The Unwanted Twins

By nicolereads2007

136K 3.2K 469

Mila and Miles are twins, at a young age they were stolen from their family and presumed dead. They never rea... More

Author's Note


8.2K 191 26
By nicolereads2007



*No major changes, no need to re-read*

A/N~ I will try to add trigger warnings whenever there is one, but sometimes I forget, so just in case this entire book may have mentions of abuse, self-harm, rape, suicidal thoughts or actions, panic attacks, flashbacks, cussing, and there may be a death of a main character... I don't know yet. I'm kinda just writing as it comes to me, hoping it isn't all over the place. I have no plot line. I just get ideas and write them as they come. So fair warning if you are uncomfortable with any of the things above, you might not want to read this book. I accept comments of any sort. Mean, nice, critical, and other types. But I do, however, draw a line when you become a bully to the other readers or a person with disabilities or mental disorders. Any comments like that will make me report you and the comment will be deleted immediately. I don't mind what you say about me, but I do care how you speak to the people who are reading this and struggling through their own lives. Some people find it hard to just get out of bed some days and I won't let you make their lives worse. That being said, if anyone needs to vent, I welcome you to message me. Just make sure it's a private chat as some people on here may find it triggering in the public comments. I'm here to listen and I'd be glad to help you get through a rough patch in your life. 



I was the one to find my twin in that state. Without thinking about it I called our older brothers. Though I don't trust them quite yet, I knew they would be the only ones able to help. Them helping would also be a bonus for them if they want any trust out of me. 

We all are currently pacing through the waiting room of the hospital Alessandro owns. Apparently, Luciano went to college early and became a doctor by the age of 19. He is the youngest doctor I've ever heard of, but if he passed everything, then he must be good. Since Mila is family he wasn't allowed to go in and help with the surgery. 

Suddenly, from the room I know Mila is in, loud beeping gets slower and slower. Then there is just one long continuous beep. My heart skips a beep and I don't hear anything. I barely register when I fall to my knees, and my brothers surround me. 

I can feel tears slipping down my face. My sister, my twin, my other half... She can't be gone. Not this soon. I can't live without her, I will have no purpose. I can't imagine life without her. She is my everything. Without her, I'm nothing. I need her to be ok. It may be selfish, but I don't want her gone. I want her here, with me, I'm not ready for her to be gone.

The last memory I have of her will be her bloody form on the floor of our bathroom. I didn't cry then, but I can't hold the tears back any longer. She's gone. There is nothing left for me. Nothing. I wish I could've taken away her pain. 

I wish I would've known about her cutting. I wish I would've been able to stop her. There is nothing I can do now though. She's gone. She isn't coming back. I will never see her again. Sounds slowly start to come back to me and I hear myself screaming my lungs out. 



BEEP....... BEEP..............BEEP........BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

"Oh, sweetheart. You can't die yet. You have so much to live for. A future. Your brothers. Your future children. There are so many things my darling." A boy my age, dressed in a black hoodie and black sweats, says. He has bright blue eyes and a sweet smile. He kind of looks like me and Miles. 

"W-who are you?" I ask him. 

"My name is Milo. I can't say much more about myself, we will meet soon enough. But, you have to live first. Come on darling, breath for me." He says. I sigh with a small frown.

"Milo, I don't want to live. It's too hard. I can't do it any longer. I'm sorry." I say quietly. 

"Sweetie, Miles doesn't want to live without you. If you die, you only watch the ones you love fall apart until they die too. Trust me. I died once. But after five minutes I came back. I couldn't see my family like that. Come with me." He says, holding a hand out for me. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"We are going to see them. So you can have a preview of what they will be like without you there."

I take his hand and he shows me a waiting room in a hospital. I hear the same beeping noise I heard before Milo showed up. I turn from where I heard the noise in time to see Miles fall to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He silently sobs for a few moments, but that's when the screaming starts. 

"NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" Our brothers gather around him, tears evident in their own eyes, as they see their youngest brother break down. 


I feel like crying but no tears come. 

"Miles... I'm so sorry." I say to him. 

"He can't hear you. We are in two very different worlds. We are in the one between the living, and the dead at peace. We can't truly be at peace until we no longer have any loved ones still alive. Some people die and have grand-kids, who have kids, and they fall in love with their grandchildren's kids, and the process keeps going until they can no longer care for anyone, or their bloodline ends. We have to fully move on from them before we can be at peace."

"I don't want to forever be incapable of moving on... I love too easily Milo. I'll never be let out of this world." I say. 

"Then go back. We can go back together." He says softly. 

"Wait a second, how are you even here with me, Milo?" He smiles. 

"I was alone in the woods. I had been starving for days, with nothing to eat. I was only surviving by the amount of water in the nearby stream. I've been trying to get back to my twins. But they were hidden from me and my elder brothers. The people who took them thought it was only a pair of twins, they didn't notice there were three cribs in the room. They didn't notice the third missing child."

"W-what happened next?" I ask. 

"Well, I turned twelve and I passed the first time, to see my twin brother and sister. They were asleep. They didn't know about me. Then I moved suddenly and saw my parents and brothers falling apart. When I brought myself back, I asked about the two I'd seen. I found out that as I was downstairs, in my mother's arms being fed, my twins were taken. I found out that no one knew where they were."

"I left a week later, on a trip to find my twin siblings. I've been searching for two years. Now, I finally know where they are. I will bring myself back again, and I will come home to them." He finishes his story. 

"How are you seeing my family though?" I ask. He only smiles. 

"You will see soon darling, just not yet." I nod. "Will I remember this, if I bring myself back?" I ask. He nods. 

"Anytime one leaves their world to go to another, they remember their past in that world, so if you leave the world you are in to go back to the one you came from, or to move to yet another, you will still remember your time in both worlds. You don't just simply forget."

"So if I meet you in person, I'll remember you?" He smiles. 

"You're very smart darling." I smile at him. 

"Thank you... How long will it be before I see you again?" I ask. 

"I suppose... A few days, maybe a week. I'm closer to you than you think." I nod at his words. 

"I can't wait for us to meet in the world of the living. Maybe we will become good friends." I say hopefully. 

"We most certainly will."

I hug him. 

"Thank you for reminding me why I need to live. Now I know that in order for life to be good you must first endure the pain." He tightens his grip on me. 

"Life shouldn't be like this. It's not supposed to be this hard, for anyone. It's supposed to be fun with good moments that outweigh the bad. It shouldn't have this much bad before it gets good. I just hope you cherish the good moments to come. Just so you know, these brothers of your's... You can speak to them. They won't take away your voice like others have. Not even Blade would dare silence you. Just, tell them what happened, and why you were unable to bring yourself to speak. Blade and the others will understand, and Miles will be there with you every step of the way. So will I, when we meet." 

"Thank you Milo. I will never forget you, even if for some reason we don't meet. The thought of you will never leave my mind." I say sincerely. 

"I know we will meet soon. I can feel it in my very being. I will be seeing you soon. I promise." He says. I nod. 

"So- uhm, how do I bring myself back?" I ask. 

"You will it into happening. You imagine it. Just imagine yourself taking a deep breath, then another, and another. Then you just imagine opening your eyes." I thank him. 

"I will see you soon Milo." He nods. 

"See you soon darling."

With that my eyes open and I force oxygen into my lungs.

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