๐‚๐€๐๐ƒ๐˜, colby madden

By cherienshipper

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โœง ๏ฝกโบ ๐Ÿƒ ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡, ๐Ÿ’‹ cherry garcia becomes a superhero, and befriends an entire family of villains. co... More

CAST! goodbye kiss
chapter 1 โ€ข it's just that cherry was too nice. it was suspicious
chapter 2 โ€ข limit eventually, and colby was determined to get to that point
chapter 3 โ€ข the closest thing he'd ever get to that was to ruin my life; for fun
chapter 4 โ€ข couldn't shake the feeling that there was something weird about him
chapter 5 โ€ข realize that sucking up to people doesn't mean they'll like you
chapter 6 โ€ข it was so annoying and she needed to shut up
chapter 7 โ€ข he was determined to fix it and become a good person
chapter 8 โ€ข with one thought in mind; how did she know jake
chapter 9 โ€ข i hate colby so much, he's stuck in my brain
chapter 10 โ€ข take everything sweet and pure in his way, and destroy it
chapter 11 โ€ข making fun of colby makes my day so much better
chapter 12 โ€ข to earn his trust and find out who he was
chapter 13 โ€ข funnier than watching colby suffer is watching him get mad
chapter 14 โ€ข there was four people on a couch meant for three
chapter 15 โ€ข his family have ever known is being supervillains
chapter 16 โ€ข i'm just hiding the fact that i'm in love with you
chapter 17 โ€ข worst possible realization; a realization that would ruin my life
chapter 18 โ€ข you move quick. i stopped hating you yesterday
chapter 19 โ€ข and i've just been lying to her about who you are
chapter 20 โ€ข face me, as if he were about to give me a hug
chapter 21 โ€ข you random children falling in love with my children
chapter 22 โ€ข the difference didn't stop them from loving each-other
chapter 23 โ€ข last week i wanted to kiss him and now he's an old man
chapter 24 โ€ข he didn't want her to go. she was funny, and had a nice smile
chapter 25 โ€ข but they couldn't help feeling a little bit angry
chapter 26 โ€ข if he dies, i think maybe i would die, too
chapter 27 โ€ข once more finding his eyes being drawn to cherry's lips
chapter 28 โ€ข wanting to kiss her so badly it made him want to cry
chapter 29 โ€ข but he was evil. and she was the complete opposite
chapter 30 โ€ข being a villain as he did about loving cherry
chapter 31 โ€ข the only heaven he'd ever have, and he couldn't get enough of her
chapter 32 โ€ข deserved to be loved permanently. he deserved to be showcased
chapter 33 โ€ข the elaborate costume she was in didn't catch their eyes
chapter 34 โ€ข a certain girl with brown hair enter a mcdonald's with a boy
chapter 35 โ€ข how nice could she really be, if it was so easy for her to be mean
chapter 36 โ€ข trying to say you're in love with me right now
chapter 37 โ€ข you buy your pants in the same size that i do
chapter 38 โ€ข like, why would she drag you to class if you don't wanna be here
chapter 39 โ€ข reassured me that i can make mistakes and still be a good person
chapter 40 โ€ข should i have retired when i fell in love with colby
chapter 41 โ€ข point of trying to ruin my relationship with colby
chapter 42 โ€ข i do still like you, but i am not trying to hit on you
chapter 43 โ€ข if you didn't like me, why did you kiss me back
chapter 44 โ€ข to never be able to hurt her like that, ever again
chapter 45 โ€ข someone who couldn't stop to think about her after hurting her
chapter 46 โ€ข what if i hurt you again? i can't- i can't hurt you again
chapter 47 โ€ข colby and cherry weren't perfect for each-other
chapter 48 โ€ข she had a reputation to protect, and a job to uphold
chapter 49 โ€ข waiting for the other to give up on themselves to love each-other
chapter 50 โ€ข you always say you love me and then you're gone
chapter 51 โ€ข this time, she didn't glare, or try to hold in her giggles
chapter 52 โ€ข fitting, because they almost always failed together
chapter 53 โ€ข and then her and colby would really be apart
chapter 54 โ€ข she was the prettiest morbid thing he could imagine
chapter 55 โ€ข colby had no idea what was wrong with her
chapter 56 โ€ข because it was cherry who was asking
chapter 57 โ€ข he knew something like this was going to happen
chapter 58 โ€ข she'd always make sure she was by his side

PROLOGUE! impossible to hate a girl who is just so nice to you

9K 130 159
By cherienshipper



is the most empathetic person in the world.

she's always been so, so insistent on saving people, in literally whatever way she can.

if the word kindness was a human, it'd be her.

they spend their time volunteering at animal shelters, doing fundraisers, complimenting people.

just overall being a positive energy in a world that desperately needs it.

she needs everyone to be happy.

they can't live without constantly making people laugh or smile.

it would kill them.

when someone's upset, the first person they go to for comfort, is them.

she's basically perfection.

it made everyone wanna hate her.

her kindness can be overbearing, but it's physically impossible to hate a girl who is just so nice to you.

she'll walk up to you and offer to open your locker if you can't.

then, she'll bombard you with compliments while you do literally anything.

"hi! you look so pretty! how are you? that's so good! you smell really nice! you need help on the homework? okay, let me see. your handwriting is really nice! you're so sweet!"

she will just always make sure you're happy and feeling loved before you do anything.

and also, that you're prepared.

you're missing a piece of homework you need?

she'll let you copy off of her.

actually, she'll just give you her homework and you can take her name off of it.

you need ten dollars? she'll give you twenty, and tell you not to even think about paying her back.

you need literally anything? a hug? a pad? a tampon? a quarter? help with studying? chapstick? a friend? deodorant? a 4k video of huening kai farting? anything?

she will be there with open arms to give you whatever you need.

not only is she good to other people, but she's good to herself.

she wakes up at six thirty am everyday, to warm sunlight pouring into her large, floral bedroom.

books line her shelves, and she reads a different one each morning for about fifteen minutes.

she eats a full, nutritional breakfast. she packs a lunch, making sure to pack enough for two people incase someone else is hungry.

she washes her face with an expensive, complicated routine.

she does her makeup, because she genuinely likes showing up to school wearing a full face of makeup.

just because she can. and she wants too.

she gets dressed in clothing too extravagant for school, and then drives to school with coffee in hand, and an extra straw.

not only is she just perfect, she's also morally perfect. she's just overall a good person.

her water is always cold, her hugs are always warm, and she always has positivity to give someone else.

so, it's no surprise to literally anyone, when she becomes a superhero.

when she was 12 years old, she saw a woman get brutally murdered by what appeared to be a drunk man, on the street, late at night.

blind with anger, she picked up a large rock and proceeded to beat the man nearly to death with it.

after she was done with that, she attempted to call an ambulance for the woman.

but they were too late.

the woman lying on the ground was already dead, and covered in blood.

cherry never stopped thinking about it, eventually having nightmares each night about the woman.

one morning, months after the event had taken place, she woke up in her bed, early in the morning.

she tossed and turned, but finally willed herself to get up at 1 pm.

plants were the first thing she saw.

her entire room was covered in them, every inch of wall hidden beneath varieties of greens, pinks, and yellows.

when she stood up and touched the plants, they disappeared into thin air.

something about the situation made them think that maybe they were just going insane.

these things weren't happening, and she needed more sleep.

these weird abilities continued to make themselves known. it frightened cherry, and she chose to ignore it.

the woman appeared in their dreams at night, asking why cherry didn't save her.

why she had poured her anger out onto the man, and hadn't even looked at her.

it haunted cherry. it made her unable to sleep. those dreams hung over her like a cloud, storming her mind.

that woman appearing in her dreams was probably the only reason cherry didn't become a villain.

if the dreams had never come to her, she would've continued on with her anger.

that anger would've led to her trying to get revenge, and then she would've gotten out of control.

instead, she learned that it's better to focus on saving people than do harm to those she thinks are terrible people.

they vowed to never let someone die like that again. to always have people's well being in mind.

she used the powers that continued to appear in her life to become a superhero. to help people.

around that time, she began to pay more attention to people.

to be kinder to them.

to make sure they knew they were appreciated so nothing like this would ever happen again.

every night, she went out, and she practiced using her newly attained nature based abilities. they needed make sure nobody else was ever in that same position. it was their purpose.

it went on for another 2 years, a constant loop of cherry being overly nice to everyone, and then going home and fighting people.

she preferred the being nice. it took less time, and it was also the more peaceful version of avenging the woman.

murders wasn't what cherry usually dealt with.

instead, her and other superheroes focused on actual supervillains, not street criminals.

she worked with another superhero, vindicate, to fight these supervillains.

vindicate wore a black suit with hints of purple.

they'd become a superhero because they enjoyed the thrill of it all, and helping people wasn't so bad.

cherry used the name flora to protect her identity.

she'd stolen the name from her favorite winx character.

her costume consisted of a green leaf skirt and a pink top. little flowers decorated her entire body, and she always carried a bouquet of roses.

vindicate and flora usually ended up fighting two supervillains, named havoc and chaos, together.

they'd beat them, and then go home.

flora was really cherry, and vindicate was really a girl named aria.

they're best friends, and like bestfriends do, they tell each other everything.

naturally, they told each other they were super heroes immediately.

then, they started working together.

chaos and havoc, the villains they usually fought, one day disappeared out of the blue.

vindicate and flora didn't question it.

though cherry worried, and wondered what had happened to them, she ignored it and thought of it as less evil people on the street.

chaos and havoc were a part of a super villain family. their father was kraniac, a mad scientist.

surge, who was their mother, had been trying to get a promotion from onyx, who was the leader of all villains.

when she didn't get it, she decided to stop her entire family from being villains.

including her youngest son, colby, who hadn't even become a villain yet, because he hadn't gotten his powers.

in an attempt to change her mothers mind and continue being a villain, havoc tried to convince onyx to give her mother the promotion.

the conversation didn't go well, and havoc failed at her attempt to kill him.

this failure caused the entire family to have to run away.

they move to texas, where they go under fake names to try and live normal lives without being discovered.

havoc becomes amy madden, chaos becomes jake madden, surge becomes eva madden, and kraniac becomes vic madden.

their youngest son becomes colby madden.

considering colby was 13 years old, he hadn't figured out his power yet. he'd never gotten to be a villain, and it was the one thing he wanted.

every single day of his life, he watched his entire family go off and commit crimes, while he stayed at home alone.

he grew up like that. he lived like that.

it seemed as though he'd never get his turn. he'd never fit in with his family. it was the one thing he wanted.

to be a villain.

as soon as it seemed like maybe he had that chance, he had to hide away.

the opportunity everyone in his family had gotten but him was torn away.

obviously, he was upset.

he'd spent his entire life waiting for something that now would never come.

his heart ached for the cruelty, for the harshness of the life he'd seen everyone else have.

he wanted that for himself.

and he'd do anything to get it, to even get a slight hint of what that life would've felt like.

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