Veil Falls (Bangpink AU)

By KeropiJeka

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Another school year has started in this small Town of Veil Falls. With mysterious strangers suddenly transfer... More

Ch. 1 ➖ Hello
Part I - Character Introduction
Ch. 2 ➖ Mortuus
Part II ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 3 ➖ Okay
Part III - Character Introduction
Ch. 4 ➖ You
Part IV : Character Introduction
Ch. 5 ➖ Rude
Ch. 6 ➖ Deal
Part V ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 7 ➖ Vampire
Note 1
Ch. 8 ➖ Spill
Ch. 9 ➖ Jungkook
Part VI ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 10 ➖ Snitch
Ch. 11 ➖ Bourbon
Ch. 12 ➖ Separate
Ch. 13 ➖ Thanks
Ch. 15 ➖ Jimin
Ch. 16 ➖ Top
Ch. 17 ➖ Kidding
Ch. 18 ➖ Wood
Ch. 19 ➖ Condition

Ch. 14 ➖ Fine

72 5 0
By KeropiJeka


"Gran Yi, what are we going to do exactly?" Lisa asked while following her Grandmother upstairs towards the old woman's room.

"It's just a simple spell, Lisa dear, I was already planning to teach you this soon however an opportunity presented itself." Gran Yi answered while scrummaging around her room, looking for the things she needed for the spell.

'If I know, you're only doing this because you had a fling with him or something... Or probably, he's really my grandfather... Wait can vampires procreate?' Lisa thought.

"Why are we even helping them, Gran. Have you forgotten that you're the one who told me to stay away from these kind of creatures?" Lisa complained as she was still standing by the door, obviously annoyed by all this.

"That's true. But weren't you the one who also told me that Jisoo saved your life once?" Gran Yi countered and Lisa just raised her brows.

"Jisoo?" She asked confused as to why she has to bring her up.

"Yes, Jisoo."

"She's the one we're looking for?" Lisa tried to confirm, eyes widened as realization hit her.

Gran Yi was already struggling to hold the things that they needed to cast the spell. She handed Lisa the picture Taehyung gave earlier and smiled, "I'm not telling you to be friendly with them, however a debt has been owed and witches always pays their debt."

As Gran Yi sets up the candles around the room, Lisa inspected the old looking map laid out on the floor. "I don't even know how she exactly helped me, to be honest."

"Well then, there's only one way to find out. And to do that, we must find her first." Gran Yi gently pushed her down to sit in a cross-legged position before seating the same way opposite her with the map of Veil Falls between the both of them.

"How sure are you that she's still in Veil Falls?" Lisa asked noticing the content of the map.

"We have to start somewhere. If this doesn't work then we have to use a bigger map."

"You know the drill." Gran Yi signalled Lisa. With this simple instruction, Lisa grabbed the book, a makeshift grimoire that Gran Yi wrote gathering the spells and invocations that she have remembered and learned through out the years.

"Fine." Lisa sighed as she searched for the correct spell. As soon as she found it, using her phone, she bookmarked the book to avoid the pages from flipping over.

She followed the instructions by burning the picture and placing it on a metal bowl while the fire devours it, turning it into ashes.

Once the fire was extinguished, she scattered the ashes on the map. Joining hands with her grandmother, she chanted, "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Vera"

"You have to concentrate on finding her. Picture it on your mind." Gran Yi instructed as they both closed their eyes.

"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Vera" they both chanted in unison.

"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Vera"

"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Vera"

It smells like their old gym when the janitors forgot to open the windows during that one time during the summer break...

Flashes of translucent light...

Rusting iron bars...

The sound of dripping water hitting a puddle...

Pool of blood on the floor..

Yoongi slumped in the corner, his head hanging low...

The vision of his friend in that condition and environment snapped Lisa from her trance, she lost track of how many time she chanted the spell, but that wasn't important now.

What happened to Yoongi?!

Panicked, she opened her eyes and looked at the map immediately to see if the spell worked.

She was in awe to see that the ashes have gathered on one spot. The city hall?

Lisa looked up to see her grandmother's reaction to all this, but she got worried suddenly to see that her grandmother's nose was bleeding.

"Gran, are you feeling okay?" She immediately scurried towards her grandmother to help her standup.

"I'm fine, dear. I'm just old." Gran Yi explained as Lisa helped her sit on her bed.

"You must go now, Lisa. Tell Taehyung where she is." Gran Yi instructed.

"What happened to Yoongi, Gran? You said we're looking for Jisoo, but why did I see Yoongi instead?" Lisa held her grandmother's hands, hoping that the older woman would have answers and somewhat clarify that whatever she saw was not what it seems. But the confusion in her grandmother's face made her feel that she was standing on an edge.

"Yoongi? The mayor's son?...You saw it?..."

"Yes, like a vision played in my head... You didn't have one?..."


"Lisa, I think we need to wait for your aunt Minzy. She'll be back here soon as she finish casting the protective wards around CL's house."  Gran Yi worriedly clinged on her granddaughter's arms.

"We need to hurry. In the condition that I saw Yoongi in, I don't know if we can wait any longer. We have to go!" Lisa tried to pry off from her grandmother's hold.

"No, Lisa! It's dangerous for you. Just stay here okay. I'll be the one going." Gran Yi tried to stand up but as soon as she did, a flash of vertigo sends her to sit back on her bed.

"Gran, you're not in any condition to leave. Earlier you were okay with me going, what changed? Is there something you're not telling me?" Lisa questioned the sudden change in her grandmother's mood.

Her grandmother was speechless.

"Please... Yoongi needs me." Lisa pleaded.

"Okay... But, don't trust any of them okay. And if there's something to happen, save yourself first. You understand?" Gran Yi warned.

Lisa was left with no choice but to agree. Yoongi needed her and she pledged that she will use the powers given to her to save her friends and family.

She hurriedly ran downstairs as soon as her grandmother let go of her. A commotion coming from the front door made her more panicked.

As soon as she opened the door, she gasped to see Taehyung was once again in a fist fight with one of her childhood friend, Jungkook. And by the looks of it, Taehyung was winning as he was already able to pin her friend down, just like last night.

With her powers, she tried to send a slight shockwave towards Taehyung, just enough for him to get off Jungkook.

"Guys! Enough!" Lisa went immediately towards Jungkook to assess if he's okay, "Hey, you okay?" She was already kneeling in front of him as he tried to look away, embarrassed that he got beaten up once again infront of her.

"What the hell is he even doing here?" Jungkook asked Lisa as soon as she was able to help him stand up.

Seeing Lisa being lost with the question, Taehyung immediately interrupted. "Lisa, come on we're going to be late!" Taehyung grabbed her arms and headed towards her car, parked infront of her house.

"Jungkook, sorry! I'll tell you soon." Lisa tried to say goodbye but Taehyung was already pulling her away.

Good thing that Lisa had her car keys already in her pocket, or else this would've been awkward.

Seeing the car driving away, Jungkook was left there infront of Lisa's house, confused and clearly annoyed. Taehyung has already taken Jennie away, and now Lisa? This guy is really getting on my nerves. Jungkook said to himself as he balls his fist trying to contain his anger. He suddenly punched the wall, shattering the brick into pieces.

He was surprised by what he has done but he doesn't want to get in trouble for punching a hole on Lisa's house. Am I that strong or the wall was just weak? He didn't wait to get the answer as he ran away before anyone can see him infront of the crime scene.

The car ride was quiet. Taehyung trust that Lisa has already the answer to his question as she was clearly focused on driving towards somewhere.

"She's in city hall." Lisa spoke up first, but is still focused on her driving.

Hearing Jisoo's whereabouts and the significance of the location she was in, Taehyung cursed. "F*ck, Jimin! I should have known."

"Why?" Lisa suddenly got curious as to Taehyung's reaction.

"She...Jisoo." Taehyung hesitated for a moment but answered "she was imprisoned there before..."

The revelation made Lisa remember the visions she had the first time she touched Jisoo, the dark space.. the sound of chains.. the sound of torment...

There's a prison in cityhall? Then the vision that I had of Yoongi was also in that prison cell. What did Jisoo do to Yoongi? Did the trauma of her being in that prison took over and Yoongi was an unfortunate victim of it. With so many thought running on her mind, she started shaking with nervousness.

She tried to focus on the road ahead. Just a few blocks more and they would've reached that place.

Stepping out of the car, Taehyung wooshed towards the back of the building. He has been here before, saving the same girl.

He was surprised to see that a key was protruding from the lock of the door. Lisa soon caught up with him and noticed the key as well.

They both looked at each other and Lisa nodded. Taehyung understood that it was okay to unlock the door, so he did.

The two on the inside suddenly woke up by the sound of the main door opening, Jisoo and Yoongi looked at each other, fear suddenly etched in both their faces.

How can I save this boy if I'm tied up? I don't even have the energy to break this restraints. But, if I'm able to break out of this, I might be the one to hurt him. Jisoo suddenly thought, calculating what she could possibly do.

Darn it, what should I do? Who could it be? If it's Rosè, I can easily defeat her. But that would mean I'm going to beat up my own friend, not to mention she's a girl. But what if it's Jimin? He's probably a monster as well. What are my odds in fighting off a monster? Yoongi contemplated his next move as he stood up from the floor and be in a position where he can easily lunge on who ever it is. I hope my football training pays off.

"Jisoo!" The prison door bursted open and Yoongi raced towards the person who opened the door.

Taehyung was pushed out of the cell with Yoongi tackling him.

"Oh my gosh! Yoongi you're okay!" Lisa, who was following Taehyung, rushed towards Yoongi to give him a hug.

Seeing Lisa, Yoongi felt relieved and returned her hug. "I'm so happy to see you! You wouldn't believe what I've been through." Yoongi complained.

"You've only been here for four hours."A raspy voice inside the prison cell complained sarcastically.

Hearing Jisoo's voice, Taehyung immediately stood up and went inside. The scene made his skin crawl. "Damn that Jimin." He immediately walked towards his friend, but before he could pry the lock open Jisoo stopped him. "The humans..."

Seeing that Jisoo was in a weak state, he knew that the two humans were not safe.

"Lisa, you should go out first, take Yoongi with you." Taehyung instructed.

"What?" Yoongi was suddenly annoyed. Who was Taehyung to give him orders? I was the one with her. Why should he be the one to save her? Then he realized that he was in no position to think of those thoughts. "Fine."

Lisa and Yoongi walked off the door. Good thing Lisa didn't close the door when they got in, or else it, it was the four of them that would get locked in here.

As soon as the two humans were in a safe distance. Taehyung cut the restraints by simply tugging on them and also he pulled out the stakes that were lodged on Jisoo. The pain of the wood being moved send Jisoo to scream which was clearly heard outside of the basement. Yoongi suddenly wanted to go back but Lisa this time, stopped him. "It's going to be fine."

Taehyung picked up Jisoo, who was weak and not able to walk, in bridal style. "Tae... He took it.." Jisoo was almost in tears.

"What? What did he take?" Anger flashed in his face remembering the person who did this.

" Lady Dior bag..." Jisoo continued.

"Seriously?" Taehyung cannot believe that this girl still has audacity to joke around in the situation that she was in.

"Oh. And he took my ring.." she continued.

Hearing this, Taehyung stopped on his tracks. "You should have told me that first, you know." He gently placed Jisoo down but she tried to stand up using the walls as support. Good thing they were still a foot away from the door and inches away from sunlight.

Taehyung rubbed on his temples, thinking of a way to escape this place without Jisoo burning from the sun seeing that her ring, a spell casted accessory with an embedded lapis lazuli, that makes her able to walk on daylight, was missing.

He looked at her, she was still wearing the dress that she wore the night before. It is not helpful in covering her from the sun. He was also not wearing any jacket.

Taehyung stepped out of the basement and headed towards Lisa's car. Thankfully, they have waited in there. "Lisa, do you have anything that can cover Jisoo?" He asked immediately.

Lisa think for a minute then she remembered. "I have the school's mascot suit in the trunk. Would that help?"

"It's perfect."

End of chapter ➖

So many things happened in this chapter.

Still streaming Pink Venom.

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