Never Let Me Go ( a girl meet...

By jesusatthecenter

41.8K 1.1K 62

A fanfiction based on Disney's girl meets world All credits go to Disney, this is purely a fanfic based on my... More

Chapter 1 : First day back
Chapter 2 : Change
Chapter 3 : Missy Bradford
Chapter 4 : Mr Perfect
Chapter 5 : I really like you
Chapter 6 : Maya's Dilema
Chapter 7 : Cheated by Rebel
Chapter 8 : The Plan
Chapter 9 : The party
Chapter 10 : The fight
Chapter 12 : Partners?
Chapter 13 : Speechless
Chapter 14 : Caught up
Chapter 15 : Moving
Chapter 17 : The kiss
Chapter 18 : Reunited
Chapter 19 : Lucas' Call
Chapter 20 : Joshaya Kiss
Chapter 21 : Mending broken ends
Chapter 22 : Never Let Me Go

Chapter : 11 An unexpected outcome

1.6K 54 4
By jesusatthecenter

Riley's POV

This is not at all what I expected and I am completely and utterly stunned about what just happened.

I'm just hoping Maya is okay,

I really don't want her with Rebel, I really don't

Josh's POV

I can't believe it,

what have I done,

I have never gotten that far in an arguement with anyone before and that was over Maya, I'm starting to really reconsider my thoughts.

Like I mean it wouldn't take an idiot to realise that I liked Maya, why would I fight for her so much if I wanted nothing to do with her.

I guess I'm just going to have to figure out what to do now,

gee I hope Maya still want's to talk to me, I did just have a full on fight with her boyfriend.

I clamber down the stairs in hopes of not meeting the eyes of anybody from the party, when I get to the doorstep of the lobby I sit down.

It's dark out now and I look up I've never really noticed the stars before,

"hey how you doing" turn to my left to see Farkle who has comfortably placed himself next to me.

"woah what happened to your face!" he exclaims,

"oh my gosh are you okay?" he gapes at my face,

"it's, it's nothing" I smile putting my hand to my cheek,

"I'm sure it's only a small bruise" I slouch and clutch my hands together resting my head on them.

"Farkle, how do you know if you love someone" I ask looking at the dark sky,

"well" he pauses, "when you love someone, nobody in the whole world matters but that person, and when she laughs" he smiles, " it can brighten up the gloomiest of days."

I smirk,
" Farkle you got someone in mind" I question,

"Maya" he says looking dazed,

I frown,

"wait you like Maya?" I ask,

"Maya and Riley since 2nd grade" he says proudly,

"and what about you?" he asks,

I raise my eyebrows,

"I have somebody in mind" I pause, "but I don't know if I'm actually in love".

Farkle looks me in the eye,

"Josh if you love this person, you will know".

"Josh are you okay?" Riley comes up behind me,

"doing just fine" I say patting Farkle on the back, "this kid's been keeping me company".

"glad to be here" he says standing up, "but now I must leave" he waves us goodbye and walks off down the street.

"Josh look I'm so sorry I brought you into this it's all my fault" Riley cries,

"It's not your fault" I protest,

"and now your hurt all because of me" she stammers,

"I'm an adult, I can handle myself, don't you dare blame nay of this on you Riley" I argue.

Riley takes a breathe, "well".

I frown, " well what" I say looking at her.

"why'd you do it" she asks,

"why'd I do what" I raise an eyebrow.

"you must have fought Rebel for a reason" she says tilting her head,

I shrug my shoulders,

"Riley I honestly don't know anymore" I sigh.

"do you love her?" Riley asks,

I attempt to ignore the question to buy me some time of thinking of an answer,

"Josh" she warns,

"do you love her?".

I sigh,

" If I love Maya she will be the first person to know" I say brushing myself off and standing up,

"have a good night".

Maya's POV

I eagerly wait for Riley to get back upstairs,

"Riley what did he say" I ask my heart pounding,

she shrugs her shoulders,

"you know I won't take a bet on him if he's not willing to give me an answer" I exclaim,

I'm so sick of this,

he flirts with me, then shows no interest in me, then once I get a boyfriend he fights for me, and now he's leaving me.

"I'm sorry Maya" Riley says frowning,

"tell him it's too late" I get up to leave,

"besides Rebel is waiting for me" I add grabbing my coat.

I head to the door,

"and Riley?" I ask,

"yeah?" she says,

"I'm sorry Lucas couldn't make it" I sigh,

she comes up to me and hugs me,

"it's okay Maya, every little thing is going to be alright".

I purse my lips, " you know I hope so".

Rebel - Hurry up, I'm not paying a three hour ticket bitch

I guess this is my life now, for the moment.

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