How To Save A Life(Greys Anat...

mc_cassie tarafından

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My name is Aviana Parker. Or so everyone thinks. I am an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. I will attempt to... Daha Fazla

My First Day at Seattle Grace
Stressed? Absolutely.
A Date With Jackson Avery
And Your Point Is?
You Win Or Lose
No More
Ana's Angel
A Cup Of Coffee Will Do. Thanks
You Have A Phone For A Reason
Cuddles and Coffee
Cupcakes and Crickets
The Phone. The Phone is Ringing.
Morning Sickness Sucks
Night Time Confessions
What The Hell Is Up With All These Psychos
Some Things Never Change
A Train Wreck? Yeah, That's What I Am
I'm Thankful That I'm Out Of That Hospital Bed
Can We Not?
Silence! I Kill You!!
My Babies
For The Record, I'm Not Sorry
Sneak Peak/Epilouge: I'm Back
You Know..


9.4K 161 11
mc_cassie tarafından

I stood up and followed Dr. Burke as he asked, "Something the matter,Dr. Parker?" I gulped then muttered,"I was kind of hoping that George could perform the first surgery." He turned on his heel then asked,"Do you not want the surgery,Dr. Parker?"

I nodded then said,"Of course I do. But, I was at the first in my class at Massachusetts University, sir, and with all due respect, I think George would be the better option, yah know? Give him a head start?" He grinned down at me then stated,"I like the way you think,Parker. Alright. O'Malley will have the first surgery. You are now my favorite intern. Keep it that way."

I walked back to the table where everyone stared at me in astonishment. Meredith shook out of her groove and exclaimed, "I can't believe you got picked first. You suck!" I giggled nervously then peeked at George through my eyelashes as Burke waved him over.

*Later in Katie's room*

"Katie, honey, mom and dad are here,"a woman who I assumed was her mother cooed like she was a puppy dog. Meredith closed her chart then said,"They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she's a little groggy."

The mother nodded then asked, "Will she be all right?" Katie's father stepped forward and questioned,"Our doctor at home said she might need an operation, is that true?"

"What kind of operation," inquired the worried mother. I looked over at Meredith who shrugged then I said,"She's, um, well, you know what, I'm not, I'm not the doctor, uh, I'm a doctor, but I'm not Katie's doctor, so I'll go get him for you."

We scurried out of the room to find Bailey, which wasn't hard.

"What,"she snapped, glaring at us. I cleared my throat then said, " Katie's parents have questions. Do you talk to them, or do I ask Burke?" Bailey sighed and stated,"No, Burke's off the case, Katie belongs to the new attending now, Dr. Shepherd, he's over there." Shepherd??

Meredith and I took a few steps in the direction where Bailey was pointing towards then stopped dead when we finally saw who it was. Meredith's eyes widened and she started to turn to leave when he glanced our way, causing him to a do double take. His blue eyes held me captive but I quickly turned and scurried off in the direction Meredith ran to.

I was in the stairway, carrying Katie's labs when someone called for me. I turned to see Dr. Shepherd standing at the bottom of the steps, frowning up at me. My lips curled in a half smile as he demanded, "What are you doing here,Ana?" I swallowed then answered, "Last I checked, I was an intern here,Dr. Shepherd."

"Oh so now I'm Dr. Shepherd,"he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I nodded and said, "You will always be Dr. Shepherd here, Derek. I have a life here. I'm free-"

"You had a life back in Manhattan. You were free back in New York. You had a wonderful internship back at the practice,"he protested, stepping towards me.

"Had,"I said,stepping down near him. "I had a life, freedom,a wonderful internship. Had, Derek. That changed. I left to escape all the drama so, I asked The Chief if he had an empty internship handy. He said yes and I could have it."

He shook his head and questioned,"So you're just going to act like you're a whole other person, erase who you are, or who you once were?" I shrugged then answered,"If it will work, then yea, I will. You and The Chief are the only two who know who I am. And I fully intend on keeping it that way."

He shook his head and asked, "Who are you going as now?" I bit my lip then muttered, "Aviana Parker. And I am keeping it also." I turned around, fixing my French braid as I made my way up the stairs and slid down the wall of an empty corridor.

I placed my head on my forearms as tears trailed down my cheeks as memories of home filled my head. Someone cleared their throat above me, causing me to peek up through my eyelashes.

"Are you ok,"he asked. He had pretty green eyes that stood out perfectly. He was bi-racial, Caucasian and African American obviously. He wore a lab coat and navy blue scrubs with his name tag dangling out of his side pocket. It read Dr. Jackson Avery. I wonder who his mom is...

"F-fine,"I stuttered out, wiping my eyes. He held a hand put to me then said,"You don't look fine. My name's Jackson Avery. Who are you?" I swallowed and stated, "Aviana Parker. I'm an intern here." He grinned at my answer then said,"So you're Burke's favorite. Huh."

I shrugged and stated,"I suppose so. He said it's 'cause he likes the way I think. Plus, I gave up the first surgery to someone who needed the boast." He nodded and said,"That's why you're his favorite.

I checked my wrist watch only to see that it was almost time for George's surgery that I handed him then exclaimed,"I have to go. Thank you for making sure I was okay." He smiled, brightening up his eyes before he said,"Try not to cry."

I hurried into the gallery where George was getting ready and he muttered," Open identify ligate irrigate close. Open identify ligate irrigate close. Open identify ligate irrigate close." I took a deep breath and mumbled, "Don't screw it up, George."

"He's going to faint. He's a fainter," stated one intern. Another scoffed then added, "Nah, code brown. Right in his pants." The first rolled his eyes and said,"He's all about the flops. He's going to sweat himself unsterile."

A third piped up and bet,"Ten bucks says he screws up the McBird." Cristina shook her head and said, "Twenty says he cries." The second one rolled his eyes and protested,"I'll put twenty on a total meltdown."

I was tired of the betting. And Meredith was apparently right behind me because we both added in unison,"Fifty says he pulls the whole thing off. " Everyone in the gallery turned to us in shock then I finished," That's one of us,down there. The first of us. Where's your loyalty?"

"Seventy five says he can't even ID the appendix," Cristina continued. Izzie nodded and added,"I'll take that action." A few other interns agreed but I tensed and struggled not to snap on them which got me no where because when George asked for the scalpel, the other interns cheered.

Burke glared up at us then I snapped," You guys are unbelievable. How would you feel if you got the first surgery? It would be stressful and complete hell, especially if you have an attending watching your every move. So sit down and shut up, you douche bags."

Burke kept his eyes on me for a while before he quickly winked then went back to coaching George. George cut then requested for pickups and a clamp. You got this,George.

"Did Burke just wink at someone? Did he just wink at you,"Cristina demanded, turning to me. But I wasn't focused on her. I wanted to see how George could do. He made it to the appendix but ran into the bone and still managed to get passed it.

"Damn, he got the peritoneum and he opened him up,"the first intern said in awe. Meredith sat up straight and said,"I told you. He's going to pull it off." He then pulled out the appendix, tossing it into a tray which led to the interns to begin cheering. I rolled my eyes before I saw Burke telling George something before the attending groaned. Oh no. He ripped the secum. Damn it,George. One thing. That's all you had to do. Was one thing.

George stood,staring blankly at the bleeding as Cristina said, "He's choking." Burke shoved George out of the way then begun working his magic. An intern who I remember his name as Alex Karev shook his head and muttered, "007."

Another intern nodded and agreeed,"007. Yep. Definitely a 007." Izzie tilted her head to the side and asked,"What's 007?"

"License to kill,"I whispered.

Hour 17

We ended up being back with Cristina, George, and Izzie where George asked,"007. They're calling me 007, aren't they?"

"No one's calling you 007," Meredith, Izzie, and I chorused from our beds that we were laying on. He sighed and muttered,"I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered 007." I huffed and muttered, "Good God, I should've kept that surgery. It would've been easier on him. Now George is 007."

"Oh, how many times do we have to go over this, George? Five,ten? Give me a number before I hit you,"Cristina warned as she rolled off her hospital bed and walked to the vending machine.

Poor George sighed again then he said, "Murphy whispered 007 and everybody laughed." I sighed then opened my mouth to reply when I stood up and ran beside Meredith as our pagers went wild. Katie, 911. Crap.

"You gave up the surgery for George, didn't you,"she asked as we ran.

"You can't tell him. He'll kill me,"I begged as we slid into Katie's room where she laid flicking through the different channels. She seems fine...

"What's wrong? The pager said it was a 911,"I asked, out of breath. She looked up at me and whined,"I'm bored. I had to go all Exorcist on the nurse to get her to page you. And what took you so long?"

"Seriously?! Why did you page us,"I demanded, leaning over her as Meredith checked her vitals. Katie pouted then muttered,"The pageant was supposed to be on but this crappy hospital doesn't have the channel. Can you fix it?"

"This is a hospital,"I hissed. "We save lives, not run at you snapping your fingers. I am not a technician, I am a doctor. Now stop bugging us. I will run at every page just because that's one of Bailey's rules and I don't feel like dying."


Meredith, George, Cristina, and I was standing by the nurses' station when I heard a guy, Alex Karev, the one who gave George his '007' nickname, say to a nurse,"4B's got post - op pneumonia. Let's start antibiotics." The nurse frowned and asked,"Are you sure that's the right diagnosis?"

Karev glared at the nurse then snapped,"I don't know. I'm only an intern. Here's an idea; how about you go spend four years in med school and tell me if it's the right diagnosis. She's short of breath, she's got fever, and she's post-op. Start the antibiotics."

He walked away from the nurse and over to me and Mere where we stood,checking Katie's labs before he smiled cockily and said,"I hate nurses. I'm Alex. I'm with Jeremy,you're with the Nazi,right?" I looked up and replied,"You know it may not be pneumonia. She could be splitting or have a PE."

"Like I said, I hate nurses,"he stated, shaking his head. Meredith's head shot up and she snapped, "What did you just say? Did you just call us nurses?"

He shrugged and muttered, "Well... if the white cap fits..." I huffed then looked down at my pager as it begun beeping intensely.

"Don't ever talk to me again,"I growled before I ran to Katie's room, Meredith just walking. Whatever Meredith. She could be dying. I saw the nurses and slid into the room, seeing Katie seizing. Oh no...

"Dr. Parker, what do you want us to do,"asked the first nurse. I took a deep breath and said, "Page Shepherd and Bailey. Give me 2 milligrams of Diazepam. Where is Grey?" They injected the girl with the medicine before Meredith finally got into the room.

Meredith grabbed Katie's chart slowly, after her shock before she asked,"She's on full Prazepam?" I nodded and replied,"4 milligrams." She started to breathe heavy before she questioned,"Did you page Dr. Shepard and Dr. Bailey?"

I nodded again then the nurse stated, "Prazepam isn't working." I took a deep breath and replied,"Phenobarbital. Fill her with Phenobarbital." They did as I ordered while Meredith stood around like a freaking moron.

"Pheno's in,"reported the second nurse. I blew out my breath but then the third said,"No change." Crap! I bit my lip as Meredith asked, "Did you page Dr. Shepherd?" I whipped around and exclaimed,"For God's sake, yes, she paged Shepherd and Bailey. Now quit acting like a moron and act like a Grey."

Suddenly, Katie's heart stopped. Oh hell no. I am not letting my first patient die on my first day. Not happening. I pushed past Meredith and grabbed the crash cart as the first nurse yelled, "Code blue. Code blue. Code blue."

Meredith pulled out the defibrillators as I pushed the crash cart into the room and pulled the paddles. I looked up and exclaimed, "Charge pulse of two hundred." The pads bobbed up and down but still no change.

We got up to 360 before we finally got Katie's sinus pressure and BP up again, her heart beating steadily. I blew out a breath as Derek entered the room then he demanded,"What the hell happened?"

Meredith tried to explain but he cut her off and snapped,"You were supposed to be monitoring her." I stepped in and said,"We were checking her labs when we got here. I got here first but Meredith got caught in the stairwell. It was crowded. Sorry, Dr. Shepherd."

I stormed out of the room but got caught by Bailey.

"You get a 911, you page me, Parker. But Grey, you run. You do not walk, or skip. You run, full blown. You are both on my team, and if someone dies, it's my ass. You hear me," she growled as we walked away.

"Parker,"she snapped, drawing me back to her. I sighed and asked,"Yes, Dr. Bailey?" She smiled then patted me on the back before she said,"Great job, Aviana." I smiled then walked away to where Meredith and Cristina stood.

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