Don't Say Goodbye

By smitto134

231 20 10

A slow-burn love story from friends to lovers. Filled with love, lies, deceit, and everything in between. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Seven

22 0 0
By smitto134


Slap! I jump up ready to fight someone. "Bruh what the fu-" I turn my head to see Lily smiling and waving at me, I let out a deep breath to calm myself down. I look at Lily and ask, "Why would you slap me, Lily Noel?"

She starts to shuffle her feet, looking down and playing with her fingers. "Well, I wanna be with you before you go to work." I mentally awe at her even though she slapped the hell out of me. "Well luckily for you I'm off work today, so we can spend all day together." I grin at Lily.

"Lily! Did you wake auntie up?" I hear Rayne's loud ass yell, we both look towards the door waiting for her appearance. When she finally arrives Lily responds, "Yes, mama." "Good, now go brush your teeth." And with that Lily runs out the room. I make sure she's out of earshot before I look at Rayne and say, "If that devil spawn hits me again Imma put her in a casket so she can meet her maker."

Rayne lets out a loud cackle and I give her a straight face. "A haha hell, you laughing I'm serious." Rayne puts her hand in front of her mouth trying to cover her now giggles, "What did she do? It couldn't have been too bad, you know she loves her ti ti." Rayne asks mockingly.

"That demonic ankle bitter-" Rayne laughs while rolling her eyes, "Not you calling my daughter demonic." "I say that out of love." I quickly say then shake my head. "Anyway, your little crotch goblin decided that the best way to wake me up was to slap the hell out of me." I look over to see Rayne trying to hold her laugh in, "You can go ahead and laugh, but just know when I have kids I'm sure they'll return the favor." The smile on Rayne's face was wiped off immediately.

"There is no need for them to return the favor. I'll handle that, that'll be the last time Lily ever hits you." I giggle, "Well you don't need to be so worried, it'll be a while before I have kids. Now go make some breakfast while I get ready for the day." I jokingly tease my sister while gathering some of my stuff around the room. I look at Rayne and say, "I'm gonna grab my bag from my car real quick."

Rayne nods and says, "Okay." And she turns around and heads downstairs with me right on her tail. When we make it downstairs the older woman heads to the kitchen while I go outside and grab my bag.

As soon as I grab my bag I head back inside and made a beeline to the upstairs bathroom. I put my bag down and start up a nice hot shower. I watch as the steam fills the bathroom and fogs the mirror before I step in the shower. I exhale deeply as my body begins to relax under the water. Tilting my head up so the water can hit it, stepping back, and wiping the water from my face, that's the moment I realize I forgot to play music on my phone before stepping in the shower.

"That's okay I don't need my phone. Who needs it when I'm the show anyway? No music!" I clap and yell then do it a couple more times. I switch to a different song as I lather soap onto my washcloth. "Legs, and hips, and body, body." Getting into the song I start to sway my hips while scrubbing my body with the blue piece of cloth. "Body, body." I sing loud enough it echoes in the cream-colored bathroom before pausing briefly. Turning my body in the shower as if I'm Beyonce I calmly say, "Let's get 'em girls." Before starting over, that went on for another five minutes. "Legs, and hi-"

BANG! "Jordyn shut the hell up and hurry up you're not the only one who has to use the bathroom!" The single mother yells interrupting my wonderful concert.

"Girl boo. You have another bathroom, use it. I got five more minutes left in me because you ain't finna be cutting my concert short!" I shout back playfully.

"I said what I said, Jordyn Iris Chase."

"Not you using my whole government to get your point across, Rayne Simone Chase." Rinsing off one last time before cutting the water off, stepping out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself.

"You got out the shower though," Rayne states so smugly I can imagine the smirk on her face. "Anyway hurry up 'cause we're going out for breakfast." The soft retreating footsteps signal to me the conversation is over. Knowing that we're going out to eat I rush to finish getting ready.

As soon as I finish getting ready I grab my bag and head downstairs ready to go, only to be met with a ready four-year-old without her thirty-two-year-old mother in sight. "Not her rushing me, only to be the last one ready," I mumble to myself looking around the spacious living room. Jumping in fright when I hear Rayne.

"Not you talking shit under your breath, you better say it with yo chest hoe." She says bucking at me and I sure enough flinch. "Now come on let's go." Grabbing Lily's hand, and my bag we start heading to the door. "Who's driving?" I questioned. Rayne deadpanned me and with a very monotone voice rhetorically asks me, "Do you ever drive when we go somewhere together?" That response alone had me stuck. Locking her front door after me I look at Lily "Lily you know your mom is a meanie, right?"

Laughing at the look Rayne gave me. "Jordyn don't try to turn my ba-"

"Of course, I know that ti ti." The four-year-old answers with a giggle oblivious to the look of betrayal her mother is giving her, and because of that alone, I start to cackle like a madman. I was cackling so loud and hard that I could've been mistaken for the wicked witch of the west. Rolling her eyes "It wasn't even that funny."

"But it was though."

With that being said we walk over to her blue 2013 Chevy Malibu. "Chirp, chirp your car, so I can get in." When she unlocked her car I got in the front seat while Rayne buckles Lily into her carseat. "Where y'all want to eat at?" I look back at Lily with a small smile "Nugget-" Lily looks up. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

With a big grin, she says, "Yes ma'am." Rayne closes Lily's door and gets in the driver's seat. I look over at her, "We want Mama's Kitchen." Rayne playfully rolls her eyes. "I should've known." She starts up the car and we were off.

The ride there felt fairly short, but it was long enough for Lily to fall asleep. I stare at Lily "She looks so peaceful. What a little angel." I say in awe of the four-year-old. Rayne makes a stank face and scoffs. "Angel my ass. I would sleep peacefully after terrorizing people all week too." I laugh softly

"Don't do my baby. She is an angel."

"Anyway, have you talked to mama?" I roll my eyes and huff "Now why would I talk to your mother?"

"Well for one she's your mother too-" I unbuckle my seatbelt and open my door. "Yeah don't remind me." With that I get out the car, close my door and go to grab little mama from her carseat.

Rayne continues "That was rude, but the second reason is she told me she called you a couple of days ago." Rayne turns the car off and gets out "And I surely declined her call, so what's your point?" We start to walk away from her car, "Don't forget to lock your car."

She locks the car and we head inside with me carrying Lily. We were greeted by a woman no taller than 5'1 by the looks of it.

"Hi welcome to Mama's Kitchen. Is it just the three of you?"

Rayne answers "Yeah it's just us sweetheart, and is it possible for us to sit in the special booth?" I snicker softly in the background.

"I'm new here so I'm going to ask my manager because from what I heard it's very rare for someone to sit there. So I'll be right back." She excuses herself.

I look over to Rayne. "I know grandma left you the restaurant, but you don't have to flex so hard. 'Is it possible for us to sit in the special booth?'" I mock Rayne.

We call it the special booth because that's where we'd sit and eat with our grandma before she passed away. Whenever our mother would drop us off our grandma would cook us something and we would eat and talk about anything. Damn, I miss her.

"Girl shut up and wake my baby up." Rayne laughs.

I look down at baby girl and softly start to shake her. "Nugget wake up," I whisper and wait a moment, she didn't even flinch. A little louder I say, "Nugget wake up." It was at this point I knew she was faking because I could see the smirk on her face. I mockingly say to Rayne "I guess we have to eat without Lily, she won't wake up Rayne."

Rayne decides to play along. "I guess you're right Jordyn. I guess she won't be able to have her favorite, shrimp and grits with a small side of collard greens." As soon as Rayne said that Lily popped up with a big smile, "I'm up mama, I can eat my favorite!" She yelled out.

The hostess walks back over with the manager Sergio. When Sergio looks at us he says, "Hey boss lady I'm assuming you're the one who wants to sit in the special booth." She nods her head. Meanwhile, the hostess looks so confused, "Boss?" Sergio turns to her, "Yeah girl she owns the restaurant." He turns to us, "Allow me to show you all to your booth."

Once we're seated he asks "Would you like your usuals?" We all nod our heads, he tells us he'll be back with our order and walks off. "So-" Rayne starts, "What's up with you and Rome?" I roll my eyes "Lily cover your ears real quick." She does as she was told then I look Rayne dead in the eyes. "Girl fuck him, respectfully." I smile.


I wake up to kisses on my neck and I smile and turn toward the source. "Good morning beautiful."

Dana smiles softly at me, "Good morning handsome, what are the plans for today?" I look at the time, noticing that it was 1:30 p.m. I turn to Dana and shrug. "It's actually the afternoon babe, but how about we go out for some lunch and see where the day takes us."

"Can we go shopping after this? I wanna look good for when I meet your parents tonight." I look at her and inquire, "I don't see why not. Where do you wanna go for lunch?"

"How about we go to Ruth's Chris Steak House?" Why the hell she want to go to this expensive ass restaurant?

"Are you sure that's where you wanna go? That place is kinda expensive." She pouts at me "Please?" She starts to whine then stops and gives me a sultry look. "I'll give you a reward if you take me."

"Alright let's go get ready." As soon as those words leave my mouth she starts to squeal and kiss me all over my face, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I grab her waist and make her straddle me. "Or we can just lay in bed until I have to get ready for my fight."

The Latina smiles, "As much as I would love that, I would love going to Ruth's Chris Steak House and shopping even more. Now let's get ready." With that being said we both get ready with a little fun in the shower

After our shower, we get dressed and Dana goes to put on some makeup while I walk out of the room to go downstairs. "I'll be downstairs waiting for you babe." I call out to Dana and hear a faint 'okay' in response before continuing on downstairs.

I go to the kitchen to get a bottle of water crack it open and take three big gulps. Damn, that's some good ass water. I sit down at the kitchen island and after about five minutes of waiting for Dana I yell to her, "Are you almost ready!?" When I didn't receive an answer I shake my head and pull out my phone. I go to my last message with Jordyn and debate on whether to text her or not. What have I got to lose?

Jordyn (Text)

Are you coming to my fight tonight?

As I anxiously wait for an answer Dana comes downstairs heels click-clacking away.

"You ready to go, babe? She kisses me and I nod. We step away from each other and she grabs her purse and jacket while I grab my wallet, jacket, and keys. I put my phone in my jacket pocket and then pull it on.

"Alright let's go, baby," I say opening the garage door and walking over to my car. Dana and I get in the car. I open the garage, back out, and pull off while pressing a button to close the garage. The first five minutes of the car ride were silent.

I clear my throat and speak up "So uh are you excited to meet my parents tonight? I quickly glance at her, just to see her texting as if she didn't hear me. Which I didn't mind so I spoke a little louder. "Baby?" I wait for any type of acknowledgment which fortunately I got this time.

"Hmm?" Dana says lazily while still texting.

"Well, I asked you if you're excited to meet my parents tonight?" She puts her phone down and lets out a soft sigh. "I'm more nervous than anything. I mean what if they don't like me?"

I reach my right hand over and place it on her thigh and give it a reassuring squeeze. "Babe I'm sure they'll love you, don't worry so much." Dana nods her head and for the rest of the ride, we drove in silence. Once we made it to Ruth's Chris Steak House I turn the car off, we get out and head inside the restaurant.

The first thing I notice when we walk inside is a long line and that alone makes me rethink eating here. I turn towards the brown-haired Latina, "Do you really want to eat here?" Dana lets out a huge sigh "For the last time, yes this is where I wanna eat." She says harshly. I roll my eyes at her attitude, "How about we come here another day since the line is long? Plus I know a great spot we can go eat at." Dana rolls her eyes, but nods nonetheless so we both walk out heading for the car.

I start the car up and drive towards Mama's Kitchen. While I'm driving I get a call from my dad, so I answer of course.

"What's up pops?"

"Rome your mom wants to know if we're meeting your girlfriend tonight."

Shaking my head with a smile, "I'm good Dad and my day is going great so far thank you for asking."

"Roman I don't have time for all that right now, your mama is getting on my nerves asking me every five minutes if you're bringing this girl or not, like I know." He huffs out.

I let out an obnoxiously loud laugh and say, "Yes she's coming tonight."

"Thank you, Lord, now this woman will leave me be. I love you goodbye." The next thing I know I hear the dial tone.

"Goodbye to you too." I chuckle, then try to start a conversation with Dana

"This restaurant we're going to is the best one I've been to so I'm sure you'll love it." She nods then lets out a sigh, "How'd you find out about this place?"

"A good friend of mine told me about it." A soft smile appears on my face as I think of Jordyn. Dana looks over at me and asks me, "What's got you smiling?" I shake my head and chuckle, "Nothing, I'm just excited about the food." She drops it but I hear her small 'mmhmm' before she goes silent.

The rest of the ride to Mama's Kitchen was silent but quick, so when we got there it was a surprise to see Dana asleep when I look over at her. I turn the car off, unbuckle my seatbelt, I turn towards Dana and softly shake her. "Babe, baby wake up we're here." Dana stretches and groans but wakes up nonetheless. "You ready to go in baby?" I ask her and she nods.

As soon as we walk inside the restaurant the hostess quietly gasps in shock, and that's probably because I'm known locally. "You're Roman Santana, it's nice to meet you, sir." I send a kind smile to the hostess.

I'm still getting used to the growing popularity I have locally and I wasn't sure what to say so I settle for, "Hi can we have a table for two please?"

"Of course Mr. Santana." The worker smiles while grabbing menus and escorting us to our table. While walking to our table I turn my head and happened to see Jordyn, Rayne, and her daughter Lily. Maybe she didn't see my message since she's out and about. I'll send her another text to kindly remind her that I texted her earlier.

Jordyn (Text)

Hey Jordyn, my parents are really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I haven't told them about our little mishap so they still think you're coming tonight, please don't let them down.

I sent the message and proceeded to watch as Jordyn picked up her phone, read the message, roll her eyes, and then turn her phone over continuing to talk to Rayne. Now she's gone make me get up and embarrass her. But then Lily and I lock eyes and she yells out my name, "Roman!" And I take that as my cue to get up and go over there. I look at Dana and quickly tell her I'll be back. I hear Dana mumble something about 'this bitch' as I walk away from our table.

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