Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

85.6K 2.5K 569

Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 6

3.4K 94 12
By par13ker

    "We actually have to go", Audri stood and attempted to wipe off the sand that made its way onto her romper. Shigure sighed and stood up as well, making sure to match her pace whether if she moved or not. It was an instinctive relationship the two have built up over the years of being stuck together. It was always them two, and despite Audri's annoyance of him. They were stuck together in more ways then one. 

    Audrina turned and was faced with a group of 4 teenage boys. "Honestly Senseí it's nice to have someone to control your weird behavior."

   Before Audrina stood Haru, an excited Momji, and an indifferent Yuki and Kyo that seemed to ignore the presence of Audri and focus all their attention on what Shigure was implying. "Hey boys", Audri greeted politely. Momoji's eye nearly popped out of his head at the sight of Audri and took this opportunity to make up their last encounter which failed.

   He shouted her name and jumped to her. She successfully caught him in her arms with a lively giggle.

   "Hello Momoji", she huffed not expecting the weight that he brought along. The sunshine tone in his eyes gleamed with excitement and she softly smiled almost forgetting the mass of people surrounding her. So she positioned him to where she held him on her back and looked back up to the trio.

   Haru smiled and walked down to stand in-front of her. The steps creating an unequal balance that left him to stand taller than her. "Audri, I'm glad you made it"

   She nodded and gave him another of her special soft smiles, " Of course, now I'll see you all later", she settles down Momoji and starts walking up the stairs, Shigure following behind and obnoxiously waving to everyone in his dramatic ways. 

   "We were just about to smash Watermelons would care to join us", Momoji pulled on the waist of her romper.

   She softly smiled as her heart softened slightly at the invitation. These kids were the only ones she actually would care for. Given she didn't want any of her own. Not out of the burden of the curse but she always was one to want to be able to travel without the worry for responsibility.

   "I can't right now unfortunately", It was evident that everyone looked bummed out and her eyes widened when Yuki scrunched his eyebrows. It was a silent cue.... "But, I'll stop by later and I'll let you decide what we do........ No matter what you pick, I'll enjoy.", she spoke as a send off as she walked off. Shigure stood behind for a couple of seconds and looked around to the facial expressions.

  Momoji couldn't have had a bigger smile and was already shaking from excitement. Hiro was still looking off at Audris figure with distraught. Kisa and Tohru were conversing with each other about what they were going to drag Audri into hearing it was her decision. Haru and Yuki were staring off at her with a sort of desperation for her to turn back around. Kyo simply looked the other way.

   Leaving everyone behind, Shigure caught up to Audri. "Where to now", his usual playing demeanor was masked by that of a serious tone.In fact that's how she knew he had calmed down.

   "Back to the annex, I guess...... oh and I was going to ask you....... About Hatori"

  "I presume you saw the photo", he sighed and crossed his arms.

Audrina looked up to him and nodded. "Yea..... I did. I also heard that she's remarried."

   Shigure hummed while keeping his eyes closed. "It's a shame really, he still hasn't got over that terrible heart break. However, I saw him earlier. To be truthful I think he is finally starting to break loose."

   Audrina, turned her focus back out to the glistening sea. She didn't have anything else to say except a nod of understanding. It was nice to know that Hatori was able to move on. Better than someone she knew. Maybe she convinced herself that she has moved on. That visiting his grave, and drinking to oblivion on his birthday was moving on. Better than it lasting a week.

   "You're aware of Kureno's presence......?", Audrina asked. She didn't want the conversation to drift to any place other than the task ahead. If it even was a task. She still had no idea for the reason her being there. Only to meet the other members of the Zodiac.

  And air seemed to tense just at the mention of his name. Audrina didn't have to look up at him to know that his stoic face. "Ah yess her pet has fresher along as well. Didn't anticipate that when invited her."

   "You invited her! Are you insane?", Audrina walked up to stop his track. Standing in front of him she pointed back to the direction in which they came, where all the kids were. "They came out here to have fun. A vacation mind you. Never did it dawn on you that they may want to enjoy their youth without a leech attaché for them everywhere they go."

   "Oh on the contrary", he met her amaranthine eyes. His seemed to sparkle with anticipation, with excitement for what was to come. Audrina's only filled with a sign of desperation. She knew what was to come. Never has she drawn from it. Hated it. It was only the temporary excitement that overwhelmed her of his happiness. He wrapped his own hand around hers and placed it on his chest, slightly pulling her in until they were inches apart. "It dawned on me. I'm not heartless. And may I remind you that you're no better than me.".

  Audrina tried to remove herself from his heap all until he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Revenge is sweet when you're around. Digs up old memories doesn't it."

  "Revenge is for those who are too stubborn to admit the reason why there doing it is  because they care.", Audrina whispered back. She finally removed her hand from his and grabbed the back of his neck to pull his closer. "Your soft side is showing Gure."

   There was a moment of pause, before a deep chuckle rose from him. Audrina feeling the vibration on the back of his neck. He pulled back, the menacing smile now filling his face,  "There she is.", was all he muttered only enough for them to hear.

  Not the person lurking behind the trees. Long black hair, fringed bangs, and deep brown eyes. She was not even focusing on what Shigure was doing. It was all on Audrina. Rin's never wanted to meet her. Despite Haru's excitement it was more just for her instinct to nod. She never averted from the thought that Audrina ran. Ran from all of them. Not truly knowing the reason, Rin made it in her mind that she left her to suffer. Prior to Audrinas absence, Rin was never the target, not until she was supposing kicked out. Never has she asked why.

    "Shigure", Hatori's voice boomed. He lifted his gaze to the tall man standing before them. Irritated by the interruption, obvious from his half-lid eyes. Hatori looked at their close proximity, and connected dots he'd wish was never there in the first place.

   Audrina didn't flinch. Nor did she deny what was going on. Instead, she hummed and turned to go stand next to Hatori. He was watching her face, her expression falter from the cockiness for only the slightest second. Her shield went to confusion. Something was wrong in her eyes. The conversation she had just finished didn't overwhelm her  entirely as it would have years ago. There was something different.

    The simple fact he called Shigure instead of Audrina, was a sign to the man himself that Hatori was going to be an issue in his game. Hatori's failed at protecting Audrina once, and he had made a promise to himself that her return would not end the same it did last time. Because right before she left, Hatori didn't recognize her. She was someone shattered, confused, and lost. It was a miracle in his eyes that she picked herself back up.

  What he didn't know was that.... She didn't. Audrina was just good at covering it up. It was proof in what she had just did. She was still as sweet and respectful, polite, caring all of the above. That is, when she had the devil on her shoulder, he was going to expose her. Not just in what she does, but bring out that rage her knew she had buried. Sorrow was just the surface, clear in the way he saw her looking out at the beach. The next step was to release the rest. And he wasn't going to stop, Hatori was just a fly buzzing about.

   Straitening his posture to his normal height, he covered his agitation with surprise. "Doc! I didn't think you'd actually come." Audrina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. She felt and odd sensation, the hairs on her right arm stood slightly. In response she looked to the side out in the tress there was some slight movement. She furrowed her eyebrows trying to see if into the dark, as she does best and caught a glimpse of hair following what she assumed to be a person. She could make out the color of the hair, so she shrugged it off, only to daal with later.

   "Yes you did, you've been putting ideas into Akito's head. Don't get carried away with your jokes.", Hatori reached into his back pocket and pulled out a scalpel. The sun bouncing of the instrument. Audrina wore a deadpanned face as she reached up to pull it out of his hands. He looked down at her as she shook her head. "I have more, don't make me use it on you."

   Shigure coward, stumbling on his words, "Don't be hasty..... so Akito is roaming around."

"Why do you think I'm here?", Hatori spoke. Audrina mumbled a curse before putting the scalpel back into Hatori's pocket.

   "She favors you after all, no surprise there", he moved up to where he stood directly infront of Audrina and Hatori, sparring her a glance. She turned away back to the ocean.

"Not just him.", she muttered.

    "Kureno of course", he sighed still looking to Audrina. "Didn't see that coming."

   Hatori grabbed his focus, seeing the look in his eyes. The one of revenge playing out. The mentioning of Kurenos name now igniting a small spark. "Leave Yuki, Kyo, and Honda alone. This will start getting twisted if you don't back off."

   "Please", he reached out and grabbed onto   Audrina's collar of her romper, pulled her back softly. She immediately slapped his hand with force. Seeing she could follow his mindset, she stood back next to him. Not looking at Hatori. Still kept her gaze on the ocean. "Things are already twisted. May as well stir in the direction I want to go.". His voice was dark, determined.

   The moment was about to go south, that is until Audrina's phone started ringing. She fumbled in her pockets for it assuming it was a business call, and seeing the name 'Kieran', her heart skipped a beat. He was another person that worked in her fields. It was the attorney she worked under. She had told him about her vacation, and completed the necessary paper work for his upcoming case so to see his number meant that she had messed up with something. Walking off from the two she addressed them and excused herself before picking up the phone.

"Hello", Audrina spoke hesitantly

Hey Audrina

There was a pause, assuming he was going to continue, she finally saw that it was an opening for her, "Hey....... Is there something the matter. Wrong with the files?"

  What no!.... No the files are perfect as expected. Thank you

  "That's good to hear. Is there another case, lm sitting infront of my laptop right now, you can send me them and- "

  Relax, I just wanted to ask how's your vacation going? It rare you even take one so I'm just making sure you enjoy it.

  A soft smile, so subtle she barely noticed she did it herself, appeared on her face. She involuntarily cupped both of her hands over her phone, "I-it's going. Definitely going."

A deep chuckle came across the phone,

Sounds convincing......

  "That was my intention.", she shook her head.

Another pause came from down the line, Audrina had to double check to confirm that he was still there.

This is with the all mighty Sohma clan right? Am I interrupting you from doing something important. He joked.

  "Please, the only thing important I've done here is the bare necessities. Eat, Drink..... it's a cycle."

Ahhhh don't forget to sleep, that's a necessity to.

"Kieran remind yourself who your talking too."

He sighed on the other end

Right my only known night owl. You know I tried to do what you do, stay up  that is. But passed out at around 12:00 am. I don't understand how you do it.

   Audrina chuckled lightly, "It's in my blood.", shethen felt a presence behind her. They were waiting for her conversation to end but that didn't stop her from assuming he was listening in.

Putting  back on her work tone she cleared her throat , "Look I've got to go do..... important things as you call it. I appreciate you checking in."

Oh yea of course......enjoy yourself.

"I will, Bye now."

Bye Audrina.

  The phone clicked and she released a breath. Then breathed in a heat load of oxygen. "Stop listening in to my work calls.", she turned to see Shigure crossed armed.

  He shrugged, "Hardly sounded professional to me." Walking up passed her she followed.

Shoulder to shoulder she saw the direction they were heading to."What do you know about being professional. Of all people."

  "I know enough to not call my editor during her vacation.", he smiled.

  "Well your editor doesn't like you, I'd hardly believe she would answer."

  "So you like him?"

  Audrina rolled her eyes, "As someone who works above me I respect him yes. Enough to answer phone calls when I believe them to be business related manners..........why are we going back to the beach house." She averted conversation.

Shigure only shrugged off her clear diversion, "Hatori informed me that our God request their presence. Be the good cop for me as I give them the news."

She side glanced up at him, as they approached the house. Through the window she could see Kyo and Tohru. The evening sun made the formers hair bolder. Audrina didn't forget the way Kyo has been acting. If she could explain her reasoning for ignoring his presence at Kazuma's dojo, she would. But bringing that up would only lead her to have to explain more. Why she denied Yuki to live with her when Haru was begging, tears straining his eyes.

  She'd have to explain Shigure, he hatred for the beach, the hatred of the possibility Tohru becoming more involved in this whole thing than she needed to be. It was a domino effect that she didn't feel like toppling over.

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