Simeon's thoughts Chap.42

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A Few days later....

Simeon returned home from his duties In Celestial Realm, ever since he'd left his thoughts had kind of been bothering him for a while and It even made him wonder would there ever be a time that he could completely be who he wanted to be. he kept this to himself though he wanted to express It to you many times, Simeon knew that bottling up all of this wasn't good for him at all and that was why he decided that he'd finally break the ice with you about his feelings. 

Luke was In the kitchen preparing lunch for you all, he said he wanted to make something tasty but Simeon laughed and told him that could be many things, so he narrowed It down and decided to make a pizza with a side salad to accompany It. as the day's went by Luke was Indeed getting better and better at making things that weren't desserts which he was proud of 

"My Sweet"

you turned to Simeon, "Hm? yes"

Simeon sat up on the couch, he'd previously been laying his head on your lap as to rest while Seraphine was In her baby rocker as she played with the toys hanging from above 

he took you by the hand's, "There's something I need to talk to you about"

you gave him your full attention, "What is it Darling"

Simeon bit his lip, "Are you...are you satisfied with the way things are now?"

you were surprised, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, with the way we're living" he said

you thought, "Oh, everything's alright with me honey I've been keeping my new job at Majolish and our living In Purgatory Hall is just fine"

"That's good, but...what do you think of my situation, please be honest my lamb"

you looked down for the moment, "I....."

Simeon let out a sigh, "I'm sorry I didn't want to put you on the spot like this, this has been bothering me for a longtime"

"What has?"

Simeon's eyes quivered, "I feel like...I'm being half a husband and father"

you were taken aback, "Simeon...."

you gave his hand's a squeeze, "Darling you're not! please don't say that...I understand what you're trying to say now, It's because you're not always home...isn't It"


you started, "Darling...I'll be honest, It is hard...just like before when we weren't married I could only see you so much and even when I was pregnant....It did feel sad and lonely, I did really want you with me especially when I was very sick at night but...."

"It wasn't fair to you nor to Luke, I know he helped you all he could while I was away but I know he must've felt helpless sometimes too...but what's more It's not fair to our daughter"

Simeon looked over at Seraphine who's eyes matched his own, 

you started tearing up "Simeon, please...It...I don't..."

Simeon felt his heartbreak, "Oh my lamb, I'm sorry..."

he brought you into his arm's as he held you tight, "I'm sorry..."

you squeezed him back, "don't apologize for anything, Simeon...listen to me I knew what being with you would bring and I've never regretted anything"

Simeon felt his heart swell, "I don't regret It either"

you parted to look at Simeon, "How long has this been bothering you?"

"Ever since you just got pregnant" he confessed

"Oh Simeon....."

some tear's started to stream down your cheek's, but he wiped them away with his thumb as he then came close to kiss your eyelids "I hate that I'm the reason you're crying my love"

you sniffled, "but I can't help It, you've suffered so much honey...and the situation is hard for me too but It's just how It has to be...isn't It?"

Simeon brought you into his arm's again, holding you tight as his hand's started trembling

"I'm not bound by chain's anymore but...It sometimes feel's like I am"

you buried your face into his chest, "even if It feel's like that you're not half a husband or father Darling, I promise you're've been nothing but a great father to Seraphine"

"I know but she's only seven months, what about when she's older? what if I...."

you held him tighter, " work so hard for us and for Celestial Realm please, I know what you're worried about but that's many years from now"

just then a realization came to Simeon, he'd felt like a fool for not thinking about it sooner through all of this It only just hit him now that you have a mortal life. while Seraphine had a half mortal life but even so he'd live much longer than both of you

some tears dripped onto your head, you then looked up see that Simeon was now crying too

you cupped his cheeks and he held your hand's there to the spot, "What am I going to do...."

"What do you mean? Sweetheart,"

just then Luke came over, "Guys...what happened, why're you both crying?"

Simeon looked to Luke and quickly wiped his tears, "Oh It's nothing, don't worry Luke we just...It's nothing"

"It doesn't look like nothing but...I hope you'll be okay" he said

Simeon turned back to you, "how about we talk about this later"

you nodded In agreement, just as Luke went back to the kitchen just as you stood up to wipe your cheek's but then you hugged Simeon again, and he held you closely

"Simeon, you're never alone In this...I'm with you Darling, I love you so much and no matter how painful It's been In the past I'll never regret taking the chance I did with you"

Simeon's eyes shined, he then brought you into a kiss "I'll never regret my decision either...I wanted this life with you and I'd never trade It for anything"

he then lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss there "I'd do It all again In a heartbeat"

just then Seraphine started to blow bubbles as she whined, her eye's got teary as she cried

"Oh no, Mommy's coming my Angel!" you said

you looked back to Simeon and he gave you a smile with a nod of reassurance, you then returned the smile before you went to go pick up Seraphine and calm her down. all the while In his mind Simeon knew now what he wanted to do going forward, he had wanted to go ask for more leniency from his father but now he knew It wouldn't be needed.

My Heaven Above, Simeon x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें