Blessings from Celestial Chap.25

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you were now In your third Month and all was going well, your bump hadn't started to form just yet, Simeon was still hard at work with his book, if he wasn't called away for his duties In Celestial realm, in which since you were pregnant, their father agreed to let Simeon be with you more now, and Simeon was happy that he could be with you more often, and when your baby was here he'd be allowed more time to be with you and the baby, you hadn't shown any symptoms yet but you did have the occasional nauseous feeling, It was still almost dreamlike with the fact that you and Simeon would be parents soon, Luke had even started to make predictions on whether It was a boy or a girl, but you'd find that out during your fifth month

you were in the common area, doing a little bit of dusting while wearing a mask over your mouth, and Luke vacuuming the floors as to help out, you were doing a bit of cleaning today of Purgatory Hall, Simeon was away at the moment In Celestial Realm, since he was allowed to be with you more often he was now away for one week

you finished dusting the last picture frame, It was a wedding picture of you and Simeon, you took off your mask, a warm smile coming to your face before you placed It back down, you then went to put away the duster and tossed the mask into the bin, you then went to sit down for the moment and Luke turned off the vacuum, "I'm finished!"

just then you saw a golden light, and there stood Rapheal "excuse me, sorry to intrude"

you smiled, "Oh Rapheal, you're not Intruding at all"

"Alright, I brought this from Celestial realm for you"

a basket appeared In his arms, it was beautiful and filled with many things "these are for you and the baby"

you received the basket, "oh thank you very much"

Rapheal smiled, "It's no trouble, everyone In Celestial Realm is happy for Simeon, and there's something else I'd like to give you"

he stepped closer, raising his hand over your hand as he closed his eyes "May you and this child, live a happy and healthy continued life, this child will grow up safe and always protected"

"You used the celestial blessing!" exclaimed Luke

Rapheal nodded, "Yeah, It's my personal gift to her and the child, after all she and Simeon have been through, they deserve to have safe and peaceful years with this child"

Luke smiled, "Yeah I agree!"

you put the basket down, you smiled "that was really sweet of you, thank you Rapheal"

"It's really no problem, I can't stay too long I should get back soon"

"Aw! I wanted you to try some of the cake I made" said Luke 

Rapheal started thinking, " I don't have time, well If I must, one quick slice wouldn't hurt"

Luke smiled, "Okay! I'll go get It and make you some tea"

Rapheal started, "wait I don't have t-"

you giggled, "Luke really wants to please you, doesn't he"

he sighed, "yes, I'm many years his senior and I believe he looks up to me, but not as much as Michael"

Luke soon returned with a slice of cake, and a teacup full of fresh prepare tea, Rapheal went to sit down on the common area couch as he received his tea and cake, and Luke watched eagerly as Rapheal took a bite, a pleasant smile coming to his face "It's really good, well done Luke"

Luke's eyes glittered, "Really! then please take some to Michael"

Rapheal sighed, "Alright, I have to be going now I can't delay any longer"

you smiled, "Take Care Rapheal, Thank you again"

he gave a nod, "You too, see you later"

a golden light shone, and Rapheal disappeared from the common area, you went to look at the basket again as you saw things for the baby, and a few little care items for yourself, It was very nice, you placed a hand to your stomach as you rubbed It with a smile, your baby wasn't here yet but he/she was already loved and had a great family.

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