Spring Day Chap.1

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It was a warm spring day not too hot or too cold, you had recently gone back to the human world as to get a few things since you wanted to try planting human world flowers in the devildom. you loved flowers thinking the house would look nicer with a garden, although there was the problem with it always being dark you hadn't thought that through, but you'd try anyway even if you had to plant them indoors under a lamp. you put on your gardening gloves taking the set of gardening tools you had going outside to the front of the house to start planting

you took the mini shovel digging into the ground, making a little hole, then taking the pack of seeds you bought putting them into the hole before covering it up with dirt, you then stood up taking the watering can into your hands. pouring water over it and you hoped in your heart that it'd sprout but now you felt foolish, you let out a sigh turning to leave but then you heard footsteps approaching as you turned back around to see Simeon, he crouched down to where you planted the seeds he looked as if he was concentrating, but then you gasped seeing a sprout starting to come up out the ground dazzling gold as whole plant emerged It was a lily 

Simeon smiled then stood turning to you "there you go"

you smiled walking up to him, "Simeon...I didn't see you come by"

he looked to the sky "I just came from Purgatory Hall...I came to visit you"

you smiled bashfully "oh...It's good to see you"

he smiled "likewise, how've you been doing"

"I've been well, it's spring back in the human realm so I thought why not bring it here"

Simeon smiled warmly "you're so very kind, I'm sure Lucifer and the others would appreciate it"

you smiled looking into his blue eyes, they sparkled with so much beauty and purity all the time you weren't the only kind one you knew Simeon was as well. you then turned gathering your gardening supplies also taking off your gloves as you dusted yourself off

you turned to Simeon, "would you like to come in for a bit?"

he nodded "if you don't mind"

you smiled "you're always welcome Simeon, I'm happy to have your company"

he blushed "I see...."

you then went inside with him following, you then put away the gardening supplies heading to freshen up in the bathroom a little. Soon coming back out to the dining room where Simeon sat, you quickly went into the kitchen as you made the tea, you saw Beelzebub burying his head In the fridge eating he then turned waving at you with a full mouth of food 

you giggled waving back "Beel, be careful that you don't choke"

he gave you a thumbs up, you then took the trey with tea for two heading back to the dining room, you sat the tray onto the table handing Simeon his teacup he then sipped his tea 

he smiled "It's delicious"

you returned the smile, sitting down taking your cup in hand also having a sip. you then realized the flower was a lily of the valley and not roses like you intended to plant 

you turned to him "why did the flowers come up as lily of the valley I'm sure I planted rose seeds"

he smiled warmly  "because they're sweet and gentle flowers they...remind me of you"

you blushed "that's a sweet thing to say"

he chuckled "I'm not kidding It's very true...."

you then smiled warmly as you felt a feeling rise up In your heart, but just then Lucifer came into the dining room surprised to see his old friend from the Celestial realm 

he gave a nod of acknowledgment "Hello Simeon"

Simeon waved "Hello to you too Lucy"

you smiled and gestured, "care to join us for tea?"

Lucifer shook his head "I cannot, I have to go clean up Mammon's financial messes"

you giggled, "what'd he do this time"

Lucifer sighed placing a hand upon his temple "he is in debt once again with one of the witches"

he then turned on his heels walking to the front door, soon leaving the house you then carried on chatting with Simeon until it was time for him to head back to Purgatory Hall. you walked with him to the gate as to see him off 

he smiled "thank you once again for the tea"

you smiled with a nod "of course"

it then became quiet as he then looked into your eyes, he stepped closer then reaching to touch you, but he retracted his hand giving you his usual smile "I'll see you again soon, take care (Y/n) and don't worry the flowers will stay as I used my powers on them"

you smiled "thank you Simeon, take care as well"

he then vanished before your eyes leaving with a golden glow, you then held a hand to your heart as you turned looking at the flower, he had grown the flower you reminded him of.

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