Piggy a Novel: BOOK 2

By UhhIdunno009

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Taking place mere months after the first book, the group happens to encounter Willow, the treacherous leader... More

The Alleys
The Store
The Refinery
The Safeplace
The Sewers
The Factory (Saviour)
The Factory (Survivor)
The Factory (Bad Ending)
The Port (Saviour)
The Port (Survivor)
The Ship (Survivor Ending)
The Docks (Saviour)
The Docks (Survivor)
The Temple (Saviour)
The Temple (Survivor)
The Camp (Saviour)
The Camp (Survivor)
The Lab (Tigry Saviour Ending)
The Lab (Tigry Survivor Ending)
The Lab (Willow Saviour Ending)
The Lab (Willow Survivor Ending)
The Laboratory (True Ending)

The Ship (Saviour)

74 6 54
By UhhIdunno009

Here it is..another chapter. Much sooner too, apart from that, I have different plans for how I will release the next chapter but first, enjoy this next segment of the Piggy Book 2 Story.

The whole time everyone was on the boat, it wouldn't stop rocking up and down like a drunken Donkey.

"Avast me hearties." Budgie cried. "We'll be setting off as soon as ya two get the fuel." Pony's face turned a shade of green several times, and he dashed to the side of the boat, followed by retching noises. I ignored it and made my way to the deck-door.

"Willow." I called. "Let's get it going." Willow breathed heavily through her nose and also followed me.

"When you landlubbers get in the ship, make your way to the hull." Budgie explained. "The fuel should be in there." I reached out a shaking hand and opened the door handle.

"Here goes nothing." Willow muttered. The door slammed shut and locked.

The ship was dark, and smelt of fish and decaying flesh. Budgie's words repeated in my mind.

"They've been a nuisance to my crew, it's just me left now, I had to seal my infected crew down lower." Then, wouldn't that mean, they were here down with us. Both of their footsteps pounded on the metal floor. Their breaths could be heard getting shallower and shallower. All of a sudden, it got very dark and cold. In the darkness, a very brown, very furry face appeared.

"AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" A voice screamed. The scary part was that it didn't come from Jason or Willow. Lights flickered on, and for a split second. The fury face could be seen as a bipedal kangaroo in broken greasy overalls. Pinned on it's dirty breast pocket, was a cheery note saying.

"My name is Kenneth." Kenneth the kangaroo bounded forward, brandishing it's sharp claws. One touch from them would turn anyone infected. Me and Willow started the other way.

"That blasted phony pirate sent us down here on purpose." Willow growled. "She knew we wouldn't make it out." The wailing Kenneth seemed to corner us, before the two of us slipped through a glass door and locked it, leaving only drool sliding down the door. I inhaled deeply and continued on.

"So now it's clear we're not safe." I panted.

"This wouldn't of happened if your nerd friend hadn't given the suggestion to go hunting that loony old-."

"Don't you dare talk about Mimi like that!" I snapped. Willow snorted, she began walking again near the hull. Near enough, they came near the end of the top level. And lying there, was the bloodied corpse of an infected polar bear, it looked like his eyes had been brutally gouged out with a spoon, dried blood caked his clothes.

"My name is Bobby." The name-tag read. They were about to creep past it, when all of a sudden, it empty eyes blinked open, revealing only bright yellow pupils hanging in the sockets. It robotically got up, and marched toward us. Once again, that "AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" noise could be hard.

"What is that?" Willow bellowed over the noise. Before I could even comprehend, the sound of glass shattering could be heard, before Kenneth crawled through the window. Him and Bobby staggered forward, clutching broken pipes. I took a few steps back, before running forward and kicking one of them in the stomach. It reared back and hit the floor with a loud "CLANG!" In the tight space they were in, scratching noises could be hard scraping across the sides. Then, the mouldy face of a half un-dead pig poked it's head out of a hole.

"This is madness." Willow cried, hacking the pig over the head with the back of her hand, before wiping it on her coat.

An almighty crunch rang out all over the boat, before one of the walls collapsed, and at least four or five more infected crew-mates lolled out in their zombie trance. There were all sorts of different animals, such as a dolphin with a patch of skin missing on it's left eye. A green bird with a lump of wet paper covering it's head. A leopard in a leotard on all fours, jumping forward.

"AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHGHHHHHHHHHH!" howled the noise again. It became clear o me where the noise was coming from. The same black eye with the orange pupil dancing around in it could be seen hovering in the middle of the crowd. The eye was making strange noises, as well as whispering strange chants. Now the animals were starting some sort of distorted chant.

"The insolence." They murmured. "Will find you." Then, they stopped still, then all of them started dancing, thrashing their legs and arms in the air, while in unison. creepy grins were plastered on their faces, and seemed to split wider and wider up the sides of the animals' cheeks, before the floor was covered in dead skin, the bones grotesquely melted, as the eye of insolence got closer and closer. None of this made Jason or Willow any more confident. Sweat ran down the sides of his hair, as in the crowd. A still intact Kenneth leapt up and down, crowing like a crow. In a strange raspy voice, it said.
"WE STOPPED THEM UP THERE AND WE WILL STOP YOU TOO!" It bellowed. There was the AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH noise again, and Kenneth screamed and dived after them. I ran as fast as my legs would carry him. I had perhaps just witnessed the most super-natural thing of all time. And to me, that was saying something. The most disturbing part was the skin and bones melting to the floor, like a puddle on the floor, whoever was trying to scare us, was certainly doing a good job. Both of us stopped and caught their breath.

"What. The. Heck. Was. That." Willow said, craning her head all the way around. I shook his head. For the first time in weeks. Willow looked scared. Satisfyingly, right ahead of them, were cargo crates containing barrels of fuel. Willow strode up and banged a few keys randomly. The green metal door swung open and both stepped inside.

"So this is all the fuel that's left!" Willow scoffed. "There's barely anything." There were only two half empty canisters there.

"It should be just enough to get across the sea." I tried to say reasonably.

"If it get's you to shut up, I'm all for it." Willow muttered. My eyes opened wide, as behind them, Kenneth slowly strode up to the door, reaching out his fury hand.

"Watch out!" I yelled. It echoed through the hollow ship.

"Oh snap!" Willow said. She close the door just in time. A lock could be heard from the other side, shallow breathing includes, before footsteps got fainter.

"No, No, NO!" Willow screamed. Banging her fist on the door. Great, fantastic, now I'm stuck here with you." I tried to the door.

"I'm sure we can get it open." I said quietly, the door wouldn't budge.

"We've got nothing but barrels out here." Willow tutted, before leaning her forehead against the door.

"I guess we're stuck here together, we should try to get to know each other better." I suggested.

"I'd rather get to know a sewer gator than the son of a dirty cop." Willow snarled. I had sudden flashback to a sewer gator peeling open a tin of sardines.

"I was simply following orders." I told her, defending myself.

"You took my parents whom I haven't seen in over two decades." Willow said, her throat suddenly hoarse. "Now tell me, where are they?" I backed up.

"I don't know where they are!"

Willow turned her head, it looked like she had been silently crying.

"That's all you people will ever be." Willow exclaimed. "Just another cog in a big machine."

"You aren't an angel either, Willow." I stated. "You took friends from me too." Willow ignored him.

"We need to work together to help each other out, or else we'll just end up hurting each other and ourselves even more." I continued. There was more silence.

"I want to help you Willow, I only ask that you do the same." There was suddenly rapid thudding on the door, a group of people could be heard racing to the door. It then sounded like someone year old saying,

"There in here!" It could only be Georgie. The door opened and both Jason and Willow felt a blast of cold air enter the crate. Standing there, was Mimi, Pony and Georgie. Budgie was nowhere to be seen.

"How'd you find us?" I asked.

"We didn't hear anything from you for a while." Pony said. "So we came looking for you." Then he smiled down at Georgie.

"Georgie, the little rascal, ran ahead and heard you two inside." Georgie tried to make himself look as tall as possible.

"Hey, I was just trying to help." Everyone except Willow laughed. When it died down, I asked,

"How did you get past the infected?" Mimi looked confused, so did the others.

"What infected?" She replied. What did she mean? had all the infected somehow disappeared, maybe they'd run away?

"Anyway, where's Budgie?" I asked, trying to quench my suspicions. Mimi opened her mouth to speak, but insane explosion sounds could be heard from the top of the boat.

"What's that?" Willow groaned, looking up.

Everyone made their way to the top, and Budgie was standing there, looking gravely ahead.

"Arrgh." She whispered. "We be here."

"What!" I exclaimed, his voice a few decibels too high. "Already?" Budgie didn't answer. I followed her gaze and soon understood why. In the blackness of the night, several flashing, red explosions could be seen in the distance.

So, about that different plan. Well, considering the fact that LITERALLY TWO PANELS OF DIALOGUE change between endings, I thought I'd just release a short ending for those panels of dialogue, which considering the length will be very soon. Anyways, that all for now.

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Doctor of Fun

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