Kirby Right Back At Ya! Seaso...

By FluffyChocolate777

98.6K 1.5K 2.2K

Kirby's new adventure in Cappy Town with a new enemy, Haltmann! King Dedede signs a contract with Haltmann so... More

Author's Note
To my readers, followers, and passers
Episode 1: Haltmann Works Company
Episode 2: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 1
Episode 3: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 2
Episode 4: Dyna Chick's Mini Adventure
Episode 5: Golf Course You Can!
Episode 6: Knightclub
Episode 7: A Cat Named Pooch
Episode 8: Star Warriors, Same Worries
Episode 9: It's All In The (Cook) Book!
Episode 10: Take A Chill Pill
Episode 11: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 1
Episode 12: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 2
Episode 13: Outfought Robobot
Episode 14: Seventopia
Episode 15: Warp Star Upgrade!
Episode 16: Robobot Armor
Episode 17: Dark Shadow
Episode 18: E-scar-goat
Episode 19: Varie-Tee of Waddle Dee
Episode 20: Crown for Clown
Episode 21: Yamikage's Revenge
Episode 22: Bulls-eye: Part 1
Episode 23: Bulls-eye: Part 2
Episode 24: Armor vs. Armor
Episode 25: Flashback's Payback
Episode 26: Dedede-stroying Dedede-pression
Episode 27: Channel vs. Channel
Episode 28: Sleep With Fishies~
Chapter 29: Leaders-whip
Episode 30: Spook Camp
Episode 31: Naturing Mature
Episode 32: Tech-NOT-logical
Episode 33: Royal Battle
Episode 34: Star-warrior-bucks
Episode 35: Happy D-Day!
Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)
Episode 37: Alien-nation (Part 2)
Episode 38: Weather Controller
Episode 39: 39 Crepes
Episode 40: This Robot's on Fire~
Episode 41: Race Ace - Part 1
Episode 42: Race Ace - Part 2
Episode 43: Mic Drop Bamm!
Episode 44: Gone With The Wind
Episode 45: Evilizer
Episode 46: Morpho Knight Has Emerged!
Episode 47: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 1)
Episode 48: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 2)
Episode 49: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 3)
Episode 50: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 4)
Episode 51: Ultrasword Unleash!
Episode 52: Darkness Illusion Unleash!
Episode 53: Dedede-cibels
Episode 54: Dream High!
Episode 55: Amazing Glaze, How Sweet the Taste
Episode 56: Mukbang to its Max
Episode 57: Hail to the Queen
Episode 58: Long Live the Queen
Episode 59: Cappy Lunar New Year!
Episode 60: 0K Weather
Episode 61: Dedede-isease Breakout
Episode 62: Prankster Alert!!
Episode 63: Beach Mess Madness
Episode 64: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 1
Episode 65: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 2
Episode 66: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 3
Episode 67: Waddle Doo vs King Doo
Episode 68: Invader Armor Part 1
Episode 69: Invader Armor Part 2
Episode 70: Invader Armor Part 3
Episode 71: Two Girls, One Ring
Episode 72: Octopus Game Part 1
Episode 73: Octopus Game Part 2
Episode 74: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 1
Episode 75: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 2
Episode 76: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 3
Episode 77: (Un)Peaceful Day in Cappy Town
Episode 78: Research Schmesearch
Episode 79: Hater Hater Alligator
Episode 80: Fight the Heat!! ... With Heat...??
Episode 81: Flawed Fraud
Episode 82: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 1
Episode 83: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 2
Episode 84: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 3
Episode 85: I QUIT!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!
Episode 86: Pilot Episode
Episode 87: Smash to Victory! Part 1
Episode 89: Smash to Victory! Part 3
Episode 90: Protect Against the Sun

Episode 88: Smash to Victory! Part 2

382 5 3
By FluffyChocolate777

They all continued their journey to save more characters and defeat the ones who were being threats to the Nintendo universe. 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby said. 

"Yahee yahee yahee!" Yoshi said. 

"They're getting along well," Mario said. 

"For those who can't use words to communicate," Bowser said. 

"They're so adorable together!" Peach said. 

"And they're both amazing fighters!" Zelda added. 

"I just wanna squeeze them until they pop!" Daisy said. 

"Ugh, that sounds icky..." Luigi said. 

"Oh, that's nothing," Link said. 

"Yeah, in our games, popping isn't the only thing that happens," Ganondorf said. 

"Yeah, our game could be pretty graphic," Shiek said. 

"What's the cruelest part of our game?" Luigi asked. 

"Maybe stepping on dry bones and dropping its head in the lava," Mario said. 

"Still not close to our 'cruelest part' of our game," Link said. 

"I can't agree more," Luigi said. 

They continued on their journey to gather more fighters. The next boss they fought was Rayquaza, rescuing Pokemon trainer with Squirtle, Ivysauar, and Charizard, Pikachu, Pichu, Mewtwo, Lucario, and Greninja. 

"Whew! Thanks for saving me, everyone!" the Pokemon trainer said. 

"Squirtle!" "Ivysaur!" "Pikachu!" "Pichu!" Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, and Pichu all thanked them along Pokemon trainer.

"By the way, what are we doing now?" the Pokemon trainer asked.  

"All right, we'll catch you up as we continue our journey," Mario said. 


"So, we're saving everyone from different games and gather power together to fight who eliminated all of us?" the Pokemon trainer asked. 

"That's right," Link answered. 

"And we just need to find more pieces of the map to make this journey easier," Zelda said. 

"Which will happen when we defeat more primids," Peach said. 

"It's really fun defeating them all!" Daisy said energetically. 

"Great, who managed to save us all in the first place?" the Pokémon trainer asked. 

"Him," everyone answered as they all pointed at Kirby, who was now hanging out with Yoshi, Pikachu, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Pichu.

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby said. 

"Yahee yahee yahee!" Yoshi said. 

"Pika-pika!" Pikachu said. 

"Pichu! Pichu!" Pichu said. 

"Squirtle! Squirtle!" Squirtle said. 

"Saur! Saur!" Ivysaur said. 

"By the way, is he the only one from his game?" Ganondorf asked. 

"No, there was a villain named King Dedede," Bowser said. 

"And another soldier named Meta Knight," Shiek said. 

"Wow," Young Link said. "He didn't even get to save the other characters from his game yet, yet he still saved all of us." 

"That's some dedication," Toon Link said. 

"Aww, that poor little thing!" Zelda said. 

"And yet, he's still optimistic and cheerful!" Rosalina said sympathetically. 

"We should really learn from him," Peach said as she folded her hands together. 

"I need to go hug him again!!" Daisy said as she rushed towards him. "You poor, adorable little thing~~~ Princess Daisy is here to make you feel ALL better!!" Daisy said as she held him up and gave him a tight hug. 

"Double hug!" Peach said as she hugged Kirby also.

"Triple hug!" Rosalina said as she hugged Kirby also. 

"Quadruple hug!" Zelda said as she hugged Kirby also. 

"Wow... even I wasn't hugged that much..." Mario said. "I need more than a kiss on the cheek or on the nose." 

"At least you got a kiss..." Link said. 

"It was on the cheek," Mario insisted. 

"At least it was a kiss," Link said. 

While Link was being jealous of Kirby and now Mario, they ran into another enemy. 

"What is that???" they all asked each other. They have never seen that monster before, except Kirby. Kirby knew exactly who the monster was because it also appeared in Episodes 82 - 84. 

"Just attack it!!" Ganondorf said as he jumped and glided towards it as he collected all the dark aura with his fist, but Marx filled the puffered his mouth and released the powerful laser beam, pushing and flattening Ganondorf to the ground. All the Legend of Zelda characters surrounded Ganondorf, crossed their arms, shook their heads, and clicked their tongue. 

"You were never careful even in our games," Zelda said. 

"That's why we always win," Link said. 

"Isn't that the whole point of games in general?" Ganondorf asked. "Defeating the villain?"

"All right, guys, that's enough!" Mario intervened. 

"We need to defeat that monster first!" Luigi added. 

"We need you to get up," Bowswer said. 

"Could you do that?" Peach asked. 

Zelda, Link, and Shiek helped Ganondorf stand up so that they can be prepared to fight Marx.

Yoshi tried to throw egg bomb at it, but that didn't work. 

"I think we should attack it together at different location," Link suggested. 

"That could work," Mario agreed with Link. 

"We'll take that side!" Peach, Zelda, Daisy, and Rosalina headed right. 

"And we'll take that side," Ganondorf, Bowser, Bowser Jr., and King K. Rool headed left. 

"We'll go over there!" Link, Mario, Pokemon Trainer, and Luigi headed front. 

"Poyo, poyo!" "Ya-hee ya-hee ya-hee!" Kirby and Yoshi went behind. They all released their special attacks together at once. Marx didn't know which direction to block. He managed to block the villain's attacks, but Marx was indeed heavily damaged by the heroes', princesses', and other special characters' attacks. 

As Marx was stumbling in the air, Kirby hopped on the Warp Star to get closer to Marx. 

"Kirby! No!" Peach called in concern. 

"It's too dangerous!" Daisy added in concern. 

"Come back!!" Zelda requested in concern. 

"Where did that star thingy come from??" Link asked in curiosity. 

"That's so cool! I wish the cloud could be that fast!" Mario said. 

"Poyo!!" Kirby exclaimed as he pulled out the hammer and slammed Marx down to the ground. 

"Oh my gosh!! Good job, Kirby!!" Peach cheered. 

"So proud of you, cutie pie!!" Daisy cheered. 

"Goodness! You're adorable AND powerful!" Zelda cheered. 

"Where did that hammer come from?" Link asked. 

"Why can't I have hammer in my game?" Mario asked. 

"Don't be too greedy," Pokemon Trainer said. 

As Marx was defeated rather easily compared to what happened in few episodes back, Meta Knight and Dedede trophies appeared. Kirby quickly revived them so that he could meet them, especially Meta Knight. As soon as Meta Knight was revived, Kirby jumped and hugged that looked like a tackle. 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby said happily. 

"I missed you too, Kirby," Meta Knight said with a slight chuckle. 

"Aww~~" Peach, Daisy, Rosaline, and Zelda said. 

"It's nice that kid finally reunited with his own game's characters," Link said. 

"After saving all of us, he really deserved it," Mario said. 

"But it's not over yet! We need to save more!!" Luigi said. 

"That's right! No time to waste!" Link said.

"Where we goin'?? Someone explain to meh!" Dedede said. 

"Just join our squad," Bowser said as he was standing with Ganondorf, King K. Rool, and Bowser Jr. 

As they went on more, they rescued more characters. On their next battle, they fought off Porky and rescued Lucas and Ness. 

"Aww, you two must have been scared!!" Peach said sympathetically. 

"We're with you now, so you don't have to be afraid anymore," Zelda added. 

"Uh... well..." Lucas stuttered. 

"We weren't scared!" Ness said confidently. "We may be kids, but we have psychic powers!!" Ness pointed in the air to show some sparks of his psychic powers. 

"AWWWW YOU TWO ARE SO CUUUUTEEEE!!!" Daisy squealed as she picked up both of them and hugged them. Lucas and Ness both blushed as Daisy hugged them. 

After that battle, they fought off Medeus and rescued Ike, Marth, and Lucina. Lucas and Ness played huge parts of this battle as their attacks were long-ranged and even faster than Mario and Luigi's fireballs. 

"PK Freeze!" Lucas used PK Freeze to freeze some parts of Medeus' body so that it couldn't move.

"PK Flash!" Ness released PK Flash to cause a great damage. Medeus' shrieked in pain after the impact of PK Flash vibrated throughout its body. 

"Wow, for two little kids, they're both good at fighting!" Mario said as he was impressed. 

"They are really good," Link admitted. 

"Adorable and strong! I like that!" Rosalina said. 

In the end, everyone used their special attacks to eventually defeat Medeus. 

"Wow, thank you guys for saving us," Ike said. 

"No problem, no we need to rescue more characters!" Link replied. 

"In order to rescue more, you'll need skilled swordsmen like us!" Marth said as he raised his sword. 

"Don't forget swordswoman!" Lucina said as she raised her sword. 

"You basically have the same moves I do," Marth said. 

"Oh, shut up," Lucina said bluntly. 

"She's so spicy, I love her," Peach whispered to the ladies including Zelda, Daisy, and Rosalina.

"All right! Let's go!" Lucina said as she 'led' the way.

"Poyo! Poyo!" "Yahee yahee yahee!" "Pika-pika!" "Pichu! Pichu!" Kirby, Yoshi, Pikachu, and Pichu cheered in unison as they tagged along Lucina.

"Well, aren't you guys all adorable," Lucina said calmly. 

"Actually, it's the other way..." Marth said as he held up the map.

"No, you're holding it the wrong way," Ike corrected. "She's right."

"Oh," Marth said. 

Some characters snickered behind Marth, causing him to be embarrassed. 

Before they took off, something attacked from the sky. A spaceship was targeting at all the characters that have been rescued so far. 

"Aether!!" Ike exclaimed as he threw his sword in the air, spun, and sliced the wing off. 

"Hah!" Marth exclaimed as he threw his sword and himself up for Dolphin Swing and sliced another wing off.

"Hah!" Lucina exclaimed as she used the same move and took off the tail. 

The spaceship lost the direction and crashed into the ground with a huge explosion. When the whole spaceship exploded, three trophies popped out: Fox, Falco, and Wolf. Kirby, Yoshi, and Pikachu activated Fox, Falco, and Wolf respectively. 

"Oh... what's going on...?" Fox said as he was activated. 

"Did you guys save us?" Falco asked Kirby, Yoshi, and Pikachu as they were standing in front of them. 

"Thank you all," Wolf thanked as he rose from the ground. 

As they rescued more characters, defeating monsters and saving more characters became gradually easier as there were so many characters to fight off one monster. Soon, the everyone was saved including Samus, Dark Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Ridley, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, Snake, ROB, Olimar, Pit, Dark Pit, Palutena, Villager, Isabelle ... ah y'all know the rest.

Anyways, every single one of them was rescued at last. 

They entered the dark realm through some kind of portal. "Where is this place...?" Mario asked. 

"It looks like an eternal nighttime..." Link said. 

"Wow, look at the stars! They're so beautiful!" Peach said. 

"They look so much more beautiful than from my castle," Zelda said. 

While everyone was gazing at the sky and admiring it, some evil laughter echoed around them. 

"Over there!" Meta Knight pointed at the direction of where the sound was coming from. A large white hand approached them as it made some weird gestures. As it made a gun shape gesture, it shot lasers at them, but thankfully, everyone dodged it right in time. 

"Let's take that down!!" Pit said as he spread his wings.

"It's show time," Snake said as he took out his weapons. 

"Let's get fired up!" Wii Fit Trainer said. 

The Master Hand was easily defeated with 69 characters (excluding the DLC fighters) fighting all at once. No matter what many characters it grabbed and threw, how many characters it slapped, how many lasers it shot, it was nearly impossible for it to handle all 69 fighters. 

"GAAAAHHHHHH!!!" the Master Hand screamed as its HP drained down to 0. Yes, some were damaged, but overall, The Master Hand was defeating without any large injuries. 

"Why does this seem easy?" Little Mac asked. 

"Because in the actual game, only one fighter gets to fight it at a time," Robin said.  

"But in this fanfic, all of us get to attack together," Chrom said. 

"If we all get to fight, shouldn't this be a little bit harder?" Ken asked abruptle. 

"All right, you all asked for it," a voice came. 

"Huh? What was that??" Ryu asked. 

"I don't know, but let's get ready for another match," Bayonetta said as she held up the gun. 

"All right! Bring it on!!" Richter said. 

Although there were a lot of fighters that were overly confident to fight, there were some other fighters that were anxious about something. 

"Ness... I'm not sensing this well..." Lucas said. 

"Why don't I create a PSI magnet just in case?" Ness offered.

"All right..." Lucas agreed. 

"Poyo, poyo," Kirby said to Meta Knight. 

"All right, we'll call the Warp Star," Meta Knight said. 

Some Pikmins squeaked and said something to Olimar. Olimar agreed with them to prepare his rocket. 

"Is there a way we could summon the Landmaster?" Fox asked. 

"We should be able to do that," Falco replied. "My spaceship was possessed and destroyed after all."

"I have a spare one, let's use that one," Wolf said. 

"Guys, get inside the Pokeball," Pokemon trainer said and all the Pokemon characters got in the Pokeballs. 

"What are we gonna do?" Isabelle asked the villager. The Villager shrugged. 

Those who sensed heavier danger escaped almost immediately after their conversations were over. 

"Where are they going?" Mario asked. 

"Probably just too scared," Wario said. 

"Yeah, we'll get them in no time," Corrin said too proudly. 

Just then, a human-like silhouette emerged from the darkness. 

"What is that?" Bowser asked. 

"Who cares? We'll kill that thing in no time," Ganondorf said.  

The silhouette spread its wings, and released a sharp, forceful ring of impact. The ones who did not escape all got hit...

...turning them back into trophies...

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