To the Celestial realm Chap.14

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Three days later...

You'd gone about your day per usual except you weren't in so good spirits in fact you were still shook and devastated from what happened but also, you'd exhausted yourself thinking hard about what you could possibly do for Simeon this situation was out of your hands as you were human there wasn't much you could actively do you were currently at R.A.D attending classes

you were sitting next to Beelzebub near the back of the classroom he was eating snacks in secret while paying attention to the lecture, but you had your mind and heart elsewhere knowing you should be paying attention as well, but you couldn't bring yourself to

Beel looked over to see a still saddened look on your face he leaned over "are you alright"

you took in a breath whispering "I'm okay"

Beelzebub looked down sadly before he leaned over "I'm sorry I know you're not okay...none of us know how he is right now...but at least he's In the Celestial realm"

you nodded "I know..."

the lecture soon ended with it being lunchtime you left with Beelzebub as he went to the canteen, but you soon branched off from him heading to Purgatory Hall as to spend time with Luke you did this in the last three days, once you arrived you found him with Solomen lunch was already set up on the table, so you went to sit down greeting them both with your best smile

Solomen leaned over "you still seem Melancholic (Y/n) are you sure you're alright"

you gave a nod "I'm fine"

Luke sat down across from you both as he started to eat but then he put down his spoon noticing you were only having little sips of the cream stew he'd made 


you looked up "hm?"

he furrowed his brows "are you haven't been eating much not that much at all lately"

you sighed putting down your spoon as you buried your face into your hands starting to cry with him quickly coming around to your side, he tried to calm you down 

"I'm sorry...I'm really so sorry...about this whole thing"

Luke started to tear up "he left three days ago and hasn't even sent a word to me...who knows what's happened"

Solomen folded his hands together "this is a truly sad situation...I know the Celestial realm would never do any harm, but the punishments can be a bit much"

you sniffled "I'm tired of feeling like everything is hopeless...Luke please isn't there something we can do...anything"

Luke wiped his own tears thinking "well...there is one way, but I don't know if we could do this"

you turned to him "what is It"

"We could the Celestial realm"

Solomen nodded "you could do that, but you'd need Lord Diavolo's permission but based on the circumstances now he probably won't let you go there (Y/n)"

you stood up "but I have to try...we have to try"

you started out of Purgatory Hall into the main hallway of R.A.D before you started running with Luke following not too far behind you ran to the council room where Diavolo should be once you came to the grand doors you stopped as to catch your breath before you listened in only hearing his voice along with Barbatos you then opened the door with them turning to you 

you ran up to Diavolo while still catching your breath "Lord...Diavolo...."

he put his hands on your shoulders "take It easy (Y/n)...take a moment"

My Heaven Above, Simeon x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat