My Beloved (Editing-not began...

By creativesoul1

406K 17.6K 715

Luke a bakery owner goes through life like any normal person. Well any normal person with a potty mouth and b... More

Chap 1. The Creepy (hunk) Across The Street
Chap 2. Should I lay off the staring.
Chap 3. Surprise , Surprise
Chap 4. Shopping with a 'bimbo'
Chap 5. Date with aka 'hottie'.
Chap 6. Something big and Something blue.
Chap 7. I'll teach you my trade.
Chap 8. The 'talk'
Chap 9. Cautious
Chap 11. His Bday Gift Rapped In Lace
Chap .12 You're buying me another pair.
Chap 13. "Do I have too?"
Chap 14. Oh so you're grown now?
Chap 15. Thanks couch you my slut!
Chap 16. You two are crazy
Chap 17. The Toilet's my best friend.
Chap 18. You one dead mofosomeB
Chap 19. No but seriously do you have a mint?
Chap 20. No Way José
Chap 21. Where do babies come from?
Chap 22. I asked him to call me Bella.
Chap 23. "Now that's vamp f*cking."
Chap 24. Couch you my bitch!
Chap 25. Oh Trust Me It Fits
Chap 26. Oh Shit
Chap 27. Oh shit I den did it now!
Chap 28. It Hurts!
Chap 29. Please save him!
Chap 30.I swear you just lighten up my day short stuff
Chap 31. Dont worry I kicked him in the nuts.
Chap.32 You know I'm very verbal during sex.
Chap.33 Is it because I kicked you in the nuts?

Chap 10. Memory Lane

10.4K 526 11
By creativesoul1

Luke's pov.

"Do you need a ride home babe?" Lucy asked me shaking my head no she sighs. "Lucy I'll be careful. I should have brought my baby to work. Now I'm going to probably be chilly. But I'm just fine I'm a man. Lucy a man I can handle myself." Giggling she walks by me plucking my forehead. "Ouch bitch what was that for?" Turning slightly around and smiking she winks. "That's for tripping me up you dirty bastard." Frowning and rubbing my forehead I stick my tongue out at her.  Locking up thd shop I begin my walk home.

Walking down the street rubbing my arms. I wish I would have took that ride Lucy offered me. Hearing foot steps behind me I hold my breath. Speeding up I here the foot steps do the same. Getting ready to run an arm goes around my waist. "Got you my little cookie." He whispers into my ear making me shiver and gasp. The only thing wrong was that it wasn't the good kind, if you know what I mean.

"W-wilson what are you d-doing here?" Chuckling at my inability to talk, he trails kisses up and down my neck. "Oh baby I'm just coming to claim what's mine. Soon my little cookie you'll be mine." Kissing me full on the lips , I struggle and push him off. 'Smack!'  Falling to the ground I tear up at the force he hit me. Crying softly I look back up at him. "Cookie now I told you when you struggle you make it worse." He whispers to me in a jokingly way. Flinching back when he pecks my lips, I here him sigh in annoyance.

"Well baby time for me to go. Also I need you to stop seeing that guy. Wouldn't want anything to happen to him." Feeling my blood boil I sneer at him. "Y-you will not hurt Cruè!"  Hissing and showing sharp teeth I rear back. "Oh little cookie I will. I'll tear him piece by piece and suck him dry if you know what I mean ." He winks at me. Running at an inhumanly speed away. Seeing black dots in my vision I pass out.


Waking up I feel satin sheets on my really warm skin. Shifting I feel a weight around my waist. Panicking I start to hypervenalte thus making me scream. "Please don't hurt me I know I've done a lot of messed up shit. Like uhmm triping Lucy. Oh please Lucy I know you called and got someone to kidnap me!" About to jump out of the bed I feel a hand yank me back. About to claw at the person's face I realize who they are. "Cruè what in the hell am I ...ouch!" I yelp when he touches my jaw. Flinching I begin to remember everything. Starting to sob I straddle Cruè very aware of his morning wood. Snuggling into his neck I calm down a little. "Baby can you tell me what happened?"

Shifting uncomfortably I look up at him then back down. "Y-you don't  have to tell.." stopping him he closes his mouth. "It all started when I came out to my family. They w-well... dad didn't take it well. His only son was a... an abomination. A fagot well that's what he thought. I packed my bags as my mom and sister cried. I feel bad that I left them  with that bastard. He use to beat mom but I would jump in it, and take most of the hits. So being that I was sixteen I got a job. That's where I .... met him. He introduced himself as Wilson O'Conner. He was very handsome and a gentleman... for awhile at least. After a... year the beatings started. First it was a push or shove and progressed from there. Finally I told Lucy about it and he ran. Never came back until now." Finishing my story I look up at him as a tear roll down my cheek. Kissing my tears away he pecks my lips. "Baby now that I'm here he will never hit you again." Hugging him I shift a little, and he lets out a strained moan. Blushing I hop off of him quickly. "So sorry uhmmm well can you take me home. I still plan to cook you dinner for your birthday so get up." Chuckling he does as I say. "Baby just promise you'll be safe and watch out." Nodding my head yes I kiss his lips.

Okay so how did you like it . Hmmmm. Anyway more chaps coming your way lovlies. #poptartloverout:)!!!! PS I just want to smack the fuck out of my teacher sometimes.

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