The Story Remains the Same ~...

By jewelsTHEbatkid

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its about a girl named Hazel Cunningham shes from america, which means its gonna be written in americsaness a... More

The Story Remains the Same ~ A Led Zeppelin Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Authors Note....Sequel is Up

Chapter Thirty

356 10 6
By jewelsTHEbatkid

~Sunday Evening, Jimmy's POV~

After our show we headed back up north so that we could pick up Hazel from her house. We're going to finish the in Texas and then Hawaii. Hazel doesn't know that Mo, Maureen and Pat are going to meet us in Hawaii.

When we got back up north; Percy, Jones and Bonzo went to this motel called to Red Motel. Grant wanted to save some money. The taxi driver dropped off the others while I went to the local florist and then to Hazels house.

I walked out of the florist holding a beautiful bouquet of Cymbidium and Japhet Orchids, just like the ones I got her on our first date. I also had a box of chocolate for Hazel's mom. I would have gotten her a bouquet two but I don't know what kind of flowers she liked so I just stuck with a box of chocolate.

By the time I got to Hazel's house it was six in the evening. I'm sure Hazels home by now. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited a couple seconds before Christopher answered the door.

"Hello Christopher, may I come in?"

"Yeah sure" he said nonchalantly.

"Christopher, Caro, who's at the door?" Mrs. Cunningham asked from the kitchen.

"Oh it's Jimmy" he answered.

"Jimmy who?" Mrs. Cunningham asked again while walking into the living room wiping her hands on her apron, "Oh Hazels boyfriend."

"Yes that's me and you must me Mrs. Cunningham" I acknowledged politely "these are for you"

"Thank you Jimmy" she took the box of chocolate from my extended arm. "You didn't have to do that Caro."

"It was my pleasure."

Mrs. Cunningham led me into the kitchen while Christopher went into the basement. She took the Orchids from me and out them in a vase. She asked me if I was staying for dinner. I said of course. I haven't had a home cooked meal since the last time I was with my parents which was maybe almost a month ago. I sat at their kitchen table because I didn't know where else to sit.

"Jimmy, Caro, would you like something to drink, something to eat while I finish up cooking?"

"Umm I'll take a cup of tea please" I asked

"Sure you can Caro, milk and sugar?"

"Yes please. Thank you." I smiled after I started to get more relaxed in the chair I was sitting in.

"So Jimmy Hazel tells me you're in a band." She said once the tea was done.

"Yes I am." I spoke while making myself a cup of tea, I want to say we're big but we only have one album out... if you've heard it."

"I did, Lisa's been playing that thing since it came out. I've even caught her singing along to it multiple times already."

I smiled when she said that. It's always good to hear someone's listening to it. I'm sure there's quite a few people out there who listen to it.

At six thirty dinner was done. Christopher and Mr. Cunningham emerged from the basement laughing about. By the time the both of them we're in the dining room, I had already finished helping Mrs. Cunningham with setting the table. Mrs. Cunningham said I didn't have to set the table but I had instead.

"Hey Jimmy it's good to see you again." he spoke even though we saw each other just a few minutes ago, "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Christopher" I acknowledged his presence, "Me and the mates had a small amount of shows here and well Hazel decided to go to Woodstock so I decided to pick her up."

"Oh cool man that's..." Christopher said before Mr. Cunningham interrupted.

"Indeed cool man" he spoke with an Scottish American accent, "And you are?"

"James Page sir." I extended my hand to shake his, "I'm dating your daughter Hazel."

"Nice to meet you James." He accepted my hand shake with a little hesitation, "I'm sure you're treating my daughter very well?"

"Yes sir, she means everything to me."

"I'm sure she is." He spoke before sitting down at the head of the table.

I sat across from Christopher in the middle of the eight person dining table. Mrs. Cunningham put the meatloaf she cooked down before she sat on the other side of the the head of the table.

"In the name of the father, son and the Holy Spirit" Mr. Cunningham started to say grace, "Thank you lord for these thy gifts which we are about to receive through your bounty and son Jesus Christ."

"Amen" they chimed together but I didn't.

I felt a little unconfutable. I'm not one for religion nor am I religious.

"What's the matter Caro, you don't say a pray before you eat?" Mrs. Cunningham asked.

"Oh no. I'm Protestant and um we don't say grace" (AN:// I don't know if Jimmy is really not a religious person or is. But in this story he's not. Also I kinda made him a Protestant so... Plus I don't remember if you say grace in the Protestant religion)

"That's alright Caro, Jock wasn't Catholic till I married him." she spoke while heading out diner, "Jock had to convert to marry me."

"That's right honey. I remember trying to convert" Mr. Cunningham included.

"But I'm sure things have changed since."

After dinner Mrs. Cunningham asked Christopher to help her with the dishes while Mr. Cunningham asked me to come with him and have a word with him. I followed him down to the basement. The basement was like a small apartment. There was a fully stocked bar filled with probably all the types of brands. Hanging up around the bar was a couple family photos and a couple American football players. I still don't get the whole American football concept. How can a guy from Scotland like American football? Says the person how doesn't care much about sports. I continued to look around and saw that there was a television in the center of the room in front of the wall and also in the center of a stand type of thing that had a record player on top and a bunch of records in the shelves. A nice living room set up. Nothing fancy or anything just right. There was a book case filled with all sorts of books. The bookcase kinda looked like mine back in Pangbourne.

"So James do you drink?" Mr. Cunningham asked while pouring a small glass of whiskey.

"Uhm no sir" I lied.

"You sure James?" he said like he knew I was lying, "If my daughter been drinking since she was sixteen, I'm sure you drink."

"Yes sir I do" I replied back a bit nervously, "I don't know why I lied to you and said no."

"It's fine" he shrugged it off, "What do you prefer to drink?"

"Whiskey will be fine"

"So what is it you do for a living?"

"Well I play guitar for Led Zeppelin and I use to play with the Yardbirds, before that I was just a studio secession musician but when I was younger I had a fascination for biological research somewhat still do."

"So a rock star as you generation calls it these days" he let out in a disappointed way leaving out the biological research, "Are you having fun doing it?"

"Yes sir it's quite an experience."

"That's good" he said before taking a sip of his drink.

There was a long period of silence while we finished drinking our drinks. Mr. Cunningham isn't all that bad but scares the shit out of be a bit. He's serious but nice at the same time. Not like other birds dads while I dated their daughters. I couldn't help but stare at the 'football' players.

"I have a question to ask you sir." I spoke trying to break the silence and make small talk.

"It's not my daughters hand in marriage?" he asked with a serious look, "Because I would say no since you guys just started to date each other according to Lisa."

"Oh no sir. I love your daughter but I do believe it's too early to ask." I answered with a slight chuckle, "I was wondering, since you're from Scotland how come you have American football players hanging up?"

"Ah good question lad. When I came to America back in '49, a year before Hazel was born I just got a job and they wanted me to go on a business trip to Chicago to see if I was ready and while I was there I was walking around and notice these men playing against each other and hitting each other. I stopped and continued watching the game and asked the person next to me what the game was called and he said football. Quiet and amazing game and an amazing team. Kind of sucks they haven't won a championship since '65."

"Ah makes sense no sir."

"James you don't have to call me Sir."

"Sorry sir. I was raised to call people sir and ma'am." I spoke with nervous tone. Why was I so nervous, I'm never nervous.

"It's alright James." He said with a smile, "I like the way you were raised."

"I do two, sir."

"Alright, well I think we should head back upstairs before the Mrs. thinks I killed you for dating our daughter."

I laughed at what he said. I tried not to sound nervous but most likely failed. I put down my glass after I took one last swig of my drink. I wanted to finish the drink nut didn't think it was appropriate to do.

I followed Mr. Cunningham up the stairs and into the living room where Christopher and Mrs. Cunningham sitting and watching the news. They had a nice living room. It was modern but not too modern if you know what I mean. I sat on the same couch Christopher was sitting on. It was a very comfortable. It was a floral design of roses and was a tan color. It went somewhat well with the white walls. Christopher had his eyes peeled on the screen and didn't notice I sat down. The news reporters where talking about the newest information about Vietnam. Another thing I didn't understand.

"Now onto pop culture." The news reporter spoke, "Today is the final day for the three day music festival up in Bethal, New York State also known as Woodstock that bands such as The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, and much more performed at."

"With heavy rain fall throughout the weekend up there, I'm surprised people stayed there" the news caster spoke with a surprise voice, "Now Jane, what about the four lads from Liverpool. How they doing?"

"Not so good Jim. In recent news the Beatles have called it quits and will perform their last show on September 30th. No word where it will happen. Most likely in Liverpool where the band originates from." (AN:// This actually happened in January 30th but lets say its September 30th)

Wow the Beatles are finally done. Not ten years of being big and they are done with each other. I hope that Zeppelin will end with a fallout of friendship. George, is a good friend of mine whom I meet through Clapton. He was saying that everyone hasn't been getting along with each other lately. They are always fighting in the studio about how John's changed since he started dating Yoko and he wouldn't admit it. He also told me that once Ringo would leave Paul would re-record the drumming tracks because Ringo supposedly couldn't keep the tempo.

"And that's pretty much what we have for pop culture this week, back to you Jim"

"Well that's quite interesting Becky." The news caster chuckled like it was some kinda of joke, "Now here's Tim with the weather."

The weather man just said some lies about the weather. Like any other weather man does. I got uninterested with the news so just stared blankly at the wall doing nothing.

~One in the Morning~

I couldn't fall asleep. She hasn't come back home yet and it was freaking me out. She said that she would be back Sunday night but it's early on a Monday. I paced back and forth hoping she would come through the doors. My mind just wouldn't let me sleep knowing Hazels not back. Pacing isn't going to help or anything so I just walked into the kitchen. I wanted a glass of water but couldn't find a cup to drink from. I rummaged through the dark kitchen cabinets for a cup but managed closing the too hard in a slight aggravated way.

"Jimmy, Caro, why are you up so late?" Mrs. Cunningham asked a bit quietly coming down the stairs.

"I can't fall asleep because Hazels not back yet and I'm nervous that something happened to her."

"Caro, I'm sure she's fine." She reassured me while grabbing and offering me one, "She might be sleeping at a hotel before she comes home."

"I hope she didn't go off with someone else." I tool the glass she offered me and filled it with water, "I don't know what I would do without her?"

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yes...yes I do Mrs. Cunningham." I smirked remembering the day we first made love, "Very much."

"Please call me Marie." She said sweetly, "And Jimmy, if you ever pop the question to my bella Hazel, you have my full promising to do so."

"Thank you Mrs. Cunn...Marie" I let out a sigh. I wasn't ready to settle down yet.

"Now Caro, go to bed"

"Yes Marie, goodnight."

After our small meet in the kitchen she went back up stairs. I walked back to the couch. Even though there was a guest room, I wanted to be the first thing Hazel saw when she walked in. I laid right back down trying to fall asleep while two major questions ran through my mind. Should I pop the question? Would she even say to me?

~Lisa's POV ~

Man Woodstock was amazing. I've been here for three days and no sleep and I feel alive. Plus most of the time I was tripped out so I didn't know what to do. Luckily my best friend Lori (AN:// Lori as in Lori Maddox) We manage to hitch-hike our way up here and made it. We hardly wore any clothes. Lori was wearing this black fringe of shirt and showed her stunning torso off. She also had on black shorts that fit her amazingly. For me, I wore a white almost cream dress that had two button by my chest and this lace tie type of thing that looked like a corset. It had fringes all over it and was quiet short. Man if my family saw me dressed like this I would for sure be grounded.

You know what... forget my family. I don't need them. I can always move out and go to LA and become a groupie with Lori. Before the end of the summer were going to leave. Lori meet up with this real time groupie named Pamela about the scene and even meet David Bowie. She even had a threesome with him and his wife. (AN:// I believe that actually happened. I remember reading it in Please Kill Me or on some weird website) I would kill someone to sleep with David Bowie.

Back Woodstock, we did a lot of acid. I mean a lot. Probably more than Sid Barret could ever do or even the kids in my class. We didn't go for the music and peace, we went for the drugs and more drugs. We got most of the acid from this guy named Leo. Sweet guy and all. All we had to do was flash our tits, give him a handy and blow job to get the acid. I didn't care really. Even before sleeping with Robert I didn't care. I just wanted my family to think I was this all around good child but really I wasn't. I screwed so many guys at school I can't even count how many on my fingers anymore. I never got pregnant thanks to Lori's sister Nora, who took me to get birth control pills since my mom or Hazel would take me to get them. I'm even surprised Nora didn't spill the beans. Her and Hazel are such good friends.

We left pretty early on Sunday, maybe one or two in the afternoon. We got a ride from Leo. Pretty much all we had to do was sit in his car together and shirtless. Lori sat next to Leo while I sat next to the window. He started up his car and turned on the radio. The Stones newest song, 'Honky Tonk Women' started to play as Leo being to drive us home.

"So where do you two live?" he asked

"In Jersey" we both answered in harmony.

"You two sisters or something?"

"Twins actually" Lori spoke, "Fraternal twins."

"We're very close with each other" I added.

"Why don't you show me how close you two guys are?" he said a bit slyly, "Why don't you kiss your sister?"

Both Loir and I shrugged at what he said. We've kissed each other many times before. So it wasn't such a big deal. We leaned into each other slowly and began kissing each other. I wrapped my arms around her waist while I bit her bottom lip softly. As our lips moving in sink, making fake moaning sounds, Lori started to unbutton my dress but Leo interrupted.

"Not yet you two." He chuckled, "you guys are probably very eager but just wait."

"Why don't you take my number and call me sometime soon?"

"Alright what's your number?"


"I'll be sure to call you" I spoke making a mental note of his number.

He started to hum Girl, You Really Got Me Know by the Kinks. It may be a rock song but it was a great song to a great night.

~Hazel's POV~

OThe ride back to Jersey was a boar. I was asleep for most of the ride. I was so tired I could have slept for days on end like a bear doing hibernating season. That was the sleep talking. When we got to our exit I couldn't be any happier. I'm finally home, again. It felt like one of those days you just want to stay in bed and read a nice book and cuddle but I can't since I have to be in Texas in a couple hours.

Kathy dropped off Stella first. Mike was outside about to leave. Stella embraced him with a kiss and a hug. He replied with the same. I waved to Mike before Kathy drove off to drop me at my house. When she got to my house I hopped out and thanked her for the lovely weekend. I moved my bag to my shoulder and walked up to my front door. I didn't bother to change out of my clothes from Woodstock. I know I'm going to get heat for it but I didn't care. I'm so burnt out from all the weed I smoked and the lack of sleep I got in the last twenty four hours. I heisted to open the door but I wound up doing so.

As I walked through the door I let out a sigh of relief whispering softly "Thank God I'm home." I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I also heard my dad's voice. A smiled appeared on my face as I dropped my bag on the floor. Not hard though, I had my camera in there and it cost a fortune for. I ran into the kitchen to see my dad standing in the middle of it drinking his favorite drink.

"Daddy I missed you so much." I burst out while hugging him.

"I missed you two sugar plum." He greeted me with my old nickname, "How was Woodstock that your mother, brother, and boyfriend told me about?"

"It was astounding. I got to meet Keith Moon and talked to him a bit."

"Did you tell him that I'm a fan? You know how the Who grow on me."

"Oh sorry dad I forgot, but I did get his phone number." I recalled that conversation, "but I'll probably won't call him since I'm with Jimmy you know."

"Well that's good." I heard Jimmy's voice pipe up from the island my parents had in the kitchen.

"Jimmy?!" I shirked with joy as I ran up to him giving him a hug and muzzeling my head in the crock of his neck, "I missed you Jimmy."

"I missed you two" he mumbled into my temple after giving it a kiss, "Even though I saw you three days ago."

I missed Jimmy but I missed my dad the most. I haven't seen in since June which was two months ago. Chris wasn't home and neither was Lisa. I was shocked that my dad is home on a Monday. I told to Jimmy to grab my suitcase I left in my old room since we have to leave here at four to make it to the airport. Plant, Jonsey, Bonzo and Grant were going to pick us up around three since Jimmy called an hour ago telling them I wasn't back yet and thought till three was a good time for me to come back. Right now its two meaning I have an hour to catch up with my dad.

I started to make some tea since my throat was bothering me a bit. I don't know why it was scratchy. I made enough for three cups. Both Jimmy and my dad liked their tea with milk and sugar while I liked mine with honey and lemon. As soon as I finished making the cups of tea I heard the door open and close with a rustle of paper bags. Knowing that sound, my mother was back home from food shopping.

"Oh Hazel mi hai spaventato" my mom spoke while putting the grocery's done, "Cosa indossi?"

"Niente ma sro solo mostrando un po'di pelle. Faceve caldo lassù."

"Not a big deal?" she started to kvetch, "Caro, si potrebbe avere ottnuto te violentat."

"Yeah I could've but I didn't."

"Usure sweety prossima volta in po'di più I vestiti per me per favore?"

"Alright." I sighed not letting it get the best of me.

I know she just wanted to make sure I was safe but for Pete shake it 1969 not 1949. I mean the dresses now are shorter than what they were, like I'm complying I like the style. I'm an adult who makes her own money not a child anymore. For the rest of the time I was there I caught up with my parents. I told them about my time in Paris and showed them the bracelet Jimmy gave me that night on the Eiffel Tower. Although I was getting happy and feeling back at home it was time to leave. I didn't want to leave but I had to...for Jimmy. I said my goodbyes with tears in my eyes. I told my mother that I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner and they should stay in England for the week. As Jimmy and I walked out of my house towards the car where the rest of them were waiting in. Jimmy had my suitcase in one arm and my body in the other.

"I have to admit, I was nervous as hell without you but your parents liked me." He admitted after kissing my temple.

"Even my dad cause he can be over protective."

"Even your dad." He said with a smirk.

I slid into the car sitting next to Robert. He acknowledged me with a small smile and counting reading. Jonsey and Bonzo were passed out on each other snoring away. Grant sat in the front reading some paper and Jimmy sat in next to me. Next stop Texas.



I'm really sorry for the wait of the new chapter. When I said I was going to update I had to study for my driving test and I got caught up in everything else but hey it's an update now. And I hoped you liked it.

Anyways for Lisa's and Lori's outfits there is a picture including in the update. Lisa is wearing the dress that Grace Slick wore at Woodstock and Lori's was just some girls at Woodstock's outfit.

But what about Lisa. Do you think I should have kept her sweet and innocent or should I keep her like this chapter?


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