In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 29: The final exam

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

The next week passed very quickly, or very slow, it really depended on the day. But the important part was that it was over and you were currently on a plane to London, with your whole family by your side.

Your final exam was in less than two hours and the plane was going to land just in time. You were extremely nervous and kept reciting everything that you had learnt the past week. At some point Loki took your hand in his and cut you.

"Love, you have nothing to be worried about. I am sure that you will do great."

"And I think I will barely do adequate."

"Kid, please don't be an idiot. You will do excellent." Tony said from the seat behind you.

"Stark and my brother are right." Thor interrupted.

"Yeah, just relax, you have been studying all week for this. You're ready." Bucky added.

"And even if you freeze, you can always cheat." Pietro laughed.

"Pietro!" His sister yelled at him. "Y/n will not use her powers to pass the test. Not everyone is like you."

Everyone laughed at her comment. You just gave them an awkward smile. You still didn't know how to tell them that you hadn't felt you magic since the day Frey woke up. You were too focused on your studying and deep down you thought it might be due to stress, so you decided not to worry anyone. Though you had a suspicion that Loki already knew about your little secret. But then again Loki always knew.

Your turned around to look at the rest of the plane and only then you realised that literally every member of your family was coming to London. Everyone except Bruce of course, whom you hadn't heard from since he took off after Sokovia. You really wanted him to be there as well.

But when you looked at the plane filled with people that expected you to succeed, you knew that they were more than enough, definitely more than you could ever ask for. People that somehow believed in your when you didn't even believe in yourself.

"Okay question." You stood up on your seat and looked at everyone. "Why did all of you have to come today?"

"Because I have a private plane." Tony answered you. "Besides we want to see you get your degree."

"If I pass my exam." You sat back on your seat. "You could've come after it was over anyway."

"Seriously Y/n, stop whining." Clint mocked you.

"Okay I wouldn't put it like that." Nat said while piercing her elbow through Clint's side. "She just feel a bit more pressure while we're all here. But Clint is right, there is no reason for you to worry."

"If you agreed with my, why did you have to hit me?" Clint protested but didn't say another word when Nat gave him a death stare.

In the meantime you decided to listen to your family's voices and relax a bit. You still had a solid hour of flight in front of you and you just needed to have a bit of fun. You knew that you had studied as hard as you possibly could and it was all over now, either you liked it or not. There was no point in worrying about it anymore.

When you landed on London you could feel your knees shacking. You held Loki's hand tight and wouldn't let go until it was time to take your exam. Before you got in everyone gave you one more hug and reassured your that it was going to be fine.

"Your are going to kill it." Loki told you before giving you a good luck kiss.

Then you entered the classroom that you were used to seeing full of students but was now empty. The only person inside was your old professor, Mr. Williams. He had always been your favourite one. He had been a huge support while you were his student and now he was the one that let your take this exam so you could graduate with the rest of his students.

"Hello Y/n." He told you with his usual smile of his face.

"Hi Mr. Williams."

"Are you ready?" He asked before handing you the papers.

"I don't know..." You laughed awkwardly.

"What?" He suddenly took the papers back. "Come on, where is the confident girl that I know?"


"No excuses. You're going to ace this." He winked at your and finally handed your the papers.

You took a deep breath and then sat down on your seat. For the next three hours you sat there and wrote everything that you knew on that piece of paper.

When you came out of that classroom you were more confident than when you had entered it. You ran straight into Loki's arms who was waiting anxiously with the others right outside.

"So?" Steve asked you.

"I think I did great." You said with a huge smile.

"Well done kid! I knew you could do it." Tony said and hugged you.

You were really excited and relieved. It was finally done and you actually beloved you did good. Now in and hour or so you were going to find out how you had done. Thank Gods that Mr. Williams liked you and had agreed to grade your paper right after you were done.

Some might think that the next hour would be excruciating but it really wasn't. You were not feeling anxious at all. This was one of the things you liked most about you. You would get really nervous before any big test but the moment you gave your paper back the anxiety was over.

So, while most of your classmates spend the next days after their exams worrying weather they had passed or not, you were in your calmest. You never understood what the point of worrying after the exam was anyway. Worrying after wouldn't help you in any way.

"Well do you want to call Laura, tell her how you did?" Tony offered.

"No." You declined immediately. "I definitely don't want to do that."

"What do you mean?" Loki wondered.

"Darling, Laura is the most anxious person that I know. I don't want her being worried for the next hour."

"Okay then kid." Tony laughed and shook his head.

"Okay so, there is great café on campus. We can go and wait there. Mr. Williams said he'd call me once the results were out."

And so you did. You spent the rest of the time inside the café talking and laughing with your family. Some of the students there, and even the girl behind the counter, recognised a few of you. Some of them stopped by your table and asked for an autograph either from Tony or Steve. After a while the two of them started competing over who would get to give the most autographs. But in the end most of the girls came to take a picture with Bucky.

"What can I say," He told you. "I have a way with the ladies."

"Dude you're like a hundred years old. That's a felony." Clint pointed out and you all laughed.

The next hour passed by quite quickly and very fun. And, around noon you all returned to the building where you had taken your exam and waited there. Mr. Williams had texted you that he would be ready in about fifteen minutes so you all decided it was best you go early. As you stood outside the building you could suddenly feel a bit anxious but it all went away as soon as you saw Mr. Williams walk out the door with a big smile on his lips.

"Congratulations, Y/n." He told you with a hug. "You got the best grade in my class."

"Really?" You sounded surprise, which you were.

"I expected nothing less from my best student."

"I don't know how to thank you Mr. Williams."

"Thank me? For what? This was all you Y/n." He looked you in the eyes and then looked behind you. "Though..." He hesitated.

You looked behind you as well and saw your family standing there. In an instant you knew what your professor wanted. Well, of course, everyone wanted to meet the Avengers. Even the English.

"You want an autograph right?" You laughed.

"I just...I have a teenage daughter and she would kill me if she found out that I had the chance to get an autograph and I didn't."

"Okay, okay..." Tony said and came forward. "Do you have a paper or..."

"Wait a second Tony." Steve cut him and came forward as well. "The gentleman never specifically asked for you."

Tony gave Steve a death-stare and then they both turned to poor Mr. Williams. He looked both terrified and anxious. He was a good man and definitely didn't want to offend anyone.

"Well, umm....You are both really great but she is actually a fan of-"

"Me, obviously." Bucky didn't let him finish and put his arms around Steve and Tony. "Would you also like a photograph?"

"" Mr. Williams finally said. "You are all extremely respected superheroes and we all appreciate your work but my daughter is really big Hawkeye fan."

Everyone turned to look at Clint who seemed equally surprised with all of you. He laughed awkwardly and moved forward.

"Him? Seriously?" Tony joked but Nat pierced her elbow in his side. "I was just asking!"

Clint happily agreed to sign a photo of himself for Mr. Williams as well as a still-in-it's-box-perfectly-preserved doll that he had with him. Then they also took a photo together and Mr. Williams kept thanking Clint.

When he was gone, and you were heading back to your hotel you finally decided to call Laura. Now that you knew for sure that you had passed you needed to tell her. You were almost sure that she wouldn't find a way to stress out now.

"I did it!!" You told your friend as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Oh my God! I knew it!" She shouts in your ear.

"We are going out tonight to celebrate." You continued. "Don't you dare miss it."

"You know I wouldn't, love."

"And, since the graduation is in two days we found no reason for us to leave and come back again. So-"

"Wait, wait, wait." She stopped you. "Are you telling me that you will be here for the next three days?" Laura was almost shouting again.

"Haha, yes we are."

"Oh my God, I love you!!"

"Yeah, of course you do."


You spent the rest of the night at your last collage party ever. Once some of your, now ex classmates. heard that you were back and had managed to pass your exam, they invited you and your family to their last collage party. And to say that it was amazing would be an understatement.

"To Y/n!" Everyone kept raising their glasses and shouting every once in a while.

"To me!" You happily shouted back a few times with a huge smile on your face. Maybe you were a bit drunk.

"So how does it feel?" Clint asked you at some point.

"What? Finally doing something normal?" You laughed.

"Oh you mean something that isn't fighting your evil twin sister over who get your body?" Nat added.

"Yep, that's exactly what I mean." You all laughed. "But overall it feels really good."

And it was true. It really felt so good. Frey was locked inside a prison that she could not escape, you had just gotten a degree that had been wanting for year and all the people that you loved were there with you. At this point you were truly happy, and you wanted to share your happiness with everyone.

So, your next move was to get on top of a table and yelled that you would be making a toast. And then you were standing on top of a table with your family and fellow graduates looking at you, waiting for what you had to say, while also making sure that you were not going to fall on your face.

"Okay..." You laughed awkwardly, realising that you hadn't thought this through very well. "So, I would like to start by saying I am am not drunk."

Which was possibly not true. Even though Asgardians could not get drunk that easily, you had drunk a lot of alcohol and you were only half Asgardian.

"The reason I need you to know that is because I need you to know that what I'm about to say is one hundred percent how I feel."

Everyone was looking at you with confusion in their eyes. They were not completely sure that you were fine. But then again you were not doing anything dangerous so they had no reason to stop you. This was a collage party after all.

"So, I would like to thank you all guys, both my family and friends for everything really. For the last three and a half years I felt like a part of me was missing but today, everyone I care about is right here next to me and I don't feel like anything is missing anymore." You raised your cup, filled with who knows what, and smiled at everyone. "So here's first to my family, who I love so much, and next to the rest of the graduates." You took a deep breath and looked at the faces that you had been seeing for the past three and a half years. "We did it guys! And now we have a life of travels and adventures and Gods know what else in front of us. And no one is going to ever stop us from doing what we want!"

Everyone cheered as you got to the ground and continued drinking and dancing and laughing.

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