Last Checkup Chap.36

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 Things had been going smoothly but you had a few issues here and there, one of which was your feet were always swollen but Simeon helped you feel better by massaging them, the cramps were worse and you had more back pains which was to be expected, and you did have a little flair up of Anxiety about having the baby soon even though you were ready and happy, the anxiety came from you're wondering if you'd really be a good mother to Seraphine, but Simeon soothed and told you that everything would be alright telling that you both would be great parents.

you were currently back in the human world, on your way to the doctor for your last check up, at the moment you and Simeon along with Luke and Lucky had moved to the human world, only for a little while until a few days after you give birth, It was Simeon's Idea as he wanted to be sure you and Seraphine would be alright before going home, so he rented a nice apartment for the five of you to stay in for a few days, after another five minutes you soon reached the doctor 

Simeon went to park the car, before he turned It off and got out to come help you, he opened the door and helped you to stand up steadily, he closed the passenger door and you walked towards the building together hand In hand, and upon coming inside you were greeted by the receptionist, you told her about your appointment before going to the waiting room 

Simeon rubbed your shoulder, "how do you feel right now,"

"I'm alright, she was moving quite a bit during the night"

Simeon smiled and rubbed your stomach, "Maybe she'll be a night person"

you laughed a little, "only time will tell"

after a few minutes the doctor came out and brought you back, you headed for the typical checking of blood pressure and heartbeat, as well giving your stomach some feels to make sure that all was well, and afterwards she took you both to the ultrasound room

you removed your coat and Simeon held onto it, you carefully laid down as the doctor rolled up the shirt from your stomach, applying the gel onto It before she used the transducer as you could hear the baby's heartbeat, and the doctor moved the tool around as the baby soon came into view on the screen, you looked to Simeon with a smile and he squeezed your hand 

"she's growing up well, everything looks and sounds great so please be at ease Mrs. Peugeot, I believe It's safe to say you'll be giving birth on the tenth naturally, but If It goes past the date you may have to be induced"

you nodded, "alright, thank you"

the doctor handed you something to wipe the gel off with, and Simeon helped you to wipe the gel off before you sat up and he helped you to put on your coat, you both thanked the doctor once more and she saw you off to the door as you left, 

"the tenth, that's a week from now"

you nodded, "mhm"

Simeon stopped, he then realized "my lamb, I'll be able to be there because I'll be leaving back to Celestial realm for this week"

you turned, "really?"

Simeon smiled with a nod, "yes, so please don't worry"

you let out a sigh, before you hugged him "I was preparing to accept if you weren't but...I'm so glad you'll be there I don't think I'd be able to do It alone"

he wrapped his arms around you, "I know, Even If I did have to be away next week I'd try to find a way to come be with you no matter what even If I end up being reprimanded"

he pressed a kiss to your forehead, "I love you, and I love our family both of you are my world...our little family is everything to me"

you rested your head against his chest, "I feel the same way"

you rested your foreheads against each other's, as you embraced there just as the cold winds blew, but then Simeon wrapped his scarf around you before ushering you quickly to the car as to escape the cold, and he drove you back home while you kept thinking about what the birth might be like, after becoming pregnant you watched some birthing stories as to get a feel for what to expect but no matter how hard It could be, to you It would all be worth It.

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