The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅

נכתב על ידי JoonsFix

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When Evlyn lost her job everything around her started to crumble. She'd been out of work for months and was d... עוד

Welcome to The Maid


683 45 7
נכתב על ידי JoonsFix

Dinner was nice and hot, ready to be served. Evlyn was nervous because she did not know who the guests were and why Allen suddenly wanted a dinner party. She placed all of the covered dishes on the table and pulled out several bottles of wine and opened them to aerate the fermented liquid.

Allen came downstairs in a perfectly tailored navy blue suit, if he wasn't the world's largest shit stain, the maid would have paid him a compliment. He checked his watch with a smirk when the doorbell chimed right on time. Evlyn was prepared to answer it but he stopped her

"I got the door. You need to get ready"

Naturally, her face twisted in confusion, she wasn't on the guest list "Get ready for what?"

"For dinner silly, I put your attire for tonight on your bed" he answered. She lingered for a little bit trying to decipher the look in his eyes, they were sparkling but with cruelty. It sent a nervous shiver down her spine. "Go"

The maid jogged upstairs to see a large white box sitting on the edge of her bed. When she opened it her confused expression turned sour with a deep frown on her lips, he expected to wear a cliché slutty French maid outfit. It would be exposing her body to everyone.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" she exasperatingly swore. Her anger boiling up but she didn't let it spill over, she had to play it cool and not let him see her upset.

Evlyn was not going to let him win but when she tried to open the closet doors and the drawers on the dresser they wouldn't. The bastard locked them so she couldn't wear anything else, she pulled and tugged but the doors wouldn't budge. With a deep sigh she picked up the fabric and inspected it, front and back seeing a black silk thong attached.

This is embarrassing and he knows it, she thought while walking into the bathroom to start the shower. Evlyn took her time washing and rinsing her body, she was in no rush to wear the skimpy outfit and parade around Allen and anyone that he would hang out with. As she was drying off a firm knock touched the outside of the bedroom door


"Hurry up, everyone's waiting," Allen said. Without waiting for a response she heard his footsteps recede until she couldn't hear them anymore.

Evlyn rolled her eyes but finished getting dressed a little faster. With the outfit on she let her hair down from the ponytail she wore earlier, letting it cover her shoulder and back. When she opened the door she saw a pair of shiny back pumps sitting on the floor, looking around to find no one, she slipped her feet into the painfully tight shoes. They were brand new.

She carefully descended the staircase hearing loud and boisterous conversation and laughter. The further down she went the clearer she was able to hear the voices, and one in particular stood out especially since it didn't sound lively like the others. Evlyn paused near the bottom to listen, he spoke again and this time she was positive who the voice belonged to. She started to panic and was abou to scurry back upstairs but was seen before she could escape.

"Well, we'll, you must be the new maid" the stranger said loud enough for the rest of the guests to quiet down "Where are you going?"

"Umm I was just-"

"You were just about to get in here, we're hungry" Allen interrupted. He came up the 3 steps between her and the landing and held out his hand for him, she reluctantly took it "Guys, this is Evlyn, isn't she beautiful?" He introduced her with a sadistic grin

"Hi Evlyn" the man who first spotted her greeted her while looking her up and down with lingering eyes

"Hello" she said flatly, pulling her hand out of Allen's. She pulled at the skirt of her attire but the material was only long enough to cover her butt, her thighs were completely exposed along with her upper back while the top of it was so low-cut in the front she was surprised it covered her nipples. It clearly wasn't made for anyone with big breasts.

"This way" Allen guided her by placing his hand on the small of her back causing her to stiffen up.

Evlyn's heart began to beat faster as the familiar voice she heard earlier grew closer and more decipherable. Inching into the dining room with those ridiculously high heels on she was able to see him, well them. Jungkook and Taehyung were standing by looking as sinfully gorgeous as the last time she saw them. If it weren't for the current situation her outfit plus them would have made for a fun night.

Both men looked at her but neither seemed shocked or surprised to see her there. However, Evlyn's eyes almost fell out of her head, she quickly composed herself and gave them a tight smile. What she didn't see was Allen watching the three of them, waiting for a reaction from any of them.

"H-hey Evlyn" Jungkook spoke first. He was about to go in for a hug but caught himself

"Hello Jungkook, Taehyung" she replied politely. She saw Jungkook's jaw clenched as he took in her attire knowing she was uncomfortable in it

"Oh, silly me" Allen interjected "I totally forgot to tell you, Evlyn works for me now" he tapped his head as it he conveniently forgot

"We see. How'd you pull that off? She was really happy with Jimin and Hoseok" Taehyung asked with venom dripping from his words

"Oh it wasn't easy to convince her to leave them but I made her an offer she absolutely could not refuse" If looks could kill Allen would have been dead, twice.

It was obvious there was a thick tension between those three men but the others didn't seem to notice it or maybe they didn't care. Evlyn snapped out of her daze and asked for everyone to sit down. She went around the table removing the coverings and introduced each part of the meal she prepared.

"I hope you all enjoy" all the men around the table clapped as she stood against the wall, out of the way hoping she'd be able to slip away unnoticed

Everyone with the exception of Tae andKook began to dig in, they fiddled with the food with their forks while stealing glances at Evlyn every now and then. She wasn't used to wearing heels so tall so her feet were starting to hurt very early on but she didn't want to bring any attention to herself by moving around too much. From his peripheral Allen saw her uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot, using the wall to support some of her weight.

"Evlyn, come sit down" He said without looking back at her

"No thank you"

"I said sit"

"And I said no," she said firmly. With a change of mind, she decided this was actually the perfect time to make a scene and draw attention, surely he wasnt stupid enough to do anything crazy directly in front of Jungkook and Taeyhyung.

Allen guffawed, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin and stood up to approach her, he grabbed her arm and yanked her forward. Jungkook rose up quickly causing his chair to fly back which made everyone look from him to them, trying to figure out what was going on.

"She said no, let her go" Jungkook told him, his chest puffed out

"She does what I tell her to do"

"I'm not a fucking pet," Evlyn yanked her arms away "I'm done with this shit. I don't care what you try to do to me or Jimin or Hoseok but I'm not doing this anymore"

"Whoa, Allen looks like she need some more training, that mouth of hers is too pretty for all this talking but I'm sure we can use it for other things" one of his friends said with a disgustingly sly grin on his almost non-existent lips

"You even think about touching her I'll rip your shrimp dick off" Taehyung countered

"Take me home" she said to him and Jungkook trying to sidestep Allen but he grabbed her neck and pulled her back to him "Ahh" she shrieked at the sudden action. He slid his hand to the front of her neck, squeezing against her throat

"Either of you take a step and I'll choke her. She needs to learn her fucking place, isn't that right Evlyn? You need to learn that I'm your boss now and you do what I saw and I say you fuck me and my friends like you did them. You can fuck some real mean instead of a bunch of fags" he said close ot her ear, his hot breath making her gag

Jungkook and Taehyung were momentarily shocked by his words, they looked at each other then back to Evlyn. The younger began to charge at Allen but he was stopped by one of his friends standing up and pushing him back, Jungkook shoved the shorter man hard enough to make him staumble.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked, taking calculated steps towards the crazy man. Allen quickly swiped a steak knife from the table and held it to her throat

"I said not to move Taehyung, I'd hate to kill such a good piece of ass but I will" Allen licked the side of her face and bit her ear as they backed away

"Not if I kill you first" Jungkook huffed, cracking his knuckles. Evlyn began to cry from fear and anger, she knew he was crazy but not this unstable

"You guys are no fun" the last of Allen's friends finally spoke up, he continued eating as if nothing was happening "The bitch is obviously a hooker. This is just a bit to get her wet"

"She's not a fucking hooker you degenerate piece of shit!" Taehyung roared, flipping the man's plate over making him stand up. Taehyung was not a fighter but he wasn't a punk, he'd always defend those that were close to him even if it meant getting physical

"You fucking psycho" Evlyn grunted as she drove the pointy heel she was wearing into the toe part of Allen's shoe. The initial stab of pain was enough for him to loosen his grip on her but not before the blade sliced a quick, shallow line on her neck.

She elbowed him in the stomach and ran into Jungkook's arms but the embrace was short lived as he pushed her body behind him, shielding her from Allen's lunge. Jungkook tackled the deranged man to the ground leaving Evlyn once again exposed until Taehyung took her, dragging her from the kitchen. Evlyn's right side was jerked back by the first man she saw coming down the stairs

"Where do you think you're goin' sweetheart?" he asked, using all her strength to pull her from Tae's grasp "We paid for you and I want my money's worth"

"Paid for me? What the fuck?" she confusingly questioned, tugging against him finally slipping from him and falling into Tae

"Here" he said, handing her his phone and a recording device "Go hide and call the police!"

"But what about you and Kook?" she asked shaking her head

"Don't worry about us, just go" he pushed her away before being spun around and having a fist connect with his face "Fucking go!" he screamed at her as blood began to leak from his mouth

"Shit" she kicked off the heels and ran behind the first door she found down the hall, locking it behind her. The maid could hear the men shouting and brawling right out the door, in her panicked state she fumbled with his phone "Calm down, calm down" she told herself as she opened the keypad on the device and dialed 911

The call wouldn't go through "What? No, no, no, come on!" she called again but it still wouldn't go through "Emergency calls should still connect... Wifi! I need to connect to the wifi"

Hearing a hard thud against the wall startled her, making it hard to think as she tried to remember the password. Evlyn frantically paced as she tried to input what she could remember into the necessary field on the screen but it wasn't coming to her. Her eyes darted all over the room, looking for something useful whether it was a phone, a way out or a weapon. She noticed it was his old office after finding the light switch and began digging through the drawers of his desk until she came across a medium black case, it was locked but based on the size and shape she knew what was inside.

"Key, key, where's the key?" She found them in the long slim drawer right underneath the top of the desk and opened it, she picked up the gun, carefully, knowing it was heavier than it looked. Evlyn was no stranger to guns, she used to go the shooting range often after moving to the city 7 years ago.

After making sure it was loaded and that the safety was on she tucked it into the waist of her skirt. Noticing the old phone on the desk got her excited until she saw that all the cords were disconnected from it and nowhere to be found. She banged on the desk, frustrated, tears flowed from her red eyes as she wracked her brain trying to think of what she could do. Before she could arrive at a solution she heard Jungkook yelling for her to open up while pounding on the door, quickly she opened it and helped him pull Taehyung inside before shutting it again .

Allen beat on the door like a wild animal trying to viciously attack its prey, she was terrified and shaking by now. Jungkook sat his boyfriend up against a wall and studied his face, he could tell just by looking that his nose was broken.

"Oh my god," Evlyn kneeled next to Jungkook, fresh tears spilling "I'm so sorry"

"Kitten, this is not your fault. He's a fucking lunatic who's never been told no" Tae rebutted "Don't apologize for him"

"B-but it's because of you that you're even in the mess, he said if I came to work for him that he would leave Jimin and Hoseok alone" she sobbed "I didn't think he would get you two involved" Jungkook wrapped her up in a strong hug, rubbing her back to get her to calm down

"Evlyn we came here pretty much knowing you would be here, we came to rescue you. Were you able to call the police?" he asked, freeing her from his familiar embrace

"The call wouldn't con-connect" she sniffled

"Damn," he checked his watch, the face of it cracked but it still worked "There is still fifteen minutes before Jimin and Hoseok call for us"

"Wait, what? They know I'm here too?"

"Yeah, when we got the invite Tae told Jimin and even though he wasn't supposed to say anything just yet he told Hobi. With the help of a private investigator they went to the police and we came up with a plan but I didn't think everything would go so bad so fast. We told them if we couldn't get you out in an hour to send backup"

"Oh my-" she cut herself off by crashing her lips into his "I love you guys so much. Oh, I found this" she pulled the gun from her waist. Kook took it from her and placed in on his back

"Let's hope we don't need to use it" Taehyung started coughing and groaning, holding his side which prompted Jungkook to move his hand and raise his shirt, the bruising indicated fracture rib "Damnit Tae, I think you might have a fractured rib or two, at the very least severely bruised. I told you to run"

"And leave you by yourself? Fuck no, I'll survive" he winced from the pain of trying to straighten his posture

"Stop that before you do more damage" Evlyn scolded him "What are we going to do for the next 13 minutes?"

"Hoping we can just wait it out here but it's gone quiet out there and that can't be a good sign. Do you know if he has any other guns in the house?" Kook inquired, looking around the room

"I don't know, I just happened to find this one in the desk but I think we should assume he does" she answered

The younger male put one of the chairs that sat in front of the desk under the dork knob for added security. Upon further inspection he also found a bottle of scotch and some painkillers, it wasn't much but he made his boyfriend take 3 with a generous swallow of the well-aged liquor to try to counter the pain he was in.

"How much time is left now?" Evlyn asked anxiously

"Ten minutes"

"Fuck" she cursed rubbing her temples. The room grew quiet but not for long, a menacing tapping on the outside of the big wooden door

"Evlyn? Look I'm sorry, I overreacted and I shouldn't have put a knife to your throat. Why don't you come out so we can talk hmm?" Allen's voice was malicious and threatening

"Fuck off! You were going to let those assholes rape me"

"Only if you resisted, we just wanted to have some fun" Her face contorted in absolute horror, he was truly sick in the head "I even invited two of your little gay boyfriends to make you comfortable. I thought if they were here it wouldn't turn ugly but I was obviously wrong" he snorted

Jungkook wasn't going to take any chances so he pulled the gun out and unclasped the safety, "Allen, I'm giving you one last chance to stop this shit and let us go" he spoke sternly

"Now Jungkook, you know I can't let you just walk out of here. So, either you all come out or we come in"

"No fucking way"

"Taehyung is not in great shape so you can't stay in there forever

"We don't need forever just 7 minutes" He signaled for Evlyn to get down on the ground and moved to the stand against the wall where the door would open

"Seven minutes in heaven, cute" one of the other guys teased as if anything about the current situation was funny

"What's happening in seven minutes Kookie, you can't call anyone so what's the countdown for?"

"Police were alerted before we even got here and if you come in this I will blow you fucking brains out" he cocked the gun so he could here it

"Oh? Little Kookie all big and bad with a gun, well let's see if you're willing to risk you career and life for a whore"

"Yeah let's see" he taunted


Lola's Notes: 😅 now how the hell are they gonna escape this? Or will they?

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