No Regrets, Only Memories

By fullofliesanddreams

46.8K 1.5K 54

Fate is a funny thing. It can bring you unbelievable hardships and breathtaking views. As my best friend alwa... More

A funny thing happened on the way to the grid...
Ego in check or ego on deck?
Relief never tasted so sweet
I got will and I got faith
You look like shit
Promotional Diversion
Not. Even. Close.
The Beginning of The End
Hidden Disappointment
Caught in the Act
Hidden Feelings of a Different Kind
Existential Dread
I Was Wrong
The Nights
A New Challenger Approaches
Frayed Yarn and Two Idiots
The First Attempt
Time Apart
Missed Connection
El Plan
Close Calls of the Hidden Kind
A Revelation Unexpected
Breaking the Code
Podium Position
Support Unnecessary
The Royal Screw Up Has Arrived
Cross the Line
Bronze and Bubbly
The War Room
A Week in LA
The First Hurdle
A Misstep
One Thing
Birthday Boy
Anti Winner Winner's Club
A Brief Look at the Past
Cold Summer
Turning Point
The Deal Breaker(and She Doesn't Know It)
The Deal Maker
The New Deal
Oh Brother
The Snowball Effect
What do you want?
Our Side
Let's Make a Deal
Everything is Alright
Tell the Truth
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
Over Confidence
Russian Blues and Japanese Cherry Blossoms
Give In
When The Music Stops...
...Reality Sets In
Tell That To The Crowd
History In The Making
What's Gonna Happen
Wide Awake and Incoherent
A Selfish Decision


557 19 1
By fullofliesanddreams


"You're lucky you won and you're not technically obligated to do press. That was ridiculous of you to even attempt. We're gonna have to put you on a no drinking champagne regime." I scoffed as Angela met up with me and brought me towards the garage.

"Honestly, who cares anymore. They were going to keep pushing until I said something shitty to use for their stupid headlines."

I flippantly waved my hand before I started skipping down the paddock towards our garage. No one could bring me down now that my nerves were gone at the hand of the alcohol. I couldn't give a single fuck about what anyone would say to me. All I wanted to do was get back to the hotel, my mind wandering to ways to cheer up Daniel.

You would never know that he had a DNF in the race today by his face though. When I entered the garage to head to the pitlane, Daniel was simply waiting in the secluded hall between the paddock and the garage. His eyes lit up when he saw me, opening his arms wide as I ran straight to him. There was no hesitation as I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. Even though I knew Angela was right behind me and anyone could come looking for either of us, I couldn't help but run the fingers of my right hand through his hair as my face settled in the crook of his neck. I was savoring the feeling of being close to him, which he must be feeling too. His left arm was firmly around my waist, holding me against him for leverage, while his right arm was up so his hand could hold my head against him.

"I'm sorry about your car..." the apology came out in hushed tones, something for only him to hear. He had to based on the quiet chortle he responded with.

"Fuck my car, you fucking won..."

I don't know what it was about his words, or maybe it was my current state, but I felt tears well in my eyes again. Truly from pure happiness as I let myself revel in my win and current situation. He squeezed me just a bit tighter as I was starting to slip, his right thumb gently brushing over the back of my head. The sound of someone coming back through the tunnel pulling me from my moment as I tapped his back lightly so he could let me down before whoever it was walked into the small corner where we were stealthily hidden. He continued to hug me even when I was on solid ground though.

"Alright, as cute as this is, we've been waiting for you two for photos." Charlotte was the one that found us first, coming from the garage side while Angela was walking in from the paddock side with Christian.

"You don't need me for photos." I chuckled, finally stepping back from Daniel to wipe my face.

No one argued, but we were both pulled to the pit lane where the entire team was waiting with our trophies and more champagne. The photographer made it easy, situating my pitboard in the center of the group with Christian and GP situated on either side of it while Daniel and I stood behind the board. There were just a few moments of everyone talking excitedly, the realization that this very photo would grace history books and documentaries across time as I simply leaned on the board and looked over the track. It was surreal. Then they passed us the trophies, GP holding the team trophy to my right on the ground while I caressed mine in both hands, staring at it as if it were a newborn child.

"Do I get to keep my first one?" I asked, to no one in particular. Daniel was quick to answer though.

"We'll have a replica made. They like to show that stuff off in the factory."

Instead of cheese, the photographer asked us to yell 'history' which only made me laugh as I held the trophy over my head. I didn't know that most of the team had been given cans of Red Bull and small bottles of champagne to spray all over us as the photos were being taken. This resulted in me nearly dropping my trophy as I ran down the pit lane to get away. The whole team seemed to follow as I sprinted past the other garages with the trophy still in my hand. Was I currently in any position to be holding that trophy? Not in the slightest. Daniel recognized that, grabbing the trophy out of my hand before turning me around and throwing me over his shoulder. The action made me laugh loudly as he carried us back to the garage with plenty of onlookers in the pit lane.

"Daniel Joseph Ricciardo! Put me down now or I'm calling your mother!" The threat was empty, she would laugh at us I was sure.

"She'd tell you to enjoy it." I laughed with some of the randoms scattered around the pit lane as he continued back to the garage with me on his shoulder, hanging down his back.

"I'm not kidding, my head hurts, put me down." He finally obliged as we stopped in front of the large group of people that had congregated in front of our garage again and I knew this was it before we had to go and change.

"Now that Daniel's done assaulting me," I playfully smacked his arm as I tried to gain my breath," Genuinely thank you for today. I could not have done it without every single person on the team here and back in MK. It sounds cheesy, but I've been with y'all on the frontline for long enough to know how much hard work everyone puts into making sure that these silly cars run in top condition. They're temperamental toddlers at best and somehow we've all become some of the best babysitters in the world." Our team laughed as Daniel stood next to me, holding my trophy with both hands.

"This is literal history, something I will personally cherish forever. I hope your experience here has done the same for you." I smiled as they cheered before we were finally dismissed.

Angela came and took my trophy from Daniel, saying that people wanted to take some photos with it. Meanwhile, I was a sticky, sweet mess of Red Bull and champagne with a finally leveled head. Even if it was a tipsy and unreserved head, at least it wasn't getting any worse. Nothing a shower couldn't fix. Yet, everyone was buzzing with the adrenaline of a win. Everyone wanted pictures with me and the trophy it seems. Not that I could blame them, this is something you can tell your grandchildren about.

When I finally had a moment, I stumbled to the back of the garage where Daniel was seated on a stool with his phone in his hand.

"Why are you hiding birthday boy?" He flipped his phone to be facedown against the workbox's top before staring up at me. His chin was resting on his closed fist as his elbow was braced against the edge of the work box, with his left hand now flat against his left thigh as he stared up at me.

"Not hiding, just letting everyone get their celebration time in. I'm more than happy to share my day with someone that won their first race."

A closed lipped smile came to his face as he stared up at me. My eyes drifted down though to where his undershirt was wet and sticking to his skin. The liquid of a win coating the fabric generously and showing every single ridge and outline of his torso in front of me. The upper part of his suit was tied around his waist, something he did not long after getting out of his car I was sure. Right now, I wanted to reach out and hold him close, to comfort him on his loss despite him being such a good sport and supporting me right now.

"My eyes are up here darling."

My eyes shot back up to his, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I realized I had been caught staring. This wasn't necessarily new, but with my mind foggy at best and the adrenaline of a win coursing through my veins I recovered with a smirk. I leaned against the workbox and gave him another once over before coming back to his face.

"No, I think I'm allowed to look whenever I want. Since I can't touch at least."

His eyes darted out around us, checking to make sure no one was in ear shot and trusting that I had his back in looking behind him. When he looked back at me calmly, I assumed that meant that we weren't in anyone's sight. That was my chance, standing up a bit straighter as I sighed.

"Plus, I'm jealous. It's fucking hot in this thing and I don't get the luxury of taking my shirt off in public." I shifted, feigning the uncomfortable feeling of warmth as I pulled on the collar of my suit.

What shocked me next wasn't my own action. It was Daniel's. His left hand raised without warning and pulled at the velcro strap on my collar roughly. The fabric of the suit pulled against my neck as he did so, scrapping roughly before he let go and dropped his hand back to his thigh. My eyes met his, wide in shock that he had touched me like that in the middle of our own garage. The action had sobered me straight up, the carefully crafted face of calmness dropping as I watched his own warp into smug satisfaction. He knew what he was doing. Then he spoke and it felt like all of the air had left my lungs.

"You can take it off in private."

The suggestive undertone in his voice gave away where his mind was currently at. It was the same seedy gutter my mind was currently crawling into as if the thought hadn't crossed my mind this morning and throughout the day. Daniel was patient though, far more patient than I would've been in the situation, making it a point to stare into my eyes as I processed what he was saying. He was a gentleman enough to give me an out if I wanted it, but he alone was a simple man. The yearning in his eyes was enough to knock any woman to their knees. This was Daniel, my best friend and the man I've been calling the love of my life for only a few weeks now though. We were equal in the desperation of the current high we were on.

I finally took a breath, looking around the garage, knowing that anyone could see us if they decided to come back into the garage for literally anything. Now though, it was empty as the team was still eagerly taking pictures and posting with our trophies. They'd be occupied for a little bit longer and that was all I would need. My fingers nimbly moved to my collar, pulling the sticky fabric away from my skin before my right hand slowly dragged the zipper down my body. I could feel the fabric released from the spots it was truly stuck to my skin as the suffocating fabric was given more room to open. It wasn't the relief of the fabric moving away from me that made me continue though. Daniel's eyes had followed my hand farther and farther down my body until I was almost at my hips. The echo of him swallowing could practically be heard through the empty garage like a pin dropping. We were both showing cautious restraint towards new territory, but there were no signs that this would stop.

Until his hand shot out and held mine still, stopping the movement of the zipper before it could reach its end. He looked around, now sitting up completely straight in the chair, before his eyes settled on mine again. This time, they were a light with something different, new and edgy that made me shiver from more than just the liquid on my skin.

"That's not what I had in mind..." He let his words drift through the open space of the garage, still between us as we continued speaking in code towards what we were clearly both thinking. If he wanted to play coy though, two could play at that game.

"Well, I really should change out of this suit. I'm soaked through. Have any tips for getting it out of your hair?" The smirk returned to my face as his eyes closed, a slight smile on his face as he shook his head.

"Plenty of tips, I'm happy to show you if you need help." That was my in, the final cast that I needed to bring this to fruition.

"Yours in 10?" My hands fell to my sides, letting the suit hang open slightly.

Daniel's pupils were blown when he opened his eyes again, drunk himself on the words and the promise of what we were doing now. Instead of responding though, he stood. His body dangerously close to mine in public, but he stepped away quickly.


I thought he'd walk away then, some carefully crafted excuse to be left alone in his motorhome ready for anyone he passed. No, instead he dug the final nail in the coffin. His right hand came up, slowly zipping my suit back up before placing the velcro back in its place. His hand stayed on my neck for a moment longer than it should before he just smirked at me.

"I get to take this off."

And then he was gone. His footsteps echoing in the mostly silent garage as I hung my head. My eyes closed as I took a deep breath to steady my shaking knees before looking around and intending to follow his lead to head out. Daniel had left through the pitlane, meaning I should probably do the same thing to let Angela know that I had something to take care of. Mostly that I just needed to shower and change. The only excuse was that I wanted a moment to make a few calls and take a proper shower since I was soaked.

Which she accepted from me as my eyes scanned the scene of mechanics starting to file back into the garage to pack up the gear for the next race. I barely registered her polite reminder that I still had a debrief in an hour and a half. A promise for some down time to get my head in the right space was promised before I was walking back to the garage. It felt like I was on autopilot as I walked towards the motorhomes.

Nothing was ever as simple as that though. Everyone wanted to stop me, for congratulations, photos, promises of greater celebrations to come tonight. It felt like everyone wanted a piece of me. But the only one that mattered had currently been waiting for what I was sure was more than ten minutes. Yet, I still had to hope that no one noticed me dipping into the wrong motorhome. For some reason, the only distraction I could think of was to walk into the first door of my motorhome and then straight back out the second with my eyes scanning over the open walkway to make sure no one was in the immediate vicinity. I felt like a secret agent, going around the back of my motorhome that butted up to the fence and checking the space between my motorhome and Daniel's to make sure no one was watching. Once I saw the area was clear, I practically ran over to the first door and pulled it open.

Once it was safely closed and locked behind me, I heard the music playing. Daniel always put music on when he walked into his motorhome, it's how I knew he was here before I even walked the rest of the way up the stairs and made the right into the living area. He had heard me too, his phone hitting the table next to him as he was sitting in the far corner of the couch. He had two of the small champagne bottles from our team celebrations on the table in front of him, one open and clearly drank as he smiled at me. His suit was also now fully done up, likely from also being stopped for photos with sponsors and knowing Christian would want the full suit on.

"Get stopped a few times?" I chuckled, walking closer to him until I was in front of the table.

"Everyone wants a piece of me right now," I sighed before reaching for the open bottle," seems fair." Before my hand could clutch the bottle though, he grabbed my hand. His fingers played with mine for a moment before he brought them closer to his face.

"What about me?" He asked before softly laying a kiss on the knuckles of my right hand.

"Well," I swallowed, knowing where this was going," I'm here aren't I?" He chuckled then, another kiss being laid on top of my hand before he let go all together and moved to stand up.

"Maeve, darling," he was standing over me suddenly, centimeters separating us as he placed his hands on my waist right where the thick band sat on my suit," You could've not shown up and I would've loved you just the same." I just shrugged, moving my hands to his biceps.

"Well I think you still need some consoling still. No one wants to end a race like that, let alone on your birthday." I took a chance and moved my hands up to his neck, toying with the velcro.

Then in a flash, he grabbed both my hands and held them behind my back. The front of my body now firmly pressed into his as our faces grew closer together. He had to have heard the way I choked on my own breath with the way he gave a single, dark laugh.

"What is your idea of consoling? And be careful with your words darling because there's no coming back..."

There it was again, the out he was giving me just in case I changed my mind. Even now when I could feel the tension building and driving us both to the breaking point, he was checking in. I was braver than he seemed to think though, a smile making its way to my face.

"I can show you better than I can tell you..."

My words were soft, speaking to him in just a whisper as I tilted my head up and laid a kiss to his jaw line. It was just one before I pulled back and looked up at him through my lashes. His grip on my hands slowly loosened as he stared down at me. It made me wonder who was in charge here. Daniel was quick to remind me that it was him, moving his hands down to my thighs suddenly and lifting me up in a fluid motion. I didn't even have a good grip on him before my butt hit the small table .

"I thought you won today," His hand came up and roughly pulled at the velcro of my suit again, " Shouldn't I be rewarding you for your work today?" He asked as he pulled the zipper down slowly, just as I had done in the garage.

I let my head hang back as I braced myself on the table with my hands behind me. He had stepped closer as he worked, slotting himself between my legs and bending down to leave chaste kisses along the edge of the suit on my neck. The temptation was higher than ever as his hand moved, somehow all over and not even touching me.


He spoke my name as a question, the word entering the room and seeming to wake me up from whatever trance he already had me in. We hadn't even done anything yet and I was putty in his hands, the reminder that he was always going to be in charge here. Something that he emphasized as his fingers were suddenly wrapped around my throat, pulling me forward with the slightest pressure to look at him with shocked eyes.

"We can keep going back and forth with the teasing or you can give me the go ahead and I will certainly give you a celebration worthy of a winner."

With that he moved forward, placing his lips on mine in a rough kiss. As he licked into my mouth, I couldn't help but moan at the feeling of being wrapped around him. His hand never moved other than a slight tightening as I gave into him and reciprocated the kiss. I didn't even notice his left hand pushing the suit from my shoulders, slightly restricting me and forcing my arms out from under me as they became confined in the suit. I moved to pull my arms from the suit without separating from him, our kiss now far from acceptable in public and making me thankful that I had the foresight to lock the door.

Then he pulled back as I finally freed myself from the top part of my suit. The whine that left my mouth was uncharacteristic and seemed to even surprise him.

"I'll take care of you if you let me baby, but I need you to tell me this is ok," The hand around my throat moved, meeting his other hand as they held me by the back of my neck. His thumb gently ran over my jawline," I need you to tell me that you want this."

"Do you?"

He chuckled, moving forward and giving me another kiss. His forehead stayed against mine once he pulled back. I moved my hand to grip his suit at his sides as we just held each other for a second. We didn't get these moments. Exhaustion tends to take over when we both work as much as we do. Now there was clearly time set aside for us to unwind after the events of today. Instead of sitting alone and actually unwinding, we were together for different celebrations.

"We can go back and forth and waste what little time we have," his right hand reached out for the champagne bottle that was open bringing it into my line of vision,"or we can celebrate your win and my birthday alone, together." His left hand moved under my chin, tipping my head back slightly.

I don't know what possessed me at that moment. My mouth opened and before I even realized what I was doing, he had poured the golden alcohol into my mouth. It wasn't much, nothing I couldn't handle, but I let some of it still slip from my lips onto the now partially dried under shirt on my chest. The way Daniel's eyes followed as it happened, the smirk on his face...

The message had come across to both of us, the final agreement that we both wanted this now. I didn't stop Daniel when he lifted the under shirt over my head or when he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom area. It was a laugh at the awkward maneuver due to the small space, but that was quickly replaced by a moan as Daniel made quick work of the situation.

With the tension now relieved and a few moments of blissful silence available, I sat cradled in Daniel's arms on the small bed. He laid flat with his sweaty hair curled in all directions while I was laying on my stomach with my head resting on his chest. His left arm rested carefully down my back with his hand laying on my hip and his right hand holding my left against his chest next to my face. In the few minutes we had been laying under the sheets, he had brought our hands up to his face and kissed the back of mine gently.

"We have to shower..." I didn't want to be the one to break the bubble of the moment we were having. The options were that I do it or someone comes looking for us. Daniel was reasonable most of the time, surely he would agree with me and want to work towards keeping what had happened a secret.

"Fuck 'em. Let's skip debrief." I would've argued, if it wasn't for him suddenly rolling over on top of me and placing his lips against mine again.

He had me for a moment. Sitting back on his knees and bracing himself with his left hand while his right moved to my face. I could feel the smile on his lips as he kissed me. Part of me wanted to stay here forever, I didn't care who could find us at that moment. However, I knew if we didn't move soon, we would actually be caught. I had enough excitement for the day.

"Daniel...." I chastised as I pulled away from his lips.

He sat up slightly, just staring down at my face. That same smile across his features and pure happiness radiating off of him. My hands moved to his face, my thumb rubbing across his stubble as I sighed.

"We still have to shower and we have to go to debrief. Or else there will be two shocking things that happen today." He shook his head, leaning down to give me another kiss.

"Man, I love you so much. But I hate when you have to be the responsible one." He said against my lips.

I watched as he removed himself from me, standing up next to the bed as he looked around for some kind of clothing. He settled on his boxer briefs for himself and handed me a discarded sleep shirt to put on.

"I should go back to mine," I told him as I slid the shirt over my head," I have to get clothes." I told him as I started picking up pieces of my suit like he was doing

"I grabbed you clothes while I was waiting for you..." He told me absentmindedly as he picked up an undershirt, holding it up to see if it was his or mine. He handed it to me, making it mine.

"Wow, you were pretty sure this was going to happen?" I smirked, mocking him as he just rolled his eyes playfully.

"I mean I'm irresistible babe."


A/N: Wow, this story is almost at 10k reads. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me. Let me know if you like it with a comment or a vote and have a great week. Just 11 days until Spa! <3 

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