Veil Falls (Bangpink AU)

By KeropiJeka

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Another school year has started in this small Town of Veil Falls. With mysterious strangers suddenly transfer... More

Ch. 1 ➖ Hello
Part I - Character Introduction
Ch. 2 ➖ Mortuus
Part II ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 3 ➖ Okay
Part III - Character Introduction
Ch. 4 ➖ You
Part IV : Character Introduction
Ch. 5 ➖ Rude
Ch. 6 ➖ Deal
Part V ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 7 ➖ Vampire
Note 1
Ch. 8 ➖ Spill
Ch. 9 ➖ Jungkook
Part VI ➖ Character Introduction
Ch. 10 ➖ Snitch
Ch. 11 ➖ Bourbon
Ch. 12 ➖ Separate
Ch. 14 ➖ Fine
Ch. 15 ➖ Jimin
Ch. 16 ➖ Top
Ch. 17 ➖ Kidding
Ch. 18 ➖ Wood
Ch. 19 ➖ Condition

Ch. 13 ➖ Thanks

79 4 0
By KeropiJeka


The sun has risen but Taehyung has not seen Jisoo returning home after the party. He felt guilty that he left her there yesterday without a ride, but what could have gotten wrong? After all, she was Jisoo, she will be okay, he thought.

But then again, Jimin was there last night. When he said he will do something vile, did he mean to Jisoo? Realization hit him and he started to panic. He immediately bolted towards the door and opened it rapidly. What surprised him was that a person was already standing infront of the door, about to ring the doorbell but was too stunned to move.

"Jennie?" He muttered not believing his eyes.

"Did I come at a wrong time? Were you about to go out?" She asked him.

He thought about it for a minute, Jisoo is probably roaming around as she always does, he tried to defend what he was about to say next, "No. Is there something that you need?"

"Uhm. Yeh. I mean you told me to come here to see if the reference paper for my report is here." She tried to remind him of their conversation in the library 2 days ago.

He soon remembered and let her in. "I'm sorry that the house is a bit messy." He said while scratching the back of his head, embarrassed that he has forgotten about this.

Stepping inside the old home, Jennie felt a sudden heavy feeling, as if something's telling her that she shouldn't be here. She tried to shake off the thought, thinking that the vintage manor house is just too antique that it gives off that kind off horror house vibe. Anyways, she's with Taehyung. That simple thought made her feel at ease and secured.

Looking around, Jennie was amazed to see that the interior was maintained to be as sophisticated as it was before. It was as if it was a museum, with antique furnitures, paintings, and sculptures around taking up the whole space. She felt that she have travelled back in time. If it wasn't for the 85" flat screen tv bolted on the living room's wall, she would have believed it.

Taehyung led Jennie to the second floor where the study room was and he tried to tidy up the books and papers scattered all around. Jennie giggled seeing that the boy was panicking and flustered by this.

"By the way, where's Jisoo?" She asked remembering Taehyung's housemate, who she surprisingly got along with in a short period of time.

"She's out. Not sure where though." He answered truthfully. The faster he helps Jennie with this, the sooner he would be able to look for Jisoo.

"Okay, so the old reports are at this side of the shelves." He pointed at the left corner shelves. Jennie looked at the 4 shelves on that corner, amazed by the collection.

"And here you could sit and study them." Before he was able to point at the huge mahogany table at the right side of the room he noticed an item that wasn't supposed to be there.

He picked up the item and casually placed it under the piles of papers on the drawer. Good thing, Jennie was not able to notice.

"Found anything yet?" He asked as he waited casually at the sidelines.

"I thinks so, I've seen 2 papers already. But I guess I still need to see the books they are referencing to." She answered while scanning the next row.

"May I?" Taehyung gently took one of the papers on her hand to see which books she was referring to. And he froze seeing the cover Park Jimin. He hopes that Jennie didn't notice it. He flipped the pages to see the citations and when he saw the reference books he started to look for it on the shelves. But what are the odds that she chose the same topic as him? And how the hell did Yoshinori High didn't change their curriculum on this subject - but then again it was English Literature soooo I guess that's why.

Thankfully, Mr. Kim Seon-bi, the caretaker of this dorm, was able to keep the documents here and in addition he was also able to keep them pristine. Even though Mr. Seon-bi's family managed this dorm for such a long time, they have not been able to make it as their own because owning this place would mean problems for Taehyung's kind. It was not only the house that Mr. Kim Seon-bi needs to upkeep, he also needs to keep the secrets it hold.

Taehyung was able to find the book in no time. He discreetly tear off the front and last pages of the reaction paper where Jimin's name appears before handing it back to Jennie with the book.

"Thanks." Jennie smiled as she headed to the mahogany table to compile the documents she was able to gather.

Taehyung watched her at the corner, mesmerized by the resemblance she had with the girl she once loved. If it wasn't for that face, he thought, she and her friends wouldn't be in trouble.

Though he knows that it isn't his fault, he still felt guilty for leading them to the danger he was trying to avoid. And sadly, now they were in the verge of a storm. If only there is a way he could shield her from him.

Then it clicked.

He walked towards his room where he kept it and returned immediately to the study room where Jennie was, who by now was still too concentrated on the papers that she didn't notice the boy's absence.

"You've got everything you need?" Taehyung asked as he notices the girl already filing the papers.

"Yeah, I think so." She answered smiling.
"...well then, I think I should go so that I can start on my paper already." She placed the papers carefully inside her bag.

"Thank you again, I would return them as soon as I finish." She said as she went closer to him who was already at the door.

"Before you go. I want to give you something." Taehyung smiled and Jennie notices the rectangular red velvet box he was holding. She suddenly got nervous.

"It's not what you think." Taehyung clarified immediately seeing Jennie's stunned face.

"I know that we've only met less than a month ago.." 4 months if you count the months I've technically been stalking you, "I also know that it would still be early for me to ask you to be my girlfriend.. so, I'm giving you to this to ask for your permission to court you." He face palmed himself mentally after realizing how old fashioned he sounded.

Jennie on the other hand was thrilled. Thinking back, none of his exes were like this, even Yoongi who was one of her best friend didn't even passed through this stage. They simply asked her to be their gf and that was it. This boy on the other hand was old school, and she didn't want it any other way.

She simply nodded as a response and flashed him her adorable gummy smile.

Opening the box, Jennie was shocked to see an antique silver pendant necklace with a small ruby red gem imbedded on the center.

Taehyung was careful not to touch the pendant as he moved behind Jennie to place the necklace around her neck. He moved her hair to one side. With the wide shoulder chanel long sleeves top she was wearing, moving her hair would expose her milky flawless shoulder. His eyes lingered on her skin and he unconsciously trailed his finger along her shoulder line.

His action sent chills down her spine, not the terrifying kind of chill but the toe-curling kind. She gasped when his fingers reached the nape of her neck, a very sensitive part for her. Her sudden whimper snapped him out of his trance.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and immediately placed the necklace and locked it.

"Thanks." She said while inspecting the pendant, which she noticed that it was a locket. Opening it, she became curious by its contents, dried leaves.

"Oh that. That's vervain. It's believed to..uhm.. have anti-stress properties. I hope that you would wear it always... You know... So that you would be less... Uhmm... stressed." He stammered trying to cover the real use of the green herb inside the pendant. In actual, vervain is used to repel vampires. Hopefully this would protect Jennie from Jimin's compulsion, and hopefully from him as well.

"Thank you again." Jennie said when Taehyung return infront of her again. With this, he flashed her his boxy smile that caused her to giggle like one of those cliche school girls. I'm turning into one of those, she cursed her self for being too cringey, but if it's due to Taehyung, then so be it.

Taehyung insisted on walking her home.
They bid their goodbyes and and as soon as Jennie locked the door, she realized the number of times she said thank you to Taehyung, and it was only 10 o'clock in the morning.


Taehyung knows that he can't delay looking for Jisoo any longer. But he mentally cursed, realizing that he doesn't know where to start looking for her.

With no where else to go, he started jogging towards the Central Park where the event was held last night, hoping that he will find some kind of clue as to where to find her.

Reaching the field, he was disheartened to see that the area was cleared already. If you didn't attend the dance last night, you wouldn't believe that there was monstrous tent standing here last night.

He was amazed by the clean up crew that was able to clear the area in such a short time, but he was also cursing them for doing such a good job at it, that in case there was a clue where to find Jisoo, they would have probably cleared that away as well.

"Tsk." He was already feeling agitated. Then he remembered, there was someone who would be able to find her. "Lisa".

A neophyte witch like her would likely still be able to cast a simple locator spell, right? He suddenly doubted. But it wouldn't hurt if he tries.

He ran back towards their house to look for any of the girl's photograph. This will not be the first time he would witness that spell, and he knows that a photograph of the person you are looking for is necessary.

He searched through her bags and found one of her vintage Dior saddle wallet. Luckily there was an old picture inside, this was probably taken in the 80s. She haven't change her hairstyle since then.

With that on hand, he drove towards Lisa's home.

He rang the doorbell once and an old lady opened the door.

"Good morning ma'am. Is Lisa home?" He asked with a smile.

"What do you need from my sweet innocent grandchild?" Grandma Yi asked accusingly. Her face angry, which caused Taehyung to stay on guard, he knows that the woman standing infront of him is a powerful witch.

"Are you here to sweep her off her feet? Then heartlessly leave her on the side of the road?" She inquired suddenly changing her angry demeanor to a teasing one.

"You remembered?" He asked returning her smile, not hiding his relief.

"Of course I do! How could I forget the face of the person who saved my life. My Goodness, you haven't aged a day!" Grand Yi exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Perks of being one of my kind, I guess." And you, You aged like fine wine, Yi. I thought you've forgotten about me seeing that you were so young back then." He laughed.

"Again, you saved my life. How could I forget? But seriously though, what are you doing here and what do you need from Lisa?" She asked again but this time her enthusiasm has settled down. Though she knows that Taehyung is one of those good ones, a clear exception to the evil nature of the vampire kind, she couldn't help but to be wary of him.

"Just a simple locator spell, Yi. Nothing more." He went straight to the point.

"For locating who exactly?" She inquired further.

"Jisoo." He said her name hoping that Yi would remember her as well.

"Oh! You mean the girl you were with before?" She remembered.

"Yes, and she's missing. I hope that your granddaughter can help me." He explained.

Coming out from the bathroom door, Lisa walked towards the front door noticing that her grandmother was talking to someone.

"Oh Taehyung! It's you. What are you doing here. Grand Yi, he is Taehyung, my classmate." Lisa explained immediately, she was nervous that her grandmother would know what Taehyung was and that would probably get her in trouble.

"No worries dear, we've already met.... When I was your age, more or less." Grand Yi looked at Taehyung and winked that caused Taehyung to laugh.

"Wait... You know he's a vampire?" Lisa was shocked and probably flustered. And probably, I don't know, had a relationship with him or something? she wanted to add but was too shy to ask.

"Of course, the moment he stepped in this town, I already felt it. And Taehyung, I am blaming you for causing my daughter some nightmares!" Grand Yi jokingly accused.

"I want to apologize to you Miss Manoban for causing you those nightmares. Rest assured that it was never my intention." Taehyung sincerely apologized even knowing that Grand Yi was only kidding.

"No worries. If it wasn't for those nightmares, she wouldn't even believe what I was saying to her. She would probably think I'm just a sad old crone with dementia." She laughed while looking at her granddaughter, who by now was still to stunned and lost by the conversation they were having.

"But yes, Mr. Kim, we would help you. Lisa, I think it's time for you to learn another spell." She smiled at her granddaughter. "And Taehyung, I would like to apologize for not inviting you in. I hope you understand that I still need to be cautious of you." She added.

"I understand Yi and thank you." He smiled as he handed Jisoo's picture.

End of Chapter

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