His Infatuation - Slashers x...

By CamsterHale

232K 12.5K 4.4K

"No...You're not telling me..." "YOU two were the ones stalking me ALL along...!?" This time (Y/n) deals with... More

-Quick Note-
[Chapter 1: Psychopathic Reveal]
[Chapter 2: Evil Ending...?]
[Chapter 3: FIND HER]
[Chapter 4: Party Crasher]
[Chapter 5: Calming Things Down]
[Chapter 6: Needing Assistance]
[Chapter 7: Serious Help]
[Chapter 8: Interesting Proposal]
[Chapter 9: Social Distancing]
[Chapter 10: Tuesday Morning]
[Chapter 12: Library Conversation]
[Chapter 13: Ghostface's Irritations]
[Chapter 14: Lack of Tact]
[Chapter 15: Stupid Squabble]
[Chapter 16: Continuing Alone]
[Chapter 17: Camp Crystal Lake]
[Chapter 18: Take The Blame]
[Chapter 19: Michael Vs Jason Round 2...?]
[Chapter 20: Obsessive Flashback]
[Chapter 21: Visiting The Lake]
[Chapter 22: Surprise Visit...!?]
[Chapter 23: Stressful Snap]
[Chapter 24: Traumatic Truth]
[Chapter 25: Number of Events]
[Chapter 26: Returning Home]
[Chapter 27: So Much For That]
[Chapter 28: Your Secret's Safe]
[Chapter 29: Free Pass]
[Chapter 30: Morning Jumpscare]
[Chapter 31: Walking Together]
[Chapter 32: One Hell Of A Coincidence]
[Chapter 33: Losing Interest...?]
[Chapter 34: The Good Guy Dolls]
[Chapter 35: Friday Night Recycling]
[Chapter 36: Free-time Fun]
[Chapter 37: I'm Switzerland]
[Chapter 38: Soul Power]
[Chapter 39: Peeping Tom]
[Chapter 40: Bitter Betrayal]
[Chapter 41: The Blame Game]
[Chapter 42: Morning Mischief]
[Chapter 43: Saturday Exhaustion]
[Chapter 44: Nine O'Clock News]
[Chapter 45: Pointing Fingers]
[Chapter 46: Afternoon Visit]
[Chapter 47: Hanging Out]
[Chapter 48: Evening Accusations]
[Chapter 49: Intense Information]
[Chapter 50: Comforting Assistance]
[Chapter 51: Dramatic Dining]
[Chapter 52: False Allegations]
[Chapter 53: Stretching Sincerity]
[Chapter 54: Wanna Play...?]
[Chapter 55: The Lakeshore Strangler]
[Chapter 56: A Good Guy...Fighting?]
[Chapter 57: Sorry Excuses]
[Chapter 58: Reason & Request]
[Chapter 59: Proving Innocence]
[Chapter 60: Sorrowful Apology]
[Chapter 61: Friendly Forgiveness]
[Chapter 62: Increasing Insanity]
[Chapter 63: Derry & IT's MAINE Problem]
[Chapter 64: Fearless Feeding]
[Chapter 65: Giving Yourself Away]
[Chapter 66: Restoring Balance]
[Chapter 67: Fixing His Conditions]
[Chapter 68: Deathly Destruction]
[Chapter 69: Babysitting Tradeout]
[Chapter 70: The Start Of A Shit-Show]
[Chapter 71: No Way You've Could've Known]
[Chapter 72: Seven Days]
[Chapter 73: Sunday Night]
[Chapter 74: Morning Departure]
[Chapter 75: Meeting The Heelshires]
[Chapter 76: Following Instructions]
[Chapter 77: Third Person View]
[Chapter 78: The Heelshire's "Vacation"]
[Chapter 79: Calling Rose]
[Chapter 80: "I Promise I'll Be Good"]
[Chapter 81: Truthful Regret]
[Chapter 82: Another Time]
[Chapter 83: Growing Startled]
[Chapter 84: Bedtime Battling]
[Chapter 85: Childish Tantrum]
[Chapter 86: The Heelshires' History]
[Chapter 87: Thursday Alarm]
[Chapter 88: Unannounced Guests]
[Chapter 89: Sharing & Showing]
[Chapter 90: GET OUT]
❤️-Quick Announcement-❤️

[Chapter 11: Private Discussion]

3.7K 193 29
By CamsterHale

The notes that Rose had let you borrow-slash-scribble down really did help you catch up; her bullet-points and tips being almost more helpful than your Professor's slides, the University's overall textbooks and allowing you to understand the stressful subject altogether. It's not that you didn't want to learn about Psychology, or enjoy studying said course - but keeping up with your classes, calming down conflicts between the killers, and battling frustrating amounts of fatigue was beginning to grow excessively exhausting. At least the other slashers still made you feel special and you could tell all six of them still cared. Billy and Stu however...you didn't know that much about them yet. Well, except that you were childhood friends back in the day.

"It's true. We all used to play together. Just the three of us. Me, you, and him." The way Stu had phrased that...he'd sounded much more with it than Billy had. Much more...calm and collected. But it was just so...so confusing. Then again, hadn't Billy dated another girl before you...? "-He got betrayed by his ex-girlfriend - Sidney - and before Billy dated her, he's been searching for you for years on end." Did he even love Sidney...? Or was Billy just using her for an excuse to find you someday...? He didn't seem mentally with it last time you interacted with him, but maybe you'd have a peaceful day today. Maybe they'd stay home to make sure that their injuries would heal. Yeah...Yeah. Just You, Cadence, Laura, Amber and Rose, hanging out together in the University's Cafeteria. ...What could go wrong...?

"Hey, (Y/n)...? (Y/n)...?" A familiar voice called cautiously, the black-haired girl waving their hand in front of your face and trying to get you to focus your attention onto them. "(Y/n)...!"

Oh, it was Laura. It was rare that you got to see her by herself like this. But what was she doing in your classroom...? "Sorry, sorry...!" You apologised nervously; looking up from your desk and noticing her standing in front of you. "Was there something in particular you needed from me...?"

"Well, sorta, I guess..." Laura awkwardly replied, twirling a stray piece of her curls between her fingers and looking to the side. "I was...Well, we were all kinda worried about you. I mean, you were almost late to our Psychology class today. Not only that, but you didn't hear the bell ring for lunch, and didn't even leave with everyone else. You seem really spaced-out lately. Is...Is everything alright, (Y/n)...? Is something else bothering you...?"

"No!" You denied in alarm, freaking out and wondering how to go about all of this. But you had to come up with something - a-and FAST...! "Really, I...I mean I'm fine...! It's just...My roommates finally caught the unwanted admirers, and...and let's just say they creeped me out while handing them over to the authorities yesterday. I didn't get much sleep due to that either. So, yeah, I...I'm sorry for worrying you guys, but really...that's really all it is."

"Wait, for real!? You've finally caught the creepers!?" Laura exclaimed with an amazed tone, taken aback by your words as she placed the palm of her hands down on your desk. "That's great...! Did you recognise any of them...? Do you know who they actually are...?"

You froze up in fear, shoving your things into your backpack before standing up and trying to come up with another excuse. "I...Well, I...To tell the truth...No." You lied feebly, feeling bad about hiding the truth and debating whether or not keeping your friends in the dark was the right thing to do. "I don't...All I know is that they lived close-by where I was staying and they...they wanted to get with me. But they went way too far and thought messing with me was the best way to get my attention."

"Holy shit...That's...That's messed up..." Laura remarked disgustedly, being blunt with her opinion like always. "They seriously need to learn how to gain a girl's affection, y'know...? Because that's definitely not how you earn it."

"Yeah..." You spoke absentmindedly, relieved when she didn't see through your lie. "Yeah, it's...it's not..." But all of a sudden you thought back to Billy and Stu's words - feeling more and more stressed-out over your current life decisions.

"Billy, wait..." "She's not going to appreciate it if you take out her mother, remember...? You can't scare her like the other psychos did. We have to be gentler...We have to be...We have to be—"

"Careful, Billy. Remember what we talked about last night." "You don't want to be unreasonable here."
"I'm being unreasonable...?"

"—(Y/n)...? Were you even listening to me...?" Laura asked with slight worry, interrupting your train of thoughts a second time and therefore causing you to grow embarrassed.

"Oh, uh, sorry...I guess I'm still a little tired from all of this..." You timidly mumbled, your grip on your backpack's strap tightening while you shifted your gaze over to her again. "What's up...?"

"Honestly, I really think you should visit the Nurse's Office sometime this week...You don't seem like yourself these days..." Laura sighed, standing up straight before facing you directly. "Anyway...I just asked if you wanted to sit with us in the Cafeteria. Y'know, with just Amber, Cadence, Rose and myself...?"

"Sure." You warmly responded, sending her a light smile and making her smile in return. "Sounds great. I'd love to hang out with you guys."

"Awesome...! Let's go then." She said happily, following you towards the classroom door as you both left the room altogether. "We've kept the others waiting long enough."

"Oh Jeez, I hope I haven't made you guys wait too long...!" You anxiously freaked-out, quickening your pace and hurrying in the direction of the Uni's Cafeteria.

"Relax, relax...Sure, Amber's a little bit impatient, but Cadence and I weren't annoyed by you not showing. Heck, after this month, I think we've all just gotten used to your erratic behaviour, so we don't take it personally anymore." Laura chuckled lightly, placing a hand on your shoulder while giving it a soft squeeze.

Her words made you panic even further - making you feel not only guilty, but on-edge now as well. Crap, they really do catch on quickly. Still, letting your friends in on your little "slasher secret" would only scare them, not to mention place them in serious danger. So with a faint sigh, you entered the Cafeteria and caught sight of your friends; grabbing a food tray and ordering some food from the lunch-line before joining them at their table. They all seemed to be getting on well with Rose, Amber and her chatting merrily together. Cadence brightened up when you greeted them all - almost as if she missed you - and Laura got along well with everyone. Happiness washed through your veins after you noticed everything was...Well, everything was just fine. But you spoke too soon. Why? Oh, no reason. Only because

"Hey, (Y/n)!" An upbeat voice greeted you brightly, making you jump and almost drop the drink you were taking a sip out of.

"B...Billy...!? S-Stu...!?" You stammered in shock, your eyes widening to the size of saucers as you stared the two of them down fearfully.

"—Mind if we sit with you guys?" Stu joined in with a happy-go-lucky expression, holding his tray just like Billy was while they both stood next to you and your friends's table. "All the other tables are full and it's just so...so crowded around here, y'know? It's kind of a bummer."

"Well, I for one don't mind." Rose chipped in with a friendly fashion, looking around at the others and trying her best to be relatively civil. "What about you guys...? Everyone else okay with it...?"

"Oh, uh, sure—"
"—W-Wait a second...! I...I actually had something I've been meaning to talk to you guys about...! I-In private." You wildly bursted out, interrupting Amber and standing up without thinking.

"Something you've been meaning to talk to us about...?" Stu echoed in surprise, acting confused whilst he shared a quick glance with Billy.

"In private...?" Billy curiously repeated, entertained by your remark and finding it to be fairly amusing. "What's up...? Something on your mind...? Did something happen...?"

"I need to discuss something with you guys. Right now. In the Library." You announced sternly, watching them both place their trays on the table before facing you again.

"Is something the matter...? Is everything alright...?" Cadence questioned in a troubled tone, her concerned attitude calming you down slightly and causing you to feel comforted somehow.

"Everything's fine." You reassured the kindhearted blonde carefully, not wanting her - or any of your friends - to suspect anything. "There's just something I have to know, that's all. Talk to everyone after our last session...?"

"Alrighty..." Laura nodded doubtfully, flashing you a frown as you started walking towards the hallway again. "Catch you later, (Y/n)..."

"Laters..." Amber sighed, Cadence and Rose sending you gentle waves while you felt bad for leaving them all in the dark yet again. But what else could you do? This was something that had to be addressed.

You had to fix things before the newest conflict between the slashers got way out of hand. So with a deep breath, you opened one of the Library doors and entered the room - knowing already that Billy and Stu had taken your request seriously, and were - without a doubt - already shadowing your footsteps from behind. Luckily, not many students were in the Library during lunch hour - so in the end, you got your wish. It would be pretty private. Thankfully. Then again, you didn't know how to start this. You, Billy and Stu...sitting alone, around one of the Library's tables...How in God's name were you meant to begin...? How were you supposed to bring up what the Hell was bothering you...? Would they be upset...? Would they lose it again...? God dammit, what would be the best way to—!?

"Hel~lo~?" Billy hummed mischievously; snapping you out of your hysterical stance and shooting you a smug smirk instead, his mannerisms throwing you off entirely. "Earth to (Y/n)~? You still here~?"

"I-I'm still here...! Sorry, I just...I just..." Freaking out even further, you tried your hardest to stay calm; breathing out and tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear before continuing. "I mean, I was just thinking about what to bring up first, that's all..."

"Oh, (Y/n). You're so cute~" Stu sweetly teased, the devious friend nudging Billy before facing you fully and leaning on top of his hands. "So, what do you want...? You know what we've been doing, right...? What we've done...? What we've been up to...? So, why do you want to talk to us...? Why so suddenly...?"

"Not that I'm against it or anything." Billy interjected flirtatiously, holding one of your hands within both of his from across the table and holding it. "You can chat to us - to me - whenever~you~want~to. M'kay~?"

"O-Oh, um, right...About that..." Stuttering, you wondered how to respond; now feeling embarrassed due to not only his love towards you, but the intimate hand-holding too. Crap!

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