Cute Imagines

By bee_died

5.7K 144 70

Dive into the world of love and loss, heartthrob and heartbreak, heaven and hell; that is, I mean, if you wan... More

Crush Folder
Headcanons - ♥MHA boys♥
Headcanons - ♥MHA girls♥
Girlfriend Pt. 2 (SMUT!!!)
Headcanon - ♥Weasleys♥ (Light smut 13+)
Self Promo
Jump - ♥Young Tom Riddle♥
Heacanon - ♥Harry Potter♥
Headcanon - ♥Hermione Granger♥
Headcanon - ♥Spencer Reid♥
♥Re-trazo & Benny♥ (SMUT!!!)
♥Balloon Boy♥ Fluff
Love you - ♥Hermione Granger♥
♥Masc GF♥ - Fluff
Kiss - ♥️Harry Potter♥️
Kinky (SMUT!!!)
Coffee & Heartbreak - Angst
Headcanon - ♥️Harry Potter Characters♥️
Hurt - ♥️Hermione Granger♥️
Parent Problems
Feels Like Betrayal
Late Night
Horror Movie
Baking - ♥️Draco Malfoy♥️ (SMUT!!!)
Baking - ♥️Draco Malfoy♥️ (SMUT!!!) (Part 2)
The Yacht (SMUT!!!)
The Mall - Fluff
Basketball Game
Jealousy (SMUT!!!)
♥Harry Potter Characters♥ - Cuddles (pics)
Leaving for the Gym
Flying to Football
The Bar ♥Lupe x Jess♥
The Bar ♥Lupe x Jess♥ Pt. 2
Untitled part
When the Ship Goes Down (pt. 2)

Partner? - ♥Draco Malfoy♥

66 3 0
By bee_died

A/N: You and Draco are both the same age and in your 6th year of Hogwarts. 

(Feminine reader) request if you want a different gender/non-gender imagine


You had been friends with Draco since day one. You were sorted into Slytherin with him and had met at the house table at the first feast. Since then, you had become inseparable.

Lately, your feelings towards Draco had changed. He was, as always, your closest friend, but you felt that maybe (just maybe) you could be more than friends. You were too nervous to ask him about it though, and so you continued to act as a friend, and nothing else. 

You and Draco had a lot of classes together, so you spent a lot of time with each other. Today, your last two classes were herbology and potions. As you walked to herbology together, you talked about quidditch and the upcoming games. He was explaining to you a new strategy the Slytherin team wanted to try, when you arrived at the greenhouse. 

"Quiet down everyone, quiet please!" Professor Sprout called to the class, "We will be splitting into pairs and harvesting seeds from the plants we worked with last time. I want every pair to collect a jar of seeds before the end of class. You may begin!" Everyone started splitting up and you and Draco immediately looked at each other. Laughing at the timing, you both giggled and started to collect the seeds.

---time skip---

After class, you both headed to potions.

"Whew," you wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, "I'm ready for the end of the day." 

"Same here," Draco said, pulling up the shirt under his robes to wipe his face. You look at his toned stomach, for a moment, before Draco drops his shirt again.

"Like what you see?" Draco teases, and you blush lightly. The both of you continue to walk to potions. When you arrive outside the classroom, a group of students had already formed, waiting to get into the classroom. Harry waves at you and you wave back. You knew that Harry and Draco weren't great friends but you though Harry was alright.

Glancing at Harry again, you saw him walking towards you. Draco inches a little closer to you in a possessive way that makes you giggle. He looks at you and smiles, but his face hardens as he looks back at Harry. 

"Hi Harry," you greet, and Harry says hello back. Draco just stares at Harry, as if his eyes are piercing into Harry's soul. 

"Y/N can I ask you something?" 

"Sure," you respond. "What's up?"

"Um," he glances at Draco, but continues, "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me." He looks intently at you, waiting for an answer. Draco just stares at Harry. 

You glance at Draco for a moment before looking at Harry again.

"Uh, sorry Harry, I only think of you as a friend." He looks sad for a moment before smiling a small smile. 

"Yeah-uh, that's okay, see you then." He walks away as Draco looks at you. 

"You just rejected Potter."

"I'm aware."

"Harry Potter. You know the chosen one?" 

"I know." 


"I like someone else." He gives you a questioning look as if to ask who, but at that moment, Snape opens the classroom door and ushers everyone inside.

---in class---

Draco and you shared a desk and so when Snape told you what you would be doing, you worked together. 

"15cm pieces," you muttered to yourself, "then add and stir counter-clockwise for two minutes." You cut the ginger and added it to your shared cauldron, Draco stirring it as you did.

"So," He started casually, "who DO you like then?" You didn't answer, still focused on the potion. "Y/N?" He complains, "who is itttt?" 

"Huh?" you snap back into yourself, dragging your attention away from the potion and looking at Draco. Draco chuckles and shakes his head. 

"Never mind, never mind." Though, the two of you focus on the poem for the rest of class, Draco's mind still wanders around the question he was trying to ask you. 

---after dinner---

After dinner, he walks you back to the common room to go to bed. When the both of you part ways, Draco's mind is still spinning and thinking rapidly. You go into your dorm (pretend you all have your own rooms) and close your door, and Draco, thinking for a moment, suddenly follows you, jogging up to your dorm.

He pauses right outside, turning away a couple of times but eventually resting his hand on the doorknob. Then, using all of his courage, he turns the knob, and walks in.

You look up from where you were putting your books away, confused as to why Draco was there. 

"Draco, what are yo-" Draco cuts you off with a kiss, holding your face with one hand, as the other rests on the small of your back. You kiss him back, and the kiss becomes heated. 

Finally, Draco pulls away for air and says the words he has been wanting to say all day (and probably for some time now), 

"Y/N, I love you." You give him a big smile and pull him in for yet another kiss. 

"I love you too Draco," you say, as you break apart for a moment. He pulls you closer into the kiss, and the both of you are stopped in this wonderful moment.

Draco spends the night with you that night. You watch movies, eat snacks, laugh together, and cuddle. He holds you during the scary parts and you snuggle into the warmth of his body. He disappears for a couple of minutes and comes back with an armful of hoodies for you.

"Here," he says casually. You jump off the bed and grab one, taking off your shirt, and putting it on over you. He brings you back to the bed, holds you very close to his chest, and the two of you fall asleep together. Draco playing with your hair and kissing the top of your head, you drawing circles on his chest, and letting your eyes get heavy. 

P.S. Idk maybe you even get married at some point


A/N: This took me two days to complete (which is a long time for me lol) but I am pretty proud of it. SO MUCH FLUFF LOL. Hope you enjoyed and as always,


♥Love you darlings♥

Word count: 1060 woah

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