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By sinkingstorm

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book ยฒ published


3.3K 58 4
By sinkingstorm

Violet parked her car and jumped out. It was the movie night.

She saw Kie and the boys and made her way towards them. Kie smiled at her and Vi put her stuff down, plopping herself on the blanket.

"Hello guys!" She said excited. Kie pulled her in for a hug. Violet pulled out the snacks and threw a pack to everyone.

"I'm so excited. But I forgot to bring drinks."

"What are you excited for? It's literally an old movie and my couch is so much comfier that laying on the grass." Vi looked at JJ and chuckled.

"Stop complaining and eat your chips." He shrugged his shoulders and opened the bag of chips.

"Okay chief." He said and they all laughed.

"I'll go get us drinks anyone wants something?" They shook their head and Kie stood up.

"I'll come with you."

The girls walked to the booth.

"Where's John B?" Vi asked and Kiara shrugged.

"He's literally MIA. And it's not even picking up."

"Probably found a new lead." Vi said and Kie chuckled. They walked to the booth and Kie ordered them drinks. A hand gave money towards the guy, when he finished handing them the drinks. Kie and Violet looked at the hand and saw that it belonged to Rafe. Kie rolled her eyes and was just about the protest, but the man has already taken the money and was giving Rafe the change.

"Rafe. What are you doing?" Vi asked as Kie stood to the side, awkwardly.

"Trying to make it up to you." He said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Paying for my drinks won't do it Rafe." She said and grabbed Kie's hand walking away.

"Wait, Violet." Rafe said and gently put a hand on her arm, stopping her. She looked at his hand and then at him. Rafe dropped his hand and looked at her.

'Tell your boy that we know what he did." Rafe said and Violet and Kiara looked at him confused. Vi shook her head.

"What boy, Rafe."

"He'll know. Have a great night, Violet." He said and Kiara started dragging her away. Rafe stood there and watched as Kie dragged her away. Violet was looking at him, once in a while, while Kie dragged her, which made Rafe smile.

The two girls got back and took their places on the blanket.

"We just saw Rafe." Kie said and all of them looked at his direction. He was now joined by Topper and Kelce.

"He said and I quote "tell your boy that we know what he did." The boys looked at each other. They looked panicked.

"What are we going to do now?" Pope asked scared.

"We talked about it Pope! Just deny." Kie and Vi looked at each other.

"We have to stay together. We are stronger together. Like school of fish." Kie murmured 'like school of fish' under her breath and the girls looked at them once again puzzled.

"Guys. What did you two do?" Violet asked. They completely ignored her.

"And if that doesn't work we have this." JJ said and patted his bag.

"JJ don't tell me that you brought a gun here! There are kids!" Kie whisper shouted. Violet looked at her confused.

"A gun? Where do you have a gun from?"

"Jesus! I don't and I didn't, okay?"

"I'm so confused that it's physically hurting my brain." Vi said and laid down. The movie started shortly after that. Kie shushed the boys up and they started watching it.

About an hour into the movie, Violet was deeply invested in. A lot more than she had ever expected, the guys started whispering. Kie rolled her eyes and Violet just chuckled.

"We're gonna take a piss." JJ said as they stood up.

"You're gonna hold it for each other?" Violet asked and Kiara started laughing.

"Hahaha very funny. Shut up." JJ groaned and the boys walked away.

"Something's not right." Violet said when the boys walked to the woods instead of the toilets in the back, she looked at the toilets and saw Rafe, Topper and Kelce there. "Something's definitely not right Kie." Kiara turned around and looked at what Vi was looking at.

"We have toilet guards now?" Kiara joked and Vi giggled focusing back on the movie.

Violet felt that something wasn't right, so she just looked behind her one more time and saw that the boys were no where to be seen.

"Kie. Rafe's gone."

"Shit." Kiara jumped up and the two girls ran into the direction they last saw Pope and JJ at. When they got there, Violet froze. Kelce has grabbed JJ's hands while Topper was punching him. Rafe was punching Pope. Violet didn't knew what to do. Kiara jumped at Rafe, while Violet ran to Kelce and jumped at him, knocking him down. He dropped JJ and Vi quickly ran to Topper and JJ.

"Topper! Let go of him you fucking psycho!" Violet shouted and grabbed his arm pulling hard, Topper let his arm a little far back and Violet felt the throbbing pain in her nose. She pulled back with a hand on her nose, blood falling down. JJ saw that, and he got fucking furious.

"JJ! Stop!" She shouted and pushed the boy away, she got in between them and just as Topper was going to throw a punch, she tucked down and brought her arm up in a fist, and Topper fell down on his butt. This time Rafe jumped at JJ, Kelce jumped at Pope, while Topper was still shocked at what Violet did. Vi saw that Kie grabbed something from JJ's bag and soon enough the big sheet started to burn. People started shouting and running, in the madness, Violet quickly helped JJ up and went to help Kiara with Pope.

"What the fuck was that guys?" She asked almost in a whisper. Not knowing how the fuck did they got here, in the first place.

"Violet. That was fucking badass and Kie, what's wrong with you?" Pope asked and Kie looked at him shocked.

"She gets a good job and i get a what the fuck? I saved your fucking ass Pope!"

"Also you set the movie sheet on fire!"

"And it worked! Didn't it?" They got to Vi's car.

"I'll go get Pope home." Kiara said and Vi nodded.

"I'll take JJ." Kiara looked at her with a grin.

"Take him, Vi. Take him, as many times as you want." Violet pushed giggling Kie away.

"Shut up, dumbass." Vi laughed and jumped in her car, JJ was already sat in the passanger's seat.

"So." She started and continued after closing the door. "What did you two do?" Vi asked grabbing the bottle of water that laid under her seat.

"We sunk Topper's boat." Vi almost chocked on the water.

"You two idiots sunk a 100k boat? Are you out of your fucking mind? There are cameras JJ!"

"There was no power, Vi. It's okay." Vi took a deep breath.

"JJ. There is power. This is Figure 8! We never ran out of it!" She shouted at him.  "You two are in the deep shit now! What of you get arrested huh?"

"We won't Vi, it's okay. Breathe." She was trying to, but it wasn't working. She looked outside and saw Rafe walking in her direction, coming to apologize once again.

"Shit." She said and started the car. JJ looked around.


"Rafe." The boy ran to her car and put a hand on her hood. She rolled her window down.

"Yes, Rafe?" JJ looked at them confused. What was happening.

"I uh, I came her to uhm." He started and that's when he saw JJ. The boys looked at each other like animals, ready to jump at each others throats. "What's he doing here?" Rafe asked and looked at her angrily. Violet looked at him with narrowed eyebrows.

"Whatever he fucking wants. Not your business." She said and JJ felt the little smile creeping in.

"So it's not Heyward after all, is it."

"Rafe listen. It's not your fucking business. If you came to apologize, please don't. Not anymore. I know who you are now and I don't want to be around you. Sorry." She said and started the car. Rafe walked to the side, Violet felt the guilt right after she said that to him. Bit it was the truth, and he had to hear it. He looked like a sad puppy standing there on the road, watching as she drove off. And when she looked at him, she almost thought about giving him another chance at friendship, but just wasn't sure. He was a bully and the disgusting kind of one. And she hated bullies.

"I think he likes you." JJ said as Vi drove away. She made a pft sound.

"Nope." JJ chuckled.

"Definitely likes you." He said calmly and looked outside. "Do you like him?"

"I did liked him as a friend once, that was before I saw him hitting Pope and enjoying it. Wasn't even sorry for it." JJ nodded, kind of feeling the relief wash over him. "So where should I drop you off?"

"At John B's." She nodded and started her way towards the house. JJ turned the music on and started humming to the tune. Soon enough she stopped the car next to the house.

"Want to smoke a blunt?" Vi looked at him shocked.

"I've never smoked before." JJ opened the door to the car and jumped in, he walked to her side and opened the door for her.

"Let's go. We'll find out if you'll like it in about 5 minutes." She chuckled and jumped out, grabbing her keys. JJ closed the door when Vi walked out and they walked to the house. JJ turned the lights on and quickly rolled a blunt. Vi walked to the boombox and put on some music. 

"You can go to the hammocks if you like or we can stay here?" Vi looked outside and the hammocks looked more like it. She would rather get high outside then in.

"I'll go out." JJ nodded and walked to the fridge grabbing a beer and water for Vi.

"Let's go." He said and held the door opened for her. JJ jumped in the hammock and quickly lit the blunt, taking a drag. Vi looked at him.

"Come on." JJ pat the free space next to him and she got in there shyly. He handled her the blunt and she put in between her two fingers looking at him. She took a drag and felt her throat quickly burning up. Her virgin lungs didn't take that too well as she started choking and coughing on the smoke. JJ laughed and handed her the water.

"Take one more, to feel the whole effect. It will be enough for you." She nodded and took another one, that one went in smoother than last time. She inhaled then exhaled, watching as the smoke dissapeared. She quickly took another drag and gave it back to JJ. "Don't take more. I want you to feel good not freak out."

"What's your favourite song?" He asked and she looked at him, with hazy eyes. She was getting high.

"Jesus I have no clue." She said and JJ chuckled hard. She started laughing. He opened her Spotify and tapped on one of her playlists and pressed play.

"Just don't freak out, and know that you're in a safe space, okay. Here with me. No one's coming and no one will find out about you smoking weed and no one will arrest you, okay?" She nodded. She was already starting to feel paranoid, but he definitely made it better.

"It's just me and you and I won't judge you." He said knowing damn well that it was her first time smoking and that she was going to start feeling the paranoia and freak out and have a bad trip. He didn't wanted that. Weed was fun and made you chill, she shouldn't remember it as something that makes you paranoid.

Vi nodded and laid her head back in the hammock, looking at the stars.

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