Bunny love story

By lady_hybird

45.3K 801 40

A rise of the guardians fan fic More

Charactor intro
Meeting bunny and sandy
Meeting north
The warren
400years later and a new guardian
Getting jack
Collecting Teeth
Waking the child (jamie)
Pitch again
Saving easter
Defeating pitch
Leaving and goodbyes
5years later
How the story ends(not an authors note)
Authurs note

Pitch and a sleigh ride

2.7K 43 2
By lady_hybird

I cried for a few minutes until I heard a voice behind me.

Pitch- aww what's wrong.

I got up and turned on the lamp.

Me- pitch. What do you want?

Pitch- for you to join me. If you do you can be believed in like the rest. You can play with the kids.

Me- no. Get out.

I ran to my door and unlocked it. I felt pitch grab me. I hope bunny hasn't left.

Me- bunny!!!!!

Pitch covered my mouth. I changed into a tiger and bite him and then I ran. I made it out of the house and into the field. I tapped my foot and jumped and then closed the hole as fast as I could. I made it to norths shop and ran over to tooth and hugged her crying. She hugged me tightly.

Tooth- what happened?

Me- pitch.

All the sudden i felt bunny's arms around me and tooth let go. I turned to him and hugged him tightly. I didn't care about the thing that happened. I was just scared because i was alone, with pitch. I cried into bunny's fur.

Bunny- what'd he do? I swear if he hurt you he's dead.

I couldn't say anything I just buried my face into his fur. I cried for a few minutes then pulled back. Bunny still had his arms around me.

Me- he wanted me to join him. He said he could make kids believe in me.

Bunny- yea, well so can I.

Bunny kissed my head.

Me- after i told him no, I ran to the door and unlocked it. Pitch grabbed me, I screamed but he covered my mouth. I changed into a tiger and bite him. When he let go i ran out into the field and ran here.

Bunny held me tighter.

Bunny- ok. You can't go anywhere alone while pitch is out there.

Me- I don't want to be alone, anyway. That was scary.

Tooth gasped and we turned to her.

Me- tooth what's wrong?

Tooth- pitch he's at my palace.

Tooth flew off and we ran to norths office. We burst in.

Bunny- we have a problem, mate. Trouble at the tooth palace.

North- to the sleigh.

We all ran after north. We were sorrowed by yetis running around.

Jack- north, north! I told you, I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old....

The sleigh came through the doors. The reindeer were kicking and bucking.

Jack- sleigh.

One of the reindeer kick at jack.

Jack- whoa!

Yetis are still running around and we all just stand there.

Jack- ok, one ride, but that's it.

Jack jumped in, then north, then sandy. Bunny and I are hesitant and stay on the ground.

North- everyone loves the sleigh.

Me- yea, it's nice.

North- Leila, bunny, what are you waiting for?

Bunny- i think my tunnels might be faster mate. And um, safer.

Me- I don't like heights.

North- ah, get in.

North grabs bunny and puts him in and i try to walk away but he grabs me and sets me in between bunny and sandy.

North- buckle up!

Bunny tries to find seat belts but i know there are none.

Bunny- whoa, whoa, whoa, where are the bloody seat belts?!

North- that was just expression.

I hold onto bunny as he holds on to the side of the sleigh. The sleigh flys off.

North- out of the way.

I feel as if we are on a roller coster.

Me- I hate you north!

North- ah, you be fine.

I hold onto bunny tighter i really wish I ran while i had a chance.

Bunny- slow down, slow down!

But north only goes faster.

North- i hope you like the loopty-loops!

Bunny- i hope you like carrots.

Me- eww.

I put my face into bunny's chest and close my eyes.

North- here we go.

I felt us begin flying in the air instead of the path. I felt bunny peck over the edge and he only tightened his grip on my waist.

Jack- hey bunny....

I feel bunny turn to jack.

Jack- check out the view....ahhh!

Bunny- north! he's...

Bunny let go of me and I held onto sandy, but he only laughs at me.

Me- haha, it's not funny sandy!

I watch as bunny looks over the edge of the sleigh at jack.

Jack- aww you do care.

Bunny- ah, rack off you bloody show pony.

Bunny comes back and I move back over to him. Jack gets back onto the sleigh. Bunny holds me to him tightly and I grip his fur.

Me- I hope this ends soon.

North- hold on, everyone.

Bunny- oh, stewth. I knew we should have taken the tunnels.

North holds a snow globe.

North- i say tooth palace.

Then he throws the snow globe in front and a big portal appears.

Me- oh, no.

We go through the portal and I look up to see the tooth palace and black horses.

North- what?

North dodged some nightmare horses.

North- what are they?!

Bunny sandy and I duck as a horse flew over our heads.

Bunny- whoa.

Jack- they're taking the tooth fairies!

Jack leaps into the air.

Me- jack!

I watch as he saves a fairy from the fearling. Jack lands back on the sleigh and I go over to him. Jack opens his hands and there lays a baby tooth fairy.

Jack- hey little baby tooth, you ok?

The fairy nods and flys to me. Tooth's fairies know me.

Me- aww it's ok little one. Don't worry stay with jack it'll be ok.

The little fairy went into jacks pocket and hide. As we get closer to the palace north hands the reigns to jack.

North- here jack take over.

Bunny- huh?

Me- north what are you doing?! the only one who knows how to fly this thing is you!

North kills a nightmare with his sword and teeth boxes fall into the sleigh, along with black sand.

Bunny- they're taking the teeth!

Me- sandy this looks like our sand only black. What's going on?

Bunny, sandy, and I look at each other. When we looked up we were headed straight for a pillar.

North- jack look out!

Jack yanks the reins and the sleigh jerks. Then we landed roughly on a platform. I was the first one out of the sleigh, then bunny, then north, then jack, and last sandy.

North- tooth! Are you alright?

We ran over to tooth.

Tooth- they took my fairies and the teeth. All of them. Everything is gone. Everything.

I hug tooth as baby tooth flies out of jacks pocket and over to us.

Tooth- oh, thank goodness. one of you is alright.

Pitch- i have to say, this is very, very exciting.

We look up to see pitch. I moved over to bunny as he pulls me beside him.

Pitch- the big four and little Leila, all in one place. I'm a little star-struck. Did you like my show on the globe north. Got you all together, didn't I.

Tooth flys at pitch but he hides in the shadows.

Tooth- pitch! You have got thirty seconds to return my fairies!

Pitch appears.

Pitch- or what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?

North- why are you doing this?

Pitch- maybe i want what you have. To be believed in.

Pitch goes into the shadows and appears under us.

Pitch- maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds.

Bunny- maybe that's where you belong.

Pitch- ah, go suck an egg, rabbit.

Pitch is back in the shadows again and appears behind jack.

Pitch- hang on, is that...Jack Frost? Since when are you all so chummy?

Jack- we're not.

Pitch- oh, good. A neutral party. Then I'm going to ignore you but, you must be used to that by now.

Bunny- pitch! You shadow sneaking ratbag! Come here!

Bunny goes after pitch but he disappears. Tooth spots pitch, takes one of bunny's boomerangs, and flies after him. Before tooth could get to pitch a nightmare horse appears and rears up. Tooth flies back to us.
Pitch- whoa! Hey easy girl easy.

Pitch takes a little pinch of sand from the horse.

Pitch- look familiar, Leila, sandman? Took me a while to perfect this little trick. Turning dreams into nightmares, daydreams into...well scary ones.
We all just stand there. Sandy looks mad at this trick of pitch's.

pitch- don't be nervous, it only riles them up more. They smell fear you know.

Bunny- what fear? Of you? No ones been afraid of you since the dark ages!

Pitch- oh, the dark ages. Everyone frightened. Miserable. Such happy times for me. Oh, the power i wielded! But then the man in the moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light! Lifting their hearts and giving them hope! Meanwhile, everyone wrote me off as a bad dream.

Me- because that's what you are a bad dream, a nightmare. Nobody wants a night mare.

Pitch- "oh, there's nothing to be afraid of! There's no such thing as the boogeyman!" Well that's all about to change.

There was a sound behind pitch the palace was braking.

Pitch- oh, look its happening already.

Jack- what is?

Pitch- children are waking up and realizing the tooth fairy never came. Lifting pillows and finding their baby teeth still there. I mean such a little thing but to a child....

Jack- what's going on?

Tooth- they, they don't believe in me anymore.

Pitch- didn't they tell you jack? It's great bring a guardian but there's a catch. If enough kids stop believing, everything your friends protect, wonder and hopes and dreams, it all goes away and little by little so do they. No Christmas or Easter, or little fairies that come in the night. There will be nothing but fear and darkness and me! It's your turn not to be believed in.

Me- pitch that's enough! I'm the only guardian that's not believed in and I'm still here.

Bunny throws a boomerang at pitch and he dodged it. Pitch gets on his nightmare horse and jumps off the platform and we all follow. Pitch is gone. We all land on the ground and are in a fighting stance.

North- he's gone.

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