My Heaven Above, Simeon x Rea...

By T3u8e2

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Being In the Devildom you make bonds with the seven demon brothers and Angels, your good friend Simeon adores... More

Spring Day Chap.1
Admiration from afar Chap.2
Dreams In the clouds Chap.3
A Serendipity Chap.4
A heart that yearns Chap.5
Talks with Lucifer Chap.6
Date in the human world Chap.7
Prayers for Courtship Chap.8
You're my heaven Chap.9
My Angel and me Chap.10
Words of wisdom Chap.11
A Love not fated to be Chap.12
Apart Chap.13
To the Celestial realm Chap.14
Speaking with Michael Chap.15
Night Talks Chap.16
Testing ones Faith Chap.17
Reuniting for Good Chap.18
Ice Skating Chap.19
Fun in the snow Chap.20
Christmas together Chap.21
Wedding Planning Chap.22
Springtime Vow Chap.23 END
*Bonus Chapter* Summer Picnics
Luke's Birthday Chap.24
Blessings from Celestial Chap.25
Date Night Chap.26
Nausea and sewing Chap.27
Gender Reveal Party Chap.28
Cookies and Cuddles Chap.29
A Nursery Chap.30
Visits with Diavolo Chap.31
Walks and Naps Chap.32
A Little Christmas Chap.33
Baby Names Chap.34
Surprise Party Chap.35
Last Checkup Chap.36
Hospital Visits Chap.38
Back to the Devildom Chap.39
Introducing her Chap.40
Meeting's with Micheal Chap.41
Simeon's thoughts Chap.42
The Decision Chap.43
A New Beginning Chap.44 END

The Birth Chap.37

317 7 0
By T3u8e2

Three days later...

you were currently sitting on the couch as you rested, and Simeon was walking around the apartment as he was looking somewhat distraught, and you were worried

you carefully stood up, "Darling"

Simeon returned to the living room, "are you alright?"

you walked over to him, "I'm okay, but I'm worried about you right now"

"I'm fine my lamb, please don't worry"

you touched his cheek, "Alright If you say so"

Simeon smiled and held your hand, "I'm not stressed at all really, I just have a feeling that It might happen one of these days"

he kissed your hand, "so please don't worry"

"alright, but honey It's not close to my ninth month just yet"

you then went to sit back down, just as Lucky walked over and hopped up onto the couch, he'd grown up more and would soon be full adult dog In a year, you smiled as you gave him a rub and he then rested his head on your lap just as you relaxed again, but then after a while you felt yourself start to get the shakes as you were trembling quite a bit, and you realized that maybe this was your own anxiety that you'd been trying to hide since last night

you took In a deep breath before you let It out, and you started to stop shaking as you then rested your head against the pillow, but then you soon drifted off for a nap and Simeon returned to see you asleep, he smiled gently as he put a blanket over you and kissed your cheek

Luke came over, he whispered "Hey Simeon, when'll the baby come?"

Simeon whispered, "We've been over this Luke, not until next month"

Luke nodded before he went to go pray for your wellbeing, and Simeon did the same as he asked for their father to look out for you, after about another fifteen minutes of sleeping you started to feel a sudden pain come to your lower region, and you Immediately woke up

you placed a hand on your stomach as you slowly sat up, the pain felt like a rubber band In a way and you winced "ow...."

you then realized these must be the practice contractions, but even so you knew It was too early

"Darling! Simeon!" you called

Simeon rushed from the bedroom, "what's the matter, my lamb are you alright!"

"No I'm feeling some small contractions right now...It might be the baby"

he rubbed your back, "!!!!! okay how about we get going to the hospital"

you nodded in agreement, Simeon then went to get your coats and the Hospital bag as you stood up slowly from the couch, and Luke came from his room as he noticed Simeon

"what's going on? Is It time"

Simeon nodded, "Yes, are you coming Luke?"

Luke thought, "I want to! but....I also want to stay here just In case to answer calls"

"alright, I'll probably be able to come back tomorrow please be careful"

"Okay! you too!" said Luke 

Simeon put his coat on and came to help you with yours, and instead of taking the car Simeon thought It'd be faster to use his powers to get you there, so he channeled his powers and transported you both outside of the nearby hospital, walking inside with you to reception 

"Hello, welcome how may I help you?"

Simeon started, "my wife is eight months pregnant, she's been having small contractions for a bit"

the receptionist nodded, "Alright, please sit tight for just a moment"

she went to ask for a nurse to come with a wheelchair, and while you waited you felt that the contractions had stopped for quite some time but then they started again, 


Simeon rubbed your back, "Help is coming don't worry love,"

a few seconds later a nurse brought a wheelchair and Simeon helped you to sit down

"alright, please follow me"

the nurse said to Simeon and she pushed you along In the wheelchair as she walked, while In the chair you felt yourself trembling as well as tears gathering in your eyes, and the nurse went with you both to the elevator heading to the maternity ward on the second floor. and she asked one of the passerby nurses if there was any rooms available, and luckily there was so she took you the room number eight, and upon coming Inside Simeon set down the bag 

the nurse helped you to stand up, "here you go, nice and easy hon let's get you a gown"

Simeon took off your coat and shoes, setting them aside as the nurse got you a hospital gown

"take your time getting changed and I'll be back In a little bit for your vitals"

"alright, thank you very much," said Simeon

the nurse left and Simeon helped you to undress, but you left on your underwear as you slipped on the hospital gown and he tied It up in the back, before he helped you to lay on the bed

he held your hand, "you're shaking"

you nodded, holding his hand back "mhm, it's been happening for a while"

he smoothed your hair, "are you In pain still?"

"no the contractions stopped again, I think there's a five-minute pattern"

you sniffled just as the nurse came back with warmed blankets for you both, you thanked her as she draped one over you, then having you sit up as she took your blood pressure 

"your pressure is normal, now let's listen to your heartbeat and the little ones"

she listened to your heartbeat and then placed the tool on your stomach, 

"all good here, is there anything that you'd like? water or something to eat"

you started, "Water please, Darling do you want anything?"

"I'm alright, but thank you for the trouble" said Simeon

the nurse gave a nod, "I'll be right back with that water, please don't hesitate to let me know If you need anything else the way my name is Nina"

you smiled, "Thank you Nina, It's nice to meet you"

Nina left before Simeon sat down on the bed, and he texted Luke to make sure that all was fine back at the apartment. Nina soon returned with your water before she left again, you looked out the window and to the clock, seeing that the sun was setting but then you winced In pain as you felt a contraction come on again, and Simeon soothed you through It 

"It's going to be alright" 

tears gathered in your eyes again and a few rolled down your cheeks, "It hurts so much"

Simeon rubbed your stomach in circles, he didn't know much about birth or birthing pains but he knew you were having a rough time right now, "I hate seeing you In pain like this too...but don't worry It'll be over soon and we'll have our daughter"

you started to smile, "yes,"

Simeon brought the blanket further over you, and he sat down at the bedside while your hands were intertwined, he then had an Idea to help you maybe feel better 

Simeon took out one of his TSL books, "I don't know how much this'll help but I'm willing to try"

he started reading It aloud and as the contractions went away you relaxed while listening, and you were calm for the next five minutes until all of sudden you felt something wet. you checked In relief to know that It wasn't blood but like water, so you guessed your water broke 

"Honey, I think my water broke"

Simeon closed the book, "alright I'll go find Nurse Nina"

he was about to get up and go but Nina returned, "did I hear my name? is something wrong"

"her water broke," said Simeon

"okay, alright don't panic I'll go get the doctor" 

Nina left before soon returning with the doctor, who took your Vitals again just as the hour had become five o clock with It getting dark due to still being winter, 

"alright what's baby girls name?"

you started, "Seraphine Peugeot"

Nina wrote it down on the white board over yonder, "Okay"

after the doctor got your vitals he went through what was going to happen next, since your water broke It wouldn't be long before you went into labor and you'd give birth naturally. or have to have a C Section performed In which upon explaining scared the both of you, 

"but please don't worry, if her cervix is fully dilated she'll be able to push the baby"

the doctor had you open your legs as he checked, and Indeed your Cervix was starting to properly dilate, the nurse then helped you to cover back up 

"Alright, it seems to be looking properly so you can rest assured but I will return to check again soon, though It's early I believe this baby will be coming today"

you placed a hand to your heart, starting to relax "okay, Thank you Doctor"

The doctor left, and you closed your eyes while you brought your hands over them, feeling relief that everything was going to be alright and Simeon brought his arms around you, 

you hugged him back, "Is everything alright back home"

"yep Luke and Lucky are doing fine, Luke told me he's even making some cupcakes for you"

you smiled, "that's sweet, though I don't know how soon I'll be able to eat them"

you touched foreheads with him, but then you shared a kiss before he took out his D.D.D and showed you a funny picture from the twins, and it made you break out laughing 

"What is Belphie doing?" you asked

Simeon chuckled, "I don't know, but it seems like he's sleepwalking"

you giggled as you then laid back and Simeon covered you up again, he decided to slip into the bed with you and you snuggled into him as he held you close, and there you stayed for the next hour as you napped together but you did wake up a few times due to Contractions, but the next time you woke up you felt the contractions had gotten worse


Simeon rubbed your back, "I'm here love, I'll go get the Nurse"

he left your side and rushed to go find Nurse Nina before they returned running, and she checked your cervix to see that It was even more dilated than before so she knew It was almost time. Nina left to go get the doctor and told him how dilated you were now, so he went to prepare as you now actively going into labor, Nina returned with another few blankets 

"the doctor Is coming, so don't worry" she said

Simeon coached you through a few deep breaths as you started shaking again, but then the contractions returned and you started to cry because of how Intense they were, Simeon brought his arms around you, not knowing much of what else to do right now but he'd stay by your side until It was over, the doctor soon came into the room and went to put on his gloves 

"Alright, Mr. Peugeot I'm going to need you to move over here please"

Simeon looked to you, and a few tears slipped down your cheeks but he wiped them away


he nuzzled you, "I'll be here don't worry, you're so strong my love I know you can do It,"

you mustered your best smile through the pain, and Simeon pressed a kiss to your forehead before he stepped aside, the doctor checked your Cervix once again 

"she's about ready to push"

Simeon went to help you sit up and he supported you from behind, you opened your legs up and the nurse took off your underwear before putting a blanket over your legs, in which they started to tremble along with the rest of you, you held onto Simeon's hand as you readied yourself

and after a few minutes, "Alright Mrs. Peugeot, Push as hard as you can"

you took in a few deep breaths, before pushing "Ahhhhhh!"

It hurt a lot but you tried to be strong as you pushed again using the energy that you had, before you leaned back onto Simeon as he smoothed your hair "you're doing good My Lamb"

"you have to push again on the count of three, one...two...three'

you did as the doctor said and pushed again, "Ahhhhhhhh!"

you panted as you felt yourself starting to sweat, you took In a few deep breaths again before you sat up to push again using your strength, and the doctor checked under the blanket 

"Good alright just one more and the head will be out"

Simeon rubbed your shoulders, "you've got this love, you're so strong right now"

you rested your head back, as you muffled a cry "I...I...It hurts so much!"

"I know Mrs. Peugeot but you have to keep going" said the Doctor 

your eyes watered as you then shut them, sitting up again as you pushed hard again 


the doctor checked under the blanket, "the head's out! just another few pushes"

your hands shook as you used all your strength to push, and Simeon held onto you as you trembled, but then you collapsed against him again and he wiped your forehead 

"you're doing so good my lamb, I'm right here with you"

you looked back at him with a weak smile, but then you mustered your strength again pushing as hard as you could which made you scream, "GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

and In that moment you felt something slide out, you collapsed back as you heard the cries of your baby and you started to cry as Simeon hugged you tightly, while his own tears flowed

the doctor took hold of Seraphine and brought her into the light, and Simeon had shaky hands while he cut the umbilical cord but he did It carefully. The nurse then went to bandage her up and clean her up of the bodily fluids, swaddling her up In a soft blanket 

you cried into Simeon's shoulder and he held you In his arms, a few more tears slipped from his blue eyes but they were of joy just like yours, the nurse then walked over

"aww, she's adorable congratulations you two"

you sat up and wiped your eyes as the nurse handed her to you, and you held her carefully In your arms, she looked just like Simeon but you could tell she had your hair color

you pressed a light kiss to her forehead, "Seraphine..."

Simeon came close and gently touched her, a warm smile came to his face "she's so precious"

 "I love her so much...."

Simeon kissed your forehead, "you did so good my sweet"

you lightly stroked her cheek with your finger, smiling warmly before you kissed her brow again but then Seraphine started to rouse and opened her eyes, in which matched her father's 

"Darling look, she has your eyes"

Simeon chuckled, "I guess so, I thought she'd have yours"

Simeon smoothed her little hairs, "our little angel...she's so small"

Simeon then turned to the doctor, "Thank you so much"

"please there's no need for thanks, It's what I do, your wife and child will have to stay for another day or two just to make sure that all Is fine"

Simeon nodded, "Okay, Thank you Doc"

the doctor and nurse soon left to give you privacy, just as Seraphine started to cry

you soothed her, "shh...shh...I'm here sweetheart, It's alright"

you then realized before you asked Simeon to undo your gown. And you slipped it off a little so you could feed Seraphine and she latched onto you immediately, as you breast fed her until she'd had her fill and you carefully put her onto your shoulder while you lightly burped her 

Simeon found himself looking at Seraphine as he still felt some shock that he'd become a father, all his life he'd known and seen babies but never expected he'd be a father, the same could be said for him falling In love with you but he'd never trade any of this for anything

you cradled her In your arms again, and Simeon put the baby cap on her head 

you smiled, "Darling, would you like to hold her?"

Simeon smiled with a nod and carefully took Seraphine, he started tearing up again as he kissed her brow holding her for a while as you rested while closing your eyes. And after some time he sat back down at your side as he handed her back to you, while putting his arm around you

"Do you think...she'll have wings like yours?" you asked

Simeon started thinking, "I'm not sure, though she's part angel It's hard to say right now"

Seraphine let out a little yawn in which you thought was adorable, before she closed her little eyes while you lightly patted her stomach, and she soon drifted off to sleep 

"My Lamb I'll tell Luke the good news"

you smiled, "alright"

he took out his D.D.D sending Luke a picture of you and the baby, In which he replied with many excited emojis and Confetti, and he showed you the text which made you giggle

"Luke is a great big brother already, I can't wait for her to meet him"

Simeon smiled, "me too, my lamb would you like to rest some more If you want to sleep I'll look after her for a bit, it's been a long two hours for you"

you did indeed feel very tired and almost fatigued, "alright"

you kissed Seraphine's forehead before handing her to Simeon, and he held her carefully with one arm before tucking you back in with the other, "Rest well my sweet"

he kissed your lips before he looked to Seraphine again as a gentle smile came to his face, you and your daughter of were his everything's. but after a while the doctor came back to examine Seraphine since she was premature but he concluded that she was perfectly healthy although smaller than she should be, but to be sure he had her taken to the NICU, In which made Simeon start to worry but the doctor assured him It was for her wellbeing.

(Song belongs to Jo Hyun Ah and is from K Drama Mr. Queen, all credit goes to her)

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