Reunited - A Stucky x OC story

By St0veandBucket

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Sequel to America's Trio. After Madison and Bucky fell off the train they were back in the clutches of HYDRA... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1 - Training
Chapter 2 - Panic
Chapter 3 - Ten Rings
Chapter 4 - The First Iron Man
Chapter 5 - In My Arms
Chapter 6 - All For Nothing
Chapter 7 - Failure
Chapter 8 - Got You Back
Chapter 9 - Confused
Chapter 10 - Nightmares
Chapter 11 - Introductions
Chapter 12 - Shopping
Chapter 13 - Cookies
Chapter 14 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 15 - Found
Chapter 16 - Fight
Chapter 17 - Waking Up
Chapter 18 - Star Wars
Chapter 19 - Nightmares
Chapter 20 - The Mission
Chapter 21 - The Mission Part 2
Chapter 22 - Sharon
Chapter 24 - Vacation
Chapter 25 - Welcome to Seattle

Chapter 23 - Proposition

657 23 0
By St0veandBucket

Steve's POV

I woke up the next morning surprised that I wasn't awoken by either my own nightmares or Bucky's or Madison's.

It's nice waking up peacefully and getting a full night's sleep albeit a rare occasion. I turned slightly to see both Madison and Bucky were asleep.

Madison was on her back and Bucky was on his side cuddling into her while her head was leaned on his. They looked adorable and I savored the moment, they were sleeping peacefully and that was rare.

I tried to shift slightly without disturbing Madison but it didn't work and she ended up waking up. "Y'know it's rude to stare," Madison whispered her voice husky from just waking up.

"I know but you just looked so adorable," I whispered smiling at her.

"What time is it?" Madison questioned as she idly played with Bucky's hair.

"9:30," I responded slightly surprised myself. I never slept in this late and never without waking up at some point in the night.

"We should probably get up," Madison sighed.

"Probably, but Bucky is sleeping."

"We can let him sleep for a little while longer. But for now I need a shower," Madison hated showering. She couldn't wear her leg braces or arm crutches in the shower so she was unable to stand and thus needed either Bucky or I's help.

For several days Madison insisted on doing it herself in the bath. But it was hard work trying to lift her legs and she was still injured so she embarrassed asked me for help.

"Would you like some help?" I offered since she hated asking.

"If it's not a bother," she mumbled as she blushed.

"Of course not, now let's go," I said as I lifted her up and she giggled in surprise.

I set her down of the toilet and helped her take off her pajamas before I turned on the shower to the temp I know she liked.

While the shower heated up I stripped out of my clothes. Once that was done I picked up Madison who started giggling again and set her in the bench in the shower.

We had to get the shower modified because Madison couldn't stand on her own yet. We had to install a bench so she could sit in the shower and still leave enough room for two people.

I unhooked the shower head from the wall and let the water fall over Madison as she leaned against the wall with her eyes closed.

"Mhmm so warm," she sighed.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself," I smiled.

I moved to grab the shampoo and conditioner before handing it to Madison so she could wash her hair. While she did that I gently massaged soap over her body since she couldn't do it herself.

For most men they would get turned on in situations like this. But I just enjoyed loving and taking care of my girl in a non-sexual manner.

Heck I haven't had sex since before I went into the ice. Bucky and Madison are still recovering both mentally and physically and we aren't even technically together though I want to be.

Once Madison was all soaped up I grabbed by own body wash and washed myself off before moving to get all of the soap off Madison.

I then turned off the water and carried Madison out and sat her on the toilet. I wrapped my waist in a warm white blanket before grabbing the other and wrapping it around her shivering body.

"I'm gonna go get your stuff I will be right back okay," I said kissing her on the forehead before leaving the bathroom.

Bucky was still fast asleep and was muttering something about talking marshmallows as I walked into the closet. I grabbed my favorite cream colored cable knit sweater and a pair of black shorts and a bra and underwear for Madison to wear before I quickly slid on some sweatpants.

I came back into the bathroom carrying Madison's clothes along with her leg braces and arm crutches. I handed Madison the sweater and bra to put on before I helped put on the rest of her clothes.

She brushed her hair while I knelt in front of her putting on her leg braces. She hated the things more than anything and I don't blame her.

They were uncomfortable and probably pinch her skin. But Madison used them anyways cause she wanted to be able to walk though anyone could see she was in pain.

Bruce had warned she would have severe back and leg pain, but pain killers didn't work on super soldiers so Madison had to bear through it.

Sometimes I would catch her crying silently when she thought she was alone because she was in immense pain.

The braces themselves where metal that completely encased her leg in metal brackets that went up to her hip before a back brace attached to make sure her spine healed correctly.

I carefully stood her up so I could attach the metal back brace before I handed her the arm crutches. She smiled at me but I could see the pain in them though it was well hidden.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Of course sweetheart. Why don't you finish getting ready and I will go wake up Bucky?" I suggested kissing her cheek.

"Oh I will gladly stay here, we all know how grumpy Bucky is before he gets his coffee," Madison giggled the previous signs of pain disappearing replaced by a smile.

I left her to finish getting ready and left the bathroom to see Bucky was still dead to the world. I crept up next to him before I screamed his name.

Bucky shot up so quickly he tumbled off the bed before landing with a thump on his ass. He quickly scrambled to his feet still not completely awake as he looked around dazed.

"Who? What? Who's on fire?" Bucky stammered as he slowly woke up to see me laughing my ass off. "Oi, you couldn't have woken me up gently."

"I might've but your reactions are too funny," I giggled as Bucky glared back at me.

"I will get you back Rogers, just you wait," Bucky threatened.

"Of course you will," I mocked knowing full well he would get me back but I didn't care.

Bucky then went quiet for a moment and his eyes flitted around the room,"where is Madison?"

"In the bathroom getting ready for the day. You should too because all of the Avengers are going out today," I explained.

"Really? Where are we going?" Bucky asked since this is the first time he had heard of this.

"I have no clue, Tony planned it and only told me, or more of commanded me that all of the Avengers were going out," I said though I wish I had a clue.

"We better not be going to a club like last time," Bucky grumbled.

"I don't know, I hope not because Tony got so drunk he broke his nose," I agreed. "But he said he was going to announce it over breakfast at 10:30 which is in 15 minutes so hurry your ass up."

Bucky then walked back towards the closet mumbling about clubs and hating surprises and 'Tony's drunk ass' while I sat on the bed just as Madison came out of the bathroom.

"Where's Bucky?" Madison asked as she stood in front of me looking at where Bucky had been laying a few minutes ago.

"Getting dressed. Tony wants to do something fun today and is announcing it in 15 minutes," I explained.

"Its not a club is it?" Madison inquired thinking of the same incident Bucky was.

"I don't know, but I don't think so," I responded just as Bucky back out of the closet fully dressed in black sweats and a black hoodie.

I quickly grabbed a shirt slipping it over my head and we were out the door walking to the kitchen. By the time we got there everyone was in the kitchen eating donuts that I'm assuming Tony bought.

"Oh great you guys are here, now sit your asses down so I can tell you what I have planned," Tony ordered pointing to the three empty seats next to him.

We quickly sat down not wanting to annoy him and we waited for him to begin speaking. Tony paused, probably for dramatic effect before he began speaking.

"Alright I figured that these last few months have been very stressful so with Fury's permission for the next two weeks we are flying out to Washington where I have a mansion just outside of Seattle." I was expecting going to the zoo or maybe a bar not going to the West Coast.

"Isn't that really expensive?" Madison questioned.

"For the normal person maybe. But I am a billionaire and I have my own jet and mansion so...yeah," Tony rebutted. "And we leave in an hour so hurry your asses up and meet up on the launch pad."

Pretty much immediately Clint sprinted off followed closely by Sam. Natasha left shortly afterwards saying she had shopping to do. Peter shoveled down his cereal and Thor shoved a bagel in his mouth before they too left.

Tony and Bruce left together, so did Wanda and Vision. That just left me, Madison, and Bucky as we quietly finished our cereal.

"I don't think I should go," Madison spoke up out of the blue, "on the trip I mean."

"What do you mean? Do you not want to go?" I questioned.

"No it's not that. It's just...I can't move very fast right now and I know people are going to want to do a lot of sight-seeing. I don't want to slow anyone down or be a burden on vacation," Madison explained.

"Doll, you aren't a burden and Tony wouldn't have planned this trip if he didn't want you there. And if you are worried about being slow Steve, or I could give you a piggy-back ride," Bucky offered.

"But then I would ruin your vacation, it wouldn't be very fun to have to carry me around everywhere," Madison argued.

"You wouldn't be ruining anything. We care about you Madison and if we have to carry you so you have fun then that couldn't make us happier," I told her genuinely.

"And we will drag you all the way to Washington if we need to," Bucky added.

Madison contemplated what was said for a moment before she reluctantly agreed. "Yay!" Bucky exclaimed, "let's go pack."

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