver's seat. "Honestly, your generation is so ungrateful. Where did I go wrong?"

      The drive was silent. He didn't feel the need for music. He always went on about how it distracted him from driving. You could hear every car that passed and every rock that flew up. It was enough to be maddening.

   "Steve." My father broke the silence, slightly turning his head to face me but still have his eyes on the road, his finger lightly tapping on the wheel to a non existent beat.

    "Yeah?" I nervously responded, starting to pull on the skin around my nails. It was easy to fall back into those old habits with him around.

    "I hear you have a female friend that you've been driving around with...even work with. When are you going to take her home to meet us? That way we could tell you if you should pursue her or not. You know I-"

    "She won't come over for dinner." I responded quickly, cutting him off in the process. Doing so made me want to throw up all over the passenger seat. It felt like I was defying him even though I was answering a simple question. "She always works the night shift. I do too, so I guess I'll have to call to have someone cover me" That and she was a lesbian that my family probably would be able to spot right away and judge her. Robin doesn't deserve a conversion attempt.

   "Now that's a downright shame." he sighed before coming to a stop. "Well I'm sure we'll meet her sometime. Rumor says you're close so it's just a matter of time. Go clean yourself up, alright?" He sighed once more before getting out of the driver's seat and making his way to the front door leaving me alone with my thoughts.

     Would it be too far to run back during the time that I was supposed to get ready? Would I be able to pull myself together in a matter of minutes? Would my dad just walk into my room without knocking and see that I wasn't in there? "Steve. Come along now. We have a very important dinner."

   Dinner...that's what I was losing someone's trust over. A dinner. That had nothing to do with me whatsoever. A dinner that most likely I would be used as arm candy throughout the night. The perfect boy with the perfect family.

   I turned my face to meet his gaze with a forced smile before making my way to the front door as well. "Okay. Can I gel it back? We don't have time for a haircut I don't think."

   "You're lucky we don't have any clippers at home, otherwise I'd give you a buzz myself." He opened the door and pointed towards upstairs. "Gel it back. I don't want a single stray hair, you hear me?"

    "Understood." I quickly made my way up the stairs without another word to him.

-An Hour Later-

   As we sat at the table for the others to arrive, I tried my best to stay still. Although we were in a public place, it always felt like I was walking on eggshells talking or moving the wrong way. I wouldn't necessarily say that I had the worst parents... but I wouldn't put them on the top of anything.

    Dad was a short fuse. If I said anything outside of the simple expected answer, it would always be hell for me. It would end up with a lecture about how I should respect my elders in my family no matter what, or worse. He never hit us, but there were always close calls.

    My mother was a saint. I couldn't have possibly been with him for as long as she was without snapping. I knew things that others didn't. She weirdly confided in me and only me about her issues about my dad. I knew that he was messed up...but never really understood why until she trusted me to that. Even though she did, and we were close...when he would yell at her...I felt stuck. As much as I wanted to defend her and tell him to just stop, I felt like I couldn't move.

   I was lucky enough to only have to see them every blue moon due to dad's business trips, but during that time, I couldn't help but worry about her. I'd like to think I protect her being in the house, but god knows that all I did was watch from the sidelines.

    "Ah! Mr. Cunningham! I'm glad that you made it with the rest of your family!" My father shot me out of my thoughts for me and my mom to stand up and do some niceties towards the other family. I recognized one of the two kids that had made their way to the table. The familiar one taking a seat next to me.

     "Chrissy, right?" I tried my best to spark a conversation as I placed the napkin that had once wrapped the silverware near me onto my lap.

    "Yeah. That's me" Chrissy's posture suddenly starting to ease. "Do you like these dinners?"

    I was startled by how forward she was even in a group setting, that and being so close to her father and not worrying about him hearing her. "Uh...why do you ask?"

   "Because I hate them" she let out a sigh before looking towards the ceiling ahead of her. "I always have to get dressed up and see someone that I'm supposed to know. I guess I was lucky to have someone I at least recognize."

   "How often do you go out on one of these things?"

   "Almost once a week. Every time my dad orders us the same thing. Cesar salad gets boring after a while."

  "I'm sorry...I wish you didn't have to attend these." I looked at my father through the corner of my eye to make sure that he wasn't watching anything that I was saying. He was too consumed with Chrissy's father.

    "Don't be." a small laugh coming from her now upturned lips. "I feel bad that you have to be toned out for the night." Her gaze making her way to the boy on the other side of her who was trying his best to be part of the conversation. "My advice? Give up on trying to join. They just want you here to show you off."

   It was probably ridiculous, but I felt like she truly understood me. The whole...being arm candy. The feeling of not wanting to be whatever your parents were. We had every opportunity put before us because of them, but we simply didn't want it...and we never asked. "Why haven't we talked before?"

   "Well...I wasn't popular...and by the time I was, you didn't want anything to do with it." Chissy's smile slowly began to fade. "I get why you feel that way though. It's overwhelming to try and stay at the top."

   "Honestly, I'm glad that Billy took it from me. It was a lot of pressure. I can't even imagine what you're feeling being the most popular jock's girlfriend."

   "Pressure." she let out another laugh before pushing her hair behind her ear. "I feel like I can't even talk with the people that I actually want to if they aren't high enough on the charts. Whatever I do doesn't just effect me, but it effects Jason as well."

   Listening to Chrissy's words, it made me think of Nancy. Is that how she felt when the crown was on my head still? That and the grief of knowing what actually happened to Barb eating her, not even being able to tell her family the full truth...I hated to admit it, but it was a whole side I never even tried to consider. "Chrissy, you've opened my eyes tonight."

   "On what? How popularity could hurt people?" her face painted with confusion.

   "Yeah. That and how something could be happening right under your nose...and you never even thought about it."

   "You're welcome then...I guess" another laugh coming from her as the waitress came out with our food that I didn't remember ordering.

   I hated to say it...but I enjoyed that night. Even though I had to go and stay because of my father, I got to learn more about someo-

  Eddie. I completely forgot about Eddie. I hope he gave up...and hopefully he isn't too mad at me. He seemed to be as excited as I was for this lunch. I'll just...let him take the first step after this...so he doesn't bite my head off.

(A/N: Get to know you: what's your favorite holiday?)

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