"Running Together: A Collecti...

By RmaLuna

5.3K 107 188

REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!!! Uncover different universes and lives of these different competitors. How they'll... More

Black Mailed!!! ft. Leo SIBLINGS!!!
The Monster in the Cloak
What my oc looks like
Monster in a cloak part 2
Birthday Party!!!(PoLa)
Bannana Milk Shake( Gaiyo)
Revival Headcanons
Art Gift
Don't be so Reckless! (Kugalon)
Anger and Rejection Pt. 1
Princess and the Leo Guard (Kalter)
A Saddistic Night
Meeting the Folks (Gaiyo)
Just colleagues (Pala x Mala)
Tnx for 1k!
Beach day Mayhem!
Imaginary Friend(Liru)
Revival headcanons 2
It's just not fair (Gaiu-maybe?)
We'll always have each other(Leo Siblings)
Bitter Sweet Acceptance (Makhan x Rexhan)

Anger and Rejection Pt. 2 (GaiYo)

345 4 19
By RmaLuna

(Hi author here trying to rush this. 2468 word count achieving my goal of 2k words. Yay. Also Warning: Self harm

Also enjoy request still open. Hope you guys like it now time for me to sleep, \good day\goodnight\goodbye! Ima rest)

As thosebitter words slipped on Miyo's mouth and came inside Gai's ears. His heart isbroken, shattered. He ran to his room, Gai slid down to the door's wall, he'sfrustrated, confused, depressed, he can't explain what emotions or feelings heneeds to express. Tears roll down his cheeks and his brothers saw that hisbrother, their big brother having an emotional and mental breakdown. As Mai,the second oldest of them asked. "Gai you ok?" "N-no" Gai said stuttering, "Hey,What's wrong?" Pai asked worriedly. "Miyo, never cared, no matter how hard I eventried she doesn't even loves me, it all make sense now. All does things I'vedone to her, I've sacrificed my points to make her win, I've think about heralways, everything for her. She doesn't want anything to do to me except onmaking me her scratching post. The cause on her anger is me? Why? Did I donesomething wrong to her?" His brothers knew that Miyo doesn't like him, but nothis hate so far is too much, for Gai of course but everything they've been through,Gai should've won the pyramid race if he haven't look back at his ailinginjured friends especially Miyo. Everything he does is always for Miyo, thinking for Miyo, Miyo is her pride, Gai is always thinking about her even though Miyo is showing signs "stop what your doing leave me alone!" or "Gai i don't care on whatever this is" Gai never stops, He never believes that Miyo hates him or doesn't care. He never believes that she hates him, for him he thinks she's just playing hard to get. But now he heard that's true he just...  

Feels stupid and dumb falling for her. He should've won the competition, won the materion for his tribe, turned into Man X, brainwashed. He wished he never met Miyo that day She caught his eyes. He should've left Miyo fall looking back at the memory she made him a stair the first day. Everything that he offers to his friends some help. Atleast they appresite it. "Thanks Gai, your the best!" "Awe, You shouldn't have Gai, its flattering" He never heard those words in Miyo only the opposite of those words. Miyo never notice him even once he felt, left alone in a desert of abys. His brothers however just can't believe that that's how Miyo feels to him. A carpet stepping Miyo's feet to him scrubbing all the dirt to his faces. His brothers feel symptahy to Gai, they just hate seeing their brother sad. After everything he did to Miyo, they will never forgive what Miyo did to Gai,  they felt angry on what Miyo said on whatever hurtful, salty, bitter and painful words Gai heard. They comforted their brother as best as they could, but he just won't stop sobbing their, they decided to give Gai some space instead. Gai keeps on thinking everything he did to Miyo every risk, sweat, and sacrifice he done for her. She doesn't care or notice a bit. He just couldn't move on about it. But he wants to, he then decides to go to bed. Thinking about every problem he carries, the mong tribe is band from the competitions due to cheating on the games the disciplinary board and the other tribes are disqusted by this action. His tribe, band from the games, forever. Even though he saved the world, his tribe caused the other competitors endanger also working for Charmingold. How he hates it,  how he hates that narcistic peacock, he is also worried on where his brothers would live, to shelter, their homeless now no one wants them. Even though his friends would offer them a place to stay, Heck their folks hate them, their minds will be imprinted about the Mong's curse. His tribe is disapointed, their band on the games, their having economic and financial crisis, no one would reach out and help them. All thanks to Gai. Yes the blame from Gai, everything he did for Miyo is worthless. The others did not know his problems yet though. 


Pala's POV


As soon as I wake up I then stretched my back everyone of my bones cracking, their getting stiff, I'm getting old these days soon I'm gonna join heaven and join my relatives and join the rest. I then looked at the clock in my room. 8:26? Huh i soon realized I passed breakfast, i wonder when the other guys are done eating their meals. "I hope they left me some food" they usually wake up 7:30 wait oh yeah that's the schedule of the championship. I guess they might wake up in 8:00 or something. I then dress up and proceeded to the pantry. I took  showers after breakfast, We have our own schedules especially in showers. Liu showers when he wake up, Miyo showers after her morning stretches, Kuga showers at night, Gai showers at midnoon, Popo showers at midnight and Lonky showers 3 times a day. Speaking of showers i wonder what meal for breakfast? Maybe pancakes with berries, waffles with syrup, oh eggs and bacon yum anything is delicious as long as its breakfast. I then saw Gai running the opposite side of the pantry "Oh Hi Gai!!! You in a hurry ?" Gai never said anything he just ran he looks um sad and their tears. I wonder why is he crying. I then entered the pantry "Hey guys what did I miss, hey by the way why is Gai crying, something happen?" Miyo is shocked and everybody looked tense very tense. "Pala you just missed the drama series" "Yeah and it's bad the series called Love or do---" Kuga then choked Lonky, like he usually does. "Why did Gai is sad because the character broke up with his love?" "No, Pala its something between Gai and Miyo." Liu said in a worried face. "Well then why is Miyo numb she looks off as well?" Miyo looks something she regret doing her head down. "Well it happened like this----- It happened 16 minutes ago before you came---------" 

Narrator's Pov

The sun rose and the fellow competitors having a really good night sleep and a really good mood to start the day, except for one person. The fellow competitors greeted each other Good Morning. While they saw a familiar Mong, the competitors greet him, but instead of a cheery and ethusiastic Mong, they only saw a dull and greyish Mong. "Morning Gai" Liu greeted raising his hand for a high five, but, Gai just Looked at him, staring at him cold. "Morning" a dull tone Gai said rejecting the high five. Liu's smile faded into a worried face, his brows narrowed and wrinkled. "Welp someone's in a bad mood." The giraffe said eating his salad breakfast. The rest noticed it, then a familiar feline walked in the pantry, finishing her morning stretches. "Morning guys." The rest greeted except for his admirer or flirter, Miyo soon approach him and touch his shoulder. "Hey Gai what's up?" As soon as Miyo touched his shoulder, Gai glared at her, his eyes reddish, angry. He then harshly removed Miyo's hand to his, he looked tense. Miyo then backed off a bit moving aside her shoulder. The rest looked shock, the air getting humid yet tense. Gai then harshly bumped on Miyo. "The next time you greet do it when you apologize." His eyes are big and his pupils got small. His teeth grinded to every word he said to Miyo, the rest backed off, even Kuga is shocked in Gai's certain behavior. Gai soon leaving the room, Miyo spoke in an angry tone "GAI!!! WHAT IN ULCUS SAKE DID I DID TO YOU!!!! WHAT THE HECK YOU MEAN APOLOGIZE, APOLOGIZE FROM WHAT!?!?!?!?" suddenly a shuriken cam out of his hand and then aim to Miyo but missed. "Oh I'm sorry did I hit you" Gai asked in a sarcastic voice. "Gai what the heck is this, you might hurt someone with it what's got in to you!" Liu said scolding Gai in whatever this is. "Lucky for all of you, especially Liu, at least you guys appreciate on what I'm doing. Except for someone I loved so much that made me look like a dumb rock. Someone who is always pushing me down rejecting me everytime, she never appreciates me whatever thing i did. Someone WHO DOES NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" He then glared to Miyo. Miyo then spoke up "So YOU are listening to our conversation aren't you, yo don't want to leave me one bit!" "Miyo don't you even know what I've been doing for the past months?" The others backed off wishing to leave the room but Gai blocking the path, they don't want to step in and make things worse. The air getting much more tenser, "I've been risking my life to get your attention yet you don't noticed, the reason i turned into Man X is because of you! if only i won the competition in the Pyramid Race, my tribe would've got the materion!!! Now my tribe is struggling for rescources and not a single tribe would help!" 

"Gai listen to me don't you know I'm a spy, and our number one rule is to Never EVER develop a personal relationship to different tribes even MY KIND GAI!!!" 

"WELL ATLEAST YOUR TRIBE IS DOING WELL!! My tribe is lacking food and water, our river ran out of water, our crops dried  out and there is nothing left, Our place is part  of Africa Miyo. AFRICA!!! I Live in Burundi and everyone is sick, There's an ongoing Cholera and Monkey Pox epidemic ongoing." Miyo is shocked but she made another reason. "Metronome is a peace organization Gai do you have any idea about one of the top corrupt and powerful bad guys I face? DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WE SACRIFICE OUR LIVES TO KEEP THE WORLD SAFE!!!!" Gai is skocked, so that's the only reason on why she'd keeping on rejecting him. What a disappointment. "Miyo, do you think I'm flirting just to do is as a sort of technique? Miyo I loved you genuinely the first day we met. Everything I did has a meeting, I loved you everytime you keep on scratching me, rejecting me, even if it hurts. But now I heard every hurtful word yesterday." The two kept on arguing, Liu and Kuga couldn't help but watch they don't want to hear their friends arguing like this they could not even step up and stop the two, while Lonky and Popo munching on the bag of chips they got in the fridge. "This isn't going well I can't take this anymore i---" "shh quiet i wanna here what will happen next." 

"Miyo I'm struggling with this and it's all because of me, now its all my fault, my brothers won't have any place to stay!"

"Gai stop bringing up your problems, it's because you don't know what's personal space!"

"I thought you changed but your still the same! I wish i'd never fell for you, i wish i never catched you!!!"


Gai couldn't believe what she said, tears roll down his cheeks. Suddenly he then said his last words. " You are right i am a failure. I hope you'll be happy without me I always let everyone down everytime. Have a happy life, Miyo"  Miyo did not meant what she said it suddenly slipped off her mouth she just got frustrated. Gai then ran out the pantry, "G-Gai wait!!!" Just then the door shut, Miyo regretting everything she said. She looked down silent. 

silence filled the room. Until suddenly Pala showed up. "And that's what happen" Liu finished the sentence. "All thanks to Miyo, now Gai is all up" Kuga said. "Great job Miyo you just made Gai worse." Popo said. Miyo then frowned. "Miyo this wouldn't happen if you would've ---" the impala's words cut off. "I know if i haven't make an effort noticing Gai i feel bad, i feel dirty." Miyo said admitting it. "I'll try to think on how I could make up to him I'll apologize to him immedeatly."

As soon as Miyo gone to Gai's room, she knocked on the door, but just then Gai's brothers opened it and they made a huff. " Hey uh... is Gai here?" Miyo asked worriedly. Mai the oldest of them made an angry look so Miyo can see How angry he is making his big brother sad. "Well its about time you apologize. Gai cried yesterday because of you 

Now, he's upset. Don't you know what he'd been doing with you for the past mo-" "Yeah, I know. I heard about it yesterday. We got into a fight the past moments ago. He's sad very sad. And I want to make it up to him." Mai, Pai and Zai are shocked, happen so soon? They're at least glad though and they guess it's ok with them. "Well uh no we haven't saw him yet. Not yet since we saw him wake up." Well then if Gai isn't in his room then, where could he be now?" Miyo wondered. "AAAhh!!!" just then they heard a scream and it's coming from the boys restroom. They followed the scream just then Lonky appeared in sight. "Miyo something happened with Gai." As soon Miyo heard that sentence, a shiver ran down her spine. "What then?"


As soon Gai is admitted to the infirmary, they just found out there are atleast 6 cuts on his wrists. Every body sad, his brothers crying, Miyo is now regretting the things she did. If only she could turn back time. From resulting to this. 


Gai's dead everybody panicking, Miyo then held Gai to her arms. "Gai I'm sorry for everything I did, we don't wanna lose you, you got a life ahead of you, I'm sorry for the things I said, I' m sorry for rejecting you, I-I love you than anything in the world." That last word softened, as soon then, Gai's eyes are opening bit by bit. Now fully oppened. His brothers pulling him into a hug. Especially his friends then Miyo. "Gaaiii!!! Your back, don't do that agai please

I'm sorry really for everything." He thought he was dreaming but no. This is real, they then looked at each other, Miyo pulling Gai to a kiss. Long then pulled a part Gai blushed deep red. He then has his face relax murmuring in a good way. "Welp glad to had him back now. Ended great!" Liu said. "Guess it's back to normal now. EVerything back to normal!" Pala said. Miyo pulling Gai to another one. 

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