Yesterday's Promise (High-Sch...

By LoveMarvel

14.5K 721 215

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are two completely different people in every single way. Steve is laid back, kind... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
author's note :(

Chapter 1

3.1K 98 31
By LoveMarvel

Technically it wasn't that big of a deal winning another football game. It was their eighth win, along with their eighth game of the season, continuing their undefeated streak. To some, it was a big deal winning, but in reality they just had a really great team of football players. So, although the game was hardly that big of a deal to him, the team Captain, Steve Rogers, celebrated with victory yells with the others while high-fiving one another and giving hits on the back that were forced with pride and glory. All Steve really wanted was to get on the bus and get back home so he could study for his chemistry exam tomorrow. They did the routine process of shaking hands of the opposite team and giving each other the fake compliments of "Good game."


"That was sick, man! Guys, did you see the way he caught that." Sam Wilson, a member of the football team, and one of Steve's close friends, talked with the others on the bus about the game as they headed back. "Yeah, that was a pretty good game." Steve added, smiling, trying to act like the game was actually something they had to try extremely hard to win at. The bus was full of different voices of each football player, bringing up school, telling stories, or most likely talking about a girl. Steve honestly just wanted peace and quiet but knowing that he was on a bus ride full of wound-up high school boys, his hopes weren't set very high on that. He leaned the side of his head up against the bus window, but the bumps in the road made that uncomfortable. In front of him, one of his team members turned around, James Rhodes, "Dude, you coming to Tony's party this weekend?" Steve scoffed and scratched at the side of his temple. He looked out his window and then back at Rhodes, "I hardly talk to him, he's kinda a dick." That honestly was Steve's true opinion on Tony Stark. He was richer than anyone Steve had ever seen and he was the smartest kid in the entire class when it came to technology. Though Tony didn't like showing his smarts, he did do a great job of showing his attitude of carelessness.

"C'mon man, he's not that bad once you really get to know him." James said in Tony's defense. Steve raised his eyebrows and James shrugged, knowing that it was useless trying to defend his best friend. "He's with a different girl every week and he acts like he's better than every other person he meets." Steve could go on and on about Tony Stark and the many lists of things about him that he hated. Rhodes shrugged again, "Well you should still go. Everyone's gonna be there and it wouldn't be fun without you." Steve shook his head, not in the way of saying he wouldn't go, but in the way of saying it wouldn't be any more fun with him there than if he wasn't. "Yeah, everyone wants you to go." Sam added, trying to convince him even further. Steve rolled his eyes and thought about it, "Well it depends on the homework. My mom won't want me going out to a party if we have another essay to write for a class." Sam sighed and James just laughed, "What does it matter, it's a Friday." Sam started, "Yeah, and you'll have the rest of the weekend for homework." James added for him. Steve just shook his head again and slightly laughed, "Maybe."


The debate wasn't really on if Steve should go to the party or stay home due to homework. The truth was that Steve honestly just resented Tony Stark. He may hang out with the rich kids and the one's with the similar attitudes in Steve's clique of friends but they didn't really talk, they sort of just said they were friends because all their friends were friends. And if they did talk, it was for little things that weren't usually important. Every girl in school would throw themselves at Tony if they got the chance and to be honest, Tony would probably date every girl in the school if he had the time to do it. Always with a different girl, never having an actual relationship. Steve wondered if the term relationship was even in Stark's vocabulary. He walked through the school halls as if he owned the place and to make it worse, sometimes people actually treated him like he did. It was all because his dad was the CEO of his (and worldwide) weapon company, Stark Industries. Tony had life the easy way out and everything was handed to him without much work. Though, Steve did have to give it to him, he was quick as a whip. Tony was the smartest kid in their entire school and could probably already be in college at his rate but he just chose against it.

Steve thought about it and told himself that maybe he would go, just this one time. After all, you only live through high school once, you have to make the most of opportunities. He wouldn't get drunk or do anything stupid but maybe he would go just to see why everyone loves them so much, to see what the fun involves.

He got his things together that Thursday morning and readied himself for school. "Steve, are you ready?" his mother called to him down the hall from the kitchen. Steve slid his backpack on and reached for his history textbook, "Yeah, coming, just one sec'." He stood by his door and looked once more around his room, just to double check that he had everything- the same routine every school morning. After a few seconds, he turned off his bedroom light and then left to the front door. "Are you ready?" Steve smiled to himself, asking his mom the same question she asked him as he beat her to the front door. She came in from exiting the kitchen and squinted her eyes at him sarcastically, "Very funny. But I don't need to get many things ready when it comes to driving you to school." Steve set his book and backpack down as he sat on their bench near the front door below the coat hanger. He reached out for his shoes and put them on as his mom walked out and slid on her light jacket and simple flats. "I'll be in the car, waiting on you." she said, winking at him. She held her keys in her hand and then proceeded to walk out the garage door. Steve remained inside on the bench while he finished tying his shoes.

After he got in the car and they backed out of their driveway, they left to school. His mom turned on the radio and Steve rolled his eyes, groaning. "What? 60's music is the best type of music." His mom looked over at him and then back at the road as she shook her head at his clear annoyance with the music genre. Steve looked at the radio station, it was Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis Presley. "Yeah but it's just... so old. You're so old." Steve teased his mother sarcastically. His mom sighed and ignored the trying-to-be-offensive comment, "Hey, Elvis died when I was only like three years old. I'm not that old, I just naturally like older music." Steve didn't reply, instead he just stared out his window as his mom pulled up to the side of the school where others were getting out. He unbuckled his seatbelt and as his mom temporarily parked. Steve opened his door and put his backpack back on along with grabbing his history book. "See you after school." Steve said before closing the door. "Have a good day, love you." Steve already closed the door before he got a chance to reply but waved as she started to drive away. He turned around and started walking to the school doors along with all the other students. There was a warm breeze that drifted through the grounds and you could really smell the morning air as it was. Steve took it in as he neared upon the school doors, meeting up with one of his friends, Natasha Romanoff. She had red mid-length hair and was extremely observant and the most cunning person Steve knew. She smiled at him in greeting as they walked side by side into their school. "You finish the essay?" Natasha asked him as he opened the door for the both of them. Steve nodded, "Yeah, it wasn't too hard after you started writing it."

Their lockers happened to be near one another's so they continued walking down the halls, "So are you going to Stark's party tomorrow night?" Steve asked her, getting a better grip on his history book. Natasha looked at him, "Yeah, you should go! I bet if you actually took the time to get to know him, you'd probably be good friends with Tony." Steve scoffed at Natasha's assumption, "Are you kidding, he's the biggest fuckboy in this school." Steve stopped at his locker and did the combination code. Natasha raised her eyebrows at hearing him swear like he did, "You talk to your mother with that mouth?" Steve rolled his eyes at her sarcasm and opened his locker, "Well he is." He placed his book on his locker shelf and then closed it, locking the combination lock. There was suddenly a raised voice of girls laughing around them and Steve didn't have to think twice about what he was going to see when he turned around. Tony was walking down the hallway holding hands with a redhead girl named Bethany, Steve knew her from his chemistry class. There were a few other girls with him as he stopped talking with them for a few seconds and started walking over towards Steve and Natasha. "Why's he coming over here?" Steve asked, turning back to Natasha, not really wanting to talk with him. She shrugged as she smiled at Tony who entered their space bubbles, "Hey Nat', you comin' tomorrow night?" Natasha nodded at his question, "Obviously. I was just trying to persuade Steve that he should go." she said, gesturing at Steve. Tony looked at Steve, "Yeah, you should go. You'll love it, guaranteed." He placed his hand on Steve's shoulder and Steve was kind enough not to shrug it off, "I'll see." was all he replied with, keeping a nice smile on his face to hide that he didn't like him. Tony smiled and nodded his head once, he then started to leave back to his little group of lovers. As he started walked away with them, he turned around once more, "See you there Nat', and you too, Rogers." he finished, pointing at Steve.

Steve looked at Natasha after Tony was a ways down the hall, "Thanks, now I have to go." They both started walking to their first hour class. "Me? I didn't even do anything." Natasha replied with defense, looking at him and then away. "You just had to make eye contact with him. Then you smiled, causing him to walk over. Then, you brought up that you wanted me to go. So now if I don't go, it will be rude because he expects me to be there." Steve somehow managed to put that whole scenario on the fault of Natasha. She sighed, "Okay so... because I made eye contact..."

"Yes," Steve didn't wait for her to reply, he just smiled and laughed at his stupid reason to blame it on her. "Well, if you really don't want to go, then don't. It's not like Tony will sleep better at night if you show up." Natasha commented and Steve agreed, if he didn't go, Tony most likely wouldn't actually care. But truthfully, something told Steve deep down that he wanted to go, something.

author's Note

Hi guys, this is the first chapter of my highschool stony au! I hope you like it! btw- in the au all the avengers are normal school friends and there are just no powers and alien stuff like in the marvel universe! :) (sorry for any grammar issues or things like that)

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