Longer Than Forever: Highland...

By highlandelf29

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From the dawn of time we came moving silently down through the centuries living many secrets lives no one has... More

Rewrite Chapter 1
Rewrite Chapter 2
Rewrite Chapter 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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By highlandelf29

150 AD

Four riders rode across the beautiful lands that stretched over Brittania, they each were in perfect sync moving almost as one. The riders differed in looks, three male, one female, each as beautiful as the last and yet different in many ways.

As they rode they laughed together, a bond between the four that no other could ever understand. Then almost as one they pulled their horses up staring ahead where four figures stood.

Like complete opposites were these four, three women and one man, .. Watching, waiting, swords drawn.. The four riders dismounted and the eldest stepped forward "We have no quarrel with you.. Stand aside and we will be on our way, stay and we will kill you."

The other four spoke in a language that confused the riders though the female thought it might be an assyrian tongue. Then as one they attacked, the ferocity of these four were unmatched by the vigor of the riders. And before the riders could even understand what was happening they were all stabbed through the chest.

The only male stepped forward kneeling next to the female rider "They have much to learn, and this one does not understand that she was born to be leader."

"We will teach them brother." One of the females said laying her hand on his shoulder, with that they threw the four onto their horses and rode away.


Present day- Iraq

Two men entered a tomb approaching a large statue of a bird

"I can feel him." One of the men muttered the other man who was filming everything frowned "That's what we've come for? That stone chicken?"

"He knows we're here." The original man said quietly his eyes searching the room hand going to his wrist where a small tattoo of an archangel sat.

His companion rolled his eyes while kneeling to get a better shot "Well, I hope he's made lunch, because I'm bloody hungry."

"You fool, Foster. You make jokes when the fate of the world is at stake!" The first man snapped at his friends Foster who shook his head "Better a fool than a lunatic. The only thing we've got to be afraid of around here is the damned Iraqi army." He stood and looked down a side cavern. "Hey. Would you get a look at that?"

His companion joined him and they walked forward approaching a demonesqe statue on the wall around about were writings "Ugly isn't it?"

"What the hell is that thing?" Foster asked and his companion approached the writings on the wall "You see? Armant. Alope. Ahriman." 

Foster shrugged "If you say so."

"It's him, Foster. It's him. Are you afraid, Foster?" Laughs. "We should all be afraid. The thousand years are up. The demon is coming. And the dead will rise." The old man smiled slightly "but there is hope as long as the guardians remain standing."

Foster shook his head"You've got a vivid imagination, old man. Come on. Get what you want and let's get the hell out of here."

He turned to move away but suddenly the statue began to glow and then in a moment Foster fell to the ground dead a spear in his chest

"Foster! Dear God, Foster." The old man cried kneeling before his companion before glancing in horror to the statue he muttered four words "Guardians... Prepare the chosen!"

In Paris Esther gasped awake and looked around beside her Methos awoke groggily and realized the sheets were soaked with sweat. He searched for his wife only to find her on the floor head between her legs taking deep breaths "Esther?"

She raised her head, eyes closed almost in acceptance as she whispered "It's time."


150 AD

Esther gasped in air as she awoke her eyes landing on the very man who had stabbed her.. He was a handsome darkskinned man with a serious expression, as her eyes searched the room he smiled gently "Your brothers are safe.. They are with my sisters."

Esther looked the man over silently but he knew she was not looking at his beauty "You are wondering how fast I am? To see if you can steal my weapon.. Are you not?"

Esther didn't answer simply looked up with a challenginf expression and the man laughed "I am not going to hurt you girl... My sisters and I have searched for you for a long time, you and your brothers."

"Who are you?"

The man shrugged "I have gone by many names, but the one my sisters currently call me is Farvald."

Esther frowned "I didnt ask your name.. I asked who you were."

Farvald smiled "I am many things, I was born an assyrian slave.. Then I became a warrior, a brother,  and above all a guardian.. And that is what I will teach you too be."

Esther watched the man in confusion as he stood and motioned her to follow, she did standing and moving through the cave that she had woken in.

The two came to an open area where Esther found her brothers on the defense glaring at three women. When the boys eyes landed on Esther they immediately relaxed and approached her


"Are you all right?"

She simply nodded her eyes still on Farvald who spoke to his sisters before turning to the four of them "Your training begins now."

The four siblings looked between each other in confusion before David stepped forward taking the lead as he always did "Training for what?"

The other four laughed before growing serious "You truly do not know?" One of the women asked frowning as the four siblings shook their heads.

Farvald sighed and stepped forward "You are the chosen.."

Confusion was his only answer so he continued "When you were young, you were all called to each other, were you not?"

Esther stepped forward eyes wide "How did you?"

"Know that? The same way I know that you can manipulate people with your voice. Because I am the same, as are my siblings.. We were chosen much as you have been... Chosen to help the Champion save this world from the darkness."

As the night drew on the four siblings who were names Farvald, Dyanis, Reyna, and Aphrodite sat beside each of the siblings. Farvald moved to a place beside Esther "You wonder about your calling? About what we are?"

Esther stared into the distance "It makes no sense."

A grin came from the older immortal before he sighed "What do you know of our kind? Of where we came from, before the game began?"

Esther shrugged memories of the things Methos had told her flitting through her mind "There are different tales, some say we are born of the stars, others that our immortality is gifted to us by the gods.. Yet others say we are gods."

Farvald tilted his head "Which do you believe?"

Esther gave a scoff "Well, we are not gods... I believe it is a gift of God, but I do not understand why only some recieve it."

Farvald thought for a moment before speaking "I speak to you what was told to me.. Long ago before the great flood, the peoples of earth looked to the stars, they managed to find a way to reach them. They sent out people searching for new life they found immortality, a gift given to only a few on the earth.

They started a settlement on a far away planet where they lived happily. Until the flood hit the earth, and everything changed. Unable to reach the earth from whence they typically got supplies havoc followed.War broke out amongst those in the settlement and eventually a immortal leader by the name of Katana took control.

A rebel movement arose against him, and many great warrior's fought amongst them. Amongst them two families of warriors stronger then any others arose, but one of them a daughter was captured.

She was taken to Katana who gave her as a gift to one of his generals, a man whom was considered a fierce warrior and scholar and who still had a strange sense of morals. Over time the two fell in love, but unknown to them the girls family was planning a rescue.

The eldest child of the other warrior family had been in love with the girl, and she with him or so they thought. When they rescued the girl it was expected that she would be happy to see her family. Instead she cried andmourned her parting from her lover, and before long she disappeared.

On the other side Katana also noticed that his general was missing, and both sides sent out search parties. During this time the rebellion was brought down and the instigators imprisoned. Finally the general and the warrior girl were captured and brought before the court.

The general for abandoning his post was given perhaps the worst punishment he could have imagined. He would be forced to be seperated from his beloved for thousands of years. His memory of her would be erased and only returned should he win the game that would be played. And if he won it would mean his beloved had already been killed.

As for the girl she was tied to her brothers and forced to become a protector against a darkness that would haunt their world.

Her former lover whom she had forgotten went before the council and begged to be sent to the world ahead of her. He could not live knowing that she no longer loved him, but Katana's priests were not merciful to his enemies. Their judgement was that he would indeed be sent to earth, but his memories would forever be intact.

And this, this is the story of our people, we are them sent to the future and made to forget."

Esther stared into the distance "I feel bad for the one who will never forget, never forget the betrayal of the woman he loved."

Farvald smiled sadly "Yes, if he still lives, I imagine it is a sad life he leads."

Esther's eyes grew sad "I feel for the man she did love too though, I could not imagine being apart from my husband as long as he parted from her."

Farvald looked down "You are married?"

She nodded smile growing happy again "Yes, I miss him.."

"Tell me about him"

Esther considered "He is far older than I am, he is wise and kind and he is so wonderful and good to me... I miss him."

Esther stood and walked away and her place was taken by one of the sisters "Did you tell her the truth brother?"

Farvald shrugged "I told her the story. That is all she needs to know."

His sister laid a hand on his shoulder "Perhaps in this life she will love you as you do her."

Farvald shook his head "She has already met and married him, they are and always have been destined for each other. The Scholar and the Warrior."



Methos walked down the Seine a frown on his face, Esther had left in a rush two weeks ago and demanded he stay away from Duncan. Methos had never taken orders well, especially when his wife looked as terrified as she did then.

He felt Duncans quickening and continued forward but froze as The Highlander ran forward like a madman sword raised. Methos raised his hands "Mac, it's me. It's me."

"Did you see him?" Duncan demanded making Methos tilt his head in curiosity "See who?"


Methos gave a small sarcastic laugh "Really?"

Duncan whipped around a look on his face that made Methos realize how serious he was. Duncan stalked past the ancient who watched him with concern "Mac? Mac, where are you going?"

As Methos watched him go he saw the same manic look on his face that had been on Esthers when she left. "What is going on?" He muttered quietly to himself.

Meanehile Esther was with David and Elijah searching for Noah in Alaska "You know he could keep up communication knowing that the time was upon us!" Esther called out as they drove through a snow storm to a small cabin they owned.

Finally reaching it they entered to find Noah meditating in the center of the floor, he looked up as his sibling entered pain in his eyes "Its time?"

The others nodded and moved forward sitting in a circle they closed their eyes preparing for what they must face. Grounding their bond and remembering their training.


For nearly four years they trained under Farvald and his sisters learning how to defeat the evil and keep the unruly immortals in check. Then one day Farvald and his sisters knew, it was time.

They attacked the younger group of siblings who instantly defended themselves, before long the three sister's fell beneath the swords of David, Elijah, and Noah.

 As Esther stared down to where Farvald knelt under her sword she asked "Why?"

The old immortal smiled sadly "You must do this, it is the way."

So Esther killed him and when she did she saw his memories, that he could remember their old world. And that she herself had been the woman he loved, it had broken his heart when she abandoned him. However she could not see who the man she had truly loved was, his face forever lost to Farvalds memory.

It was 997 AD when they met the chosen who would help to defeat the dark creature. They had been informed of what it truly was, an alien that had been found on a planet their ancestors traveled to. The alien could control a mans mind and place images there, it used legends and stories to grow his power and strength.

Together the siblings with the help of the chosen whose name was Timothy had worked to defeat the evil.

And now it was time again, a thousand years had passed and that was as long as it was possible to keep the creature contained.


The siblings ran towards Duncans barge they felt an immortal and saw Joe and Methos about to get in a car. When Methos saw the four he froze, the siblings rarely came together in public, and now with all the craziness going on with Macleod.


"Where's Duncan?"

Joe stepped up "We're about to go look for him, he's been erratic and he just ran after Richie."

The four siblings looked to each other "Take us to him!"

They arrived at the racetrack and under the stands the siblings felt the darkness they had so long ago defeated. Running as fast as they could they hoped to make it in time but suddenly they all felt it, a stab in the chest.

It was Elijah that voiced the thought "We're too late."

Running in with Methos and Joe on their heels the four came across Duncan clutching the body of Richie Ryan. Esther pulled back with a gasp her eyes widening before they shot to a nearby pillar where a red eyed version of Richie watched them.

Esther and her brothers knew who and what this was, they also knew that no one but themselves and Duncan could see it.

"Welcome to the game Guardians." The creature whispered in their minds before it disappeared.

Duncan raised his sword offering it to Methos who shook his head "Absolutely not."

Turning slightly Duncan offered it to Esther and her brothers "Take it. Please." The four siblings shook their head and Duncan let the sword fall, he leaned forward taking one of Richies gloves and muttered a funeral chant in the Lakota language. Then he stood and walked away, Esther looked to David and Noah who nodded and followed after him.

The next day at Methos apartment as Esther packed the ancient immortal confronted his wife "What is going on?"

Esther didnt look up from her work as she sighed "It's a long story."

"I'm immortal love, I have all the time in the world."

"Yes, but Duncan does not... And neither does the rest of the world should this darkness be allowed to grow."

An immortal presence was felt and Methos opened the door to reveal Elijah and Noah standing there waiting. Methos looked them over for a moment before turning to where his wife stood placing her backpack on her shoulder before looking up to meet his green eyes with her hazel ones.

"Esther." Methos stared into her eyes speaking in their secret tongue "Tell me, please... Let me help you."

Esther closed her eyes before she replied "This is our cross to bear my husband, and ours alone."

Methos felt tears in his eyes as his wife walked by him joining her brothers as they turned to walk away. It was Elijah who stopped and turned to him "Soon brother, all will be revealed."


Phoenix- Arizona

Kali Walker walked into her home with a smile as she sat down her groceries and went about making dinner for her and her husband. The feeling of an immortal drawing near made her grab her sword and spin, she moved downstairs to the storefront and froze when she saw a man standing there his back turned to her she called out "Welcome to Walker Antiques, how may I help you?"

"Your mother is going to drive me insane." The voice that spoke made Kali smile and rush forward as the figure turned and caught her in a hug" Papa!"

Upstairs Methos began to complain to his daughter, making Kali roll her eyes in amusement, her father was one of the most dramatic people she knew.

"What did she do this time Papa?"

Methos waited a moment before he answered "I dont know, I'm twice her age and yet she seems to think that she needs to protect me from everything."

Kali sighed "Seems we married two peas in a pod Papa, Connor is the exact same way."

Kali practically heard the eye roll at the mention of Connor, her father still hadnt forgiven the man for marrying her. Methos sighed "Where is your glorious husband anyway? On a binge again?"

Kali growled in annoyance "He's been sober for fifty years Papa, and its not like you're one to talk about drinking."

A shrug was the only reply because the ancient immortals eyes had landed on a sword that he recognized "When did you kill The Kurgan?"

Kali closed her eyes in pain "I didn't, Connor did, its... Its been a rough one ever since, it was a dark quickening, but Connor he's so good that he's been able to fight it."

Methos tilted his head "Tell me about it."

Kali walked to where her father stood and leaned against his shoulder staring at the sword on the wall "It all began on a late night when Connor went to a boxing match, I was working as a Doctor then and had gotten called in to work... I made Connor go even though he was just going to stay home."


1985-New York

"Doctor Nash you have a phone call."

Khalida didnt bother to look up from where she was finishing her stitches as she replied "Who is it?"

Her orderly hesitated causing the immortal woman to finally glance towards her "Sarah?"

Sarah took a deep breath before she finally blurted out "It was the police ma'am, your brothers been arrested."

Khalida didnt so much as blink as she tied off her stitches with a heavy sigh, what had Connor done this time?

Leaving the operating room Khalida left the hospital after filling in one of her fellow attendings, and headed to the police station. She and Connor had been living as brother and sister for the last few years, an annoying game to play but it worked well enough.

Inside the police station Macleod punched a cop who had attacked him and made an obscene joke, as the cops partner tried to pull them apart the doors slammed open. All three occupants turned to look though Connor had felt his beloved Lass coming. A sharp inhale was heard from all three men, for Khalida Macleod was a beauty to behold, with hair like flames and eyes that were the color of ice... She was like a phoenix brought to life and Connor couldn't help the pride that swelled in his chest at the astounded looks on the faces of the policemen.

Finally the calmer one stepped forward "Can I help you with something ma'am."

Khalida's eyes swept over both cops causing them to freeze a she weighed them in the balance and found them wanting. "My name is Kali Nash, thats my brother... Is he under arrest?"

"Umm, no ma'am, not yet."

Khalida nodded "Then you are done here. Lets go Connor."

Connor smirked at the two cops and exited the room while wrapping his arms around his wifes shoulder, once out of earshot Connot asked. "Have I ever told you how sexy it is when you tell people off?"

Khalida smirked "Not in the last ten years, and I do so love to hear it."

Connors smirk widened into a smile as he and his wife exited the station, but his playful wife quickly grew serious as she asked "What happened?"

Connor shrugged "Iman Fassil, you remember him?"

Khalida nodded "Aye, he challenged you?"

When her husband nodded Khalida sighed "Its like mum always says the dawn of a new millennia makes everything amongst our kind go upside down."

Connor closed his eyes "Its like I can feel more than I could ten years ago."

Khalida's eyes strayed towards New Jersey "Do you feel it as I do?"

"The darkness?" Connor asked quietly "Aye, I feel it, I've felt it before."


Present- Phoenix, Arizona

Methos shook his head while he stirred the pot of food he had been given watch over "Iman never was the brightest of immortals, honestly he spent so much time learning to be an acrobat I think he fell on his head one to many times."

Khalida laughed "According to Connor the man literally did about twenty backflips during the fight."

Methos laughed when he felt an immortal approaching, he reached out placing his sword a little closer to his side but based on the fact that when the door opened his daughter squealed with joy he figured it could only be this annoying son in law.

"Hello Lass, have a good day?" Connor asked stroking his wifes hair away from her face, his eyes didnt leave her to see who else was there. He knew his Khalida well enough to know that she would never let an enemy in. Her green eyes lit up happily and she nodded "Aye, look who came to visit Connor!"

Connor finally looked in the direction of the interloper and fought to keep the annoyance off of his face, since Khalidas back was turned the man did nothing to hide his grimace.

Connor looked the ancient immortal who was his father-in-law over then looked to where his bags sat... "Oh, look, come for an extended stay old man?"

Methos smirked "Spending time with my daughter more than makes up for having to spend time with you Macleod."

Khalida frowned at the two "That is enough, for the time you are here, Connor,Papa I expect you two to be civil with each other... Understand?"

Connor gave his wife a loving, innocent smile, and Methos did the same "Of course dear." they echoed, glaring at each other as Khalida turned back to the stove.

For the next few days Connor spent as much time in his antique shop as he could, Methos rarely left the apartment preferring to spend his time meditating.

One day while Connor was out buying lunch, Khalida gave strained smile at a customerwho was checking out, a middle aged man who kept trying to flirt with her.

"You have such lovely eyes if you dont mind me saying so." The man smiled leaning in closer as Khalida wrapped up the vase he had bought "how would you like to have lunch with me."

"She wouldn't," Methos voice rang through the store a scottish accent put in place so he sounded like Khalida, as he made his way down the stairs"I'm afraid, and believe me I'm still rather upset about it, but my sister is taken."

The man frowned looking at the old immortal who suddenly looked away towards the door "Well, I think she can speak for herself." The man gave a charming grin to the Highland girl who spared him a kind smile "I'm sorry, but my brother is correct, I'm married, happily so."

The man leaned closer to Khalida "Well, marriage is old fashioned and what he doesnt know, wont hurt him."

Khalida looked beyond the man to her husband a loving look crossing her face "Why dont you take it up with him yourself."

The man spun his eyes landing on Connor who watched the man with an amused gaze. Connor was used to men trying to steal Khalida, and after a few hundred years the highlander knew no one would ever win. Khalida was as loyal to him as he was too her, completely and utterly.

The man simply looked him over obviously not thinking much of the man who was married to such a beauty "Don't worry buddy, I'll bring her back to you."

Connor smirked "Its not her I'm worried about, you see lad, there are only four ways this ends. One) You leave now and we forget all of this, two) you make me mad and I leave you in an alley somewhere. Three) you make him," he gestured to Methos who was watching with a smirk "mad and he makes you disappear." Or four) you make my Bonnie Lass so mad she kills you herself. So what will it be?"

The man looked like he was about to argue when Methos stepped forward "I recommend you leave, I have had a very long few weeks and the last thing you want to do is make me mad by insulting my daughter."

The man frowned "Daughter? What? Who the hell are you people?"

Methos moved faster then most normal men getting in the mortals face "I am Methos the oldest man on this earth, I have fought in hundreds of World Wars and countless smaller ones on almost every continent. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no man had ever seen before or will ever seen again. I've won and lost a million fortunes, killed many men, some I enjoyed killing others I hated to. And truly loved only one woman with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. NOW, GO HOME!"

The man pulled back "You are insane!"

Methos laughedpulling a knife from his jacket while Khalida shot her husband a look asking if they should stop this but Connor was actually enjoying it.

Methos raised his palm and drug the knife across it then he wiped the blood off on his jeans before showing the man his unblemished flesh. The mans eyes widened in horror and Methos smirked "Yes, boy, run, run infear and know that no one will believe you."

The man turned running from the store and as he left tbe two younger immortals looked to Methos who was still coldly watching the door.

"Papa?" Khalida said her voice filled with slight shock causing the ancient immortal to turn in her direction his eyes clearing slightly before he sighed and turned heading back to the apartment. As he left Connor moved towards his wife "How long will he be staying with us?"

Khalida shruged "I dont know, but I'm wondering how long it will be before mum comes home."

The next day Connor again left to buy something from a fellow antiques dealer and Khalida entered the living room to find her father laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

"Papa, you cant just stay cooped up in here, its not good for you."

"Is that your professional opinion Doctor?" The ancient immortal asked his voice cutting, making Khalida sigh as she moved forward "Sit up"

Methos groaned but did so, his daughter sitting down and letting him place his head on her lap. The two sat there for moment before she finally asked "Whats going on?"

Method shrugged "Just finish your story.... Please."

Khalida tilted her head trying to remember where she had been before she continued. "Well, you know how it is these days when we get caught leaving the scene, its never easy to get the cops off your back. And there was one particular cop, a forensics expert, and she wouldn't stop."


1985-New York

Khalida and Duncan walked towards the subway both knowing that they were being followed by a cop.

"I need to get my sword." Connor whispered to his wife who nodded "Then we need to ditch the gentleman behind us."

A glance and smile shared between the two made sure they both knew what to do as they walked down the steps to the subway. In a moment they moved into the shadows and disappeared, they had been at this too long to not know how to ditch a cop.

Then they headed back to Madison Square Gardens "How was the wrestling?" Khalida asked causing her husband to groan painfully "Dont remind me, that couldnt even be called wrestling."

Khalida laughed, "I told you wrestling isnt what it used to be lover."

They walked in silence for a while neither needing to say anything because just the presence of their lover was enough.

Finally they returned to Madison Square Gardens and entered the garage, "Where did you hide it?"

Connor pointed in the direction and the two walked that way as they arrived Connor jumped up and pulled his sword from its hiding place. He examined it and sighed "Chipped... I'll have to fix it."

Khalida suddenly lifted her head and Connor never one to doubt his wifes senses quietly asked "What is it?"

Khalida raised a hand and motioned him into hiding, the two ran quickly hiding behind a pillar as a figure appeared and began searching the garage. Khalida raised the hood on her jacket and poked her head out, she had found out the hard way that her hair would give her away unless covered.

A woman was searching for something, and evidently she found it as she collected samples from a spot in a pillar. Connor grabbed Khalida arm pulling her with him and the two made their way out of the garage.

"What did you leave behind?" Khalida asked causing Connor to shrug "I don't know... It must have been where my sword got stuck, there may be some shavings."

Khalida sighed "We'll need to follow her then."

Follow her they did, to a small bar where the woman was obviously a regular, Khalida stopped outside and looked to her husband "Do what you need to."

Connor nodded unsurprised by her request, it happened occasionaly that he or she needed to seduce someone to get information from them.

Khalida leaned against the wall outside waiting patiently and watched as the cop suddenly came crashing out the door. Not even noticing Khalida she moved past her and hid in the shadows nearby, a few more minutes and Connor came out. Khalida didnt step out of the shadows and Connor understood pulling his collar up and walking down the street.

The cop moved out of the shadows following Connor and Khalida moved following the cop. None of them realized that fate had something else in store for them that night, the beginning of something dark.

Connor felt it first his head raising, causing him to quickly duck into an alley. He knew the cop was following him so he reached out and pulled her into the alley as well.

"Be quiet!" He whispered his eyes searching for either the enemy he knew was her or his wife who was straggling behind "I..." Then like a phantom rising came the Kurgan, attacking Connor with no care for the human life next to him.

Khalida heard the screams of the human and ran coming into the dark area the fight was taking place. Her keen eyes took everything in, in a moment, the screaming human, the huge immortal that could only be the Kurgan of her husbands nightmares... And her husband trying to defend himself with a pipe, Khalida drew her sword and moved forward as the Kurgan shoved Connor to the ground.

The ancient immortal turned taking in the woman who jumped between him and his adversary and he laughed shaking a finger as if she were being naughty. "Uh-huh little girl, this is between me and the Highlander, you cannot interfere."

Connor stumbled to his feet "No Khal, back down."

Khalida sighed but stepped to the side, though she defiantly tossed her half sword in Connors direction a she did, giving him a chance to defend himself. Then she gathered the crying cop into her arms to comfort her as Connor continued to fight, or be tossed around by the much larger man depending on your take of the subject.

Suddenly like a light from heaven a police helicopter came flashing its light down onto the two fighting men, both instantly backing away. The Kurgan took off "Another time Highlander! I will find you!"

Connors head turned to his wife and he rushed forward taking her under the arm and she in turn drug the cop with her.

Finally coming to a stop the two immortals turned to the cop who was blabbering "Stop! Wait! Who was that? He called you Highlander. "There can be only one"? Only one what?  I want to know!"

"Shut up!" Connor demanded his temper flaring towards this foolish human,"Lady, you almost got yourself killed!" Khalida laid a hand on his arm causing him to calm instantly as she stopped forward her typically kind eyes, hard and focused.

"Do not follow him or me again, you only have one life, if you value it... Now go home."

With that the two highlanders stormed away heading back to their home, they entered silently and Khalida sighed picking up a picture as she passed. The picture was of her and Connor with a young girl in the 1950s, a more peaceful time for the two of them.

Connor was scowering the bookcases looking for something, finally he found it, "I knew I recognized her.." He tossed the book to Khalida who examined the title before opening it "Well, well, if it isnt our cop."

Brenda Wyatt, an expert in swords and metallergy, a woman that they needed on their side. Khalida considered their options for a moment, based on the womans earlier reaction she was slightly terrified of Connor so it wouldnt do too have him seduce her... Who did that leave?

Suddenly the two felt the pull of an immortal and instantly stood swords drawn on the alert. Through the door came her apprentice, Tony a handsome young immortal with a kind face.

Khalida grinned "Tony," she handed him the book she had been holding with Brenda's picture "what do you think about this woman?"

Tony looked down taking inthe picture and he grinned "Hot and smart, looks like my type."


Present- Somewhere in Malaysia. 

"This is the song that never ends.
It just goes on and on, my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was.
And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because..."

"Please let me kill them." Elijah groaned to his elder brother who shook his head "You know I would, but they just come back to life and then we would have to listen to the complaining. Elijah groaned as this younger siblings straggled behind signing at the top of their lungs

"This is the song that never ends.
It just goes on and on, my friend.
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was.
And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because...

This is the song that never ends..."

"Shut up!" David yelled back sending his Esther and Noah puercing glares causing the two to fall silent. It had been a solemn party to begin with, the four siblings and Duncan MacLeod who was currently hiking ahead of them.

Duncan came to a step at the edge of a cliff and looked back to where the siblings walked "Well, what now you said walk until there is nothing. I reached a cliff does that constitute nothing?"

Esther stepped forward taking command easily as she talked to the immortal whom she had taken under her wing without his consent. She could feel his unease and hostility, but she also knew it was fear, fear that he would be again mislead and take the head of and innocent.

Fear simply would not do.

"Trust us Macleod, we will not lead your astray, and you are out of our enemies reach her." She told him again taking the lead as she seemingly stepped off the cliff, Duncans eyes widened when he realized she wasnt falling instead she made her way downwards. Duncan watched as all of her brothers save Elijah followed and he motioned Duncan forward "After you Highlander."

Elijah was dressed down for once, wearing a pair of jeans and a long sleeved tshirt instead of his typical suit. He looked far more approachable this way, or he would have if not for the the large broadsword on the mans back. Duncan had never seen the immortal wield a sword but he was certain that he was comparable to Esther and her skills.

"Are you two coming?" Davids voice called from below, a completely different man then Elijah in looks and actions. They were both stern but David leaned tended towards using his wiles while Elijah was a man of honor. David to was currently in normal clothes and his Rapier was also attached to his back.

Duncan sighed and followed after the siblings with Elijah taking up the rear, the path they took was incredibly sturdy and was obviously worked on often. It wasnt long before they arrived at a temple where they were greeted by a group of monks who bowed their heads.

Their leader stepped forward "Guardians, we have waited a long time for you to come bringing the chosen with you."

"It is time." Esther replied with a smile, as she looked back to Duncan and nodded, Duncan was confused by her nod until he was suddenly stabbed in the chest.


Author Note: Hope you enjoy!

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC's

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