Resident Evil Oneshots

By KZ__Reid

176K 2.9K 489

Just some ones shots for Resident Evil. Requests are OPEN - Started on: November 15th of 2019 Ended on: Still... More

Requests: Open
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield
Lucas Baker
Albert Wesker
Piers Nivans
Albert Wesker
Leon Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Piers Nivans
Albert Wesker
Albert Wesker
Lucas Baker
Karl Heisenberg
Chris Redfield
Alcina Dimitrescu
Albert Wesker
Karl Heisenberg
Lucas Baker
Ethan Winters
Chris Redfield
Albert Wesker
Salvatore Moreau
Helena Harper
Alcina Dimitrescu
Karl Heisenberg
Leon Kennedy
Richard Aiken
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield
Karl Heisenberg
I'm back as of Nov.2023
Albert Wesker
Karl Heisenberg
Apartment Fire

Lucas Baker

1.7K 36 11
By KZ__Reid

Game/Movie: Resident Evil 7
Requested by: YourFatherSatan

(Y/n)'s Pov

About three hours ago I got a phone call from my friend. He said something about Ethan going out to Louisiana to find Mia, apparently she was alive after three years of being missing. Or something like that. Honestly, I didn't care, I only cared about the fact that my idiotic brother went out there alone.

I sighed and pulled my car up to my brothers and exited the vehicle, scanning the area. No one was in sight. I slowly walked towards his car and looked into the window, and of course he wasn't there. With just my luck he had to go into this creepy swamp. I groaned and followed the path, walking past the swamp and passing a sign that read 'Accept her gift'. But what made me very on edge was the dead animal strung up and the very old van. I tried to shrug it off and jumped down the small cliff, walking towards the house in view.

As I slowly creeped towards the house, I noticed how creepy and a bit scary it looked. But as usual, I shrugged off the feeling and entered the house.

"Ethan? Are you here?" I quietly called out. No answer. "Dude, you better be in here." I mumbled to myself.

I walked further into the house and my eyes landed on the stairs that looked like they lead to the attic. I guess I'll start there. I made my way up the stairs and walked up another pair. Going down a hallway and into a room. And there he was, kneeling on the ground, blood all over him and Mia laying on the ground. I jogged up to him and bent down, placing my hand on his back.

"Ethan-" And that caused him to jump up and pull a gun on me. I quickly stood up up and raised my hands. "Ethan! Bloody hell, it's me! Oh my fucking god, where is your fucking hand?! Oh fuck, why did you put it in your pocket! We need to get you to the hospital!"

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? You have to leave, now!"

"What happened? Come on stand up, you're probably in shock from your hand.. Let's get you to a hospital. Here-" I took off my sweater and wrapped his hand with it, using his belt to tie his arm.

"You have to apply pressure to that okay?"

I carefully threw my arm around his shoulder, his arm wrapping around me. I started to help him get towards the stairs.

"I'm not leaving you here alone, I can't do that. I came to get your sorry ass and I'm not leaving without you. Especially since your hand is gone, we need to get you help before you die of blood loss."

"I need to save Mia, I need to find out what's wrong with her."

I slowly nodded. "I understand that and we can come back, with the cops and people to back us up.. But as of right now, we need to first make sure you're not going to die."

Ethan nodded and we were about to head down the steps when something hard hit the back of my head, both my brother and I falling to the floor. I looked to my side to see my brother passed out
As I brought my head up, I saw what made us fall and it was an older man. A creepy old man may I add in.

"Welcome to the family." He grinned before hitting my head once again.

My vision started to get blurry and the room started to spin. I was barely conscious.

"Lucas, take the girl. I'll get him and the other one."

This 'Lucas' guy said something but all I could hear were mumbles, and they were getting very hard to hear. I felt pressure underneath my head, and underneath my legs before my body was being lifted off the ground, once my head hit this guys chest, everything went black and I drifted off into the unconscious. The last thing I saw was this mans grin staring down at me.


My eyes snapped open and I scanned the room, panic coursing through my body. I looked around and I was in a room, on a bed? I slowly sat up and my hand found my head. It hurt like a bitch. I groaned and and fell back onto the bed. I was alone, but for how long? Where is Ethan?

I continued to lay there, being as quite as I could, to see if I could hear anything. At first I heard nothing but then I started to hear footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly shot up and scanned the room for a weapon or a place to hide. The only place to hide was under the bed, and that was not an option. The only thing I could grab before the door swung open was a pencil, and hell, what kind of damage would that do? Hardly none.

I got into the best fighting stance I could do and glared at the guy who entered. He grinned and leaned against the door frame, staring at me.

"Hey beautiful, what's that gonna do? Make me bleed a little?"

I sighed and dropped it, he was right, what the fuck would a pencil do? Nothing.

"Where is my brother?"

"You'll get to see him soon. But for now, you're stuck with me." He grinned, plopping down on the computer chair. "Well, you're stuck with me 24/7 now. I'm Lucas by the way."

I tensed up. "Why did you take us?"

"Well sweetheart, fathers and Evies orders. And well, I wanted ya for myself the moment my father and I saw ya wandering towards the guest house."


He grinned. "Cause you're mine."

"E-excuse me? I don't think I heard you right."

"What's your name?"

"(Y/n) Winters." I looked down at my shirt. Only to notice it was all covered in blood.

He nodded and stood up. "Here." He took off his sweater and tossed it to me. "Put this on and take off your shirt so my ma can wash it."


"My ma isn't gonna be too happy to see you all covered in blood during supper." He smirked. "And, also since your mine I want you to wear this."

I stayed silent as he turned to his computer. I looked down at my shirt and noticed it had way more blood than I thought. I sighed, as much as I don't want to wear this guys sweater, I really didn't want my brothers blood all over me.

I looked back up at Lucas and once I was sure his focus was on his screen, I lifted my shirt off and placed it next to me. Leaving me in my bra. I quickly put on his zip up hoodie and did it up, pulling my knees up to my chest. I could run, but I don't have a weapon and he is more than likely faster than I am. But I could just run and hide. Hopefully finding my brother. With out thinking or planning this out, I shot up and booked it out of the room. Running down the hallway.

"Hey! Get back here!"

I continued to run, trying to get into the rooms but they were locked. I turned around and there he was, I ran full force passed him but he grabbed my wrists, pulling me into his chest and held me tightly against him.

"Come on, don't be like that. Don't wanna make me angry now do ya? Be a good little girl and stay by my side at all times or I'll have to chain you to a bed to teach ya a lesson. I don't wanna do that sweetheart. But I'll do what's necessary.. you understand that?"

I nodded and looked down at the ground. He turned me around. One of his hands still wrapped tightly around my waist and his other hand under my chin, making me look him in the face.

"Now we gotta go to supper before we're even more late, ma won't like that."

I nodded. "Okay..."

He grinned. "Now kiss me."


"Couples kiss..and you are mine, kiss me, remember what I said."

I slowly leaned up on my tippy toes and gave him a quick peck. "There."

"Now now sweetheart. Not like that, like this-" he leaned down and smashed his lips on my, biting on my lower lip and sucking on it. "Next time, do it like you mean it."

Lucas let go of me and took a step away, grabbing, more like holding my hand and dragging me down the hallway.


I sat at the table with Lucas next to me. I looked down at my lap and played with the end of his sweater. I was fighting back the urge to run to my passed out brother to make sure if he was okay. I had to fight back the urge because I don't know what would happen if I tried to go to him. Not with Lucas here or the older gentlemen. Who kept giving me a glare here and there. I shot my eyes toward Ethan to see if he was breathing and he was. Hell even somehow his hand was back onto his body.

The older lady, who I assume is Lucas' mother, walked into the kitchen. A dish in her hands. She smiled at all of us and placed the dish down, sitting next to the older man. Ethan started to come through and I snapped my head towards him. He looked around and then stared at me.

"Where am I? What the hell? (Y/n)? Where the hell is Mia? Who are you people?"

The older lady looked at Ethan. "Rise and shine sleepyhead. It's time for supper." She then crushed what I'm assuming is a cockroach. "Eat up, it's good for you."

Lucas turned his attention to my brother. "Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" He then threw his plate at him. Which caused Marguerite to yell at him. I looked at Ethan.

"Are you okay-"

"God damn old man, not again!" Lucas yelled out. My head snapped towards the man next to me. I gasped and shot out of my seat. Jack just cut off his arm with a knife.

I started to panic. Causing Jack to look at me before he stormed towards my brother. Lucas wrapped his arm around my waist, the one that was still attached to his body, and pulled my down onto his lap.

Jack tried to force feed my brother but he spat it out. Causing Marguerite to freak out about how he won't eat it. She then looked at me.

"And what about her Jack? Is she not going to eat it either? I made it for them!"

"Shut the hell up Marguerite!"

"Don't worry ma, I'll handle her. She is mine after all." Marguerite left the room, anger in her body and Jack was doing something to Ethan before the door bell rang. "God damn it. I bet it's that cop again."

Lucas stood up, causing me to stand up. He grabbed a hold of my wrist and dragged me out of the room. I looked back at Ethan and mouthed 'We'll get out of this, I'll find you'.

Jack went off to find the cop and Lucas dragged me to his room. I sat on Lucas' bed, watching him as he reattached his arm with the liquid medicine. He tossed the bottle in a trash can and turned to his computer, typing away.

"Is my brother going to be okay? Am I going to be okay?"

"Well that all depends on how he acts, and as for ya, you're be fine as long as you stay by me."

I nodded. And brought my knees up to my chest, hiding my face into my arms.


I slowly woke up to Lucas laying me down, covering my body with the blanket. I must of fallen asleep. He stood back up and started to head towards his computer.


He turned and looked at me. "Yes doll?"

"How didn't you die?" He gave me a look of confusion. "With your arm? That man cut it off."

He grinned and took a seat next to me, staring down at me. "Well little lady, I'm glad ya asked. It's a gift."

"A gift?"

He nodded. "Ya, Eveline gave me and my family this gift. Gives us the ability to do what we do."


"She is our family now.. showed up after that flood with that bitch Mia, gave us her gift.. no going back either and that's fine ya know."

I perked up when I heard Mias name. Sure I didn't care much for her but she was important to my brother. "Is Mia here?"

"Now now now, you don't need to go and look for her or you'll have the same fate as your brother. Now we can't have that happening doll, ain't gonna let you go that easily."

I nodded and slumped back into the bed, looking down at the floor. "Is there a place that I could have a shower?"

He stopped his typing and spun his chair around again, looking at me. "There is but-"

"I just want to get this blood and dirt off of me... you can even stand outside the door so you know I won't run. Please."

He thought about it and stood up, pulling me up from the bed. His hand entwined with mine and he lead me out of the room. "That could work doll."

We walked down the hallway until he stopped outside a door. "Here it is but before ya can go in. Ya gotta give me something in return." I knew what he wanted and I slowly nodded. I quickly went up on my tippy toes and pressed my lips against his.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off with the towel Lucas gave me. I slipped my pants back on and Lucas' sweater. Combing out my hair with my fingers.

"Ya almost done? Been in there a while babe."

I slowly opened the door and he looked me over. "You still look good in my sweater." His hand entwined with mine once again as he dragged me back to the room.


I looked at the sleeping figure next to me and slowly sat up. I quietly sneaked over to his computer and took a seat, shaking the mouse. But of course, I needed a password to get in. And I didn't know Lucas enough to try and guess it. Maybe I could sneak out. Yeah that's it. I gave one last look at Lucas and exited the room. Little did I know, he was awake the entire time.

I walked down the hallway and clung his sweater closer to my body. Being as quite as I can. I made my way down a hallway and a flight of stairs. I continued to walk even with the sounds I was hearing.

I had to find my brother.

I slipped through the walls and ended up in the main hall. I examined the room and saw a door with three missing dog heads. I walked up to it and a sigh escaped my lips when it wouldn't open. Before I could do anything, the phone started to ring. I jumped a little and walked over to it and bringing it up to me ear.


"Glad to see that you're still alive after being stuck with my brother."

I looked around to make sure nothing was around me. "Who are you?"

"My names Zoe. You best find your brother before mine finds you. Ethan's down stairs. Now hurry, Lucas is coming."

End of Oneshot

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