Much More

Por Zuu_47

5.6K 94 52

The story continues after Geralt's and Yennefer's wedding 7 years later. Their lifestyle has changed which me... M谩s

Betrayal ~ part 1
Betrayal ~ part 2
You & I
Back to normal
The past
New Wolf
Quite an entrance
Treasure ~ part 1
Treasure ~ part 2
The way out
Found something
Having fun
Drunken night
Journey - part 1


137 1 0
Por Zuu_47


Geralt was laying in the bed under a blanket. Yennefer was sitting on the chair next to him and holding his hand. His whole face was sweating. The witch's words were rolling inside his head and he couldn't stop it. That witch really messed with his mind.
"Geralt talk to me." Yennefer told him worried. Ciri was watching everything. She was standing over the wall with crossed arms. Geralt looked at Yennefer and tried to say something but something stopped him. It was the guilt. He's always felt guilt inside him for every wrong choice he has ever made. He's never really deal with it but he just managed to suppress it. He's learnt to not to think about it and live in the presence, not in the past. But right know his guilt was stronger. Like someone put the oil into fire and he started literally boiling. Yennefer put her hand on his cheek.
"Look, no matter what she told you, you're better than this. What she told you doesn't define you. It will never define you. That's not who you really are Geralt." she caressed his face.
"But what if I am like this?" Geralt told her unsure. "What if I do more damage to people I love than good? What if I'm really that monster which I was once scared I would become after all?" he said sadly. Yennefer shaked her head and then looked straight into his eyes.
"We've been there Geralt. We've questioned everything about us, our personality, our lives, if it's worth to living, if our existence makes any sense.. and at the end we only survived because we know who we really are. We love each other because of this. I love you because of your heart witcher, not because of good or bad choices you've ever made in your life. I love the person you've became. I love your pure love inside you, your enthusiasm, your horrible humour.. I love that you always knows what to say. I love the man who would die in second just to save his family. This is the witcher I love and that witcher it's you, it always will be you." Yennefer smiled at him. Geralt's eyes gets warmer in that moment. He's never thought that it's possible to love that woman in front of him even more. But he loved her more with every breath he takes. Every day. Every minute. Every second. He will love her more and more, for the rest of his life.

"It's all true Geralt. I've never met more honorable man than you." Ciri said honestly. "Or a better swordsman.." she winked at him. Geralt turned to her but before he could say something to her she was already there next to him and hugged him tightly. Geralt wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you." he told her honestly. Ciri pulled away from him after couple of seconds.
"Do not ever doubt yourself like this again. Please. You're really the last person on this Continent who should do this." Ciri smiled at him.
"What would I do without my two beautiful ladies?" Geralt started smiling more. He was also feeling better. The guilt inside him started slowly fading. He started believe in himself again. They showed him the truth about himself. The truth which he forgot. The truth who he really was. Even the darkness dark can't beat the pure love and he knew it very well. He just needed a little reminder.
"You would definitely be lost." Yennefer said with laughing.
"Just a little." Geralt laughed too. He leaned to her and kissed her properly. Yennefer returned the passionate kiss and giggled into his mouth.
"Ahm.." Ciri cleared her throat. "Let me at least leave the room before.. well, you know.." she said with an awkward tone. They slowly pulled away from each other.

"Sorry. We got carry away.." Geralt said a bit embarrassed. Yennefer just smiled. Geralt then cleared his throat.
"I.. there is something what I didn't tell you. I think that witch told me something about the future too.. I guess." the witcher hesitated. Ciri raised her eyebrows
"It's okay. You can tell us." Yennefer supported him.
"Firstly she told me to be careful of the lost man with no soul which seek meaning of life.." Geralt said thoughtfully. He remembered all the words. He still couldn't get them from his head. They all started thinking then Yennefer spoke as first.
"She could be talking about Rience.. it would make perfect sense. That man is no longer human. He lost his humanity long ages ago. Witch can be right about this, he really doesn't have any soul.." Yennefer said honestly.
"But why would he been trying to find meaning of life?" This doesn't suit Rience at all." Ciri said with doubts.
"Maybe he met a saint or something who told him to do at least one right thing in his life.. but I highly doubt that." Yennefer stated.
"I think maybe we solved the first riddle, but there is another one." Geralt admitted. He hesitated again. Those words were really messing with him the most. He didn't understand meaning of that words at all and it was making him crazy. Ciri and Yennefer weren't pushing him. They knew he needed time to process everything. He was grateful for that.
"All right then.." Geralt sighed. "When the right time will come.. you'll create a life.." he said a little bit scared. Ciri started thinking but Yennefer's face froze in that moment. After couple of seconds Ciri interrupted the long quiet in the room.
"Even if I don't want to believe it I think it could be about Gabriel.. He must be living a really shit life if he's telling the truth. And maybe you're two can give him a new life.. which also means like create a life." Ciri explained. Yennefer's eyes found Geralt's. He also seemed like he doesn't know what to say about it. They both were aware that those words could mean lot of things but Ciri's theory was at leas the most probable.
"Maybe you're right Ciri." Geralt looked at her.
"I guess we have to just wait if we wanna find out the truth about all those words." Ciri laughed a bit. She tried to lower the growing tension in the room. She felt it. Those last words really messed with Geralt but also with Yennefer.
"Ciri, can you please bring Gabriel here? I need to tell him something." Geralt tried to say it calmly but his heart was still beating so fast. Ciri got surprised. Not that Geralt changed this topic so quickly but that he wanted to bring here the most unimportant person for her, right after a serious debate which they had only a couple of seconds later. She really didn't understand Geralt's mind sometimes.
"Yes, I can." Ciri nodded. She couldn't protest even if she wanted so badly. She stood up from the bed and left from the room.

"Why do you need Gabriel here? It's because of what Ciri said about him?" Yennefer gave Geralt confused look.
"No, it's not that." Geralt straightened himself in the bed to have a better look at her.
"Then what is it?" she was still confused.
"Before me and Ciri met Gabriel, we also met Yarpen Zigrin in the tavern. He asked me to help him find some old notes so he can make a new swords. These notes are somewhere in Elf's old ruins and I'm sure that place is filled with monsters and also deadly traps. That's why I'm very concerned about it." Geralt explained.
"Well, I didn't expect Yarpen will offer you this job.." Yennefer was a little bit surprised.
"I didn't expect it too, that's why I wanted to discuss it with you first. I said no, but guess who didn't.." Geralt shaked his shoulders.
"Ciri." she said thoughtfully. He nodded.
"I don't know what's going on with her.. She's been acting really strange. She's literally looking for a danger. She's like.." Geralt started searching for the right words.
"Like she wants to run away, see the whole world and come back twenty years later?" Yennefer raised her eyebrow.
"Hmm.. yes." Geralt agreed a bit surprised that she noticed it too.
"I've always known that she has it inside of her. Passion for exploring and dangerous adventures. The moment I met her for the first time I've known this girl needs to be free all the time. I was wondering when this day will come but as I see it came sooner that we expected." Yennefer explained.
"What we gonna do with her?" Geralt asked her honestly.
"Nothing. We just have to give her space and when she decide to leave one day.." Yennefer hesitated. "We have to let her go.." she smiled but her eyes were sad.
"I don't know if I'm ready to let her go.." Geralt said sadly. He looked straight into her eyes. "Are you ready for this?" his voice was unsure. Yennefer sat down on the edge of the bed and took his hand.
"Ready to spend years without my child?" she squeezed his hand. "Who's gonna be ever ready for this?" she was trying to hold her tears.
"Well, we certainly won't.." Geralt laughed a bit, then he caressed her face with his hand.
"No, we won't. Never." the tear rolled down her face.
"Hey, no tears Yen. Not yet. She's still here with us." Geralt swapped away her tear from hers cheek. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.
"Why must time flows so quickly when we're happy and so slowly when we're not?" Yennefer raised her eyes on him then snuggled closer to him.
"I don't know." Geralt kissed her forehead. "But sometimes I wish time to stop for a while.. so I could enjoy those happy moments forever." he admitted.
"Me too.." Yennefer nodded. Then she slowly pulled from him so she could have a better look at him. "Why did you say no to Yarpen? I know that's not because you didn't ask for my permission first." she was curious but also knew him too well.
"I said no because I have my family to take care of. I don't want to risk my life when we have Rience behind our back." the witcher was honest.
"I'm glad you put our family on the first place." Yennefer said honestly and then she kissed him on his lips. In that moment the doors opened.

"I wonder what was so urgent that he needed to came here." Ciri said sarcastically. They both stood up not far from the their bed. Gabriel didn't say anything on her comment. Geralt cleared his throat.
"I want you to visit Yarpen and ask for details, so we can prepare on our mission." Geralt smiled at her. He straightened himself.
"Wait.. you're agreed on this eventually?" Ciri eyes started shining.
"Yes." Geralt was smiling.
"Thank you so much Geralt! How can I.." Geralt interrupted her.
"But only under one condition." he stated.
"What condition?" Ciri got confused.
"Gabriel gonna go with you, and no just to visit Yarpen. He's gonna go everywhere with you until we won't take care of Rience." Geralt told her calmly. Ciri head almost spun in that moment. Gabriel was speechless.
"No." she managed say at least this word.
"It's not safe Ciri. Rience's men are everywhere. I don't want anything happen to you, neither him." Geralt was serious.
"I said no." Ciri stated. She could feel her heart beating in her throat. This was too much even on her.
"Ciri.." Geralt warned her.
"I'll do it." Gabriel answered without more interest. Ciri looked at Gabriel. His voice upset her even more.
"I don't want to go with him anywhere." Ciri said angrily. "And how can you be so sure he's telling the truth and that he didn't think out all of this?!" she turned to Geralt. She started to be irritated. Geralt looked at Yennefer helpless. She understood.
"We don't know anything about him and you let him right into our house?!" Ciri raised her voice.
"Enough, young lady. Your father said something and you're gonna respect him. He wouldn't do anything to harm you, you know that better than anyone." Yennefer said strictly.
"But.." Yennefer cut her.
"No but.. Gabriel and you gonna go everywhere together and you're gonna protect each other if it would be necessary. Those are our last words." Yennefer stated. Ciri frowned.
"And stop making those faces." Yennefer admonished her. Ciri rolled her eyes, then she turned out angrily and stormed out from the room without another words.
"I guess she doesn't like me too much." Gabriel added.
"She needs time Gabriel." Geralt explained.
"And who doesn't?" the young witcher answered a bit irritated.
"Go visit Yarpen with her now. Please." Geralt told him seriously.
"Alright then." he said without emotions and left the room.
Geralt and Yennefer looked at each other questionably.


Geralt had to lost his mind if he allowed this to happen. She and Gabriel going together. What could be possibly more awful combination than that. She really hated that guy and his annoying behavior. Why does Geralt think she needs a babysitter right know? She can take care of herself. She really doesn't need this cocky witcher by her side. He doesn't even know what is it like to be responsible, not to mention how to use his own brain. Geralt must be punishing her for something. There is no other explanation for this catastrophe. They were walking the streets together without a words couple of minutes until Ciri couldn't stand him anymore.
"What are you doing?" she told him strictly.
"What am I doing?" he gave her confused look.
"Why are you staring at me?" she started playing with her fingers.
"I'm not staring at you." he said calmly.
"No? And what are you doing then? Because you haven't taken your eyes from me since we left the tavern." she stated.
"Don't flatter yourself, you're not that pretty that I would look at you all the time." Gabriel made it clear. His words hit her like an arrow into chest but she tried not to show it on herself.
"Ha, ha, ha.. very funny.." she was trying to act strong but with him it was impossible. "If you wanna know it you're ugly too." she faked her smile.
"I know." he said it with so much honesty. That's really surprised her.
"Right.." Ciri didn't know what to say next. She cleared her throat. "Then stop doing that thing which you do not call staring.." she said sarcastically and started walking quicker. He smiled a bit. She was now going at least a one meter before him.
"Don't be mad." he told her behind her back. She slower her walking.
"I'm not mad at you." she told him a bit unsure.
"But you're mad at yourself." he reached her and now he was walking next to her. She stopped walking and turned to him angrily.
"What kind of game are you playing with me Gabriel?" her eyes were on fire and he saw also anger in them. He stopped walking too.
"This game is called talking. I'm really sad you've never played it before." he smiled calmly. Her nerves would explode in that moment if she wouldn't live with grumpy witchers for so many years.
"Say another word and I'll slap you." she puzzled when she realized that she said it loud. But it was her mouth which she still couldn't control. Gabriel got surprised.
"I didn't think you have it in yourself.." he was searching for the right word. "So much impulsiveness.." he laughed a bit.
"And I still can't believe that you can be such a freak." Ciri stated. He just smiled.

"Look, now seriously. Why are you mad?" he tried to ask her kindly.
"I told you, I'm not mad." Ciri frowned.
"Yes, you are.. and I think I know why. You're mad because you can't do what you really want." Gabriel's voice was serious.
"That's not true. Everything what I do it's because my free will." Ciri made it clear.
"Exactly and because of that you won't leave your family to be finally free. You want to see the whole world but you also don't want to leave them because you love them too much. That's why are you mad, that you can't have both at the same time." he told her honestly.
"What makes you think that you know me so well already?!" Ciri told him strictly. He was really making her uncomfortable.
"Maybe I don't know you but I see myself in you. I was mad same as you until I decide to change my life and somehow try to make it better." Gabriel looked straight into hers eyes. She started screaming inside because he was right. He was right about every damn thing and what was sad about it he was the only one who noticed it. But right now she needed to change the topic quickly. She was not ready to have breakdown of emotions right in front of him.
"So, you can suddenly be so open? Huh?.. I thought you don't know how to say a normal sentence." Ciri said with sarcasm. She had to be strong in front of him. She couldn't be vulnerable, not now.
"I'm only open to the right people." Gabriel paused. "We should go, it's getting late." he stopped looking at her and then went forward without another word. His answer surprised her again. She thought he would say more to her but something stopped him. Something from his past. She really wondered who this mysterious and so annoying guy really was. Then she followed him.


"I suppose this didn't go as you planned.." Yennefer admitted after Gabriel left.
"I thought she would be more happy about it." Geralt answered honestly.
"And would you be happy if you have to have your own bodyguard?" Yennefer raised her eyebrow.
"Yes.." Geralt sighed. "No, of course not, I would be furious if someone did this to me. But what should I do then if I can't be with her all the time? I want to protect her but unfortunately this is the best option for now." he said with frustration.
"I think you should give her Eskel and Lambert too. Then she will have a complete witcher's cavalry." Yennefer made amusement smile. She was teasing him.
"Yen.. I'm serious.." he frowned.
"I'm serious too.. but sorry, I need tell you this." Yennefer almost burst into laughing. "Babe, do you know that you're so cute when you're frowning? Why have I never noticed it?" she laughed, then leaned to him and kissed him on his lips.
"Really? I didn't know it too.." Geralt said sarcastically and smiled at her. He caressed her face with his hand. "Do you want to hear more what I wanna say or you're gonna still interrupt me with your nasty thoughts?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, my thoughts are far from being nasty right know, they're just clever." her face was so close to his that they could feel each other's breaths. "But I could show you my nasty ideas later if you want.." Yennefer told him with flirting voice. Geralt almost swallowed.
"Maybe we could try something right now.." Geralt whispered into her lips and kissed her passionately. He pushed her to the bed and leaned over her. Yennefer moaned and started unzipping his pants while their tongues were dancing in each other's mouths. He almost ripped her white shirt when he tried to untie strings on it. They were starving for each other. Yennefer giggled when he touched middle of her chest with his lips. He was moving his lips down to her groin. He then found her lips again and kissed her with desire. They both were ready for more when they heard sound owl's wings.

"Sorry to interrupt your seven minutes in heaven.. but I need to speak with you." Philippa said when she landed on the floor fully transformed into witch. They pulled from each other quicker than they thought they could. Yennefer didn't know how but she was already standing next to bed and she was glad that Geralt managed to zip his pants somehow.
"Well, I must admit it was impressive. Are you practicing this a lot? I mean.. I guess you've had many uninvited visitors in your room. I still wonder what is so special about you two that everyone wants to speak to you.." Philippa made amusement smile.
"I ask the same question." Geralt told her honestly. It was really true in some way.
"And I want to ask what the hell are you doing here?" Yennefer said angrily.
"Well, it's my house if you didn't notice." Philippa smirked.
"What I've noticed that you don't have any manners. Ever heard about knocking? You know, it's already a twelve century but it seems you still live in a stone age.." Yennefer used sarcastic tone.
"You're the last person who should be teaching me about good manners Yennefer." Philippa said strictly. Both witches exchanged a death stare in that moment.
"Ladies, can you please calm down?" Geralt sighed. He started to be helpless. One egoist witch it's already too much but when two egoism witches meet, it becomes a complete disaster.
"I don't know witcher, ask your wife if she can handle act normally at least until I tell you why I came here." Philippa said without emotions. In that moment Yennefer wanted to tell her all inappropriate words which she knows but she held herself back.
"Very well, what is it you want to tell us?" Yennefer faked her smile.
"I'm still looking for Rience.." Yennefer interrupted her.
"Good, then please continue in it." she stated.
"Let me finish." Philippa smirked. Yennefer rolled her eyes.
"I don't know how he does it but nobody has seen him or heard about him anywhere. He literally disappeared from the Continent." Philippa explained.
"I don't like it.. because then we are in risky position. Rience can surprise us anytime, maybe he already knows where we're staying.." Geralt said a bit worried.
"Well, this situation is not ideal at all." Philippa admitted.
"What about his guards? Has anyone seen them?" Yennefer asked her.
"Only in Novigrad. But anybody can be working for him. I can't deny that his men aren't somewhere in Oxenfurt too." Philippa told them calmly.
"Or his spies.." Geralt said thoughtfully.
"Which means we have to be careful. Don't talk to anyone suspicious or new whom can't explain what are they doing here.. We can't trust anyone, especially not now when we don't have advantage of surprise." Philippa said seriously.
"Well, about that.. we met someone new.. kind of.." Geralt was trying to smile.
"Please, tell me you're joking." Philippa gave him angry look.
"Wish I could." Geralt said honestly and then looked at Yennefer worried. She knew whom he meant. Gabriel..

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