The Epilogue - Katniss and Pe...

By justsunsetorange

47.1K 643 3.3K

This story is based on the characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. They both are from the hunger game... More

He's home.
Wishing to be Dead.
Nightmares and Letters.
He left me.
Begging and crying.
First time.
Drunk and Numb.
A Chance of Infidelity.
The Hunger I Crave.
The Ring.
Hospitals and Sorrows.
The Dress.
The Wedding.
Changing My Mind.
Meaningful Conversations.
I can't.
Questions and Sickness.
Favorite Colors and Birthdays.
Disagreements and Tears.
Star People.
Real or Not Real.
I didn't want to.
Finding a Purpose.
Phone Calls and a Bakery.
Tears and Feelings.
Meeting Eloise.
Promises and Cliffs.
Going Home.
Trying to be Fine.
The Opening.
Crying and Intentions.
The Letter.
School Problems.
Nothing Working Out.
Promises and Tears.
Rekindling and Necklaces.
Songs and Kisses.
Night-time Calls.
My Fault.
One Last Time.
Newspapers and Letters.
Never Enough.
Ready or Not.
Choose Me.
Finding Her.
Miss Me.
The Beauty of Pain.
Empty Promises.

Pearls and Worry.

1.4K 16 3
By justsunsetorange

*Katniss's POV*
*Several Weeks Later*
I'm still shaken about the incident with Gale. My nightmares have been pretty bad lately. But as I wake up and scream, Peeta's arms are always there—and eventually his lips. Peeta has been trying to get me to think positively. But I can't. Not today.

Today I feel sad, hurt, and upset. On these days, I do nothing. I lay on the couch and think of everything I could do to end this misery. But instead of ending it, I sit here watching the rain. But I'm not watching it alone, which I'm somewhat content with.

We sit by the front door and watch the rain fall. Peeta is starting to stay at my house now. He even has an art room. Peeta is looking out the door, and I turn my head to look at him. He doesn't notice me looking, instead he stays in the same position. I look back outside and I softly smile. Even though today is one of those days, I feel happy to spend it with Peeta. Even if I don't talk, he's still there for me.

As the rain starts to lighten up, Peeta stands up and walks to the kitchen. I look up puzzled as he's walking away—seeing what room he'll go into. He walks into his art studio and gently closes the door behind him.

I get up and quietly creep up to the door. I put my head against the door to see if I can figure out what's he's doing. I hear him rummaging through his drawers and grabbing some paint from the cabinet. I hear him pull up his seat to his easel and his brush stroke the canvas.

I turn around, and slowly walk to the kitchen. I look in the fridge, there are many fruits and vegetables, but nothing looks good. I guess I lost my appetite. I walk towards the entry way, and grab my umbrella. The weather is warm enough to go without a coat, but I still put my dad's hunting jacket on. I close the door and start walking towards the hob. I already know there will be people asking how I've been, but I'll just ignore them. Because honestly, I don't know myself.


As I enter the hob, everyone stares at me. But I was wrong because nobody says a word to me. I go up to a stand that has many different items. They have fruits and vegetables and little tokens. I pick up a pearl, but it isn't like the one Peeta gave me. This one is a white pearl.

"Why do you only have white pearls?" I ask politely.
"Because white pearls are the most common." The lady says.
"What does a bluish-black pearl mean?" I didn't know there were so many types of pearls.
"Oh, those are very rare. If you have one, hold it tight." She says smiling.
I look at the other trinkets she has. She has bracelets and necklaces and rings, but they have one thing in common.
"Are you from district 4?" I say. "These all look like the came from the seaside."
She smiles. "Yeah, I used to live there but I came down to district 12 for a change." She looks at me contently.
"Wow, that's really cool." I say. I don't leave without buying a necklace though. It's a simple gold necklace with little dots on it.
"Thank you." I say as I start to leave.
"Come back anytime, Love." I smile back.

As I walk back through town, I hear my name being called.
"Katniss?" I hear a voice say. It's Peeta. I wave towards him and it looks like he has 10 years of his life regained.
"Where were you? I've been looking all over. I checked Haymitch's house, I checked your old house, I even went to check Gales house." He sighs. I forgot to tell him where I was going. I hope he isn't mad.
"I just went to the hob. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, I just didn't wanna bother you because you were painting." I say wearily.
"It's fine, I was just really worried." He says looking extremely flustered.

"Why did you look at Gale's house?" I ask as we start to walk back home.
"I don't know. I thought you might of went there to talk about what happened." He says as he kicks small rocks along the path.
"No. I don't even want to see him." I say flatly. "What did he say?"
"He said that you weren't there and that I should try to keep more of a closer eye on you." He says.
"Don't listen to him, he's just mad." I say looking into his eyes. He just looks away from me and nods his head. I can tell that Gale's words got to him. But it isn't Peeta's fault, it's mine. I'm the one who left without telling him, and then Gale says that? What a dick.

We walk home in silence and I lay my necklace on the table. Peeta looks at it and smiles.
"That's a beautiful necklace. Did you get it at the hob?" He asks. I nod my head.
"Yeah, I bought it from a lady that came from district 4. She has gorgeous stuff." I say, but I don't tell him about the pearls—in fear he might go buy more. I love everything he does for me, but I don't want a bunch of pearls.
I only want the pearl he gave me.

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