Reunited - A Stucky x OC story

By St0veandBucket

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Sequel to America's Trio. After Madison and Bucky fell off the train they were back in the clutches of HYDRA... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1 - Training
Chapter 2 - Panic
Chapter 3 - Ten Rings
Chapter 4 - The First Iron Man
Chapter 5 - In My Arms
Chapter 6 - All For Nothing
Chapter 7 - Failure
Chapter 8 - Got You Back
Chapter 9 - Confused
Chapter 10 - Nightmares
Chapter 11 - Introductions
Chapter 12 - Shopping
Chapter 13 - Cookies
Chapter 14 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 15 - Found
Chapter 16 - Fight
Chapter 17 - Waking Up
Chapter 18 - Star Wars
Chapter 19 - Nightmares
Chapter 20 - The Mission
Chapter 21 - The Mission Part 2
Chapter 22 - Sharon
Chapter 23 - Proposition
Chapter 25 - Welcome to Seattle

Chapter 24 - Vacation

624 25 5
By St0veandBucket

Note: I am from Seattle and just moved to Florida so I wanted to incorporate my home town and stuff I used to do. So I hope you like it:)

Bucky's POV

I was super excited to go on a vacation. It's been a very long since I've been on vacation. In fact, the last time I went on an actual vacation was in '39 when the three of us went to a cabin in upstate New York.

We were in our room packing our things when I spoke up, "Y'know the last time we went on vacation was 74 years ago."

Madison stopped in the middle of folding a shirt to look up at me pondering what I just said, "Oh my god your right. We haven't had a break in 70 years."

Steve looked up from what he was doing at Madison's comment, "You remember that weekend?"

"Only parts of it. When Wanda gave me my memories back so only gave me the crucial ones meaning I don't remember most of Hydra and only the major details of my life from before," Madison said sadly. Her memory was coming back a lot slower than mine did.

Then again, Hydra always ensured her mind wipes were more thorough than mine after what happened in 2008.

"Your memories will come back little by little. It will just take some time," I reminded her.

"I know. It's just frustrating that I can't remember when I want so desperately to," she sighed as her eyes began to water.

I went over to give her a tight hug, "All that really matters is that you remember that we love you," I whispered before I stepped back again.

"I love you too, I just wish I could remember all of our time together," Madison sighed.

"Well maybe while we are on vacation it will jog some memories," Steve added from the closet entrance.

"Maybe," Madison whispered as she started folding the shirt she was holding again.

Tony told us to be prepared for anything he had planned and to pack for all kinds of weather. Washington was cold and rainy so I packed warm clothes and a winter jacket.

"What exactly are we going to do in Washington?" Steve asked.

"I don't know the only time I was in Washington was for a Hydra mission," I wish I knew more, but I only vaguely remember that mission.

"Well I guess we will just be surprised with everything Tony has planned," Steve shrugged before he disappeared into the closet.

An hour and a half late we found ourselves huddled on the tower's landing pad since it was freezing up here and windy.

The rest of the Avengers including Thor who was almost always late was waiting for Tony who for some reason wasn't here.

It was twenty minutes after Tony told us to be here when he came sauntering out with Happy who was carrying two large suitcases.

"T...Tony, what the h...hell...took so long? It's fu...cking cold out here," Natasha chastised.

"Sorry, I had to finalize some things," Tony shrugged as he led us into the large fancy jet.

We all took our seats. I noticed Madison was still shivering and had curled into herself next to the window trying to keep warm so I pulled her in knowing my super soldier heat would warm her up.

"You look cold," I commented as I wrapped my arm around her. She immediately stopped shaking and laid her head gently on my side.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Of course sweetheart, my extra body heat is only good for one thing," I joked.

It wasn't long before we were taking off and our vacation had officially started. The jet was mostly quiet as people either slept, whispered amongst themselves, or did something alone.

I was reading silently while Madison lay her head on my lap sleeping. Steve was on his phone playing some kind of sniper game. I don't know why he bothers playing it since he always wins.

I heard Steve curse under his breath and I glanced over to see his screen had a large red x on it and read killed in big red letters.

"Did the Captain America get killed in a fake sniper game?" I questioned quietly trying not to laugh so I didn't disturb Madison.

Steve quickly tried to hide his phone from me, "No! I mean...mind your own business. I mean I'm playing against Natasha and Peter and they are a lot better at this than me."

I chuckled to myself before turning my book again. I had almost forgotten how nice it is to fully relax instead of having to worry about the next battle.

I was reading the first Harry Potter book that Peter had recommended. I must admit that kid had some good book, movie, and song recommendations. He wasn't like Sam who liked to prank me by giving me stupid movie recommendations which is how I ended up watching Legally Blonde.

We were almost to our destination when I finished my book, just in time for Tony to get up and stand at the front of the plane demanding everyone that wasn't sleeping (Peter and Madison).

"Alright everyone here is the plan for the next two weeks. The first week we are spending at my mansion and we will do things within the city. Next week I am renting cabins in the mountains outside of a town called Leavenworth. It will be cold so if you need to buy winter clothes we will go on a shopping trip before we leave on Sunday," Tony announced before he sat down again for our descent.

When we landed at the airport Madison was still asleep so I had to gently shake her awake. Madison slowly peaked her eyes open before squinting at me.

"Hey darling, we are here," I told her as I stood up so I could grab her crutches from Steve who had retrieved them from Happy.

Madison rubbed her eyes violently before she took Steve's outstretched hand to help her stand. I noticed a flash of pain cloud Madison's face for a brief moment.

"Hey, you all right?" I asked her, hoping she didn't accidentally hurt herself.

"Yeah, that always happens when I first put weight on my legs. But it lessens after a while," Madison responded as she took her crutches from me and clasped them on.

I noticed she said the pain lessened instead of it going away. But until she was fully healed she would be in pain, I just wish I could take that pain away.

Steve was about to say something but Sam's obnoxious voice interrupted us. "Come on love birds Tony got us a limo!"

Before either Steve or I could say anything Madison was already heading towards Sam. "Please tell me it has champagne," she called out.

"Of course it does, who would Tony be without his alcohol," Sam laughed as they exited the plane.

When they were gone I turned to Steve who was retrieving our bags. "Is she really in pain every time she walks?"

Steve stilled, refusing to look at me and I immediately knew the answer, "yes, it gets worse the longer she is up and moving."

"Why didn't she tell me?" I asked hurt that she kept that from me.

"She knows you blame yourself, which is stupid by the way and she knew it would make you feel even more guilty," Steve told me.

I wanted to be mad but I knew she was right, but now I felt guilty that she felt she couldn't tell me things to make me feel better.

"I just wish she wasn't in any pain. I wish I could magically heal her," I confessed.

Steve was about to answer me but now it was Tony's turn to interrupt. "C'mon grandpas it's we are all tired get your asses moving."

I let out a sigh, this conversation would have to wait until we were alone, "We are coming," I called out grabbing two of the bags from Steve and exiting the plane.

Tony had indeed bought a limo. The rest of the Avengers were already in the limo while Happy was loading everyone's bags.

"Need some help?" I asked walking to the limo's trunk.

Happy looked up at me surprised anyone was offering help, "That's funny your girlfriend asked the same thing, but no I don't need any help."

I found it a little funny that Madison offered her help, but it didn't surprise me. "Well if your sure, I can guarantee Steve will help no matter what you say," I warned knowing the blonde wouldn't take no for an answer.

Happy nodded his acknowledgment as I got into the loud limo. Tony and Thor were already drunk. Natasha was trying to get Peter to drink. And Madison was giggling at everyone's antics in the corner while Sam kept telling her stupid jokes.

A few minutes later Steve sat beside me and then we were off. I was surprised to see everyone so relaxed, even Bruce was having fun.

I felt a little sad that Madison was on the opposite side of the limo, but she was having fun throwing marshmallows into Thor's mouth so I didn't mind too much.

"How is Thor drunk already? I thought Asgardians couldn't get drunk?" I stage whispered over the noise.

"I think he brought his Asgardian mead, it's the only thing that can get him drunk, it's so strong it can even get me drunk."

I looked over to see that everyone was trying to karaoke to Rihanna's Umbrella but they were very loud and out of tune.

"I think I'm gonna need to steal some of that alcohol if I'm going to survive this trip."

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