Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-O...

Von Sanju_sharma

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When did you go on a vacation? And where have you gone for a vacation? And for how many days you have been on... Mehr

Story starts
What to do??
Will reading
Time for vacation
First week
Second week
His first painting
A new friend
Blissful days
How to meet again??
Date night
She is.....
Where is she?
Blind trust
The dreadful day
The bitter truth
The morning after
In a blink.....
Come with me
Back to Seattle
A new family
Our little moments
Date night
Lazy day
Breaking news
Her first step
Another breaking
A chaos
She left
Family time
Dear Michael
Dear Martin
I love you
I need to do
The interview
My woman is a ......
After effects
I'm back
Epilogue 2
Sebastian and Adrienne

Michael's office

117 17 20
Von Sanju_sharma


Sitting on the floor in the middle of the kids playroom, cross legged, I perched my sketch board on one knee and stared at the huge wall in front of me. I already painted the background colours on the wall that I need for the design I planned for it.

With each passing second of my staring contest at the wall, my confusion levels started to grow. Sighing, I looked around me and scowled at the mess I created with my discarded sketch papers. Landon will definitely make me clean all this. I already have the perfect design in my mind but I am confused about where to start and how to start.

Suddenly a huge sound in the now silent house startled me. Mike has gone to his office and Landon has left after preparing lunch. So it's only me in this entire house. So from where is this sound coming?

I looked around and realised that it's actually my phone. 

I scowled. Who can that be? No one apart from my agent and Mike knew my number. Mike was in office. So he wouldn't call and my agent will never call. He just messages me to meet and will only discuss everything face to face. 

So, who can that be? 

The phone went silent while I was still in the thought process.

Shrugging it off, I went back to my thinking but that damn little thing started ringing again. I really don't know that my ringtone is this disgusting.

Finally I have no choice but to pick up my phone. I looked at the number and it’s definitely an unknown number.

Answering, I brought it up to my ear.

"Mia! Be ready in 10. We're coming." Said a feminine voice and hung up before I even got the chance to say hello. 

Who is this? I tried to understand but no. I couldn't.

How do they know me? How do they know my number? What is the meaning of being ready? 

I hadn't even realised that 10 min had passed until a ping reverbated into the house indicating that someone had entered inside. For a moment my heart started beating fast. It would have been better if I brought my Coco with me instead of leaving it with my agent. At least my baby would have given me company, right?

Mia! Strangers cannot enter without a code!! For the first time I felt so happy that my brain works sometimes!!!

 I hurriedly moved into the living room only to see Ash and Isa entering inside with some bags in their hands.

What the??

"Mia! You're not ready yet?!" Ash almost screamed.

I blinked at her in confusion, "Is it you who called me?" I asked.

Her face fell, "You don't know my number. Heck, you hadn't even recognised my voice?"

Shit! I really hadn't recognised her voice. Now she looks really hurt.

"Baby, for one, we hadn't shared our numbers with her. For two, you hadn't given her enough time to recognise your voice." Isa said and Ash nodded somewhat understandingly.

Thank goodness!! Mike already shared his legendary moments where he got beaten by John for hurting Ash with his silly talks. I seriously don’t want to invite John’s wrath. So far he is such a nice and kind guy.

"Ok now. Go and get ready fast." Ash said.


"We are going out." She said.

Out? "Where?" 

"To MI." 

MI? What is it? Is it some kind of famous place? I heard its name before … wait .. "Michael's office?" I asked.

They both just stared at me. What's wrong?

"Honey, it's actually Sam's office." Isa said.

Raising a brow, Ash turned towards her.

Isa coughed, "I mean, it's Sam's office. John's office and yeah .. Michael's office too."

Ash rolled her eyes, "It's my office and Sanju's office too."

Isa sighed, "It's everyone's office."

I laughed.

"Yeah! Now get ready fast! We are already late!" Ash said.

"Why do we need to go there?"

"To have lunch with our men!" Isa said smiling brightly.

"Why do we need to go there to have lunch?" I asked.

"Because they aren't coming here." Ash said.

"Yeah. Of course. They will be busy, right? Then why to disturb them?"

"Because it's our job to always disturb them." Ash said cheerily.

"Ash, won't they be angry if we disturb them?"

"Can they dare to be angry with us?" She asked in return.

I chuckled, "But Ash.."

"Urgh! Mia! Will you stop this question and answer session and get ready?" She gritted her teeth and that's enough for me to run inside like a scared puppy and get changed in a minute.

By the time we reached the ground floor I was a panting mess because Ash kept on hurrying me. When we entered the parking lot, I found a middle aged man leaning against a car, hands folded across his chest.

"Mark." Ash called and he straightened up seeing us. 

"So, I'm finally meeting Ms. Warner." He said, smiling at me.

I sighed. Is there anyone left who knows about me?

I nodded.

"So, Mia. This is Mark Lucas, our personal man. And Mark, you know her." Ash introduced us.

He nodded, "Of course. You guys haven't stopped talking about her." 

What is there to talk about me? I now really feel the urge to spy on them and see what they actually are talking about me.

Smiling, I extended my hand to him, “Nice meeting you Mr. Lucas.” 

“Pleasure is mine, Ms. Warner.” He smiled.

“Mark, come on. We are getting late.” Ash ushered us. Isa and I hurried into the back seat and Ash took the front seat.

Within no time Mark raced the car out into the street and trust me I hadn't expected this man to really race this car. He looks like he is in his mid fifties and that’s the reason for my wrong conclusions about him.

As soon as our car moved out of the parking lot, a black car joined in the front and I also noticed another black car behind us. 

3 of the cars following a line.

"What are they?" I asked confused.

"Our security." Ash answered.

"Security? Why?"

"Honey." Isa called me so gently. Trust me. Ash and Isa are quite opposite. One is fire and one is water. One is fast and one is slow. I don't know how they ended up being best friends.

"Thanks to our men and their ruthlessness in business they gained a few good rivals. And so is the security for us." She answered.

"But why do we need two whole cars?" I asked. Isn't it too much security?

"Few years back Sanju was attacked while travelling in her car. Along with her guards. It's a miracle that they were saved." Isa’s face fell while saying this and a gasp escaped me. I really don't know this!

"Yeah!" Ash intervened in between, "That's the reason for this. Robert is hell bent on having security wherever we go. He won't even allow us to go to the grocery store down the street without security."

I nodded. It's not hard to understand his worries. Even though my meeting with these people was very limited, I can see how much they love each other and how strong their bonds were. 

But Michael doesn't have any security. Doesn’t he have any enemies? Isn't he rude in business?

"Umm… is .. is Michael rude in his business?" I asked, hesitatingly.

They both turned towards me and I don't know why I'm blushing.

Isa laughed, "Your man is charming enough. He doesn't need to use his rudeness."

My heart soared up at their reference towards Michael as my man. It feels like I claimed him. Biting my lip I controlled my smile because I know, right now, I'm smiling and blushing like a crazy woman.

"He can swoon anyone with his words." Ash commented.

I chuckled. I know that. I have seen many times how he can mesmerise anyone with his sweet words. 

Soon Mark dropped us in front of a huge skyscraper. I craned my head up but still couldn't see the top floor of the building. 

Isa and Ash dragged me inside and as soon as we stepped in everyone around stood up in attention. I'm not an idiot to not to understand that this attention is not for me. But again why?

"Why did all of them suddenly become attentive?" I asked once we entered the elevator.

"Because the boss lady is with us." Ash said pointing towards Isa with her eyes and clapping her hands like a kid. 

Chuckling, I shook my head. Of course the boss lady is with us. I then glanced at the elevator panel and my eyes bugged out when I actually saw that Ash pressed the button for the 35th floor.

Seriously! Can't these people live on the ground like us mere people? And trust me the elevator ride up felt like a whole year and thank goodness we weren't stopped in the middle anywhere nor I actually felt asleep during the ride.

"So, this is Sanju's cabin." Ash said pointing to an empty cabin as soon as we exited on the 35th floor.

"Where is she?" I asked.

Isa chuckled, "She went to have lunch with her man."

I just nodded.

"So, this is your man's cabin." I looked at that . Bottom half of the cabin is covered with wooden walls and the top half with glass walls. Opaque designs adorned the glass wall and I peeked through the gaps in between. There he was. Sitting behind his desk in all his glory. For a moment it felt like he was kept in a glass box so precious to preserve.

"Here is the lunch. I have a small idea of what Michael likes. I ordered them but I don't have any idea of what you like. So, I picked whatever can be eaten." Ash said handing the bag to me. 

"It's ok Ash. I'm not that picky."

"Now, go inside." Isa ushered me and suddenly I started feeling nervous. He looks so serious in his work. Will he be angry for being disturbed? God, please don't let him be. I don't even want to see his angry side. 

Praying to the almighty I raised my hand to tap on the door.

"Mia!" Ash shrieked making me jump.

I turned towards her.

"We shouldn't knock on our men's doors. We should barge in." Saying that she pushed me forward and thank goodness the door wasn't locked. 

I stumbled inside really barging the door and before I could register, those women had left. 

I steadied myself and looked up only to stare at those beautiful eyes turning from confusion to surprise.

"Mia!" He grinned wide.

Thank god. He isn't angry.

He then stood up and moved towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, encircling his hands around me.

"Ash said we are going to have lunch here." I said, pointing towards the bag in my hands.

"That's really great." He said, taking the bag from my hands and placing it on the small table near the couch.

I then let my eyes wander around the cabin. It’s really bigger than my living room. At the centre of the room, his wooden desk was placed. To one corner couch. 

"Come." He said, dragging me towards his table and let me sit in his chair. He then hopped on to the table, with his right leg hanging in the air. 

I leaned back into the soft and comfortable chair and looked up at him. He discarded his coat. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, giving me the amazing view of his forearms. His tie was undone a little and his silky strands were waving a little.

“Enjoying the view?” He asked, disturbing me. Smirking at him, I nodded. Laughing he shook his head. I then concentrated on the chair I sat in.

"It's too big." I exclaimed.

"That's because you're too little." He said pinching the bridge of my nose. 

I swatted his hand and turned around in that rotating chair. The immediate thing that attracted me is the floor to ceiling glass wall. Standing up, I moved towards it. I leered down at the street which is now filled with cars. There is no building in the surroundings which is this height. For a moment it felt like all the world was beneath our feet.

"It's so beautiful." I said. 

Immediately I felt his presence behind me and his hands encircled my waist. He pulled me right into his embrace and that's enough for my body to burn up in desire. 

This tension has been raging up between us for so long. I knew that and he too knew that. But he never made a step further apart from these tight embraces and toe curling kisses.

I leaned against his chest and let myself melt into him. It's not the first time that my body was reacting to a touch but it is the first time that my heart is melting to a touch. 

The gentleness he has with me, the care he showers on me, the blind trust he has on me is enough for me to melt at his feet.

I know that I'm not reading him wrong but am I wrong to let myself surrender to him.

I came out of my thoughts when I felt his lips pecking mine. I groaned in frustration when it's just a mere touch.

He chuckled, "You can have your way with my lips whenever you want." He said and I blushed. 

"But I want to see the night view." I said diverting the topic.

I love night life the most. Not because I had to live at night for the last few years but because nightlife is always a mysterious little thing. It hides so many secrets in it. Secrets I wish to discover.

"Night from here or night view of the city?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Both. Umm .. to be precise…" I looked up at him, "I want to explore your world."

His brows drew together, "My world?"

I nodded, "You saw my little world. Now, I want to see this playboy's big world."

He chuckled, "I bid goodbye to that life."

I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm not telling you to recall it back but I want to take a peek into that world. I now know what your world is. Work and kids. But I want to know what your world used to be before all this."

He stared at me for a whole minute and then smiled. Bending down he again only pecked my lips. This man doesn't have any manners!!

"Then be ready. You're going to explore my world tonight."

"Really?" My eyes went wide.

He nodded. 

Jumping in excitement I crushed my lips against his.


"What should I wear?" I asked him once we were done with our lunch and sitting lazing on the couch, facing each other.

He smiled. Tracing a finger from my temple to my jaw, sensually, he whispered, "Whatever is comfortable to you."

I hadn't answered him because just by his mere touch, my mind and body and heart surrendered to him.

"Mia!" A voice broke my desire and I came to my senses.

"Are you guys done?" I recognised Ash's voice coming from outside the cabin.

"Yeah." Mike answered for me.

"Then send her. We are about to leave."

I immediately stood up and ruffled my clothes.

Michael too stood up and pulled me closer by sneaking a hand around my waist. 

"Be ready by sharp 7." He said kissing the top of my nose.

Smiling, I nodded.


I know that I don't need to impress Michael but I atleast want to do this for him. To look good. That's the least I actually can do for him. But how can I do that? I don't have a wee bit idea about where he actually takes me and how I should behave. So I chose the only option I was left with.

"Umm… I .. that…." They both narrowed their eyes at me.

I cleared my throat and pulled up my courage, "Umm.. Michael told me that he will take me on a date tonight but I don't know where and how to dress up."

I said in a go.

They both stared at me for a whole moment without blinking. What's wrong? 

And then they squealed, scaring the shit out of me. 

"This is the first time he is actually taking someone on a date." Ash almost screamed.

I scowled. Hasn't he gone on any dates?

"It's really a huge thing!!" Isa squealed.

"Umm… can you guys help me?" I asked in hesitation.

"Of course." They both squealed again and that's how we spent 4 hours shopping.

God! 4 freaking hours!!

Never in my life have I taken this much break from work. But… we do need the breaks. It relaxes us completely.

In these 4 hours apart from shopping Ash and Isa filled me in about their lives too.

About what they studied, where they studied, how they met their partners, how they have fallen for them, how they ended up being married to them.

Half of the details have skipped before they reached my brain because you know the talks went on and on… I patted myself for not falling asleep in between their talks. I am not complaining though. I am really enjoying their talks.

The most I gathered is that all these guys are freaking intelligents and graduated from top most universities. I never even dreamt of that. Studies never interested me. The only thing that always mattered to me was my colours. Tell me anything and anytime about them, I'm all ears to you. 

And also I gathered that Ash is on a break from her work due to the recent arrival of Seb. Isa joined her work after her break. Sanju is about to change her paths in her career. 

When they mentioned all these it felt like life around us is going way farther than we expected. 

Finally I reached home and the first thing I did was on flop on the couch, exhausted. 

But again I don't have much time to get ready. So taking the bags, I hurried inside.


So, my lovelies, I'm here again with another chapter.... Hope you'll enjoy this....

And also hoping that you're enjoying the story....

Don't forget to share your views.... Follow me for updates...

Excuse me for the spelling and grammatical mistakes that went unnoticed by me while editing....



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