Ice Skating Chap.19

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Two Months later...

It was now the start of winter within the Devildom same within the human realm snow covered the ground after Reuniting with Simeon things became much better than before you were happier than ever and the same could be said for Simeon now that you could be in his arms no longer separated by a door sometimes you had to stop yourself from getting emotional sometimes, but it wasn't nothing you couldn't handle just like Simeon had told you he was gone sometimes at least for one to two weeks doing his assigned duties In the Celestial Realm

while he was away you got a little lonely, but you got through It always remembering that he'd come back to you, one week while he was gone you had traveled back to the human world for a bit as to visit your family and friends seeing if they were alright, you missed them, but you had made a new life In the Devildom but still not telling anyone the existence of Angels or Demons.

It was nearing the afternoon you had been doing some of the boys Laundry for them with the help of Satan outside the snow had stopped it was very cold but not so much that you'd get frostbitten earlier this morning you all had a snowball fight It was big fun until Mammon accidently hit Lucifer in the face it became a war zone almost 

you started to giggle at the memory which made Satan turn to you "what's funny?"

you smiled "I was just thinking back on the snowball fight earlier"

Satan started to chuckle "yeah Mammon had It coming to him by the way...Isn't your Fiancé coming back today"

you smiled with a nod "Yes"

you then picked up the folded clothes that belonged to Asmodeus leaving the laundry room taking them upstairs to his room when finished you came back downstairs just as there was a knock on the door you rushed down the rest of the stairs over to the door grasping the doorknob before turning It to open the door with Simeon standing on the other side in a winter coat 

you smiled with a giggle wrapping your arms around his neck "Simeon"

he smiled warmly holding you in return "I'm back my lamb"

he placed a tender kiss to your forehead as you then started to shiver from the Icy air, he rubbed your shoulder with you going inside to the living room sitting by the fireplace 

you rubbed his cold cheek trying to warm It "how did It go"

he shrugged off his coat "It went well Father has given me duties to oversee some of the magic springs within the realm It's a very important job"

he fixed the hat on his head before you rested your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around you placing more kisses to your head while you giggled 

you smiled looking up at him "I missed you"

he smiled warmly "I missed you too my lamb"

he caressed your cheek bringing you into a kiss with you kissing back sharing a few more kisses 

you rubbed his hands "are you still cold darling"

he shook his head with a smile "no I'm alright as long as I have you in my arms, I'll be fine"

you smiled with a giggle but then he stood up putting his coat back on bringing you to your feet 

"My sweet there's somewhere I'd like to take you in the human realm"

you smiled "alright let me go get bundled up"

he released your hands with you heading upstairs to your room putting on your coat, boots, gloves and earmuffs coming back downstairs you quickly told Lucifer where you were going before going to the front door where Simeon waited with you soon heading out the door 

My Heaven Above, Simeon x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat