The Ayanokouji Twins

By OhNooo000

69.7K 3K 996

The Ayanokouji Twins, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Ayanokouji Kiyone, arrive at ANHS. This bring about immediate... More

Prologue: The Twins
Chapter 1: The Twins, Starting Their Lives at ANHS
Chapter 1.1: Hirata Yosuke, Controlling his Hormones
Chapter 2 (1/2) : The Twins, Investigating and Socializing
Chapter 2 (2/2) : The Twins, Investigating and Socializing
Chapter 3: The Twins, Giving a Reality Check
Chapter 3.1: Nagumo Miyabi, Meeting a Winner
Chapter 4: The Twins, Meeting the Student Council President
Chapter 4.0001: The Twins, Having a Short Conversation
̶P̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶l̶l̶ (Outdated)
gei (Outdated)
Chapter 5 (1/3): The Twins, Presenting an Offer
Chapter 5 (3/3): The Twins, Justifying an Offer
Prologue 2: The Unbelievable Result
Chapter 6 (1/3): The Expected Result
Chapter 6 (2/3): The Twins, Getting Noticed at Lunchtime
Chapter 6.1: Horikita Suzune, Eating Lunch with Koenji Rokusuke for some Reason
Chapter 6 (3/3): Kiryuuin Fuka, Meeting the Twins
Chapter 7 (1/2): Horikita Suzune, Finally getting Lessons from her Mentor
Chapter 7 (2/2): The Twins, Convincing Koenji Rokusuke

Chapter 5 (2/3) : The Twins, Extending an Offer

2.9K 160 72
By OhNooo000

Third Person POV:

It was Monday of the second week of school when it happened.

Up to that point, Class A could be said to have gone by their lives in ANHS... quite typically.

Typical of a Class A, they behaved in class, remained focused on the teacher and generally showed excellent behaviour.

Class A also demonstrated excellent management of their finances, to the point they possessed the most Private Points of all first-year classes despite having a student missing due to her outstanding medical issues.

This 39-strong class looked well on their way on maintaining their top spot. That was the shared belief from the majority of teaching staff, and it was one cultivated from years of experience. After all, the first month was usually very typical.

Sure, this year Class D had surprised them, figuring out the system and buying an explanation extremely quickly, but that simply meant this year's Class D wouldn't fall as far in the first month. Maybe they would rise it to Class C soon, and maybe they would become a Class to be wary of once the curriculum got going.

But nonetheless, Class A was shaping up to maintain their spot come May, just like it had every school year. Class A had never been dethroned until well into the curriculum, and it didn't look like this year would show any divergences. Besides, there isn't very much available this first month. Even if Class D's unexpected insight gave them early knowledge of the system, there wasn't much they could do with it. That's why, despite Class D's atypical moves, the teaching staff didn't have many expectations this April. Things would progress normally, then come May the real school year would start. That's what they believed.

Then, Monday came.

It was fourth period. The subject was Math, taught by Sakamoto-Sensei, homeroom teacher of 3-A.

The Class A students settled into their seats after having just returned from lunch. They all had textbooks, notebooks and stationery laid out like the model students they were, and there was not a peep around the class. A disciplined silence.

The door opened.

Sakamoto-sensei walked into this silent classroom and took a glance around the attentive students, who's eyes stared back like one cohesive unit. He observed the way they immediately began opening their textbooks to page 44, like he told them last week. He observed the way their stationery was clean, crisp and unwrinkled. He reminisced on how their notes, while showing differing levels of understanding, demonstrated an overall attentiveness.

And as he continued observing this freshmen, fledgling class, he was reminded of his own. Class 3-A. Of course, these fledglings were a far cry from his class, which was regarded highly even in comparison to their long list of predecessors. In fact, 3-A was heralded as the greatest class they had this last decade.

But despite the disparity, he saw the seeds of potential in this fledgling class, similar to the potential he saw back when his class was 1-A. This was, no doubt, a strong collection of students. Solid. Disciplined. Capable. Cohesive.

He slammed his textbook onto the podium.

He turned to face the class, who were surprised at his sudden intensity.

A strong collection of students.

And yet, still lacking.

There was a unique wisdom to be gained from a long teaching position in ANHS. Many of these wisdoms were specifically disposed towards ANHS' curriculum, and they often told him of a class' chance to...succeed.

Well, success in ANHS was not always clear, but there was always the simple goal of Class A.

And his wisdom, his insight as an experienced teacher at this institution, told him thus:


There was little very wrong with this class, but there wasn't enough right. It was like a solid Chess player who was unable to promote pieces. A capable Othello player who was forbidden from playing on the corners. A Shogi player who couldn't move each piece as far as they could.

That was what his years of experience was telling him. Solid, but lacking an edge.

If ANHS was compared to chess, there were a few students who could not be classified under the typical pieces. People who were not pawns, rooks, bishops, knights, kings nor queens. Not necessarily because they were that different, but because it would be a disservice to their capability to categorize them as such. People who gave an extra advantage.

For example, his class had Horikita Manabu. The current 2-A had Nagumo Miyabi.

There was no one like that here.

And without that kind of edge, that kind of advantage, that kind of extra potential... as everyone began to improve, it began to haunt you.

Of course, some years you could succeed without such a student.

"Everyone, close your textbooks. Class will not proceed as usual today."

But as he gathered everyone's attention-

"In fact, this time is no longer mine. It can't even be called class time. There will be no teaching from me today."

As he raised his hand towards the door, gesturing as if to welcome a star actor onto stage-

"I am pleased to announce-"

As the class doors slammed open, making way for a certain brown-haired girl-

"-that your time has been bought."

As he met a pair of golden eyes as she stepped into class-

"Thank you, sensei."

He knew-with all his experience, instincts, and wisdom he knew-this year would not be so forgiving.

How could it?

After all, everything he saw in this girl-the girl known as Ayanokouji Kiyone-warned him to the contrary.

And, as unbecoming as it may be, he found himself feeling... glad.

As he moved away from the podium to make space for her, he found himself releasing a sigh as if relieved. He was glad.

Glad neither she-nor her brother-were in his year.


Ayanokouji Kiyone, upon entering Class A, gathered the attention of the entire class. For a multitude of reasons, ranging from Sakamoto-sensei's exaggerated flourish of her entrance to physical attractiveness.

Kiyone, for her part, simply walked towards the podium, giving a short bow to Sakamoto-sensei on the way. There was no incongruity to her even steps, not a single twitch or peep that conveyed any nervousness.

"Hello everyone."

And that composure extended to her voice as well.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyone, and I'm from class 1-D. I'm sure you're confused as to why I'm standing on this podium in front of you, instead of the teacher."

Before Class A could affirm the understandable reason for their confusion, Kiyone followed up.

"I'll get straight to the point. If you remember from the explanation of the S-System, our teachers mentioned "anything" can be bought with private points. I simply "bought" this portion of your class time using points."

A few confused murmurs rang around the classroom.

"Wait, what?"

"You can do that? The teachers meant it that literally?"

"Wait, why though?"

Without waiting for the murmurs to die down, Kiyone continued.

"Yes, the teachers were being quite literal when they said you can buy anything with points. If you're confused as to why I would waste points like this, don't be. My reason was simple: I had something important to present to you all."

Now, confusion became even more evident in the classroom: what could be so important that she would buy class time?

"Wait, wait wait." Began a blond boy in the front row. After running through her memory of the class profiles, Kiyone recognized him as Hashimoto Masayoshi. "I'm sure you'll tell us this "important thing" soon enough, but did you have to buy our class time to do it? Couldn't you come up to us normally?"

"That, and every other question you all are likely to have," she says, gesturing to the class "Is something that'll be easier to explain after I talk about my "important thing". I'm sure you're all confused, but let me say my piece first, as it will likely answer some questions while raising others. And don't worry too much about your studies: my small intermission won't have much of a negative impact, I promise you."

"So for now, I beseech you all: just hear me out. Please. This concerns your safety in this school."

As Kiyone bowed her head, Class A looked towards each other. Something about her tone was grave and serious, and there was a sincerity they couldn't place. They felt compelled to listen to this girl, either out of kindness to a fellow student or a teenage desire to skip class. Class A they be, they were still teenagers.

"Well, I mean... there's no harm to hearing you out."

"Yeah, just go ahead. Anything's better than Math."

Kiyone raised her head. "Thank you, everyone. Then, I'll get right to the point."

She took out a binder from her bag and, after flipping through until reaching a page marked by an orange sticky note, turned it around to face Class A. On the page was a set of pictures-profiles of the school's faculty members-with little blurbs of text next to them. The format looked reminiscent of a newspaper interview.

"Have any of you asked about the monthly point transfer yet?"

As Kiyone was met with general disagreement and began presenting her case, much like her brother had to their class, her mind flicked back to the CDC meeting last week, when she and her brother introduced this plan to them.


"WHAT!?" Yelled Yukimura, reacting first and most violently to the suggestion. "Why would we tell the other classes about the S-System? We paid an arm and a leg for that information! And you just said other classes figuring out the system from us would be the worst-case scenario! ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

He was shortly joined by the rest of the council, who held similar thoughts. The most prominent of which was Horikita who, while not saying anything, looked the most befuddled-and ready to kill-of them all.

Kiyone gestured her over to sit. "Horikita, come sit with us. Koenji will be enough as a guard." She said, seemingly uncaring about the Council's confusion.

"You guys misunderstand." And in her place, her brother began to explain. "We won't tell them about the system directly, but instead the evidence I used to convince Class, like the expelled seniors, the vagueness regarding the monthly point transfer and the talley of the cafeteria purchases. Basically, a presentation similar to the one I did for Class D."

"Ayanokouji-kun, that doesn't answer anything." Began Matsushita. "Why would we tell another class about that? Why would we want them to find out about the system?"

"Well first of all, calm down. We haven't even explained the full plan yet." Said Kiyone, who began talking after Horikita sat down next to her brother. "Second of all, let us explain the thought process behind this plan, so you get a solid idea of where we're coming from."

"If you think about it, we just talked about how buying an explanation might be a mistake, considering the cost." Began her brother. "And like we discussed, there isn't much to do this first month. There is little application, nor necessity, for the knowledge of the S-System, especially considering behaving and saving, the only things you need to do this first month, are things any decent class would do normally. You guys are overvaluing this information."

"So the only way to strongly assert our only advantage, our knowledge of the S-System, in this first month when no school-dictated events are happening, is to do so ourselves. We spent an exuberant amount on this information: it would be a complete waste to sit on it for a whole month and do nothing with it." Kiyone added.

"Don't you guys agree it would be a waste? We spent 250 Class Points and 2,500,000 Private Points, just to do nothing afterwards? Shouldn't we do more?" Said her brother.

"Well, when you say it like that..." Said Yukimura, the strongest voice to the contrary. "But wait, what's the end goal? What's the point of telling the other classes anything?"

"Now you're asking the right questions." Said Kiyone. "But let me build up the scenario for you before I answer. So, we'll begin with how the faculty doesn't answer questions about the monthly point transfer, shift to the senior classes' absences, the Talley, then the expulsions. Basically a near one-to-one with Kiyotaka's presentation."

"However, we will avoid mentioning, and try to control the conversation away from, certain critical information: namely, anything that might clue them into the existence of Class Points." Added her brother. "Then, just like I did, we'll propose to them...


"Wait, what do you mean, expelled?"

"Wait, how many second-years are missing?"

"She said twenty-four... 15% of the whole year."

"How did so many of them get expelled? And wait, the 8 missing students from the third-year? Are they also expelled?"

"Sensei, what the heck is this? What isn't the school telling us?"

With a question raised to him, Sakamoto-sensei turns to face the class. "I can't say anything about the school, but I can confirm what Ayanokouji is saying is true. The 32 "missing" students in the senior classes have all been expelled."

Sakamoto-sensei's answer blended into the rowdy discussion

"That many? What percentage is that?"

"It's 10% of the entire senior years... 32/320. In other words, if the pattern continues, we should expect to lose 10% of our class..."

"But wait, Class 3-A had no expulsions! Doesn't that imply... something?"

"But what about 2-A? They had three expulsions. And while that is less than everyone else, it shows we aren't "immune" or anything like that."

"And with the huge disparity between the second and third years, there might even be more at play... Just because 3-A is fine doesn't mean we can get lax here. Things still look bad."

"Everyone," With a sharp call, Kiyone once again gathered everyone's attention. "It seems you realize how strange-and grave-this is. We have arrived at a school completely closed off from the outside world, one with its own set of rules and unique agenda that we have no inkling of, alongside a suspiciously high expulsion rate. We cannot continue like this. So, I have a proposal for you all."

"As I mentioned before, the teacher's statement that anything can be bought with Private Points seems to be quite literal. And just like how I bought this class time to discuss with all of you, we can do something similar to solve this problem of ours."

"We can buy an explanation from the school. A full explanation, detailing everything about the school's rules."

A series of mutters spread around the class.

"Is that an option?"

"Well, we've already established the teachers were quite literal when they said that you can buy anything..."

"How much would it even cost?"

"Sakamoto-sensei, could you answer our questions?" Says Kiyone, turning to the teacher leaning by the wall. "Can we buy a full explanation of the school rules, and how many Private Points would it cost?"

As Sakamoto-sensei coughs into his fist, preparing to speak, Kiyone thought to herself, "Wow, it's so much easier when most of the Class can actually follow the discussion."

"To answer your questions, yes. You can buy a full explanation of the S-System, and the Private Point Cost is approximately 2,500,000."


"That's really expensive..."

"Divided between 40 of us, that's around 62,500... Oh but wait, we're missing a person, so a little more than that."

"Is it even worth it?"

"With how weird this school is, it might be worth it... Besides, we'll get points next month."

"But we don't know how much we'll get. We still don't know any details about the monthly point transfer. Isn't it too risky?"

"I don't think the school is likely to pull anything crazy the first month, so I think biting the bullet now would be a good idea. Plus, living on some 30,000 points is very doable."

As Class A turned into a melting pot of discussion, Sakamoto-sensei gave a glance at the only Class A student who, despite being seemingly engaged with the presentation thus far, was currently silent. He then gave a once-over towards the rest of the rowdy class, then once again turned to the silent student.

"Hey Katsuragi, what do you think?"


In the rowdy classroom, there were currently only two silent students. One was Ayanokouji Kiyone, who had gone quiet once the discussion began, and the other was Katsuragi Kohei, who had been quiet since the beginning. The two simply existed there in silence, one standing and looking over the class, one sitting and focused on the student on the podium.

While Sakamoto-sensei was unaware of the specifics of Class D's plan, his experience and knowledge allowed him to easily notice something: Ayanokouji Kiyone was hiding the existence of the class competition and Class Points. Even without understanding the specific plan, it was easy to understand this was a central point: after all, if the competition came to light Class A would become immediately wary of whatever Class D proposed to them.

Therefore, if Class A could gain in inkling of this point, there was still a chance for them to stop or delay Class D's plan.

And looking around the enraptured class, the only one who had the potential to save Class A at this point... would have to be Katsuragi Kohei. That was what Sakamoto-sensei's deductions told him.

Responding to his classmate Yahiko, Katsuragi stood up.

"I just have one question." He says, looking not Yahiko who called out to him, but to Kiyone. "Why tell us this, in this fashion?"

At that, Yahiko made a confused face for a second, then responded. "What do you mean, why? Doesn't she just want to help? And what do you mean, "in this fashion?""

Katsuragi turns to Yahiko for a moment. "What I mean by "this fashion" is her buying our class time." Responds Katsuragi, who turns back to Kiyone immediately after. "So far, nothing you've told us would necessitate buying class time to address us. This is certainty more convenient, but I can't imagine buying class time would be cheap. From what you've told us about the expelled seniors, I can't imagine you'd unnecessarily waste points, which makes me think you have more planned then just telling us this information."

As what Katsuragi said spread to Class A, they soon realized the truth of it and once again turned to Kiyone, a lull coming over their discussion.

"Well, you're part right and part wrong." She said, adjusting a lock of her hair. "Turns out there's a discount on class time this first month IF you plan to talk about the S-System. It's probably a measure to make discussing it with the rest of your classmates easier. Additionally, this block was mostly going to be a refresher of things learned in middle school, so it was valued less. Overall, this entire block cost me about 13,000~. Not that bad."

"But even with all that, yes, you're right. If I just wanted to tell you this information, even that price would be unnecessary."

"Then why?"

"Simple. I have a proposition to make."

That captured the attention of the entire class.

"And what would that be?"

Kiyone leaned into the podium.

"Class D has already paid the 2,500,000 points and received a full explanation on the S-System and the school rules."

At that, Sakamoto-sensei became even more confused as to what exactly Class D was planning.

"Our proposition is, instead of purchasing an explanation from the school, buy it from us-for half the price."

Immediately, the class became rowdy once again.

"Simply put, Class A will pay Class D half the points, and we will sell you the exact same information. Not a bad deal, no?"

"Wait." Began a tall, purple-haired girl Kiyone recognized as Kamuro Masumi. "In that case, how do we know you won't scam us? You could be lying about buying an explanation, or just tell us part of the rules after we pay. Seems iffy to me."

The class did a double-take after hearing what Kamuro had to say.

"Exactly what Kamuro said." Added Katsuragi. "Investing that many points without a guarantee of truth is quite bold. And the only way to confirm you didn't lie about the system would be to pay an additional 2,500,000 for the school's explanation. It seems like too much of a risk."

"Of course, we've thought about that." Responded Kiyone. "For the first issue, Sakamoto-sensei, could you please confirm Class D purchased the aforementioned S-System explanation?"

The class turned to Sakamoto-sensei, who pulled out his phone.

"...I'm usually not allowed to access or reveal information like this, but Class 1-D's homeroom teacher has informed me Class D is in agreement and has given me permission. Therefore, I am currently checking Class D's point history and can indeed confirm they have purchased the S-System explanation at full price."

"Perfect. Thank you, sensei." Kiyone turns back to face the class. "Now, you've confirmed Class D does possess the information, so let's deal with the honesty problem." She says, pulling out a piece of paper from her bag.

"Here's something we learned from the explanation: memorandums, if sufficient evidence is provided, can be enforced by the school. In other words, if we sign a contract detailing that I have to provide the full, truthful information, right in front of sensei here, that can be enforced."

"I have a feeling you'll ask me about this as well." Interrupted Sakamoto-sensei. "So I'll answer right now. What Ayanokouji is saying about memorandums is true. Although it would have been worded discreetly, such should've mentioned during your teacher's explanation of the school."

"And with that, you can be assured I have the necessary information, and that I will provide the full truth. So? What do you think?" Finished Kiyone.

There was a short silence before a few students looked just about ready to call out. However, just before they could Katsuragi raised his hand.

"Everyone, could I have your attention for just a moment?"

They turned to meet the bald man.

"Firstly, does anyone have any questions they would like to ask?"

He was met with general disagreement.

"No? If that's the case, I would like to have a short discussion with Ayanokouji-san. I have a series of things I want clarified, and they would require some back-and-forth. I simply ask for a few minutes, and I believe it would be beneficial for all of us. Would that be acceptable?"

He was met with, for the most part, responses consisting of "sure" "why not" and "we have time to spare".

"Alright. Thank you everyone."

And with that, the situation was reversed: now, the class was mostly silent while Kiyone and Katsuragi were preparing to speak.

"Well, Katsuragi... It is Katsuragi, right? I think I heard you being called that?"

"Katsuragi Kohei, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Katsuragi-kun. So? What do you have for me?"

"Before we start, I have a single request. Could you sign a contract to only speak the truth in this discussion we're about to have? And in that same contract, could you confirm everything you've told us thus far is the truth?"

She gave a short nod. "We don't even need a contract for that: Sakamoto-sensei, I agree to the conditions Katsuragi-kun laid out, so could you confirm?"

"Very well." He moved to stand in between Katsuragi and Kiyone. "I can confirm Ayanokouji has been truthful thus far in everything she has told Class A. In addition, I will now act as a judge and enforce that she speaks the truth during this discussion. You two may proceed."

"Thank you, sensei. Well, first thing I would like to ask is this: will the school reveal this information to us eventually, without us having to buy it?"

Kiyone gave a tiny grin that nobody in the room recognized. "I can't talk about that in detail without potentially clueing you into information about the system, but without giving a specific date, yes."

The whole class was now focused on Katsuragi and Kiyone's discussion, as it turned out to be more intense than they could've expected.

"In that case, is it really worth buying this explanation?"

"I would say yes, simply for the argument of safety: it's much safer to know earlier than not to know, especially when the information is being offered at a bargain like this. Plus, I will say that there's still a while before the explanation will come."

Katsuragi turned to the now-judge of their discussion. "...Sensei, can you confirm that?"

"That was a statement of opinion. I will only guarantee objective truths."

"I see." He gave a short tap on his desk. "In that case, back to you, Kiyone-san. One thing I'm confused about is this: why did Class D pay for the explanation on their own? If you came to your peers with this evidence you've presented us, everyone could've made the purchase together, potentially dividing the cost with all four classes. Wouldn't that have been the most cost-effective?"

"Well... I suppose we simply didn't think of that. We bought the explanation quite early last week, so the idea of getting the rest of the year involved might not have occurred." She says, which made Katsuragi frown slightly and glance at Sakamoto-sensei, who gave no reaction.

"Then if you had the idea, would you do... no, that question is pointless. In that case, my third question is this: are you offering, or plan to offer this same deal to the rest of the year?"

"I'll just say this now." Interrupted Sakamoto-sensei. "I'm unaware of Class D's plans, so I cannot confirm the truth here."

"No need, Sensei." Responded Kiyone. "Yes, Class D doesn't plan on limiting our offer to just Class A. In fact, my brother should be negotiating with Class B right now-you can even go and check. As for Class C, they're swimming this block."

"In that case, why don't we cooperate with Class B and C to pay your cost?"

"Unfortunately, that's not an option." Answers Kiyone. "We are offering all deals separately and are not accepting any shared payment. Additionally, our planed contract contains a clause that forbids the recipient class from sharing the information with anyone else."

"Why would you go that far?"

"Because we want to get the maximum points possible, which comes from having all classes pay us separately. We're already offering this information at an incredible bargain, so we want to at least maximize our profits."

Katsuragi strokes his chin as if thinking, then turns to their "judge" once again. "...Sensei, what would happen if two contracts conflict with one another?" He asks.

"If a previous contract conflicts with the condition of a contract you sign later, it will be considered a "Paradox Violation": a violation of both contracts. Of course, this means double the punishment. I would not recommend it under any circumstances. Whatever you're signing, it won't be worth it."

"I see..." He says, continuing to stroke his chin. "Ayanokouji-san, Class D seems to have this whole deal planned out. In that case, could I see exactly what the conditions of the contract look like?"

"Certainly. Here, this is the document we want you to confirm."

Contract between Class 1-D and Class 1-A

Condition 1: Upon accepting the contract, Class 1-A will pay Class 1-D half the cost 1-D paid when they (1-D) bought a full explanation of the S-System from the school.

-       Due to the current uneven attending students of Class 1-A (39), there are additional details to the Private Point payment. The necessary Private Points will be paid equally by all currently attending Class 1-A students. The Private Point cost (half of what Class 1-D paid) will be divided into 39, then rounded to the nearest 100th place: this is the cost each 1-A student will pay.

-       The Private Points will be delivered to Ayanokouji Kiyone, who will then re-distribute them evenly among Class D students.

Condition 2: Once Condition 1 is met, Class 1-D representative Ayanokouji Kiyone must give Class 1-A a completely truthful explanation on the S-System that covers everything Class 1-D learned from their purchase of the S-System explanation.

Condition 3: No student of Class 1-A is allowed to reiterate, distribute or leak in any way, shape or form any information learned as a result of this contract to another Class except 1-D. This condition will continue until the School provides an explanation of the S-System to the entire first year.

Condition 4: Changes to this contract can be made at any time with agreement between Class 1-D and 1-A, or a designated representative of either Class.

"That little addition to condition 1 is just to streamline how the points will be paid in the currently uneven 1-A. Everyone, you should come and look over the conditions as well."

And so, the document was passed around Class A and everyone read the conditions in detail, including Sakamoto-sensei. However, contrary to everyone else, he was the only one who realized-realized the hidden trap laid by Class D.

So that's their plan... He thought. He didn't fault any Class A student for not noticing: with their current knowledge, this trap was near-undetectable.

And didn't she say they're also negotiating with Class B right now? If both Class B and A sign this contract... I see.

As the document was passed back to Kiyone, he gave one last glance at the brown-haired girl. Suddenly, she looked up and met his eyes head-on, and in that moment he felt an almost inexplicable pressure coming from the girl who wasn't even up to his chin in height. The feeling disappeared as quickly as it came, but to say he wasn't thrown off-balance would be a lie.

Oddly enough, he now felt incredibly confident that she knew he noticed the hidden plan. He once again reaffirmed how grateful he was that neither she-nor her brother-were in his year.

"So, what do you think? I will add that, while you no doubt have an idea of the S-System based on the evidence I presented you, knowing every detail about the system with certainty is difficult without an explanation. Even if you investigate the school more, I think it's likely you'll want to buy this information from us eventually. Considering that, do you have any more questions for me?"

As Katsuragi looked over the contract one last time, Sakamoto-sensei was talking to him in his mind.

Katsuragi, this is your last chance. This is your last chance to turn this around. You likely don't even realize the trap Class D has laid, but perhaps your instincts can clue you in to an oddity, inconsistency, or something-something to inspire doubt.

However, contrary to Sakamoto-sensei's silent expectations, Katsuragi turned to face Class A. "Everyone, you've listened in to our discussion: what do you think?"

"Well, Class D's being pretty greedy, trying to get a profit from this, but considering we're getting a 50% discount I think it's fine."

"Also, Class D had the highest number of expulsions while Class A had the least. I'm not sure how representative that is of the school's rules, but I think giving them some points to help against this potential "danger", which seems to affect them the hardest, is a good thing to do."

"I mean, Sensei's confirmed that she's been truthful thus far, so I think we're good. The contract looks fine, too."

"I did the math, and each of us will be paying 32,100. I think we can pay that much."

"I agree with what she said about this being the safest play. I say go for it."

As agreement rose all around the class, Sakamoto-sensei looked towards Katsuragi, who had begun to stroke his chin again while looking at the document.

"One last question, Ayanokouji-san."

Has he noticed something?

"Why is Condition 1 worded like this? You have the initial statement, then you added an extra explanation that could've been part of the statement."

"Oh, well we wrote up the conditions with 40 students in mind, but when we discovered Class A is missing a student, I just added onto the document instead of changing the original. Just me being lazy. Why, does it bother you?"

Katsuragi shook his head. "No, it's nothing. It's just a bit nagging due to my organizational nature-nothing important. Anyway, I believe we can go ahead and agree to the exchange."

As Sakamoto-sensei lamented on how close Katsuragi got, the Class A students began to pull out their phones, preparing for the transfer. He quickly re-adjusted, however, as he realized he was being unbecoming-he was an objective third party, but he accidently became invested as if this was a sports match. After giving himself a mental reprimanding, Sakamoto-sensei pulled out his phone.

And we thought this month would just go by typically...

"All right. If you have reached an agreement, allow me to facilitate the deal."

He turned to Class A.

"Class A, do you agree to the conditions laid out on this document? Raise your hand if you do."

The entire class raised their hand.

"Good." Opening his phone, he made a note of the conditions and how the entire Class A, except the absent student, agreed to the contract.

"Ayanokouji, I have been informed you have given temporary power as Class D's representative, so your word will be taken as Class D's will. Do you agree to the conditions laid out in this document?"

She gave an affirmative.

"Alright then. As a member of this school's faculty, I now declare this contract active. Be aware that any violation of the conditions will now be punished."

"Now, to make it easy for you all, I'll facilitate the point transfer." He pressed around on his phone. "You should all be seeing a request for a transfer of 32,100 points to Ayanokouji. Confirm the details and press "Accept"."

The students did so, and soon enough every student was transferring the required points. As Class A was making their transfer, per the rules of the contract they signed Sakamoto-sensei was informing the School management of another transfer.

Eventually, all transfers were complete.

Kiyone looked at her Private Point transfer history-a total of 39 transfers of 32,100 points, totaling to 1,251,900 points.

And after making sure all transfers were complete, she turned to face Class A.

"I've confirmed all the necessary transfers have occurred and that condition 1 has been met. As such, I will now be providing a full explanation of the S-System, with Sakamoto-sensei confirming that I speak the truth. Are you all ready?"

Class A, with notebooks and pens out, gave an affirmative cry.

Kiyone gave an imperceptive smile as she brought up the messaging app on her phone and opened her conversations with her brother. That smile became infinitesimally brighter as she was met with a message: a simple thumbs up from her brother. She responded with the same thumbs up.

And with that, phase 1 of the plan is a success.

She thought back to last Thursday, when her brother noticed, from the window, a Class C student running late to class.

We... are now Class A.

Authors note:

You know, I had to make some last-minute changes to Class D's plan once I realized a part of it wouldn't work. It almost gave me a heart attack, but I was able to readjust. Also, because of how happy I was to finally finish this stupid chapter, I haven't re-read it to check for grammar or anything like that.

What I'm trying to say is that this release is extremely half-assed.

Look, I'm on vacation right now. I'm not in a meticulous mood.

Anyway, I plan to give out a little prize to the first commenter that can tell me how the twins were able to reach Class A. It's actually not that hard to figure out: after all, unlike Class A you guys have full knowledge of the S-System.

If no one figures it out... uhhh I'll figure out what to do then.

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