Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

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Mafia Princess Sapphire Davidson has been on the run from her father since the death of her mother. She decid... More

Bonus Chapter


772 39 6
By xxJulyLoveAllen


I woke up hearing beeping and I felt an iv in my arm. I snatched it out and sat up making me wince. I put my hand up to my head when I started feeling light-headed.

"Lay back down" Tyler said putting his hand on my shoulder making me lay down.

"Where's Kellis?"

"She's safe, they got to her"

I took a deep breath but then looked up to Tyler "Raphael? Where's Raphael?" I looked up at him. He took a deep breath and I felt tears coming into my eyes. I started shaking my head "No, no, no. Don't you fucking say it Tyler" I started crying "I don't want to hear it," I said trying to get out of the bed.

He grabbed my shoulder pushing me back "He's fine" I took a deep breath "We just don't know when he'll wake up. He's in really bad shape Sapphire"

"But he's okay, right?"

"He's in a coma"

My eyes started watering again "No, no, no, no. What am I supposed to do without him?"

"He'll be fine Sapphire. Just give him some time."

Kellis and the nurse walked in "Where are we?" I asked Tyler.

"Safe house"

"I need to speak with Mrs.Guerrero regarding Mr.Guerrero. Alone."

Tyler and Kellis hesitated but left.

She stood up straighter "if you tell me he's dead or getting worst I'm going to kill you and everyone you love"

"No" she stood closer "Mrs.Guerrero are you aware that you're pregnant?"

"Nope" I said popping the p.

I mean it's not like we used condoms, and I wasn't on birth control. I'm not really surprised. In fact at the rate we was going, I knew a baby was coming next.

"Well you are. I'm going to get an ultrasound machine set up so we can see how far along you are. Then we can go from there" She got up and left

I laid back and I hissed in pain from my back. I reached around and felt a patch of gauze.

Damn he did shoot me.

Then I remembered "Greetings from your father"

If I wasn't going to kill him then I most definitely am now.

Raphael was in a coma.

Tyler was shot.

Kellis almost got hurt.

And he put my baby in danger.

After the nurse left and let me hear my baby's heart beat. She gave me a due date, June 15th.

I was 7 weeks pregnant.

And Raphael was in a coma.

I started screaming and knocking shit over throwing whatever I could get my hands on, Tyler came rushing in and grabbing me.

"Hey Calm down, Calm down" I fell into his arms crying.

"What if he doesn't wake up?"

"You know he is Sapph," He said stroking my hair. "You know Raphael will"

I felt another pair of arms wrap around me and I cried harder "Everything's going to be okay" Kellis said to me.

I just want my Raphael.


It's been 2 weeks since Raphael has been in a coma and it's been hard on everybody.

But Sapphires taking it the worst.

She won't talk to anybody.

She won't leave the bedroom.

I have to threaten her with the baby to get her to eat.

I have to tell her that Raphael would want her taking her medicine.

She's just as lifeless as him right now.

I've been tortured before but this is honestly the most painful thing I've been through.

I called her mom and Yegor to see if her mom can snap her out of it and hopefully they'll be here soon.

I walked in Kellis and my bedroom "Can you come with me to give Sapphire her food and meds?" I asked her.

She nodded her head looking up at me "Yeah baby just give me a second" She got up running to the bathroom throwing up. "J-Just give me a second"

And on top of all of this Kellis is fucking sick as hell.

"I'll just go babe, just get back in bed and I'll bring you some soup up" I stood in the doorway watching her throw up.

She gave me a thumbs up.

I grabbed her rag and wet it with warm water and sitting it on her neck.

"I love you" She said trying to catch her breath.

"I love you too" I kissed her forehead.

I knocked on Sapphire and Raphael's door and opened it with my bomb ass hand skills. I had a tray of food and meds in my other hand.

Tell me that isn't talented.

I was immediately met with Sapphire holding a gun to my face.

"Is he up?" She asked not putting the gun down.

"You need to eat and take your meds, Sapphire," I said gently.

She held the gun straighter and cocked it back "Is he fucking up Tyler!" She yelled and wiped tears off her face.

Sapphire looked a mess.

I guess that's what happens when the person you love is in a bed fighting for his life.

"You want to fucking lose this baby girl?" Starlight came in yelling at her.

Sapphire pointed the gun at her mom and Starlight rolled her eyes "Girl you ain't gone shoot shit this way put the fucking gun down and fucking eat" She snatched the gun out of Sapphire's hand and put it down on the table.

Starlight pulled her into a hug and Sapphire started crying "I miss him. I just want him back."

"I know, but you need to pull it together for him and this baby," Starlight told her while holding her face "You need to pull it together Sapphire." She said more stern this time.

Sapphire started grabbing at her hair "Get out! Get the fuck out!" She grabbed the gun shooting at the floor "Leave me alone!"

Starlight shook her head and walked out. I left and closed the door sighing. "I don't know what else to do"

"Let me talk to moy dragotsennyy ogon'. She hurt. I know pain. I talk to her. Make her strong woman again" Yegor said.


I heard the door open and I pulled the covers up over my head.

"If your not here to tell me Raphael is up get out"

"No do moy dragotsennyy ogon'"

I pulled the cover off my head and turned around and looked at Yegor, he sat on the edge of the bed "No sex here, right?"

I started chuckling "No sex"

"Good" He moved closer and laid my head into his lap "You daughter, mine. Of course. So I tell you story. To help. No interrupt understand moy dragotsennyy ogon'"

I nodded my head "I understand"


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