Does a Honkai Cry? (Dante & V...

By MunKumi

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Dante and Vergil unknowingly transported themselves into a brand new world. Learning their ways im their new... More

Prologue: "Seperation"
Chapter 1 : "Legendary Devil Hunter"
Chapter 3 : "Phoenix's Ash"
Chapter 4: "Familiarity"
Chapter 5: "The Angel"
Chapter 6: "Disruption"

Chapter 2 : "The Alpha and The Mysterious One"

2.4K 52 33
By MunKumi

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour."

The rumbling and decaying buildings spread free across the horizon. Rain falls heavily like thousand violent needles. The entirety of the city felt like a dream. Thunder clapped in sky every once in a while, he felt the storm slowly merging into an eye. The man before the storm, was man that embraced his humanity. Humanity that he thought was unnecessary, thrown away in a world of despair, seeking only for power.

The man sat down under the shade of fallen balconies. Sitting down as he ponders and waits for his next move. His feathered companion returned to him, shaking off all the droplets on him; in which some off the droplets landed on the man, slightly bothering him.

??? : Well, ya want the good news or the bad news first?

? : Both are necessary.

??? : The Bad news is: there's no way fuckin' way someone lives in this city.

? : The other news?

??? : We've got one of those weird lookin' things that you and Dante fought a while ago!

? : Excellent, right on time. My fingers are getting stiff.

??? : The hell are you waiting for then!? It's Barbecue time!

? : "I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow."

His familiar grabbed his arm and then took flight to the scene. Raining kept falling on his face. Closing his eyes a sign of comfort. Below his feet is distant drop to the flooded city, a relentless violent waves hitting a walls of the buildings, the droplets reached even to the man's feet himself. His altitude is getting lower as his familiar exhausted all of his strength to lift him up. Luckily, they were close.

??? : Hey, that's the critters i talked about right there!

? : So it would seem.

His familiar letting go from the man's wrist, flying towards the lower grounds. The man landed on his two foot, breathing easy, the land was sort of painful. His fragile body cannot withstand such impact.

To his surprise, the place he is in felt familiar. Yes, the time he spent with the kid, Nero. The flooded city he witnessed as Nero goes through the rooftops of buildings that was drowning in a similar way. Nostalgia, was all he felt, despite only being a few days ago.

The creatures in front of him took notice of his presence, they turned around quickly and started to circle around him. Foul scented, The streak of Magenta flowing on their body, it was no mistaken they were the same creature he saw during that fight with Kiana. He got up with the support of his metallic cane, with his familiar flying to his side.

Griffon : No fuckin' way these guys will last more than 5 seconds. You think it's worth the fight, V?

V : By the time being, yes. They will savor up strength for us to continue our battle.

Griffon : Real slick there, buddy. You know I could've helped your ass if you at least stab yourself!

V : This is my fight between me and her. Dante would only make himself as a distraction.

Griffon : I can do the same thing as he did! I'll fly around her and make a headache-- WOAH, V, WATCH OUT!

The creature plunged itself at him with its lance like weaponry. V dodged it, flying in the air with the help of his familiar. They flew across the small area on a rooftop, the edges of the roof struck by the waves below. The creature followed his tracked and soon charged straight towards him. Griffon charged himself with electricity while V pointed the top of cane at them. A stroke of his tattoo transfered itself onto the cane, gathering at the top of the cane.

V : You're up.

A shadowy liquid formed into a Jaguar, leaping itself to the creatures in front of him. It turned itself a buzzsaw cutting them with ease. Shadow, was the name of the Terrifying Dark Jaguar. Griffon made a line of powerful lightning in a form of a V-shaped line that each end slowly comes closer together. Shadow continued slashing with its tail morphed into a machete. A couple of the creature was sent flying in the air by his powerful slash; sharp spear like tentacle protrudes from his back, plunging them deep and fallen to the ground.

Griffon stayed behind Shadow to creature an area of protection. V simply read his newly discovered book while walking between the hell letting loose around him. The creature started to look pale, their bodies a frail, and they are immobilized; groaning in pain as all they could do. V strolled to the closest creature, spinning his cane before finishing it off by plunging the tip straight into its presumed head. He continue to finish them one by one, until they are all left to turn into ashes.

Exhausted, he sat down on the edge of the rooftops. He'd listen to the soothing sound of the waves. Noticing that the waters below him look very unnatural. It was more purple than the usual blue or green. He founds himself an empty can next to his foot, he took it and threw into the waters below; it did not float back up, it disappeared completely into the abyss below. Griffon landed next to him, alongside him was Shadow who rubbed its head against V's knee.

Griffon : Yo, V, I found out the name's of these mutated cakes with legs!

V : Speak.

Griffon : Not sure if there's anything related to these guys, But I'm sure they are called "Honkai".

V : How did you discover this?

Griffon : Err, the newspaper under your toes.

V looked down on his foot and lifts it up to see the content of the newspaper. He did not pay attention too much on it since he was reading his newly discovered book. "Herrscher of the Void", was all he saw. And the name will be written in his mind for the time to come.

Griffon : Oh wow, what's that you're reading, V?

V : I have no clue, it has a drawing of the characters and their quotes.

Griffon : The Poetry kid likes to read comics, huh? What happened to your old book?

V : I gave it to Nero.

Griffon : You're showing the kid some of your affection? Awww, you're so swee-- GYAH!

V Intentionally plunged the cane next to Griffon. He was muttered by Griffon's choice of words. Knowing this, Nero is his son. The memories will remain within V aswell. Griffon, still in shocked decided to just hover in the air, flapping his wings that worked almost exactly like a fan. Despite this, he still questions that he'd kept in his mind since Vergil became V.

Griffon : Say... why did you return to become your human self? That's a very Not-so-Vergil thing to do.

V : He... will rest for now. It will slowly repair his body with the Yamato intact, suppressing his demon side within him.

Griffon : And we're here to gather enough strength for a round two with the girl?

V : I'd say waiting instead of gathering, but yes.

Griffon : Wait, wait, wait, wait. I remember us getting slain by Dante himself, why are we still here?

V : You are no longer Vergil's nightmare, we have signed a contract that we are a familiar.

Griffon : I'd say a dysfunctional family than a familiar, am I right? Heehee! *cough cough*, no offense, by the way.

Shadow looked dead stared at Griffon after his awkward exchange. What follows is the fearsome growl not even the underworld can compare, V's stomach.

Griffon : Ooh, look at that! A perfect time to try if these Honkais are delicious.

V : I am merely a human, after all. I even remember the first food I ate as a human.

Griffon : You mean a burger like a month ago? Yeah, those were the memories. I wonder what would happen if I fed you rat instead.

V : You will rot in the benevolent fires of hell.

Griffon : Now that's such a V thing to say! Now come on, hurry up! I want a three stack of vanilla ice cream!

V : Ice creams are the most unlikely resources here.

Shadow merged to the ground below V's feet, in which he started to be transported by it, moving without the need of walking. He followed Griffon's lead as they search for any rations left in the sinking city. Searching for any kind of consumables around each building they through, they've come empty handed from each building they went through, killing the Honkai if it is necessary. What he thought was weird was the Honkai seem to began ignoring him. Despite this however, they ignored it for the time being.

Soon enough they've come across of what it seems like a rooftop of a school. Noticing the tall fences to prevent falling told them otherwise. Although, the school has not been fully sunken yet, he is able to open the door and enter the school. Browsing the empty classes from one end to another, going down stairs to stairs to find any remaining rations. In one of the classes he entered, he managed to find some snacks leftover in the bags. It was obviously expired, but he does not mind.

But what did took his full attention was a picture placed under a table. He moves the table out of the way take the polaroid beneath it. It was a just a pictures of classmeetings and such. But the one that caught his attention was a picture of her. Not only that,  a familiar face he saw a while ago, Raiden Mei.

Suddenly, the ceiling shook violently making the rubble fall on his head. He quickly ran upstairs leading towards the rooftop. And there it was, a group of Honkai, far greater numbers from before. Griffon and Shadow prepared for their move the they seem to ignore them, only to run to where they was when they defeated the last Honkai.

Griffon : Huh, that's weird. It's probably because we smell that bad?

V : That would not be the case. After all, It could've finish us when they had the chance inside. What are they planning on?

Griffon : Hard to say. and come on, I know your belly is still empty so we 'otta do somethin' about it.

V : ...Hold on a moment...

Griffon : What? Having a stomachache already?

V : No...

He continued to puzzle the strange phenomena he's been experiencing. He noticed his demonic energy was getting depleted overtime as V. He remembered that Vergil is slowly being healed by getting rid of his lethal wounds by V's energy.

A snap was heard inside his head, his eyes widened in fear.

V : The Yamato!

Griffon : Woah, woah! V, where're you going!?

V ran straight towards where they came from. Shadow caught up to him and proceeded to aid with his speed by doing the same thing he did before. Griffon also caught up to him, flapping his wings to catch up with his speed.

Griffon : Hey, Buddy, where you goin- Ah, forget it! What about the Yamato!?

V : They were looking for my Demonic Energy, all of them are slowly moved to the Yamato, to him!

Griffon : What do they want with the Yamato anyways!? Those things barely think!

V : I am not so sure, but all we need is to eliminate them all.

Griffon : Oh fuck yeah! Finally a fight that's worth dying for!

V : You could've killed yourself when you want to.

Griffon : Hey, that's not what I meant, Funny Guy!

As they reached the same place where they last defeated the gang of Honkai, V took flight with the help of Griffon. He felt his last remaining strength slowly dispersing, Vergil's healing is almost complete. But it will all come to waste if he was finished in place, to be defeated by a mere minion is severely humiliating. He finally saw the gang of Honkai reaching onto his hollow body, Vergil.

Landing behind them, making a loud thud sound that grabbed their attention. Some of them ignored, but the majority of them had taken their attention to V. He looked at Vergil's body being surrounded by weaklings, he continued to grinding his teeth out of frustration as the creature prepared for an attack. Griffon flew beside him and recognized his foul expression. It's him.

Griffon : Woahohoho! You're gonna call the big guns!?

V : That man, right there, is me. If you dare even laying a single finger on it. Let it be hell breaking through your soul!

The Honkai ignored his warning, charging towards V at the same time. The ones left behind are counting on finishing off Vergil's hollow body. V closed his eyes, taking a deep breath...

V : "Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee?"

V : Feel the taste of despair!

Snapping his fingers, his hair turned purely into white. All of his tattoos turned into nothing but dark ashes. The creature continued charging with no intention on stopping. They were close on stabbing V with their Lance like arms. But, a meteor struck to the ground in front of him, dispersing the Honkai almost instantly.

It did not end there, the meteor slowly morphing into something much bigger. With the body forming into completion, the eyes beamed in purple light.

Rising from the debris he bestowed upon them, causing the Honkai itself to feel fear. Shadow rushes and slices through the enemies with multiple hits with its tentacle like blade. Griffon makes an endless strike of lightning across the area, creating havoc and causing the Honkai to disperse, making an opening for Shadow.

Nightmare walked towards Vergil, swinging its gigantic arms to forcibly move the enemies away. V got climbed on its back, and finishing off the Honkai that was flung to the air with his cane. Nightmare shot off laser beams from its eye, creating massive explosions made from the impact. The Honkai started the tackle down Nightmare, making it immobilized. He got down and ran towards Vergil's hollow body.

But, a Honkai ambushed him from the area, with no way to defend himself. Griffon and Shadow came right on time.

Griffon : "I've got your back! Cuz dying is WHACK!"

V : Gratitude.

Griffon : Man, I should be a poet sometime!

The chaos was ongoing, Nightmare spinning to hit the enemies that was surrounding him. Shadow plunges through the heart of its enemies, while also protecting Nightmare from fast moving targets. Griffon is getting chased, we don't talk about that.

Nightmare suddenly melted as he was running out of energy. Shadow suddenly disappearing into shadowy dust. Griffon who was getting stomped by the Honkai, also disappeared slowly. Fortunately, a large portion of the Honkai was weakened, they were all pale and can barely move. Some of them survived, and were looking around to find V.

??? : This barely even counts as a warm-up.

The Honkai looked around to find the source of the voice. While they were looking they noticed that the hollow body was gone, along with the sword. They began to panic and started to wake up their weakened comrades by force, desperate to defeat V. But, it was far too late. Earth and Starts to vibrate, they felt weightless, and the sound of a sword unsheathing.

??? : Now you meet your end.

They did not even had a chance to move or think. Millions of lightning fast slashes cuts through everything, including the fabric of reality itself. The air was separated like broken mirrors and the world slowing down of how fast his movements are. The flurry of slashes has come to a stop, he sheaths his blade that destroyed everything. Leaving nothing behind but parts of the Honkai flying around.

The man has been awoken, and fully healed of his own mistakes. The Alpha and the Omega, Vergil.

He cracks his knuckles and massages his shoulders, Stretching his neck and sleek back his hair. He looked at his hand, clenching it shortly after. Also, he felt something inside his inner pocket in his coat. He took it and it was the polaroid image of Kiana and Mei, and also – another girl in the picture he didn't recognize, her hair was in the shape of a twirling ponytail.

He puts back the picture inside his coat. He still kept thinking of his human self. Other than his hunger power, he felt lonely overtime. His familiar was right, this is a dysfunctional family; at least remember that you are not alone. Being loved and protect it, but all the power he desired now is to protect the ones he loved. But then... he remembered someone.

Vergil : I can't believe it, I am actually Dante's brother.

He said it in a sarcastic tone. He had a good laugh from it. From all the suffering he has been through over the years has been cut to a cease. He took a deep breath to continue his fight against he Herrscher. Something recollected in his mind, however...

Vergil : Dante, you have requested a challenge on who lands a hit on her wins.

Vergil : I will remind you this: I won.

He cuts the air in front of him, creating a portal in a shape of a diamond. Walking through it, before he mutters a few words:

Vergil : Admit it, Dante. I'm just better than you.

Walking towards the portal, leaving Nagazora, heading straight towards the Hyperion.


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