Vampire Babysitter (Camren)

By karlamichele

358K 10.7K 6.2K

Vampire Demi Lovato, Lauren Jauregui and Dinah Jane find themselves the guardians of a mischievous human girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

14.7K 473 141
By karlamichele

It was pitch dark when we touched down on Italian soil. Despite the inky blackness that surrounded the plane from all angles, Normani had no problem navigating the aircraft along the concealed runway.

Under the cover of darkness, we relocated Selena inside. Bringing her to Italy served a dual purpose. Besides being unable to leave her in Seattle, our Italian estate would be a perfect place for her to wake up as a newborn. Situated on several acres of land, it would be ideal for keeping her concealed while providing ample fauna to hunt. Out in the Italian countryside, no one would recognize her even if she were to be spotted.

After getting Selena settled, we spread out to research and fact-check the lengthy list of emails that we had managed to compile on the plane. An accidental typo could have dire consequences if the recipient wasn't the intended vampire. It was crucial that each and every one of the emails was verified before being added to our send list.

With nothing but a laptop and some ingenuity, Dinah was able to hack into email databases and retrieve valuable information.

By the time night fell for a second time, we had compiled a significant list of friends, acquaintances, and even strangers, to receive our message.

We weren't naïve enough to think that all of the vampires on our list would be sympathetic to our cause. Though mate bonds were one of few things held sacred by vampires, those who weren't mated found it difficult to comprehend the intensity behind a mate bond. Without that experience, it was impossible to sympathize with the devastation of being unwillingly separated from a mate.

Ambivalence was only one of many possible concerns. Fear of retribution added another layer of complication.

We were pinning our hopes on our story being fuel to a fire that was already burning. Horrifying tales of the Volturi's misdeeds had been circulating for years. Stories about covens torn apart, their gifted collected like trophies. Fear and quiet anger simmered amongst the vampire community, but no one dared challenge the mighty force the Volturi presented.

No one could confirm a single one of the tales, after all. Afton and Rafael made up a meticulous cleaning crew, able to find and erase anyone who dared to think a malicious thought about the Volturi. If we could get our story heard; we'd be the first. To say our plan was risky was an understatement. Still, it was all we had, and if meant a chance at having Camila back by my side, I was all in.

"136," Demi calculated. We had all gathered in the living area to take a break and consolidate our progress. "Altogether, we've been able to confirm email contact for 136 vampires."

Dinah and Normani exchanged doubtful glances.

"Is that enough?" Dinah questioned. "We're betting a whole fucking lot on the fact that enough of these people will care what the Volturi are doing. What if they don't? What if they all think, 'as long as it's not me?' and move on with their lives?"

"Next time it might be them," Demi pointed out, her tone nonjudgmental. "Those with foresight will understand that not standing up now means danger will always loom on the horizon."

"Demi's right," Normani decided. "We're appealing to people to protect themselves."

"It won't come to that," Demi suggested, always one for optimism. "The Volturi still have an opportunity to do the right thing and release Camila and the children."

I nodded. "Sending the email is our last resort if they refuse to listen. It's possible we won't have to involve anyone else. We need to be prepared, just in case."

"We're prepared," Normani insisted. "We'll be able to contact the majority of the vampire population with this list. 136 might not sound like much, but that's easily more than half of the vampires on the planet."

"I agree," I offered. "We've done what we can."

"So what's our game plan?" Dinah questioned, pushing the laptop in front of her away with a sigh. "I'm done with all this... technical shit. If I have to look at another line of source code, I'm going to snap. "

I grimaced. "I wish it hadn't taken so long. It's been almost 48 hours since we found Selena. That's a long time for a human to exist in a world teeming with vampires."

"Lauren," Demi said softly, "you need to be prepared for the possibility that they've already changed her. If our theory is correct, as a human, she's a liability to them. As a vampire, she has value. The kids, they'll groom until they're old enough, like they did with Alec and Jane... but Camila's an adult. Keeping her human would serve no purpose."

I scowled, angry at the thought that my girlfriend might have been forced into becoming a vampire because of her association with me. I had hoped she would choose to be with me forever, of course, but I had always assumed the decision to become immortal would be at her discretion.

"I'm well aware that's a possibility," I gritted out.

Demi clasped my shoulder. Her soft expression reminded me of the one my mother would wear when she sat me down to have a difficult discussion.

"I know this has been hard on you, Laur. I can't imagine how you've felt these past few days."

"I'm fine," I replied, my tone short. "We should focus on Camila and the kids. They're the ones who need us now."

Demi nodded, accepting my refusal to discuss the matter.

"We're ready to leave when you are, dawg." Dinah clapped me on the back and handed me a disposable smartphone. "The email's set."

She retrieved two identical phones from the coffee table. She passed one to Demi and tucked the final one into her own pocket.

"I've set these babies up so all we have to do it click this button, and the email gets sent out. One press and it's irreversible. I've set it up so that it's impossible to cancel once it starts to load. I figured it would be best if we each have one, just in case."

I glanced at Normani, wondering why Dinah hadn't given her one. Normani understood where my thoughts were. She glanced at me and crossed her arms, her stance defensive.

"I wanted to come, but someone needs to stay with Selena. Dinah and Demi wouldn't consider leaving your side. So... it's me. Dinah rigged the email up on my computer. If I don't hear from you within an hour, I'm supposed to send it, in case Aro sets Alec off on you, or something. I'm your backup." She glared at me. "Don't make me use it, alright?"

She bit her lip, the emotions behind her tough exterior more earnest than I'd ever seen them. The brief moment of tenderness was gone in a flash, replaced with the icy fire I was accustomed to.

"And don't let your dumbass of a best friend do anything stupid. If Aro doesn't get to you first, I'll kill you."


Dinah was distracted, boasting about her technical wizardry to Demi. It gave me the opportunity to say something I'd been meaning to get off my chest.

Confirming Dinah was distracted, I muttered, "Mani, I know it's probably not my place... but if Dinah hasn't told you already, she loves you. I know putting up with her for the rest of your existence might seem impossible, but she's worth–" I halted as Dinah's thoughts flickered in our direction, mid-conversation with Demi.

Normani smiled as Dinah's gaze shifted to her. It was impossible to miss the lightness that overtook her features. Normani's expression remained unreadable.

She spoke to me silently, her eyes still on Dinah.

'Dinah is many things, but subtle is not one of them. Of course I knew. She didn't have to say the words. We're working on it. I... care about her. For a long time. I thought I was incapable of caring about anyone but myself. But I do. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I don't know what it is, but there's something about you guys that makes people want to love you.'

Without waiting for a reaction, she turned her attention to Selena, effectively dismissing me.

I stepped over to where Dinah and Demi were still discussing the merits of Dinah's tech genius. I had to give credit where it was due; she'd done an amazing job rigging up the email. But that wasn't what I needed to say to them now. It must have been something about facing uncertain death that was making me prone to sudden sentimentality.

"I know I've been... difficult to live with the past couple days," I admitted to the two ladies who meant more to me than any others. "You guys have been nothing but supportive. I wanted to say thank you."

Dinah punched my shoulder, the lighthearted gesture belying serious thoughts. "I promised your mom and dad I'd take care of you. I don't make promises I don't keep."

"I know."

Dinah offered me a half-smile. Her thoughts were on our impending showdown with the Volturi.

"You ready to head out? Demi was saying it's probably a good idea to get to Volterra while it's still dark. Some nights, when he's in a good mood, Aro lets favoured members of the guard leave to hunt free range. We might face less opposition."

"It's not every night," Demi nodded, "but it's a possibility."

"I'm ready to go."

I doubted Aro would diminish his guard if he was expecting us – Rafael would know we were in Italy by now – but I wasn't about to turn down a possible advantage, no matter how small the chance.

We said our goodbyes to Normani, promising not to take unnecessary risks. Demi and I stepped outside, allowing Dinah and Normani a moment to themselves, with as much privacy as we could afford in the circumstances.

Dinah was all but skipping when she shut the door behind her and joined us. She shoved me as she passed me and took off running, her words trailing in this wake.

"Last one to Volterra has to fight the next bear I catch!"

Even with a head start she didn't stand a chance. I could outpace her with ease.

Demi laughed at my hesitance. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you."

I set off at a sprint, allowing myself to indulge in the heady feeling of pushing myself to my limit as I tore through the forest after Dinah. It only took a couple miles for me to catch up with her, and another to get a solid lead. I could hear Demi and Dinah's thoughts in the distance, but they were faded, the miles separating us making them seem weak.

'Asshole. You could let me win just once, you know!' Dinah thought.

"Not a chance," I muttered into the empty forest, even though the words probably wouldn't carry to her ears.

One moment I was laughing at Dinah's stupidity, the next I was careening toward the forest floor, bowled over by something silent attacking me from behind.

I gasped as I hit the ground hard, surprised by the unexpectedness of the attack. I could hear the tenor of Demi and Dinah's thoughts still miles away. Growling, I flipped myself over, prepared to throw off my attacker when I caught sight of familiar brunnette.

"Camz?" I gasped in astonishment, just as she sunk her teeth into the flesh of my neck.

I groaned at the unexpected surge of pleasure emanating from where my girlfriend, my mate, my very vampire mate, had bit me.

"Lauren!" she cried, wrenching herself away. She sounded close to tears. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bite you! I was just so happy to finally find your scent... and next thing I know, I'm trying to kill you!"

My relief was profound. Vampire or not, I'd missed her with an intensity I couldn't articulate. I noted with only a sliver of disappointment that her mind was still silent. That must have been how she had managed to sneak up on me.

Not caring that we were covered in dirt and dead leaves, I clung to her, drinking in the unexpected sight of her like a man dying.

The once smooth planes of her face were now flawless cream. Her delicate features were familiar but somehow softened. Even her colouring had transformed. Her once dark brown waves were a lustrous brown swept with reddened hues. I longed to run my hands through the shiny mass.

"You weren't trying to kill me," I promised, pulling away just enough to brush a thumb over her smooth cheek. "You were telling me you love me. You were claiming me as yours... marking your territory."

She glanced at me, her expression full of doubt. Embarrassment shone in her now crimson eyes. "Um, well that's good to know, because it felt really, um, nice."

I smiled at her darkened gaze, knowing with certainty that she felt every ounce of the surging pleasure that I had.

"For me, too," I assured, kissing her forehead and cheeks, and anywhere else my lips could reach. My hands roamed from her hips to the small of her back, confirming she was real. "It's one of the ways we show affection."

She combed dirt and leaves from my hair, her touch as tender as her gaze.

"You're not just saying that? I really didn't hurt you?"

"You didn't hurt me," I promised, pressing the evidence of that against her willing body.

A loud, intentional cough broke through our bubble. Camila and I glanced up, surprised to find Demi and Dinah hovering over us. Camila growled at them, springing up to stand over me in a defensive pose.

I gripped her hand, wary that she might unintentionally hurt them for getting too close. She wasn't used tempering her instinct to protect.

"God," Dinah groaned in repulsion. "We've been trying to get your attention forever. We were worried that we were going to have to watch you get it on right in front of us. That's something a best friends should never have to see."

I sat up, trailing my fingers up my mate's forearm to return her focus to me. "Babe," I soothed, "you remember my best friends? Dinah and Demi?"

Camila nodded, her inhale shaky. The unrecognized vampire scents were setting her on edge.

Feeling safe to do so without upsetting her, I stood from my sprawled position, wrapping my arms around her from behind. I hoped that standing behind her would assuage her instinct to put herself between me and the intruding vampires.

Camila stared at the ground, chastened. "I'm sorry, of course I remember. I'm just not used to this." She gestured down at herself, upset with her body's inability to fight the instinctual actions.

I glanced down at her torn clothing, trying desperately not to notice her exposed skin. She was wearing the same clothes she had been wearing when I had seen her last, though they were torn and worse for wear.

Demi offered Camila a genuine smile. "You're demonstrating unbelievable control for a newborn. That you're able think rationally enough to carry on a coherent conversation is extraordinary. Most newborns are feral for the better part of a year."

Camila sniffed. "I growl at the slightest movement! And - and I bit Lauren! I don't feel rational."

Dinah chuckled. "That's completely normal. Vampires are driven by instinct. As your mate, Lauren makes you react more strongly than anyone else. Your instincts tell you to protect her, even at the cost of your own life."

Camila frowned. "She doesn't need me to protect her."

"I think you'd be surprised. Lauren's kind of been a wreck without you. Besides, like I said, it's instinct. Whether she needs you to or not, your instincts insist you protect her."

"Perhaps you should explain how you found us," Demi suggested. "I imagine it's a long story."

Camila scowled. "The Volturi. They came for Ari. I think at first they were planning to take only her... but the one called Eleazar said that Justin and I were also gifted. So they agreed to take us as well."

Demi was surprised, as were the rest of us. "Justin has a gift? That's why he was spared. Did Eleazar explain the nature of his talent?"

Camila shook her head, frowning. "After Eleazar stopped them from killing us, Aro touched his hand – Lauren said he can read minds that way, right?"

"That's right," I said, holding her closer, indulging my unabashed need to touch her and assure myself she was indeed with me.

"That's what I thought. It's hard to remember now. My memories are... unfocused. I remember things about Lauren more than anything else."

"Human memories are often that way," Demi explained. "Your mind instinctively protects memories that are important to you. It makes sense that you remember Lauren's words most clearly – it's your mind's way of ensuring you remember your mate."

"What happened after Aro learned you and Justin were gifted?" Dinah questioned. Anger at the cruel way our family had been treated, but she was wary of frightening Camila and setting her off.

Camila's face crumpled. She turned in my arms, clinging to me so tightly I had to wince to keep quiet. She would be angry with herself if she thought she was hurting me.

"Sel and I pleaded with them to stop, but they ignored us. We couldn't do anything. They tossed us aside and took the kids. We had no choice!"

"It's okay," I soothed when her fingers tore through my shirt in agitation.

"Aro commanded Ari and Justin be taken away. They were both screaming, scared out of their minds, but he didn't care. Once they were taken outside, he told someone to change me and dispose of the spare. I remember Selena crying and begging. I tried to reach for her, but I was dragged away. That's when everything went black... I don't remember anything after that."

"Your transformation," I suggested. "If it started then... that means it's been less than two days."

"That's incredibly short," Demi noted. "Most last at least 48 hours. Usually it's three days or more."

Camila bit her lip so hard it cracked. Her voice was trembling. "Is... is Selena dead?"

I stroked her hair, offering what comfort I could. "No. She's going to be like us. We got there in time for Demi to save her. Mani's with her now, in case she wakes up. She was badly injured and lost a lot of blood. Her body needs more time to repair itself than yours did."

Camila's exhale was cool against my neck. "Thank god."

"She'll be fine baby," I promised. "Well, as fine as we ever are."

Camila smiled weakly, still clinging to me. "If she's anything like you guys, she'll be perfect."

"Damn straight," Dinah boasted in an attempt to lift the mood. It worked. Camila sniffled a small chuckle.

"What happened when you woke up?" I pressed, still holding her close. "How did you find us? How did you know we were in Italy?"

"It happened kind of slowly," Camila explained. "Coming to consciousness, I mean. I could hear what was going on around me, but I couldn't do anything... like I was paralyzed. I could hear two Volturi in the room, talking. They mentioned all of you–"

"What about us?" Dinah frowned.

"The one named Alec said that someone named Rafael was keeping tabs on you and that you had come to Italy looking for me. The other one, Jane, asked where you were. Alec didn't know. He said Rafael had been vague – it was somewhere to the north, near the French and Swiss borders."

Demi nodded. "That's fairly accurate. We're less than 10 miles from where the Italian border intersects with the French and Swiss borders. If that was your only source of information, it's a miracle you were able to find us. I imagine it's akin to finding a needle in a haystack."

Camila shrugged, "I've been running around the area for hours, searching for any sign of you. When I found Lauren's scent, I just knew that whoever that was... they belonged to me. So I, um..." she trailed off uncertainly.

"Attacked her?" Dinah finished with a smirk.

Camila ducked her head. "Um, yeah. A mate thing?"

I smiled at the return of my shy Camila. "Yes."

"But how did you get away?" Demi inquired. "I imagine Aro had you confined. He wouldn't risk losing you. Leaving two diminutive vampires to guard you seems risky."

Camila shrugged. "I guess they didn't think I was a threat?"

"As a newborn you would easily overpower them, "Dinah frowned. "It doesn't make sense."

"Jane and Alec are skilled at restraining people with their talents," I pointed out. "Perhaps Aro assumed physical strength would be unnecessary?"

"They said that I was a shield," Camila added. "They were laughing about it, actually. Jane said I was going to be a pathetic addition to the guard; Aro already had a shield, Renata, so why would he want another?"

"I think they misunderstood what type of shield you are," Demi theorized. "Hypothesizing on the basis that you're able to block Lauren's telepathy... it makes sense to assume other mental gifts would also be ineffective. Renata, on the other hand, is a physical shield. She prevents others from getting close to her, physically."

Camila shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe."

"What happened next, babe?" I encouraged.

Camila's red eyes met mine, flaming with anger. "They were laughing and Alec said that I was useless. That the only reason Aro wanted me was because it would mean you would come to Volterra to be with me."

Dinah gaped. "You mean all this shit... it was Aro's attempt to recruit Lauren?"

"Camz–" I started, guilt clawing in my stomach.

She shot me a lethal glare that silenced me in an instant.

"Lauren, don't. I don't blame you. I wanted to be with you, even knowing the risks. I still do. Forever, remember?"

I pressed my forehead to hers and swallowed the sudden well of emotions clogging my throat.

"Forever," I assured.

Demi, who had been mostly quiet, pondered all the information Camila had provided. "If the Volturi were scouting Lauren, that explains why they were in Seattle," she surmised. "They were surveilling Lauren."

"And happened to stumble into a goldmine when they discovered Ari," Dinah concluded. "She was too much for Aro to resist."

"Exactly," Demi agreed.

"So... they waited until the girls were left unprotected and took what they wanted. Fucking cowards," Dinah spat.

"How did you manage to get out of the compound?" I asked Camila. "The Volturi's underground complex is a maze, even for the well-informed."

"It wasn't underground. There was a basement window in the room."

"So you went out through the window?"

She nodded, her gaze turning stormy. "When Alec said those things about you... I got so... angry. I don't know how else to explain it."

I squeezed her hands in a supportive gesture, but her tempestuous expression remained firmly in place.

"One second I was frozen, and the next I was moving across the room and Alec's head was in my hands. Jane freaked out. She was screeching about her brother and how Aro was going to punish me, but not until after she was done with me. She got this weird look on her face, like she was waiting for something. Then all of the sudden she was panicking and trying to run."

"Then what?" Dinah asked eagerly, her grin threatening to split her face. She was enjoying Alec and Jane's throwdown a little too much.

"I kicked her ass, and tore off her head," Camila admitted, a hint of pride in her smile.

Dinah's grin grew larger. "It's about time someone beat down those smug little assholes and gave them a taste of their own medicine."

Camila shrugged, like defeating two trained Volturi soldiers was no big deal. "I was really mad. It wasn't like I set out to kill them. It just... happened." She seemed mystified by this strange turn of events.

Dinah, on the other hand, was impressed. "You win at being a vampire. I would have paid anything to see that hideous little witch's face when you tore her head off."

"You didn't kill them," I explained to Camila. "Killing a vampire permanently requires fire. You just stopped them temporarily."

"Unfortunately," Dinah said darkly.

"Dinah," Demi scolded.

"What? Like they wouldn't kill us if they had the chance! Geez, we've spent the last two days trying to figure out how not to get killed by them."

"Can we let Camila finish her story?" I muttered tersely.

Camila shrugged. "There's not much else to tell. I took Jane's robes in case I needed a disguise when I got outside, broke the window and got the hell out of there."

"You stripped her, too?" Dinah guffawed. "Priceless. That little terror will be out for blood if she ever sees you again."

"I pulled the hood down and ran as fast as I could when I got outside," Camila continued, "When I was far enough away that I didn't feel in immediate danger, I did what they taught us at camp to avoid being tracked; I crossed water and travelled in circles, crisscrossing my own path."

The three of us were impressed by her ingenuity, but Camila didn't seem to notice. It was probably due to her clever thinking that she hadn't been found. With her mind off his mental radar, Rafael's skill would have been useless in tracking her.

"I found a map," Camila dug a tattered European tour guide from her equally torn pocket, "they headed for where Alec said you were supposed to be. I've been scouring the area for hours looking for any sign of you."

"We were lucky you stumbled onto my scent," I admitted. "We were on our way to Volterra. You could have missed us."

Camila offered a sheepish smile. "Maybe destiny gave us a helping hand? I don't believe in lucky coincidences."

"I do," I confessed. "Since the moment I met you. Lucky doesn't cover it."

"It was destiny," Camila corrected with a smile.

"Enough with the simpering and googly eyes," Dinah groaned, making a gagging noise. "We've still got some kids to rescue. Ari and Justin? Sound familiar?"

Camila's expression was contrite. I found it difficult to feel the same. After what Camila had been through, I figured we had earned a moment to ourselves.

Demi turned to Camila, anxious for anything we could use to aid our mission. "When you were in Volterra, did you hear anything about Ari or Justin? See any sign of them?"

Camila's eyes were downcast. "I don't think so. I smelled humans, though. There were so many lingering scents it was hard to distinguish them from one another. Some of them were human, but I wouldn't have been able to recognize Ari or Justin. People smell different now – I don't think I ever noticed they had a unique smell before now."

Demi was fascinated by her restraint. "How were you able to resist the urge to seek out blood? After smelling a human, you shouldn't have been able to help yourself."

Camila's hand rose to press against her throat. "My throat does hurt. I've been ignoring it – I knew it was more important to find you."

"Incredible," Demi muttered.

"You've been so strong," I praised my mate, astounded by her strength and bravery once more. "I don't know how you were able to maintain that level of control while travelling across the country. A single human scent should have set you off on a killing spree. What you endured..."

Demi was just as puzzled as I was. "It's nothing short of miraculous. I've never seen a vampire with such a natural capacity for regulating instincts. We've struggled for years to achieve the level of control we have, and even then it's not always easy."

Camila shrugged, not recognizing her behaviour as extraordinary. "I knew what I had to do, so I did it."

"We should find you something to drink now," I told her. "It'll make your throat feel better."

Camila looked at me with innocent eyes. "You'll teach me how to hunt?"

AN : Hi xD

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