Hospital Visits Chap.38

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A Day later....

You were worried about Seraphine being in the NICU, but it didn't last long as they found she was completely healthy without any irregularities. but she was smaller than a usual newborn because she was only born at eight months In which case you wondered why that was, but you guessed that her being part Angel had to do with her being completely fine health wise.

Simeon had helped you get ready this morning as you wanted to clean up In the shower, but now he'd left to go bring Luke so he could finally meet his little sister who he was eagerly waiting to meet back at the Airbnb, you were currently lying In the hospital bed as you were feeding Seraphine her breakfast which was your milk, rubbing her back lightly as she drank from you and after a while she'd had her fill so you moved her onto your shoulder to burp her 

just as Nurse Lexi came and asked if you wanted some breakfast yourself, and you said yes before she told you what they offered saying It was good for breastfeeding women, 

"I'd like that thank you" you said

Lexi smiled, "Of course! I'll be right back then."

she left the room, you then placed Seraphine back into your arms as you cradled her closely, smoothing her little hairs back that matched your own as she breathed in and out, her eyes closed as you lightly patted her all the while she started drifting off to sleep again

a while later you saw a flash of light, looking with a smile as you saw Simeon and Luke 

Luke's eyes sparkled, "Where is she!"

you smiled and motioned him to stay quiet, just as Simeon ushered him to the bedside as Luke looked on In wonder at the little girl wrapped in a swaddling blanket 

Luke came closer, cautiously putting his hand atop her head "Wow...."

you giggled, "Luke this is Seraphine"

Luke smiled, "It's perfect for little sister"

Simeon came to sit at your side, putting his arm around you as Luke gently touched her face

"she's so soft"

Simeon chuckled, "Yep"

"Do you want to hold her?" you asked

Luke nodded quickly and sat down, you then showed him how to hold her before carefully giving her over to him, and Luke held on tighly to Seraphine as he looked at her 

"She's so cute...she's like a...a cupcake"

you smiled, "that's so sweet"

Luke then felt his eyes well up with tears, before he sniffled "I'll always be here for you I promise"

he then gave her a little kiss on the forehead, which made you feel as if you would cry now seeing the tender moment, just then Seraphine stirred as she opened her eyes 

"Wow! Simeon she's got your eyes" he said 

Luke smiled, "Hi little one, I'm your big brother"

you and Simeon exchanged smiles before you rested your head on his shoulder, 

"How are you my Lamb"

"I'm better than yesterday,"

Simeon rubbed your shoulder, "Sorry I had to leave suddenly yesterday, Rapheal sent a message to me from Celestial Realm"

you looked up, "It was serious I can tell"

"It was, but everything's okay now"

just then Seraphine wriggled her arms out of the swaddle, just as Luke started playing peek a boo with her In which she didn't understand what he was doing, but she cooed a lot as you all lovingly looked at Seraphine as her blue eyes shined, as if there were stars In them.

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