If Only We Knew - Camp Cretac...

Av anokwriter69

154K 3.5K 7.1K

(Y/N) is a normal kid who just turned 16, with a 30 million subscribers on your gaming YouTube channel that h... Mer

Prologue: A Couple Weeks Off
ep. 1 Camp Cretaceous
ep. 2 Secrets
ep. 3 The Cattle Drive
ep. 4 Things Fall Apart
ep. 5 Happy Birthday, Eddie!
ep. 6 Welcome to Jurassic World
ep. 7 Last Day of Camp
ep. 8 End of the Line
s. 2 ep. 1 A Beacon of Hope
s. 2 ep. 2 The Art of Chill
s. 2 ep. 3 The Watering Hole
s.2 ep. 4 Salvation
s. 2 ep. 5 Brave
s. 2 ep. 6 Misguided
s. 2 ep. 7 Step One
s. 2 ep. 8 Chaos Theory
s. 2.5 ep. 1 Broken Dreams
s. 2.5 ep. 2 Kayaks
s. 2.5 ep. 4 More Gyrospheres
s.2.5 ep. 5 Yaz's Bad "Find a Helicopter and Learn to Fly it Ourselves" Plan
s. 2.5 ep. 6 Brooklynn's Let's Go Back into the Tunnel and Look for a Phone Idea
s. 2.5 ep. 7 Take My Breath Away
s. 2.5 ep. 8 Hidden Adventure
s. 3 ep. 1 View from the Top
s. 3 ep. 2 Safe Harbor
s. 3 ep. 3 Casa De Kenji
s. 3 ep. 4 Clever Girl
s. 3 ep. 5 Eye of the Storm
s. 3 ep. 6 The Long Run
s. 3 ep. 7 A Shock to the System
s. 3 ep. 8 Escape from Isla Nublar
s. 3 ep. 9 Whatever It Takes
s. 3 ep. 10 Stay on Mission
s. 4 ep. 1 Beneath the Surface
s. 4 ep. 2 At Least...
s. 4 ep. 3 Turning Dr. Turner
s. 4 ep. 4 Rude Awakening
s. 4 ep. 5 The Long Game
s. 4 ep. 6 Mission Critical
s. 4 ep. 7 Staying Alive
s. 4 ep. 8 Technical Difficulties
s. 4 ep. 9 Dino-Sitting
s. 4 ep. 10 Taking Control
s. 4 ep. 11 Who's the Boss?
s. 5 ep. 1 Reunited
s. 5 ep. 2 The Final Test
s. 5 ep. 3 Battle Lines
s. 5 ep. 4 Evasive Action
s. 5 ep. 5 Shaky Ground
s. 5 ep. 6 Out of the Pack
s. 5 ep. 7 The Leap
s. 5 ep. 8 Clean Break
s.5 ep. 9 The Core
s. 5 ep. 10 Arrival
s. 5 ep. 11 The Last Stand
s. 5 ep. 12 The Nublar Seven... Part 1
s. 5 ep. 12 The Nublar Seven... Part 2
Epilogue ep. 1 Welcome Home
Epilogue ep. 2 Stargazer

s. 2.5 ep. 3 Gyrospheres

2.3K 62 104
Av anokwriter69

At the time of me starting to write this chapter, we're at 6.9k reads. Nice. Sorry, this one was a little late. I normally start writing these on Wednesdays once I get the storyline, I want in my head but this week I was flying home and my flight got delayed 5 hours. I know. It was such a long delay that it was Thursday morning when I landed. It was fucking ridiculous. I was too jet-lagged to do anything Thursday and was passed out on Friday, so I had a fun week. Thanks for 6k and 7k reads. Seeing this story get so much support has been a joy. It's finally July and we'll get season 5 soon. It's gonna be great. Just a reminder, your comments are welcome, so if you want to throw something in the comments, I read them all and respond to a lot of them. For example, I dared @Fulcrum103 to do CinamaSins for every chapter of this story after they made a joke about it in the comments and it's really funny to see the cliche-ness of my writing pointed out but also just things that are stupid about the actual show. Keep up the good work, Fulcrum, you rebel scum. Remember to eat some waffles and tell your mother you love her. Enjoy. BTW happy 4th of July American readers. And everyone else... don't worry, even us Americans hate America.

POV: (y/n)

"Camp meeting time!" Darius shouted as we gathered around the chalkboard.

"Yay," I said, dryly.

"Anyone have any new plans today?"

"Yes!" Kenji said with excitement.

"What is it?" I asked skeptically.

"What if we build a giant catapult to launch us across the ocean to Costa Rica?"

We all stared at him blankly.

"You have to be joking," Yaz said.

"Great, we're all in agreement. I'll start collecting materials and-" he said, beginning to stand up.

"Sit down you dumb fuck." I said, slapping the back of his head.

"Ow..." He complained.

"Any actual Ideas?" I asked.

"I do. I think a raft is our best bet." Darius said.

I nodded. "You couldn't have mentioned that before he started talking?" I asked, gesturing to Kenji.

Darius continued, "It might take a while to find enough materials, but I think we can do it."

"I agree." Said Brooklynn. The others nodded.

"There's bamboo supports all over the island we can use. As well as the barrels at the veterinary center. Even extra tires from random cars could work. We can definitely do it." I said with confidence.

Darius smiled.

"But" I added, "You're right. It will take a while to make 'er seaworthy. In the meantime, we should work on other escape methods just in case. Any ideas."

The other campers were silent for a moment, until...

"Oh! Me! Me!" Kenji said, raising his hand.

I sighed, "Is it stupid?"

Kenji lowered his hand. Then quickly raised it again when he got another idea.

"Does it involve a catapult?" I asked.

His hand dropped.

"Anyone? Ideas?" I continued

"Well..." Yaz started,

I nodded at her to continue.

"I was thinking, there's gotta be vehicles on the island still, right? Like, obviously cars and stuff but what about helicopters? We saw Masrani fly one. It can't be the only one, right? ACU must have some." She explained.

"You really think we can learn to fly a helicopter?" Brooklynn asked.

Yaz gave her a quick glare, "As a matter of fact, I do. There's gotta be a manual or something around here somewhere?"

"Unlikely. I actually have a great plan." Brooklynn said with gusto.

"What is it? Rob the coffee shop for the espresso machine?" Yaz commented

Oh god. Here we go again. I thought with a shiver.

"Hardy har har. My plan is to go back into the tunnels and find a damn working phone." Brooklynn explained.

"Are you insane?" Yaz asked.

"Yeah, not so sure about that one B.," Darius said.

"Come on. We know the tunnels well enough by now. Dinosaurs probably don't hang down there much anymore because there's no food. Plus, we can map it out on paper. It will be good for the future if it doesn't work out. Yaz aren't you a good enough drawer to amp it out? Or is that too hard for you?" Brooklynn said, instegatively

"Excuse me?" Yaz said angrily.

"Ok, that's enough out of you two," I said, stepping forward

"Guys, relax, we're a team," Darius said, joining me.

"Fine," Brooklynn said "(y/n), what plan do you think we should do?"

You bitch. Why do women always try to make you take sides? I thought

I thought for a moment considering the pros and cons of the two situations. Then I noticed Kenji raising his hand excitedly. I sighed, "Is it stupid, or involve a catapult?"


"Fine. What is it?"

"What if we throw someone in a gyrosphere and see if it floats?"

I stopped for a moment, then looked at him shocked.

"What?" He asked.

"Sorry. I've just never heard you have an idea that is good or useful. That might just work. Alright, I'm down. Someone come with me and we'll get the gyrosphere from the docks."

"I'll come!" Yaz and Brooklynn said at the same time causing them to look over and glare at each other.

Yeah, I'm not gonna get in the middle of that a second time.

"Sammy! Thanks for volunteering. Come with me."

"Oh, I didn't-" She started.

"Thanks for volunteering," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, Ok." She said and made her way down the stairs.

The two other girls watched her go down the ladder, glared at each other, then stalked off to opposite sides of the fort.

I sighed and pulled Darius, Kenji, and Ben aside, "Please, go map out a spot to test the gyrophere's floatiness."

"Floatiness? You mean buoyancy?" Ben asked.

"Shut up, Ben. Also, make sure those two don't kill each other." I said pointing to B. and Yaz.

"Will do, boss," Kenji said with a salute.

I turned to the ladder and climbed down. "Ready?" I asked Sammy.

"Sure am! Let's go!" She replied. And with that, we were off on another dangerous adventure.


We walked through the jungle towards the docks at a quick pace. The day was humid, so I pulled off my hoodie and tied it around my waist like it was middle school all over again. Then Sammy decided to break the silence. "Ok, so, you wanna talk?"

"Uh, sure, is there-" I started,

"Oh, I knew it!" She said,

"What?" I said, confused.

"I knew you liked Brooklynn! And now you need my help! I can totally help you ask her out! She really-"

"Whoa, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah. Slow down, cowgirl. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Well, you obviously like Brooklynn. You just need a little help. That's why you asked me to come with you." She explained.

I started laughing and stopped walking to lean against a tree to catch my breath.

"What?" Sammy asked, offended.

"Sorry, sorry. I just- I asked you to come out here to avoid getting in between Yaz and Brooklynn's fight."

Sammy stared at me blankly for a second, then began laughing too. "Ohhhhhhhhh! I'm such a ding-dong."

Once we composed ourselves, we continued walking but Sammy wasn't done with me yet. "But... You do like Brooklynn, don't you?"

"Uh... as a person, yeah. She's a good friend, does not have terrible ideas, smart, funny."

"I know that, but, you know, do you 'like' like her?" She asked with a smirk.

"Sammy, do you really think trying to survive on dinosaur island is really the time to be developing feelings for people?" I asked

She continued smirking. "That wasn't a no."

I sighed with frustration, "You're not letting this go, are you?"

"So, you do like her."

"No. We're friends."


"I don't know, Sammy." I said, annoyed, "Once again, she's a good friend but right now is not a good time to develop relationships."

"Well, I think you two would make a great couple."

"My god you're worse than a Wattpad writer."

Ouch! Self-roast.

"(y/n), you spend the most time with her. You're basically inseparable. We both saw that one time you two were snuggling."

"We weren't snuggling!" I said with a blush, "She rolled over in her sleep and got a little too close to me. Stop trying to make things weird."

"So, you don't 'like' like her?" she asked disappointed,

"No, I don... I... I don't like..." I struggled to get my words out and Sammy noticed. She gave me a big smile and started bouncing up and down.

"Awwwwwwww! You do like her!"

"That's not what I-" I couldn't stop her. I could see the gears in her head already thinking of a ship name. "Relax," I said.

"You have to ask her out." She said excitedly

"Ok, calm down. Even if this was happening, which it is not, ask her out where? To the nearest large rock to eat peaches out of a can and whatever beef jerky, we can scrounge up this week? Come on Sammy. Be realistic. I cannot commit to a relationship right now even if I wanted to."

"You mean 'want to.' because you definitely want to ask her out."

"Ok, that's enough out of you. We have a mission to complete."

"Fine, but I know the truth y'all!"

I sighed and rubbed my temples as I continued towards the dock.

"Don't worry." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Your secret is safe with me."

"Great," I said,

I'm fucked.


POV: Yaz

Brooklynn is always so annoying. I thought. I was sitting on the couch lost in thought, so much so that I didn't notice Darius walking up beside me.

"Hey, Yaz?" He asked.

I looked up at him in surprise and quickly replied, "Yeah?"

"Um... you know the raft plan? I was wondering if you could sketch it. Just so we know what we're working towards."

"Uh, yeah, totally," I said, absentmindedly

"Are you ok, Yaz? You seem a bit off lately," he asked.

"Uh... yeah. I think I'm just tired. You know, late nights working to help (y/n) walk again, supply runs, all the normal shit we do."

"I guess. It's just this morning you and Brooklynn seemed a little... hostile."

I huffed, "Brooklynn is just being Brooklynn and that annoys me. She always acts like she knows better than everyone. I mean, (y/n) kinda does that too but at least it's more logic based. And he's funny. Brooklynn just acts like a spoiled brat sometimes. You know?"

"Um... Yeah, not really gonna get involved in that. I know that not everyone isn't super on board with the whole 'camp fam for life' thing or whatever, but we all need to work together and at least get along like friends. Even you and Brooklynn."

"Me and her just don't mix well. (y/n) is much better at-"

"I know, I know. Just, please, try to come to a peace with her, for everyone else's sake."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

The whir of a gyrosphere became audible as we looked out and saw Sammy and (y/n) riding up in the beat-up gyrosphere.

"Hey, y'all!" Sammy called up.

"Oh, good, the camp's not on fire!" (y/n) joked.

"How's the condition of the gyrosphere?" Darius asked.

"Um... a little beat up and she still has a bit of a left tilt, but she should be good for a test run." (y/n) replied while climbing up the ladder.

"Good tomorrow we'll test her out. Kenji, Ben, can you guys start patching up the cracks in the glass with the duct tape?"

"Sure," Kenji replied boardly.

"Brooklynn, Sammy, and (y/n). I need you guys to get some chores done around camp. Me and Yaz will work on the model of the raft."

I crossed my arms, mad that Brooklynn would be probably alone with (y/n) again.

"Alright. Come on team, let's roll." (y/n) said, gesturing at the two girls.

Brooklynn caught my eye with a glare, then turned and followed (y/n). I glared at the back of Brooklynn's head as she headed for the ladder. Why is she always so bratty? I felt Darius's hand on my shoulder.

"Ready for some drawing?" he asked.

I sighed, "Sure,"


POV: (y/n)

I pulled the water jug out of the river when it was about three-quarters full. I then dragged it over to the other two I had already filled and began filling the fourth one. I looked around and smiled at the jungle. The plants were always so interesting to me. Twisting green shapes with splashes of color from the odd flower. I didn't realize I was overfilling until it was too late.

"Shit," I said and began to pull it up with trouble. I dug my legs in and heaved up, pulling the jug onto land and falling back. I knocked the jug over and spilled about half before I could tip it up again. "Damn it," I said, still sitting on the ground.

"Need some help?" Brooklynn asked, walking up and holding her hand out.

"Heh, thanks," I replied, taking her hand. "You already finished?"

She pulled me up and smiled, "Yeah. Taking inventory of the food doesn't take that long. I kinda just go, 'ok, Kenji is gonna eat a whole crate of food and the rest of us will share one crate of food.'"

I laughed a little then turned and looked out at the jungle again.

"Distracted much?"

"A little. Just admiring the jungle. Honestly, minus the dinosaurs this isn't a bad place to get stranded."

"You like to stay positive?"

"Only when it's logical. We've survived out here for... however long now. We should all audition for Survivor Jr."

"I don't know. We'll run out of food eventually. I'm worried about what will happen if no one finds us." she said solemnly.

"Hey, we'll be fine. We just gotta keep fighting."

She smiled. "There's the fighter. Your dad would be proud of how many hits you've taken for your friends."

I smiled sorrowfully. She's probably right. "Heh, thanks, Brooklynn."

"Come on. I'll help you drag these back before Yaz gets pissed at you two for no reason."

"Come on, Brooklynn. Why are you so hostile towards her?" I said, pausing and waiting for a response.

"She starts it. All she does is get mad at me cus I'm famous."She looked up and saw that I wasn't gonna move until we talked about this.

"What's the real reason B.?"

She sighed, "I don't know. We're very different people and some people just don't get along."

"I get that, but I think you two could be really good friends if you tried."

"How would I do that?"

"Just be friendly, stop questioning her on everything, and for the love of God, stop getting into fights. You're pulling this team apart."

She looked at me with a worried and confused look. "I'm not good with people, (y/n)."

"You were good with me."

"You're different (y/n). I wouldn't even know where to start with her."

"Try the show you guys like, Esther Stone."

"I don't know..."

"At least promise me you'll make an attempt to argue less with her."

She smiled, "Fine, I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, you big goofball, let's get these back."


The next day we all stood near a watering hole. Not 'The Watering Hole' but one that was used less frequently by the dinosaurs. This way we could test the gyrosphere tactic safely. Or at least as safe as you can in Jurassic World.

"Are you sure about this?" Brooklynn asked

"About driving a hamster ball into a pond? No, not at all." I replied.

"But you're gonna do it any-"

"I'm gonna do it anyway." I finished.

Brooklynn threw up her hands and walked away from the gyrosphere as I climbed in. Darius came up to me with Yaz in toe. "Just drive it around and see if it's buoyant and if you can control it, ok?"

"Gotcha," I replied.

"What happens if he sinks?" Yaz asked worriedly.

"Guess I'll die," I said, simply.

"That's not funny." She replied.

"I'll be fine. Just give me something hard to smash the glass with, in case of an emergency."

Darius perked up and turned to the others. "Hey, Brooklynn! Can we borrow your bat?"

"Sure!" She called back and tossed it to Darius who handed it to me.

"Alright. Let's do this." I said

"You got this, (y/n)," Darius said and walked off which left me with Yaz.

"Please be safe." She pleaded.

"I won't drown," I replied nonchalantly.

"What makes you so confident?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I smirked at her, "Cus I would never die like a pussy." I gave her a small salute and closed the hatch.

'I won't die like a pussy.' The official cool one-liner of fanfics trying to be edgy,

I tapped a couple buttons on the screen and the gyrosphere hummed to life. Slowly, I pushed the joystick forward and eased into the water.

Come on. Come on. Please don't sink. I thought.

The gyrosphere made it to open water where it floated, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard muffled cheering to my right and saw the gang jumping up and down and cheering.

A muffled, "Can you control the direction!" Came from Darius.

"I'll test it!" I yelled back.

I took hold of the joystick once again and started moving around in the water. My direction wasn't as controllable as I would have wanted, but it might just work.

"I can't believe this is working." I laughed and gave a couple of thumbs up to the others. Then I felt something wet seep into my shoes. I looked down and saw water pooling at the bottom of the ball. "Fuckkkkkkkkkkk." I groaned. The ball began to fill up quickly and was riding lower in the water. "Why did we think these were built for water?"

As I tried to drive back to shore the water slowed me down to the point where I was making no progress. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fu- Oh, wait, baseball bat," I said, picking up Brooklynn's weapon of choice. "Just like your T-ball days. Ay batter, batter! Swing!"


POV: Brooklynn

"Someone help him!" I said.

"How?" Kenji replied.

"I don't know!"


The glass shattered as (y/n) smashed the glass with the bat we gave him, swam out, and splashed back to shore.

"Damn it! Why did we think that would work?" He yelled as he trudged up onto the shore.

I ran forward and hugged him tightly.

"Jesus, B. I wasn't even close to dying that time."

"I know. Just, every goddamn time it gives me a heart attack." I replied

"Ok, mom. You can let me go now."

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I said releasing him and trying to hide my blush, "Ugh, you're all wet."

"Oh really? I didn't notice."

"Well..." Darius interrupted, "It was a good attempt. You ok, (y/n)?"

"Yeah. I'll live. Let's just get back to camp." He grumbled.

As he and the rest of us began to walk off I felt a gaze searing into the back of my head. I turned and saw Yaz giving me a glare before she walked off after the others.

"What is her deal lately?" I asked myself before following the others back to camp.


POV: (y/n)

I rested with my eyes closed feeling the warm, setting sun on my face. The humidity had gone down, and an ocean breeze had begun to blow through the island. It was nice. Just being alone listening to the jungle and taking a moment of peace. So of course...

"Hey, how's it going?" Yaz asked, walking up to me and ruining the silence.

I opened one eye to look at her standing over me. "I'm fine," I replied. My clothes were still damp from the gyrosphere incident, so I was lying on a rock not too far from camp trying to dry off in the setting sun.

"I know you're 'fine' but are you... fine?"

I turned to her with a deadpan expression and said, "The fuck does that mean?"

"I don't know. I mean I see that you've recovered from your bullet wound well."

"Well-ish. Still hurts to turn my upper body."

"Well besides that are you doing good?"

"Yeah, I guess. How bout you?"

She stayed silent for a moment, pondering the question. "I'm alright. Really tired, but alright. Having you and the others around helps a lot. Keeps me from going crazy."


"Other than that, I'm kinda just... surviving. The only thing that really sucks right now is Brooklynn. She's been getting on my nerves lately."

"Yeah, I noticed you two were back to glaring at each other. It's not about her phone again, right."

"Oh, God no. I just think me and her aren't very... compatible."

"Why?" I said, confused "I think you guys could be great friends."

"I don't know. We come from two very opposite worlds. She's all famous and phone-obsessed and... pink."

"You sound like an emo," I said with a smirk.

"Shut up." She giggled, "She got success in early life and kinda parades it around. I mean, did you see how she acted when Mitch and Tiff didn't know who she was?"

"Honestly, I don't think you two are so different."

"You think I'm a phone-obsessed-"

"That's not what I mean. Yaz, you're not that far from famous. You're a running prodigy and just like her, there's probably some public uproar that you're missing. You two both like coffee, you're both creative types, coffee, -"

"How is she a creative type?"

"Trust me, editing is an art form. You're both very funny, you're both committed to your craft, you really miss coffee."

"I think we all miss coffee."

"True. I get it, she can be a bit bratty sometimes-"

"A lot of times."

"Ok, and you can be really bitchy sometimes Yaz," I said, exasperated.


"Sorry, sorry. I'm just... really tired."

"Sounds like you miss coffee."

I laughed, "See Yaz? I do the Youtube stuff too and you get along with me fine, right?"

"Yeah, but it's different with you-"

"Right?" I emphasized

She glared at me, "Right."

"See? So just, please, try to get along better with her."

She sighed, "Fine."

I threw my hands in the air "Victory!" I shouted.

"Relax." She said with a chuckle.

"This is the crowning achievement of my life! I might actually solve a girl fight peacefully!" I exclaimed standing on top of the rock.

Yaz laughed at my shenanigans.

"What are we talking about?" Brooklyn asked, walking up to us.

"Oh, Yaz was just asking me how I was feeling," I said.

"Mhmm." Brooklynn said, "Well, how are you feeling?"

"He's fine Brooklynn," Yaz said.

"I didn't ask you." Brooklynn retorted.

"Hey, Woah! Hostile much? There's no need for that." I said trying to de-escalate the conversation.

"He doesn't need your help to answer, Yaz," Brooklynn said.

"Yeah, and he doesn't need you being his mom 24/7. You might as well kiss his boo-boo's and make him a damn lunch every day." Yaz replied.

"Ok, enough!" I shouted. They both stopped and stared at me with wide eyes. "You two are so fucking annoying! Not just one of you. Both! You're giving me a headache! For the love of God, I don't know what's wrong between the two of you but stop bringing me into it!" I stormed off back towards camp not looking back.

"(y/n), wait!" Brooklynn called after me.

"I don't wanna hear it! Figure your shit out!"

Just for a moment, I thought I got to them but It's always the same bull shit.


POV: Brooklynn

I lay in bed looking up at the stars, alone. (y/n) would normally point some out to me if I asked but tonight, he was sleeping on the couch to avoid me or Yaz. With a sigh, I rolled over on my side and looked out across the jungle. I felt bad about starting an argument. I should have known (y/n) would get pissed at that. I kept replaying what he said to us in my mind.

"For the love of God, I don't know what's wrong between the two of you but stop bringing me into it!"

"I don't know what's wrong between the two of you but stop bringing me into it!"

"stop bringing me into it!"

That's the problem (y/n). I thought. I think you're the center of it already.

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